Dr Liz Gordon: Weighing the options


It has been interesting to see the increasing fractiousness in the USA and UK over the question of when to re-open the economy. The UK has just had one of its worst days for new cases and the death numbers are now 20,000, expected to treble. Huge numbers of health workers are getting the virus. And none of this even counts the number of deaths in rest homes or other places (only in hospitals).  And yet there is huge pressure to urgently open the economy up to …. ummm… huge further infection?

Not surprisingly, the USA has dealt with the crisis much as it deals with everything nowadays – with confusion and an acrimonious spirit. It is not only the Dear Leader’s ramblings. Trumpism is obviously a virus that has attacked the whole of the nation, and, in particular, Republican leaders.

There is no doubt that the ‘freedom’ called for by those wanting to open the economy will also be a freedom to die of the virus.  There is still nothing, except our own resolve, to stop the numbers I discussed a few weeks ago, whereby millions die, from coming to pass.  The danger is so far from over that I despair of the political games being played across these countries and others. 

I see that 200,000 have now died (of those recorded) and what we have learned, with death rates of 5% to 15%, is that it would only take a re-opening in populous countries to see that rate rise by a factor of one or two more zeros.

Here I might quote Thomas Hobbes, who was the first to set out the theory of legitimate government and the social contract.  He argued that we cede freedoms to government in order that good things can happen in the public interest.  In the state of nature, he says, without such government, all of our collective endeavours are eradicated:

In such condition, there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving, and removing, such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. 

I would not consider myself much of a fan of Hobbes, but it is undeniable that an overt social contract has been to the fore in the virus. In New Zealand, this has been achieved by an unprecedented level of social support.  People (everyone except the idiots) have actively chosen to support the strategy so clearly laid out by this government, because they can see the public interest in it.

And it is also possible to see in Hobbes what happens if this breaks down, either because of the ‘freedom’ rallies in States throughout the US, or because governments and leaders fail to do the work that the social contract requires, and open up economies too early.

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In that case, we can add to Hobbes’ equation, in addition to lives being poor, nasty, brutish and short, people will die alone in the corridors of overwhelmed hospitals (or at home) having lost the painful struggle to breathe, and world deaths will pile up in their millions.

The fact of our success to date in Aotearoa belies that this is a very serious business. The pandemic will one day pass, as will the economic losses, but at what cost? History will judge harshly those leaders that, despite all warnings, throw open the doors of infection/economy too early.


Dr Liz Gordon is a researcher and a barrister, with interests in destroying neo-liberalism in all its forms and moving towards a socially just society.  She usually blogs on justice, social welfare and education topics.


  1. “History will judge harshly those leaders that, despite all warnings, throw open the doors of infection/economy too early.”

    This “infection” is harmless to 88% and only a very small minority could be at risk depending on many underlying health factors…That is the only thing been proven here & as the real non lethal infections rates come in this “pandemic” looks weaker by the day.

    No….that’s not how this world works otherwise a majority of people wouldn’t be willing to sacrifice real economic freedom by enslaving themselves with debt & mortgages on mass….
    People do it because they want a the freedom to build a home to raise families etc..
    You clowns must think money grows on trees then cause how do you think all the coming economic harm & following social hardship will be paid for?
    Will it be sitting in a circle singing Kumbaya?
    Or will it take entrepreneurship , hardworking people & innovation to get through?

    • Just a comment about one of your points.
      No money doesn’t grow on trees !…. it’s even simpler then that. An elite few are GIVEN the right by Governments (1914 Fed Reserve act, n.b they are the Mafia boss of the world) to create the currency OUT OF THIN air and then they charge interest to us to ‘loan some’.
      So they do not work for it in the real sense of the meaning, and to add insult to injure, they then get the first use of this incorrectly called, money.
      Previous hyperinflation where ‘limited’ due to the lack of ink or paper to print the new currency; it is NOT money !
      Nowadays it’s even easier, they just ‘type it into existence’. ….what’s the difference between $1 and $1 Trillion? twelve extra keystrokes.
      And the poorer you are, the more interest you pay. Note the Fed rates for big (read wealthy individuals) companies to borrow at, versus you and I.

      • Kevin, I’m fully aware of how our global fraudulent monetary system was created. You will not find an argument from me on that one. Go convince Michael Reddell like I have tried..
        Problem is since 1913 and the introduction of the US Federal Reserve Act not many are aware of the prison we all live in..
        But….I didn’t create it and unless people on mass decide at next election to reject it then….great…but you better have a far better plan…

      • It’s interesting you mention the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank. They released a whole bunch of “guidance” last week if you can call it that with a whole bunch of acronyms that I suggest everyone take a look at and decide for themselves what they mean. The way I see it is the Federal Reserve are purchasing CCC rated junk bonds which is, well, and well one of the FEDs forecast is a permanent 20% reduction of U.S. GDP and well based on the evidence I believe them. China won. We best catch up to the markets pronto.

      • Hey Kev – Don’t waste your fine brain – or your soul – on Ross M. It is pointless if he is a jargon programmed jerk, but he is just as likely to be other.

