That was Then, This is Now #29 – Joyce’s $11.7 billion hole – goneburger!




Billions of dollars extra cash that are there that they could dip into“, eh?

It would appear that Ms Kaye has inadvertently ‘sunk’ Steven Joyce’s claims of Labour’s $11.7 billion “hole” made during last year’s election campaign.

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National Party: Labour must explain where the money is (alt-link: Scoop media)

Radio NZ:  Govt’s tertiary fees free policy wrong priority – Nikki Kaye (alt-link)

Previous related blogposts

That was Then, This is Now #28 – John Key on transparency

Dollars and sense – Joyce’s hypocrisy

St. Steven and the Holy Grail of Fiscal Responsibility

National’s $11.7 billion hole is right where they left it






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  1. I wonder why neither Steven Joyce or Nikki Kaye kicked up a fuss that “NZ taxpayers cannot afford this….” allocation of over $20billion to the NZ military whilst there was a National government???!!!! From what benevolent overseas source did the $20billion come from? And are we NZ taxpayers deeply in debt due to this mis-spending by National for many generations to come???!!!!
    We all know the previous National government had a cavalier attitude when it came to spending NZ taxpayers on baubles eg a flag referendum that ONLY John Key wanted, 34 beemers with bum warming seats(for John Key of course), do-ups of various Head Office’s of government departments, a mansion in Hawaii and an apartment in New York, National MPs using the RNZAF aircraft as their very own Air Force One.
    However both Joyce and Kaye have said something that has contradicted the other. And so that brings up the question of how clued up in accounting and finances are these two when they say there is something there when they don’t honestly know? Are they assuming they can influence NZers into believing everything as being pure Gospel according to Joyce and Kaye???!!!
    Where was Joyce’s and Kaye’s voices of concern when Key & Co were denying there was a housing crisis, NZers living in poverty and extreme homelessness?
    Were their lack of voices of concern due to the fact they just didn’t care about NZers but more for ego, vanity, taxpayer funded pay and perks of the job.
    And did Joyce and Kaye express concern when Bill English was Double Dipping or didn’t they show their true colours by not saying anything???!!!

  2. Well, well, well, Labour has posted a $5.5 billion surplus. That kind of shreds Joyce’s “fiscal hole” to pieces. Another National lie revealed to the public.

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