The Daily Blog Open Mic – Monday – 17th August 2020


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. Regarig testing for Covid 19 questions now are emerging just how accurate the old style “swab” PCR testing is, – as a scientist is raising issues that this test is only 80% accurate!!!!!

    We need to listen to what the Kiwi Scientist Professor Tony Blakely said to TVNZ anchor Jack Tame who interviewed Professor Tony Blakely a scientist at Melbourne University about how best could NZ fight the new outbreak of Covid 19 this last week.

    During the interview, Professor Blakely stated clearly that all who are in contact with our borders, including the Ports must be tested fully for present infections with the PCR (swab test) and if the infection was over two weeks ago, he recommends testing with the serology antibody test for finding any past infections after two weeks.

    Dr Blakely reminded Jack Tame that the PCR (Swab test) was not “perfect” and 20% failed to be accurate, showing false negative results after two weeks out from infection. This was Dr Blakely’s reason for recommending the serology antibody test as well was to have complete accurate results.
    Ministry of Health clearly should be doing this now or we risk the case that we do not have adequate data to understand ‘how and why’ the latest community Covid cluster has emerged this week, so they are concentrating at the cold store site where containers are transported by trucks,

    Q + A with Jack Tame – Melbourne-based epidemiologist says his city should have adopted New Zealand’s strategy of going harder and faster into lockdown.
    Sunday 16 Aug
    G Professor Tony Blakely says Melbourne should have immediately gone into a NZ-style level 3 lockdown to combat its second wave

  2. Auckland Council water chief quits, his crocodile tears could fill all the reservoirs

    Watercare CEO Raveen Jaduram, who was getting paid twice the prime minister’s salary for doing a tenth of the work, has resigned. This bludger worked for years for the council at this payrate and yet he failed at everything except PR rain dancing. Cry me a river, no public servant is worth this much. Take the millions you fleeced from the New Zealand tax payer and fuck right off. To the next CEO, who will still be paid more than the PM ($600,000) with a twentieth of the responsibility, take a half million dollar pay cut. It’s the only thing to do in these troubled times.

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