For a Green New Deal with People’s Power


People’s power needed to save humanity and the planet

Today for the first time in half a century there is a wave of revolt sweeping the world that seems pregnant with revolutionary possibilities that may finally allow working people to help lead humanity and the planet we exist on out of the hell-hole that capitalism has created for us.

I lived through the 1960s and 70s during a similar period of challenge and change. It filled me with hope for the future of humanity. Progressive change seemed inevitable. Working people expanded their rights and living standards. Access to health care, education and welfare became expanded. Women, Maori, Gays and other oppressed peoples found their voices to challenge discrimination and seek liberation.

The institutions working people could use to empower themselves like the trade unions seemed to get stronger, active and more democratic. Parties that claimed to represent us became more progressive in their outlook. 

Internationally the ruling elites were frightened. In response, they launched a full-scale ideological, political, and social counter-revolution that swept away or corrupted many of the gains that had been made. Led by the then UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and US President Ronald Reagan, the right-wing wave swept the world.


Rogernomics and Ruthanasia

In New Zealand, we saw the imposition of Rogernomics of Ruthanasia. These policies of named after the Labour party Finance Minister Roger Douglas and National Party Finance Minister Ruth Richardson saw the imposition of so-called free-market policies and privatisation.

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A deep economic recession in the late 1980s and early 1990s ensued and help reintroduce mass unemployment not seen since the 1930s. Unions were stripped of legal rights and beaten down. Workers’ living standards were gutted. Real wages were decreased. Most of us lost penal rates for weekend work and overtime. Full-time work got replaced with zero-hour contracts for many. Benefit values were slashed. Ever-increasing debt became a tool for further exploitation.

There was tremendous disorientation because the process was begun by “our” party – the Labour Party in the 1980s, and many of our union leaders told us we couldn’t resist. Union membership collapsed in the private sector from 50% to just 10% and hasn’t recovered yet.

Most working people lost confidence in their existing structures. Strike action declined from around 150,000 days a year in the 1970s and 80s to almost non-existence by the mid-1990s.

This is changing significantly today with a major upsurge in strike action over the last couple of years. It seems apparent that today’s generation does not carry the weight of past defeats on their shoulders and there is a renewed confidence to simply say “enough is enough” and have a go at changing the world they are living in.

Nurses and teachers waged strikes of a breadth and depth not seen in decades. Nurses discovered their union was a bit rusty and have tried to bring about the changes that are needed to make it more effective in future battles.

First Union has conducted successful  Living Wage campaigns across a range of major retail chains and lifted workers’ wages significantly.

Unite Union lead a fight against zero hour contracts in 2015 and they were outlawed in a unanimous vote in parliament. We are preparing a living wage for fast food workers campaign in 2020.

As well, Unite has helped successfully lead a fight to get several billion dollars in holiday pay stolen from workers over the last decade or so paid back.


Capitalist crisis of overproduction

Internationally, the free-market fundamentalism that was supposed to liberate capitalism from the shackles of the state has simply ended in another massive capitalist crisis of over-production in 2008-9. That crisis required a bailout of the elites and their financial and productive system to the value trillions of dollars. Money was printed and handed out to the class of parasites who created the problem. That handout is now being paid for by working people. Austerity and economic stagnation grips most of the advanced capitalist world.

Inequality has since simply deepened. The adage that “the rich, get richer while the poor get poorer” has never been truer. Inequality within and between nations has been driven up to levels not seen before. Today, a few billionaires control as much wealth as half the rest of the world’s population.

The wealthiest nations also sought to reimpose imperialist dominance over the so-called Third World – nations in the colonial and semi-colonial world – especially if they were sitting on any reserves of oil – through war if necessary.

Elites in the Third World who collaborated with their imperial masters were promoted against those who sought national independence or third world unity. Systems of divide and rule remained the empire’s tool of choice.


International fightback

The international fightback we are seeing today is broader and deeper than anything we have seen since the 1960s. It completely rejects the existing order of economic stagnation, mass poverty, homelessness, debt bondage and inequality. 

Everywhere it is being led by this new generation. It is a genuine youth rebellion. Many don’t seem to have a centralised organisational structure. Most are not led by traditional left parties. Indigenous voices and women are often in the lead of these protests.

