BREAKING: Why National Party MP Matt King is claiming a coup has stolen NZ election


This man believes a coup has occurred in NZ

I’m not sure who is more bitter at losing the election – National voters or the mainstream media.

As if the NZ Herald accusing Jacinda of witchcraft to curse the All Blacks wasn’t bad enough and the constant howls of faux outrage by the mainstream media that they don’t have enough details about the new coalition Government, (despite ignoring National’s dirty politics for 9 years), try reading this bullshit without vomiting…

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…why the living Christ is a National Party MP sowing the seeds of treason by declaring the current Government has stolen the election? Firstly, anyone who claims the mainstream media in NZ are biased towards the left wing also believe Donal Trump is one of the leading intellectuals of our age.

Secondly, if you think that MMP cheated National somehow then you don’t understand MMP.

Let’s put aside the irony of a National Party MP daring to call the formation of the new Government a coup when his Party in power colluded with the Secret Intelligence Service to falsely smear Phil Goff months before the 2011 election. National crying abuse of power is like Harvey Weinstein lecturing on everyday sexism.

The 2017 election was won, fair and square by Labour, NZ First and the Greens. Attempting to claim a coup has occurred is intentionally dangerous and spiteful.

It is extraordinary that a Party who were only a month ago screaming about an $11billion fiscal hole that never existed are now suddenly MMP math critics.

This is the sort of shit National and their corporate media allies will be spinning for the next 3 years as they work to undermine and destabilise this democratic majority win.

The Left won the 2017 election with hope, compassion and vision. National will attempt to rob them of that with fear, hate and deceit.


UPDATE: Matt King removed his post claiming a coup 20 minutes after this blog was posted.


  1. The only one term item here is Matt The idiot.
    Once the electorate up here (Northland) see this drivel, he WONT get in again next time. He didn’t beat Winston by much and this is his suicide note. Just wait and see.
    Bye bye Matt ! Just another crooked moron from the Corporate Fascist National Party machinary

      • I’m pretty sure Soros supports primarily “left-wing” parties (e.g. he supported the Democrats in the US. Austria has gone hard-right, of course they hate him there now). So if anything he would have supported Labour/Greens here. That said, I’m pretty sure NZ wouldn’t make him nearly enough money to warrant his “investment” into our democracy.

        • Aw Nitrium,don’t expect logic in conspiracy theories. The right wing in the US hates Soros and spends half their time smearing him. Somehow this silliness has made its way into the heads of some in Aotearoa who think of themselves as left.

      • The Soros story has been debunked as fake. Seriously guys, look for credible authors and sources when reading online. Just do a quick google search before puking up whatever arrives in your filter bubble – it’s 2017, not 1997.

  2. It’s not just the hypocrisy – It’s the emotive language used. “Natural justice.” “Punish.” “Seized.” Or the kicker, “Best thing, Winston just cut his own throat, along with his new mates.”

    When logic eludes you, you can always, quite literally, just go for the jugular. Echoes of John Key’s appalling behaviour in parliament that day.

    • This is a continuation of “Kill Winston”

      “Cut his own throat”

      This is a threat meme. We need to counter it on Facebook, in tweets, and in print.

      We need our own “click bait”

    • My only sense of outrage is that yet again, some mathematically challenged sore loser who doesn’t realise that he is actually part of the losing bloc, has the nerve to talk about fair play and natural justice.

      Please please please – no wannabe politicians talking about natural justice – leave that to the philosophers, and the theologians, and people who have brains and know how to use them.

      Referring to fair play is nuts, if English’s and Joyce’s lies are what Matt thinks is fair play.

      Matt can write as much as he wants, and he can propagate total drivel, but his cliches and mixed metaphors are as messy as hell, and as irritating as the MSM also struggling to accept that National was simply not what most N Z’ers want any more.

      • You kind of have to have answers to questions that the public may have who are constituents or consumers of the Kiwi experience. Or just people following. Personally I try to address briefly what I would consider fear and uncertainty and any doubt that is disguised as research when they ask questions. In my experience keeping these answers brief, professional and factual because on the whole I don’t have a lot of time. Because I’m a father type of guy on what is a beautiful day.

        So do I expect New Zealand to reach a higher lvl of economic performance I have no idea. I don’t control economic levers. If New Zealand was moving towards a high wage economy we would have already done that already. If sectors haven’t there is most likely an ulterior reason or motive that New Zealand hasn’t reached higher levels of economic performance.

        Not a big deal at all.

        Of course there are extremist views that would like to see New Zealand taken down to a lower level of economic performance. And I definitely know what there motivations are that they have divinities interests in small and medium sized business activity falling to the wayside. To each there own.

