Political Caption Competition


Racing now and it’s Labour out in front, National tripping over itself, the Greens on a Unicorn and ACT is out in front of Winnie and Winnie is bringing up the rear.


  1. Who knows what’s coming down the track for this elegant white-haired guy who would add grace to any horse-racing establishment. Let’s keep the horses, and give him a lifetime seat in the Official Box where he can enjoy the success of his endeavours for racing in a more salubrious place than the mosh pit of his previous career.
    (The mosh pit is usually behind the barrier near the front of the stage, usually in the centre where moshers dance aggressively, jumping, bumping and slamming into each other. … Slamdancing — another term used for moshing, as the crowd slams their full body into each other and pushes each other around.)

  2. A salute by the winner on two legs, to the winners on four legs, which are really the nicest species on earth.

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