Let’s look a few of these happening right now:

In Iraq, tens of thousands of young people have been demanding the end to the sectarian system of governance imposed by the United States after the Iraq war. 

In Lebanon, the sectarian systems imposed by French colonial rule are also under attack.

In Sudan, a mass protests erupted on December 19 last year and have continued throughout 2019. They brought down a decrepit dictator in April and are still trying to impose a new representative government.

In Algeria protests dubbed “Revolution of Smiles” began in February and have continued through to today following fraudulent new elections called by the regime.

Chile has seen almost continuous mass mobilisations and general strikes since high school students rebelled against increased fares in its subway system on October 18.

In Ecuador, a series of protests since October 1 against IMF imposed austerity measures including fuel price hikes has led the government to move its offices from the capital Quito.

Colombia has witnessed the revival of mass protests and general strikes this year as the country emerges from decades of authoritarian rule by the US-supported right-wing military and political elites and their drug cartel friends. New Forms of people’s power are being discovered

Puerto Rico experienced mass protests and a general strike that forced the Governors resignation.

Haiti has seen continuous protests for the past year to oust their corrupt and authoritarian regime imposed by the US.

Mass student protests have begun in Indonesia against corruption and reactionary laws in the new penal code – including outlawing sex outside marriage.

Hong Kong has seen a sustained wave of protests that led to supporters of more democracy for the Chinese city winning most seats on the elected assembly. What has been interesting has also been the use of social media as a tool for organising – including mass voting on proposals for the movement.

The last few weeks have seen new waves of protests in Guinea, Peru, Kazakhstan, Cameroon, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Catalonia

In many countries, these are protests against “the system”. It doesn’t necessarily matter if there is an elected government or not. Chile, Iraq, Lebanon are not dictatorships in that sense. But the people on the streets want a fundamental change to the way their societies are organised. In Chile, this ended up focussing on the need for a new constituent assembly to rewrite Chile’s constitution which had been bequeathed from the transition from a military dictatorship. This method was also used in Venezuela as a mechanism to initiate a process of radical change in 1999 after Hugo Chavez won the presidential election and again in 2017 to defend against the empire’s stool pigeons inside the country being used to foment a coup. In many protests new forms of mass decision, people’s assemblies and new forms of popular power are being experimented with.


Advanced capitalist world

The working class in the advanced capitalist countries is also getting more restive. The US has seen the highest number of workers on strike since the 1980s.

A fuel price rise in France led to a million-strong online petition and then the eruption of weekly protests from November 2018 by thousands of people donning yellow vests. This has now been joined by a broader working-class revolt and a prolonged general strike against attempts to cut pensions.

The UK has been engulfed in a political crisis for the last few years as people used a referendum over leaving Europe as a means to protests the destruction of working-class communities across Britain as a consequence of the anti-working class policies adopted by both Conservative and Labour Party-led governments.  

The working class used the chance to elect a genuine socialist, Jeremy Corbyn, as leader of the Labour Party in 2015 and hundreds of thousands joined the party to vote for him. He crushed the opposition with a 59% vote share in a democratic one-person-one-vote electoral system. However, he has been undermined and betrayed by a majority of Labour MPs who were selected during the period of betrayal of party principles by the then leader Tony Blair. This included forcing the country into a hugely unpopular war against Iraq which Corbyn opposed. These MPs demanded a new election of the party leader in 2016 which Corbyn won with 61% of the vote. 


UK election results

The ruling class and their media attack dogs have treated Corbyn’s leadership of the party as an existential threat to their power and privileges. Labour’s share of the vote under Corbyn, despite the sabotage from within, went to 40 percent in 2017 compared to only 29% in 2010 and 30% in 2015 before Corbyn was elected. This was one of the biggest surges in UK electoral history. It was the highest percentage won by Labour since 1992. The right wing of the Labour Party was openly disappointed and renewed their attacks on Corbyn by way of thanks. In the 2017 election, Labour promised to respect the vote to leave Europe and simply negotiate the best terms for working people.

Unfortunately, this advance in electoral support was largely reversed in the recent election with a drop to 32.2%. This came about because the right and centre of the party locked Corbyn into a position of supporting a second referendum on “Brexit” – leaving the European Union. This was seen by many Labour supporters who supported Leave as an attempt to overturn the democratic decision already made. Many voted Tory or the Brexit Party to ensure the decision was respected.

