It’s not rocket science as to why Jordan Peterson is popular


Jordan Peterson is in town and the Woke are unhappy.

I’ve read him and heard him speak online and I think Peterson has some interesting insights on culture, politics and society. Where I think he ultimately falls over is his refusal to measure the outcomes of opportunity, as his focus is only on equal opportunity.

By refusing to look at the outcomes of opportunity, you are simply dooming the future to the hegemony of the present who were gifted it from the past. It’s a recipe for elite inertia.

As for his popularity however, that is easy. Women for the first time in our species history are telling men via social media in no uncertain terms their anger at harassment and no one likes to hear how hated they are as a group.

I think we have a mountain of broken men with no identity in a political landscape now dominated by identity politics and Peterson gives those damaged empty men hope and self esteem rather than screaming at them.

It’s not rocket science to understand his popularity, he tells men it’s ok to be a man and that much of the rage feminism thrown at them is unfair or ill defined.

To quote the Life of Brian, “he’s not the messiah, he’s just a very naughty boy”.

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  1. That’s an interesting take on things: If you have equality of opportunity, but people, out of their own free will, chose differently causing inequality of outcome, you’re claiming there’s a problem.

    As a simple example:
    Let’s say there’s enough pie for everyone to freely choose: chocolate or apple, and the majority of women choose chocolate while the majority of men choose apple, that’s proof that there never was equal opportunity to begin with.

    Recent large scale studies have shown that the more egalitarian, free, and wealthy a society, the larger the differences in interests, personality, and education/occupational choices between men and women become. That’s not a sign of oppression; that’s a sign of innate differences between the sexes. There’s nothing wrong with people making different choices on their own free will.

    • Except Peter, life isn’t about apple pie. Change your analogy to high paying jobs, access to management positions, CEO opportunities, and high profile positions in political organisations and the ‘innate difference between the sexes’ becomes a lot less about opportunities…

      • Hi Mattygee. “Management positions, CEO opportunities, high profile positions in political organisations” are beyond the capabilities and opportunities of 99.9% of Males. The higher one goes it only gets nastier in business.

        So who ACTUALLY rises?

        So therefore it can be seen than MOST of us, women and men, just want an easier life consisting of peace.

        Imagine the constant life conflicts those engage with “at the top”? It’s on the other end of peaceful existence.

        We can only let these guys, and some lasses, get on with doing what they do.

        The ones who complain about them, women and men, would ALSO, I highly suspect, not want to partake in “the top’s” life outlook and general perspective of the world. That’s because you and I, I suspect, seek peace over conflict.

        • In terms of pay, CEO pay, gender pay, and actual markets. The Government and particularly the Greens is interested in building a new platform and an entirely new voter base, it’s not even a new industry but an entirely new form of capital markets.

          So the reason why the government decided to create The Wellbeing Budget and new economic targeting is because they wanted to create a stable economy that is not highly correlated to capital markets so to speak and not extremely volatile. So the government wants to spend money in away that is more stable than the U.S dollar or any other government fiat.

          Upon that they are building several machinations, the billion trees strategy, The Regional Fund strategy, the green energy fund ect. And basically this business model is like the old futures contracts and they’re basically pre fabricated contracts, leaseholds and contracts for sale ect, and they have blank spots in them, and after they were sold, customers would fill them in, sign them and send them off to third parties. Wellbeing targets do the same thing just in contract form using modern technology and smart contracts. And they offer these contracts for people to fill out, sign and execute deals.

          Now with the aid of the government these smart contracts can, it’s possible for normal people to take the place of entire industries whether it be banking, finance, asset management, mercantile banking, trade, legal, healthcare. So that’s what the wellbeing budget ought to do in my opinion, is to sell advisories of advanced future contracts.

    • Well, first off the idea that there is conflict between Jordan Peterson and radical leftists (as Peterson would say) is ideological dogma, we don’t know if there is conflict and if there is conflict it is so one sided against Jordan Peterson its pumping his popularity.

      So one of Adams Smiths core argument for markets, as he said, “in a free society markets will lead to “equality,” and he meant “equality of outcome.” Not equality of opportunity.