        Life’s too short. Kia kaha.

        • Snow White-Couldn’t agree more.A virus without a platform or a host to attack fades away. Ross Mathews is the same. Don’t waste grey matter.

    • Yeah if we take India as an example then people do have to be entrepreneurial particularly when there is a weak state in command. Hope you get over with what ever you’re dealing with champ. Good luck.

    • that 88 ‘ % figure won’t be comforting to the dead . money doesn’t grow on trees , take what Kevin said and some . it’s not you ‘ clowns you’re a clown .

    • I’ve a question for you @ Ross.
      When it comes time to pop your clogs, cash up and take your worldly goods with you to the other side, can you assure me that your offspring will be leading a better life than you have (even if only by your own definition of a better life)
      Just curious – probably the answer is obvious because I shouldn’t really expect you to answer it, and I’d forgotten that you’re immortal with a penis the size of a large cucumber.

      If you could recommend a freight forwarding service though that ‘d be appreciated. The load will be light because most of its already been passed on or disposed of

    • Great article Dr Liz and right on topic. Nice to see some compassion towards the people. Isn’t money the root of all evil? Not to mention all the right wing cry babies are clogging up our fine blog site with their toxic self serving neo liberal crap. Keep them coming Dr Liz.

    • Ross M you refer to covid-19 as non lethal. You need to read about the latest research on the virus because you are not immune. Last week NZH ran a short report on research that showed the T cells attacking the virus in the lungs were almost annihilated by the virus fighting back.The immune system was almost useless. More data on how body organs other than lungs are attacked. Now emerging that blood clots are taking new paths in the body, some causing strokes in young people. Grim reading for those who face reality.

  2. @ RM.
    “…then cause how do …”
    The word’s spelled ‘Be-cause’ dear boy. As in “I’m here and now [be]cause linear thinkers like you are here too.
    Life, is all about balance.

    “People do it because they want a the freedom to build a home to raise families etc..
    You clowns must think money grows on trees then cause how do you think all the coming economic harm & following social hardship will be paid for?
    Will it be sitting in a circle singing Kumbaya?
    Or will it take entrepreneurship , hardworking people & innovation to get through?”

    Boot straps and gumption you reckon @RM?
    You might need to read this before your opinions embarrass you further.
    Chris Hedges.
    Just another lefty Pulitzer Prize winning jurnolist
    “Those who fail to exhibit positive attitudes, no matter the external reality, are seen as maladjusted and in need of assistance. Their attitudes need correction. Once we adopt an upbeat vision of reality, positive things will happen. This belief encourages us to flee from reality when reality does not elicit positive feelings. These specialists in “happiness” have formulated something they call the “Law of Attraction.” It argues that we attract those things in life, whether it is money, relationships or employment, which we focus on. Suddenly, abused and battered wives or children, the unemployed, the depressed and mentally ill, the illiterate, the lonely, those grieving for lost loved ones, those crushed by poverty, the terminally ill, those fighting with addictions, those suffering from trauma, those trapped in menial and poorly paid jobs, those whose homes are in foreclosure or who are filing for bankruptcy because they cannot pay their medical bills, are to blame for their negativity. The ideology justifies the cruelty of unfettered capitalism, shifting the blame from the power elite to those they oppress. And many of us have internalised this pernicious message, which in times of difficulty leads to personal despair, passivity and disillusionment.”
    ― Chris Hedges

  3. “…; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. ”
    That reads like the description of an unlucky and unlovely post neoliberal Auckland City homeless person after the innovative, hardworking, entrepreneurial and otherwise worthless narcissistic sociopaths have had their way with them?
    I think we humans need to come to terms with the cold hard reality that this is all we have. This very day. This very moment. The very blink of that nano second.
    Everything else is either a memory or fiction.
    Therefore, and I reckon and what not, that the message that can be taken from a fruity little glitch like a virus from fucking up the works is that we’re all in this together, like it or not and from that, what we can take from this event is that the greedy, the terminally useless and the sociopathic will be ever vigilant for an opportunity to make good coin from the suffering and shit luck of the rest of us.
    And since inherent ‘good’ is far more commonplace than inherent ‘bad’ then the question that must be asked is “ Where the fuck are we, the good, then?”
    Well, an answer might be “ In who’s interests, in who’s profits is it to have people suffer and be labeled losers by a corrupt MSM as lazy etc while conveniently ( and profitably) ignoring the ‘good’? In who’s interests is it to have homeless people litter the streets who are of themselves advertising the unfettered cruelties of those who will now be promoting authoritarian and fascist nationalism rolling about on all that lovely money they’ve never paid taxes on and earned by those working for them for fuck all while foreign owned retail banking sucks out $6billion in net profits yearly.
    The problem with today’s enemy is that the bastards are much more difficult to spot.
    Quote by John Philpot Curran:
    “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
    This is interesting IMHO.
    “Nudge theory is a poor substitute for hard science in matters of life or death”
    Sonia Sodha
    Not so off-topic and entirely freaky.

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