The working class is trying to reclaim the Labour Party as an instrument of struggle to advance their interests. But they are discovering there remains much work to be done for this to be successful. One can only hope the Corbyn wing of the party can win the next leadership election in the new year to continue the process of transformation. That will require patient work in the North of England on the ground alongside people in their daily struggles for survival to win the trust of working people again. It will also require the removal of the Blairite traitors who remain as MPs by genuine working-class fighters. 

In most of the rest of Europe, the old social-democratic parties have simply become tools of the system and have subordinated themselves to capitalism rather than challenge it. This has often led to them being reduced to being minor parties in the electoral system (Germany, France, Greece). 

Many places have seen new left-wing parties emerge to challenge the status-quo (Left Party in Germany, Podemos in Spain, Syriza in Greece) but they still seem committed to merely getting elected to modify the system for the better rather than seeking a transformational change. 

But today, in the context of a climate emergency, extreme inequality, and permanent economic stagnation and austerity in most of the capitalist world, this is not a way forward for the planet or working people.

Where progressive left-wing governments have been elected they have come under unrelenting pressure from the capitalist world system which no country can be completely free from. In some cases, they surrender to that pressure and betray their supporters. That was true in Greece under the supposedly left-wing Syriza government which was recently thrown out of office in an election.


Pink Tide in Latin America

Latin America has seen the biggest number of left-wing governments elected (Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Paraguay, Honduras, Uruguay, Argentina). It was dubbed the “Pink Tide”. These governments were all aided by a commodities boom in the 2000s that gave them some money for more redistributive policies that could attack the entrenched poverty. But the local ruling classes and their backers from the US empire have been unrelenting in their opposition. Nearly every elected government was driven out of office through ultimate election defeats (Uruguay, El Salvador, Chile, Argentina) or a military coup (Bolivia, Honduras), or a combination of both (Paraguay, Ecuador, Brazil). 

Argentina has now just gone back to a more centre-left President and Mexico joined the “Pink Tide” phenomenon with the election of a left-wing President and congress in 2018 for the first time in many decades. 

So far, Venezuela has survived all attempts to overthrow the elected government. This is despite the collapse of oil prices on which they had depended for much of their social spending and the US imperialist imposed blockade and repeated coup attempts. This economic, social; and political war against Venezuela has created huge hardships for the people. But they stubbornly refuse to surrender despite the hardship.

I think the revolution has survived because they went further in transforming the military – a necessary first step to prevent a future coup – including by the formation of a mass militia. Also, new forms of people’s power have been systematically developed rather than relying only on forms of electoral representation like an elected parliament. These grass-roots organisations are called Communes and they combine a territorial area with the production of food and services, house building and allocation, and education and health provision. They are governed by principles of self-management and participatory democracy. The process of creating these organs of popular power seems agonisingly slow from the outside but I think it is easy to underestimate the magnitude of the challenges involved. 

I am also hopeful that the Bolivian people will be able to overturn the coup in their country because they have very powerful forms of popular power based on unions of workers and cocoa growers, mass indigenous peoples organisations, and self-organised shanty-town dwellers who are battle-hardened from decades of struggle. They will need to neutralise or destroy the old military and police structures as they reclaim their elected organs of power and institutionalise the forms of people’s power they are demonstrating on the streets today to protect the revolutionary process against future attempts to overthrow it.


Lesson from Latin America 

Latin America offers useful lessons for those of us who are living in the advanced capitalist world as well. 

Millions of young people are already campaigning for radical measures needed to combat climate change. It is becoming obvious to many that a fundamental change to the economic structure is needed. Capitalism, a system of unrelenting growth in the pursuit of personal greed is incompatible with the earth and those of us – workers and farmers – who produce the wealth. The grotesque inequality that is an inevitable result of this system must be eliminated.

There is a mass discussion taking place on the type of measures needed to protect working people while we transform the way we produce the food and goods necessary for a rich life. In the US it is called the Green New Deal. In the UK Labour Party, it was dubbed the Green Industrial Revolution. 

The problem is that the vast majority of people today live lives as atomised consumers. We don’t think and act collectively in our daily lives. We don’t have the tools to collectively solve the problems we face. This is a capitalist form of citizenship. 

