Like I said, this is what will undermine Jacinda


As I pointed out last week

There is one thing looming that could cost Jacinda and Labour all that goodwill.

It’s the unlocking of our border.

To date, the vast majority of Kiwis accepted the logic of the lockdown and complied with it willingly, but if the virus gets back into New Zealand and it is perceived to have gotten back in because of bureaucratic incompetence, those very same vulnerable voters who flocked to Jacinda will turn on her.

…lo and behold…

Expect more Covid-19 quarantine breaches as more people arrive into NZ, epidemiologist warns

Epidemiologist Professor Michael Baker has slammed the breach of quarantine protocols where people arriving into New Zealand from overseas have mixed with others near the end of their quarantine period as “unacceptable”.

…this is the exact issue I warned about.

TDB Recommends

New Zealanders did not sacrifice 8 weeks of their life to have this damn plague re-infect us, especially if that re-infection comes from lacklustre public services.

Now is the time to ensure the track and trace system is optimal, the border quarantine infrastructure urgently upgraded and expanded and anyone through it agreeing to ongoing checks.

If the virus gets back in and voters trace it to something they feel should have been an obvious risk to the public servants staffing it, the backlash against Jacinda will be personal because voters who have entrusted their safety in her leadership will feel personally betrayed.

That’s the danger of invoking deep trust in the electorate, if you disappoint that trust, it turns viciously on you.


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  1. I agree with you on this Bomber, but…

    Todd Muller is talking a big game at the moment to try and woo lost supporters back. I think this will be a close election, and even if the public servants entrusted with protecting our borders, don’t fuck it up… it will still be a close one.

  2. Now those morons who flew their private jets in, why were they allowed at all, ooooh I suppose it was money and keeping friends with the rich. And when they arrived and went into quarantine at their palatial houses in Queenstown, were their local staff allowed to be with them…

  3. Michael Baker is 100% correct we backed him against the Ministry of health who were far to caviler in our mind and we sided with Michael Baker’s wise CAUTIOUS words warning Government to be cautious.

    He recently advised all who will come in close contact will need to wear ‘face marks’ but the Government ignored this warning at their peril.

    We are not surprised if he is silenced soon.

    Michael Baker is an asset that we are lucky to have and is a very honest moral brave man that we support on behalf of free speech.

    Jacinda needs to better support from her Ministry of Immigration and Health communication and needs our total support during this pandemic.

  4. It doesn’t bode well when today’s story in Stuff talked about high earners being railroaded in to boost the country’s foreign reserves and property prices.
    These are the exact people who will see themselves as above quarantine laws and pose the greatest threat, as opposed to the primary industry workers who will happily be locked up for 14 days to prove their health status.
    We should never give special status to wealthy immigrants who just distort the local economy with no benefit for NZ citizens.
    Unless of course you want to sell out NZ citizens which is just more of the same of the last 36 years.
    Dumb as rocks.

  5. Michael Baker has harped on for months in the media about the need for a face-mask wearing culture in nz without ever wearing a face mask himself. Just saying

  6. Wow Martyn – you called it. And BOOM, there we have it.
    I feel sorry for the two women.
    But heads have to roll over abusing our trust with this amateur crap.
    But hey, if there’s one we’ve learnt about Jacinda – nobody in her Govt is ever accountable or responsible.

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