The speed of America’s unravelling is terrifying

How does one even respond to a President who would fire on protestors to clear a path for him to wave a Bible in front of a church?
America has plunged into a reflex of rage fed by police brutality, 40mllion unemployed & a pandemic that has killed over 100 000.
It’s a United States of Pain erupting at a President who has spent 4 years sowing seeds of hate and bigotry.
The brutality American cops have shown in the last weekend policing the riots their brutality sparked is a sick nightmare America can’t wake up from.
All global citizens of conscience can not see the spasm of violence in the United States and not feel a terrible sadness and incandescent rage.
New Zealand has an obligation to step in and formally request the presence of the American Ambassador and state our shock and grief to see human rights abused so nakedly by another democracy.
What is happening in America is unacceptable, and we have a moral obligation to object to it.
History is watching us. 


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  1. Dah dah dah…..will Ardern actually speak out; will Trump even care.
    What a horrible time.

    • Certainly Trump wouldn’t care, which is exactly why America is in the mess it’s in. Americans sadly brought this on themselves when they elected a narcissist.

      • I have to agree with you Bert re the election of Trump. That said, it’s a very sad situation in the US at the present time. Where it will end or what the outcome will be, is anyone’s guess. Can only hope a positive change is coming.

      • It wasn’t the American people that got Trump in, it was the electoral colleges, Hilary got the majority of the American peoples’ votes

  2. I recently heard a fabulous interview with a musician who lives in Iceland where being gay has never ever attracted detrimental comment. He talked about how relaxed he now is and he can’t imagine ever moving back to the states. The thing that really struck me was his comment
    ‘in America you can smell the rage’.

    I am sure I can smell it from this far. I am pleased the 3 cops have been charged in the Hawera case perhaps this could be the start of some change here.

      • And the cause of death was through unnecessary pressure on the victim’s carotid artery, through the officer keeping his knee in place for almost nine minutes, thereby preventing oxygen being carried by the blood to the brain and other vital organs.

  3. I really don’t care that Trump won’t listen what is more important to me and i am sure a great deal of decent kiwis is that the PM speaks out and expresses our dissapointment and disgust at the way the U.S marginalises the African American and Latino communities.
    She won’t break convention and meddle in another countries affairs which is counter productive because the Americans need to feel the pressure from its allies on its human rights abuses not diplomatic silence.
    It is a perfect opportunity for Jacinda to use her foreign capital and make a stand on this issue.
    Actions speak louder than polite silence.
    But the U.S is not the only one to oppress its citizens with violence as Israel and China are just as complicit.

    • Dead on Dave Brown.
      If one gives the psychologically abnormal unlimited power and money they’ll eventually create a reality for themselves in their own image. A reality the rest of us are forced to live within.
      The only way that I can think of that has forward momentum is one where we all get a voice. from the mouths of gurgling babies to the mumbles of the ancient.
      A happy internet ( Never mind how perverse. ) could facilitate that but first we must take a more basic approach.
      Voting must be made compulsory. We must be forced to become involved or we’ll be fucked.
      Choosing ignorance at this point should not be the only option when presented with an abhorrence in the form of the poor old parasitized USA.
      On a more hopeful note: The USA will recover. Like michael fay’s one time plaything, the bnz. The USA’s too big to fail.

  4. Worrying time will be after November when the group with the guns doesn’t accept the result of the election.

    • The Germans had been showing vile treatment to Jews a long time before 1939. If the USA want to save their nation, they will have to stop this organised outpouring of vileness on blacks now before the hatred is embedded further. Hitler used hard tactics to enforce his opinions when he got into a position of power. A lot of people will do what they are told from authority, and particularly when it becomes oppressive. There are examples of a breakdown of law and order by authorities in the USA already with Border Patrol assuming powers outside those normally applying. It is a worry seeing that I had been brought up to believe that the USA was the good country with occasional lapses. Whereas now the opposite seems the case, and even the past seems patchy.

    • Alan, the 2016 election results still haven’t been accepted by the rabid media and their Democratic Party allies.

    • Agreed!!The “good old boys” with military grade automatics will cause havoc. The US is now a failed state!its going to get ugly.

  5. Let me see:

    The cities where the riots occurred are long term Democrat power bases. The Mayors are Democrats. The Police Chiefs are Democrats. The State Governors are Democrats. Those rioting are almost certainly 100% Democrat. The mainstream media egging them on are Democrats.

    So I have two questions:

    1. What exactly has this got to do with Trump?

    2. Were the Ferguson riots of 2014 Obama’s fault?

    • And the funny thing is they think the Democrats are the answer. They don’t understand how America works. That Obama is the hero and Trump is Hitler truly shows how manipulated they are.

    • Andrew: “Those rioting are almost certainly 100% Democrat. The mainstream media egging them on are Democrats.”

      Yup. The consequences of which are very likely to be a Trump win at the next election. Republican voters will react exactly as they did, for instance in 1968, to the violence being shown on their TV screens by the msm every day.