We are allowed to vote every few years, but usually not for any choices that would change things fundamentally. Increasingly people don’t bother taking part in elections – certainly, this is true at the local level.


Building people’s power at a local level

In New Zealand, local councils have no real power. By law, they have to contract out the provision of most services to private profit companies. Councils used to own the public transport system, rubbish collection agencies, road and sewage system repairs. My Dad was a “Council Drainlayer”. 

We are now isolated in our own homes and barely talk to our neighbours. We don’t know how to build or repair our homes or grow food. Accessing medical care, housing, education, culture and welfare is an individual nightmare to be resolved according to our income but not a problem to be solved collectively with our neighbours. 

To bring about the change we need in society, we need a programme of change like the Green New Deal to transform the economy, create jobs, provide healthy homes, tackle inequality. A strong union movement will be part of the decison-making process. But we also need a radical programme to create new forms of people’s power in our communities. Today we should be fighting to create self-governing collectives, chosen from amongst the people in community assemblies. The collective should be empowered to:

  • Look after all social housing in the area with tenants involved in all decisions. Retrofit every home to be warm and green. Build new social housing to eliminate homelessness.
  • Use all educational facilities in an area and open schools up for the community to use for sport and culture
  • Create community-owned media if all forms – newspapers, radio, social media.
  • Create community gardens and kitchens – including in every school. Relying on food from cans and fast food joints is killing and maiming thousands of people every year through obesity, diabetes, and consequent blindness and limb amputations.
  • Create sharing and learning centres. We can learn from each other the skills for life. 
  • Create a community health centre responsible for delivering care to every person for no charge. Medical care should shift from prescribing drugs to “fix” people to a whole care approach. Proper mental health care requires the end of isolation and alienation.
  • Build public transport networks, cycleways, cooperative electric transport solutions
  • Create cooperatives for energy production (wind and solar) 
  • Establish community-controlled education and care for the very young and elderly. Who decided that those tasks would be turned over to for-profit companies in New Zealand.
  • Establish community advocates who ensure every person has access to any welfare or housing support they need

No longer would people live isolated lives. Every old person at home or in care would be being visited or able to volunteer for useful community activities. Every child would be educated (and immunised) as a community resonsibility. Everyone would be able to grow and eat nutritious food. Everyone would have access to sport, culture, exercise, books, films, theatre, music. 

These collectives would also be powerful centres of resistance to any going back to the old ways of selfishness and greed that are extolled as virtues under capitalism.

In New Zealand, we have the advantage that Maori have understood these principles and fought to maintain them against colonisation and corporatisation. 

We need a radical Green New Deal to bring large sectors of the economy under public ownership and democratic control and transform agriculture. But we also need new ways to create real power in local communities alongside powerful unions able to exercise real workers’ control over large corporate structures, private or state, that still exist.

For a Green New Deal with People’s Power.



  1. Got excited when I heard the word, Green deal, but upon reading realised that this post had nothing to do the environment.

    Environment is often absent in the new Greenwashing of the word “Green” to eliminate the environment and instead concentrate on growth, growth, growth for people.

    Sad that the Green Party has fallen victim to this approach, by their own swords, and other people now freely use the word ‘Green” politically outside of environmental issues, and that is reflected in Green falling voters in NZ and a huge gap for the environment that is absent now in NZ politics in real terms.

    Green is now greenwashed to be all about people growth and traditional labour issues… not the environment.

    And if the Green Party which is full of Labour loving MP’s not environmentalists, does not get 5% which could be a possibility, then it might bring down Labour too.

    So bad for anyone’s term of New Green deal.

  2. We are also never going to improve social outcomes when lobbyists, political parties and groups can now buy information that has been taken without consent like on Facebook and sold for money or given away without any thought to it. This is then minned, sold and used for targeted social media campaigns based on individual profile data being used. That should be banned.

    Apparently in the US election, data profiles were collected about Democrat voters and used to make out Hillary Clinton was a racist to black democrat voters for example so they did not vote… similar in Brexit for Northern voters, individualised hate or disruptive campaigns are now made a lot easier with modern technology and data misuse, that is not being curbed by governments.

    In NZ you see race being used constantly for the MSM which is turning people off policy and onto race triggers instead of policy. Very devious and the left are blind to what is going on, and actually very likely to be targeted into be fooled into thinking that is real, or some issues are huge, this makes the lefties echo the media on identity politics, which tends to be a massive turn off for most people and helps the Natz.