      Equality of out come is Adam Smiths core argument for “markets.” Under particular conditions you’ll get differing results. But one of the reasons Adam Smith believed in markets is because he was anti-monopoly and viewed concentrations of power as inherently dangerous. Adam Smith and classical liberals otherwise known as conservatives where strongly opposed to merchant capitalists and when corporate legislation came around to government later on, classical liberals where opposed to that as well because they believed it was a return to feudalism.

  2. As the mother of a 20ish year old male who thinks Peterson is the smartest guy in the room…he simply appeals to lost young men, trapped in their rooms, addicted to computers, who can’t understand their lack of social connectivity, and are looking for someone to the lgbtqi community. Like what other people wear or do even matters to their lives one iota.

    There’s always been this conflict of perceived power between certain men and women..hence we’ve always, since the year dot, had serial killers and rapists and young men who join the priesthood, and angry old white men who wage war against the universe…to my mind this is another example of how as a society we do not understand the destruction being wrought in our world, and in our souls, by the all encompassing power of modern technological developments.

      • My son…and his friends and the people he talks to online. Topped up with a variety of books I’ve read, and interviews. Ones personal experience and anecdotal evidence and reading and listening generally is how most people form their theories of the world around them.

        • So this “lost young men, trapped in their rooms, addicted to computers, who can’t understand their lack of social connectivity, and are looking for someone to blame” describes the fundamental characteristics of both your son and every other, or overwhelmingly prominently thereof, Peterson fans?

          Maybe too many mothers just don’t have the skills necessary to relate well with boys. Maybe too many people fail to see that each gender have enough differences so that it is imperative to understanding of those differences.

          Boys need to be balanced to be happy for girls to be happy and girls need to be balanced to be happy for boys….thereby happy with differences.

          It helps, I think, to study and observe these facts for societies sake.

  3. Identity politics will be a brief phase in human history, and while debating such ‘issues’, the humanity will self destruct through ongoing pollution, through destroying the earth’s environment and climate.

    Good luck, folks, while you were all at it discussing the particular details of inter gender relationships, and gender neutral relationships and what else there is.

    In the poorest countries on this planet most are worried about getting a bit of food to see them through another day, not much else.

    • Exactly! I wonder how high on the list of topical issues gender identity politics is in your typical Syrian refugee camp, or how relevant the same topic is when most of the world is under water due to climate change… Sign, first world problems…

  4. Sorry, Peterson is a douche. I’m sure he’s real smart but his angry-whitemanness prevents him from being interesting.

      • Why does it boil down to stupid questions? If white men have more privilege than other types of humanity maybe they could think of ways to make life better for the rest of us. If a man thinks he is paid more than the woman doing the same job as him compare and find out. If he is, support her to get equal pay. If he sees a woman being harassed by her male workmates call them out. If he sees a non European workmate being overlooked for advancement call that out. It’s easy to stop being part of the problem.

    • I just think calling someone a douche is expressing anger. Now all we need is your colour, ethnicity and gender identity and then we could complete our diagnosis of yourself as you having angry-something-somethingness.

    • Kelly, did you ever consider that he is angry at white women? I suspect he is for the reason that he believes that white women might just be as culpable as their men. After all they share all the benefits, and I suspect that they would scream blue murder if that got taken away whilst equalisation occured. Is it a case of wanting your cake and eating it too?

      I reckon it is time to think about really important issues that don’t centre upon badly constructed victim narratives, and that focus on the common good, not just some “identity”.

  5. Unable to resist reporting the tenor of quotes about women in the 1949 Penguin ‘Dictionary of Quotations’. Misogeny all the way. When at best , despite ‘glamour’, they’re just folk we can make our way with.

    • I’m looking forward to when feminists demand to be 50% of bricklayers, construction workers, road repairers, loggers, and all those other brutal jobs that can often lead to fatalities and lifelong injuries.

      In the meantime the complaints of feminists are around demands for positions most women and most men are not able or willing to do.

      Virtue signalling is merely a form of social climbing. It’s to look virtuous while avoiding facts.


  6. Yep, those white men rummaging through the bins looking for something to eat are secretly running the entire show; pure evil, I tell ya!

    It’s about CLASS. Saying I told you so when you’re fighting to survive in the civil war isn’t going to be very satisfying, sadly.

    Demagogues are rising…

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