      For those who aren’t familiar with US politics since WW2, Trump isn’t the first president who’s threatened to call in the troops to quell the violence. And, thus far, he hasn’t done it. On the other hand, Lyndon Johnson actually did so in 1967, to stop the riots in Detroit. There were many deaths as a result.

      With regard to the increasing violence in the demonstrations – as we’re being shown by the msm – it looks very much as if Antifa has been involved from the beginning. Violence is their hallmark.

  6. Just learned…
    It’s not mandatory to vote in the U$A. That’s AKA the land of the free FYI.
    And look where that’s got them?
    Frankly, a must-read;
    Make Voting Mandatory in the U.S.
    By Dambisa Moyo’
    To quote:
    “Shortly after the 2014 elections, Senator Bernie Sanders admonished the country, saying “Americans should be embarrassed.” The low voter turnout, he wrote in The Guardian, “was an international disgrace.”
    “Low voter turnout encourages politicians to design policies that cater to the interests of the few over the many. This, in turn, promotes societal division and harms the economy.”
    Sound familiar?
    One reason certainly, and speaking locally, AO/NZ’s political administrations ( And their Masters. ) will be in constant fear of the spectre of mandatory voting, perhaps because that just might lead to a very bright and uncomfortable light being shone into the woodpile where the rats who fucked us scuttle about in their suits and ties. ( No disrespect to actual rats…)
    Labour Party…? You threw some loose change about, look droopy drawer’d and melancholy but you won’t talk about 36 years of neoliberalism and private profits made from the sale then exploited profits grifted from those tax paid for assets. Won’t dare broach the subject of mandatory voting, of engaging youth and the aged. Won’t say a dark word about the banksters.
    Why is that…?
    Let me give you an example…Not singling you out gazza so bear with dahling.
    graham heart, right?
    He’s got about ten Billion dollars as net wealth.
    One billion USA dollars is one thousand million dollars and he has ten of them.
    He could, and I’m just saying for the sake of an argument here, give AO/NZ’s crooked politicians 500 million dollars to shut us up by way of one-off payouts to c-19 victims across the board.
    Gaza would still have 9 thousand millions and 500 millions to keep him in the comfort he must now surely be accustomed to.
    Graham heart bought OUR government printing office at BELOW capital value back in the day.
    Tell me? What do the letters WTF stand for again…?
    Now. Lets talk about michel faydainty and davy richwhitefuck? ( Sorry, puerile yet fun. )
    And how about you and you? Yes, you. You know what you did, you fuckers.
    Remember? Years ago on dear old Tumeki? Remember? I wrote that one day there will be a dreaded scratching at your kitchen door? Remember that? I bet you fucking do.
    Remember that I wrote that, that’d be the truth? The truth will come scratching at your designer kitchen door?

  7. Martyn, America is a decadent society, characterized by moral and cultural decline.

    Bread and Circuses OR in America’s modern context, Opioids and Virtual Reality. Yes 10’s of millions are out of work, yet people are accidentally throwing their stimulus visa-debit-cards away.

    Experts in their field are less respected than Celebrities – a ‘class’ of people whom are more-or-less worshiped.

    Economically, as reflected culturally .. wealth is considered a black-visa-card with no spending limited. You’ve ‘made it’ when you’re driving a lambo.

    Though still issuer of the World-Reserve-Currency, America’s mismanagement is perfectly reflected in Hertz .. to cut a long story sort:

    – Hertz is going bankrupt, EVERYBODY including the Federal Reserve know’s it.
    – The ticker symbol to buy Hertz derivatives/bonds is ‘JNK’ aka JUNK.
    – The Fed starts buying Hertz-JUNK-Bonds, why?? .. well, crony capitalism – the rich were invested in hedge funds which owned this junk.

    Their’s is a decadent society. The nexus between the business class and political class enables their out-of-touch rich to gorge, opioid and be merry while America burns.

  8. Like they care what we have to say. This is nothing new Rodney King, MLK, much the same thing happened and will keep on happening.

    • You missed Malcolm X, sean.
      Malcolm X certainly smelled the bullshit that white liberals were shovelling:
      It seems history does just repeat.
      Taika Waititi discovered how black Americans don’t like being patronised with the twitter backlash to his latest virtue signal.

  9. There has never been any rap over the knuckles for the Israeli embassy here in NZ in relation to the Horrific treatment of Palestinians . ( makes whats happening in the US now look like a Christmas party in a kindergarten. so I don’t think our spineless Government will say anything because they’re simply not us.

  10. “All global citizens of conscience can not see the spasm of violence in the United States and not feel a terrible sadness and incandescent rage.”

    People of my age, who have been paying attention to what goes on in the world, have seen all of this in the US before. Many, many times. One could with equal justification have made the above statement about what was happening in the US pretty much at any time during the 1960s. And numerous times since. See this:

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