    Brittany Kaiser: Ex-Cambridge Analytica employee talks back

    “The penny dropped two weeks after Donald Trump was elected president, Kaiser says.

    Colleagues on who had run the Trump campaign showed her their working methods.

    “And they showed me some of the most horrific things I’d ever seen.”

    They had created target groups of Democrat supporters with the aim of discouraging them from participating in the election.

    “They used strategies to weaponise racism and sexism to make people hate their neighbour to make people not believe in their government.”

    Since leaving Cambridge Analytica she says she wants to atone for what she became involved in.

    “I consider myself a very smart person, but as I was writing my book, especially going back and tracing every single step, I wonder was I motivated to financially support myself and my family or was I motivated by power? I don’t know but something seduced me.”

    She is now a privacy activist and has co-founded the Digital Asset Trade Association (DATA) and says she wants political ads to be banned on social media.”

    • Peter Thiel, Trump Key supporter, who got NZ citizenship while not meeting the criteria and doesn’t even live here, doesn’t believe in democracy and was the former board member of Facebook and early investor of Facebook.

      Peter Thiel has reportedly been lobbying Mark Zuckerberg to refrain from fact checking political ads on the platform.

      Peter Thiel’s view of the world…

      “In a 2009 essay called The Education of a Libertarian, Thiel declared that capitalism and democracy had become incompatible. Since 1920, he argued, the creation of the welfare state and “the extension of the franchise to women” had made the American political system more responsive to more people – and therefore more hostile to capitalism. Capitalism is not “popular with the crowd”, Thiel observed, and this means that as democracy expands, the masses demand greater concessions from capitalists in the form of redistribution and regulation.

      The solution was obvious: less democracy. But in 2009, Thiel despaired of achieving this goal within the realm of politics. How could you possibly build a successful political movement for less democracy?

      Fast forward two years, when the country was still slowly digging its way out of the financial crisis. In 2011, Thiel told George Packer that the mood of emergency made him “weirdly hopeful”. The “failure of the establishment” had become too obvious to ignore, and this created an opportunity for something radically new, “something outside the establishment”, to take root.”

  3. Great article Mike! Good to see the summary of protests around the world – most of which the MSM is studiously ignoring 🙂

    I’m really curious about where a genuine working class political force is going to come from in New Zealand. The Labour Party has been taken over by middle class people with degrees and most of our activist movements seem to be populated by educated types who look down on working class people. In a grand display of irony we disguise our own prejudice by focusing on the prejudices of the working class but the effect is the same as it always was, the working class continue to be kicked in the teeth.

    I also wonder about a global movement in terms of Labour and environmental battles. I imagine this will be the only way to beat back the corporate beast.

  4. All the suggestions for NZ sound good in theory but where and how do you introduce checks and balances for those that abuse the system. For 2 years I volunteered to teach basic cooking to young welfare families. Some were great but others were drunk or smoking weed when I arrived. Others just were not home when I went round. I found children home from school just because them woke up late so the cycle of poverty and underachieving carries on the next generation.
    Union power is another case of abuse of workers and their relationship with the bosses by officials with an axe to grind.If the power is used correctly it can be a win win but so often it is not .
    Human nature is hard to control for the good of all as some see any concessions as a sign of weakness

    • “I volunteered to teach basic cooking to young welfare families.”

      I’d be really interested to hear more of the practicalities of that, and in particular, any noteworthy success stories. It is such a basic, essential skill and can make a huge difference to a person’s health and family life, yet many leave school without it.

  5. You say you lived through the 1960’s and 70’s ‘during a similar period of challenge and change’… well didn’t we all,… and yet you and I , and everyone else still lived under a governmental system that had capitalism as its mainstay…

    Just a few points left out of your article, one being that not once did you mention the capitalism on steroids version , – neo liberalism.

    You know as well as I that the part where you mention the changes of the 1980’s and 1990’s were an exceptionally radical change in favour of the far right. You know as well as I that was when the rot really set in. In the west.

    The second point is that in no way shape or form can you even begin to compare rural south american country’s with their counterparts in NZ. Not even a shadow of similarity’s. The demographics and cultural attributes are completely different. Even as far as belief systems go , they are different. While many south american country’s adhere to Roman Catholicism, we proudly announce we are a secular nation.

    We do not live in traditional extended family groupings but in small nuclear units. Thus the sense of community is hugely different.

    For these reasons alone , you will be struggling to even get these measures off the ground,- or at least a significant portion of them.

    What works there does not necessarily mean they can be replicated here. Much as you may want them to be. Therefore, to bring down neo liberalism you need a whole new set of tactics, – though the long terms strategy may bear some similarity’s. One that can take into account environmental issues as well as social responsibility when conducting private enterprise.

    The Blairite way , the third way , is cancer. It is nothing more than a variant to maintain the current status quo.

    What you want , … is a system that dismantles neo liberalism.

    THEN , … you will start to realize some of the things you and others would like to see, – and not before. You are going to have to accommodate business and capitalism whether one likes it or not. It would be wrong to do away with it altogether, – partly because solutions can be sequestered by those willing to work in with a new order of govt, … what is needed is a way to curb radical corporate tendency’s.

    And you do that politically. It is not the fault of the far right wing that they managed to neutralize the left,- it is the fault of successive sell outs in parliaments who found it easier to go with the flow and not oppose it. It was the fault of voters who resigned themselves to their new situation. It was the fault of opportunists in parliaments who saw an angle not only for their political careers but also a way to make large profits by supporting these developments.

    In other words, – human nature is to blame.

    And no amount of altruistic ideals and wishful thinking will change it.

    But there is one thing that will : money in pocket. Cash , Moola, Dollero’s. Thats right , – an appeal to the base instincts and greed and sense of self interest that enabled neo liberalism in the first place. Take fínstance tax,… and a sliding taxation system whereby those with more pay more. We all want that, dont we,… make those rich fat cats pay more . And then wages, ooooh boy… dont we all want more in our pockets at the end of every working week – who wouldn’t vote for that?

    But to do this needs some pretty hard core believers in what they are about to do. And that means overturning the fall out effects of the Employment Contracts Act 1991 for a start. Almost 3 decades later ! Only then can we extricate Bill Englishs proud boast of being a ‘low wage economy ‘.

    And then there’s the issue of the Reserve Bank Act , – and bringing it under direct govt control again.

    A third and brilliant one in its simplicity would be to do what Chris Trotter said about China in the 1950’s and how they re-nationalized their corporations and assets, – by legislating that those corporate’s over a certain size were required to have 25% govt shares , and thus govt officials on the board. Then increasing those shares over time by increment.

    Good bye Australian banks and their leeching.

    And all of it needs no one to be hurt or die, no bloody revolutions in the street, no trying to fight any police,… just a nice peaceful democratic takeover from what was once stolen from us.

    Oh, .. and a reinstatement of trade unions in their rightful place as protectors of workers.

    I’m sure you and others could easily extrapolate many other ares where the neo liberal edifice can then be attacked. Who cares what they think or how hard they bleat? Just do it.

    They cant complain, its all democratic, – but before you do , – make sure you have a wall of information ready to refute their inevitable lies they will try to raise. Shut down their media talking heads. Turf out those govt dept heads who are quislings for the neo liberal concensus. Replace ’em . Get rid of them.

    And just do it.

    Give it 5 years and they will be a faded memory distasteful in the minds of those of us who had to live through their odious impositions. No one will want to go back to their particularly socially and economically destructive brand of failed governance.

    Now the only thing you WILL need to affect this is tight security. No moles, no leakers, no ‘ double agents’ , – the penalty being instant ejection when caught out. With a ready statement of denial of any of the inevitable lies they will try to put over the media. Make them look like a wild conspiracy theorist or something.

    And thats how you do it.

    Money in pocket

    Changes in legislation


    And a ruthless determination to change and legislate against a corrupt and anti democratic system.

  6. About building or growing people’s power or effectiveness at a local level, – it is entirely do-able. If you search around there are examples of success in all the listed areas. But it’s a grass-roots thing, I think, where each venture begins from the ground up. Just a few keenly interested people initially, can begin something that benefits many more.

    How about this for a community Festival of Carts 🙂

  7. Until we change the way money works we will change nothing.
    Fiat currencies
    Fractional reserve banking
    Compound interest
    All these must go first
    Then we can change our world.

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