        Our best defence is performance. And Labour, New Zealand First, and The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand are rocking and rolling. And I’ll give examples.

        – be factually driven
        – Don’t have to believe in the kiwi experience
        – Don’t have to like us but stick to the facts
        – If you stick to the facts I think detractors will be appreciative of what we’re trying to do

        The New Zealand economy is still operating. I’m very proud of what has been achieved. Take a look at the international utility of expats in the employment space. Long story short. A kiwi is one part of the global machine and has many and varied skills to come.

  3. A Northland friend told me voting for this tosser was the best way to damage the National party parliamentary team as his election would have been at the expense of an otherwise more competent list candidate.

    I voted otherwise but my friend may have had a point.

    • Matt King is quite a nice person so all the name calling is off the mark.
      Matt has a lot to learn about politics,he hasnt been corrupted yet by the
      Nats ,so speaks what he thinks is party line,is not up to speed on how MMp works obviously.
      Mat should study previous elections to see how Nats behaved.

      National party people in NZ behave like Democrats in USA always blame the other people for their woes,and really believe they are superior.

      Lets hope the housing situation improves,

      People living two big families sharing a sub -standed house in the Pacific Island population, whooping cough etc is endemic because of overcrowding,high rents and minimum wage,means that they cant afford anything more suitable ,houses are in a lot of cases are damp and badly ventilated.
      Some landlords wont spend money to improve housing. Others are living in cars,when a living wage is mentioned the businesses cry they cant afford a wage rise. Nats have nothing to be proud of.

  4. Pity Matt King doesn’t understand MMP. He’s obviously numerically deficient and can’t work out that the left bloc combined had MORE votes overall, in comparison with the friendless Natz on its own! That’s MMP at work.

    The nasty bitterness and spoilt brat behaviour from the Natz is beginning to seep through now! When the dice doesn’t roll in Natz favour the game’s all wrong and unfair and the rules need changing.

    This election was conducted fair and square by the rules of MMP. The majority of Kiwis voted for a Labour/NZF/Green government … that’s what we’ve got and that’s what we’re going to have. Coup indeed!

    Get over yourself Matt and don’t be such a sore loser!

  5. Light is the best disinfectant for these Tory fascists.
    Well done Bomber for shaming him into retracting the post.
    We must continue to front foot these neoliberal tools.

  6. You see! I knew it all the time!
    National didn’t lose a democratic election.
    They were ousted by a coup d’état.
    Just one question:
    If it really was a coup d’état do you think Jacinda would have have received so many congratulatory calls from other democratically elected heads of government?
    I don’t think so Matt.
    Wake up and smell the coffee, chump!

    • Well, they must be all fascist rules that congratulated her and her new government. let’s please not forget that there are more people in that new government vehicle and must be all traitors. (lol) well i agree with Mike King on one thing that people that steal elections and do wrong to the people should be punished. So it’s time that new courthouses are build to get justice on the criminals that have no longer parliamentary or governmental protection and then that bunch of previous minister and MP’s, included the one that stole 2 million dollar from the Tax Payer, and was protected by his village mate, the not elected PM that was PM for 9 months. Who did what coup, again

  7. Was it on this blog by any chance?

    There the narrative rules: ‘The coalition of losers’, and also can we read talk about a kind of coup, that is already a ‘train wreck’ in waiting, before the agreements have been signed.

    Crosby Textor style of course, what else would you expect?

  8. Hey Matt, the only thing threatening NZ democracy are witless mouth breathers parroting bile like that.
    Your thoughtless & ill advised expression of sour grapes – now captured forever despite your hasty effort to delete it – has inflicted lasting damage on whatever reputation you are trying to foster.
    Nazional Party HQ will be most displeased.

    The bonus is, with people of Matt’s IQ in Nazional’s ranks, the chances of their electoral success are greatly diminished.

  9. Nope. The left ‘won’ the election via Winston Peters. He chose. Many of his supporters were right leaning and wanted National. It’s unravelling already, with the Kermadec Sant now at risk. Green supporters will love that. If the left had truly won the election, they would not have needed the help of NZ First, a party with nothing in common with Labour or the Greens.

    How embarrassing for the new government, that the Opposition hold more electorate seats, and will be able to dominate both question time and select committees. The Opposition also hold the biggest share of the party vote. National is the most popular main party, by miles, and many more voters chose Bill English over Jacinda Ardern.

    Bill English kept his principles and integrity, the other side sold out to Peters. Voters will reward National for that big time, especially as runctions happen and it all goes downhill. Secret dutch aucitons are not popular in the public domain, nor are trade-offs and buy-ups. Peters did not even have the decency to let his annointed make the announcement. His speech was irrisponsible, talking the economy down, before he is even in government. Frightening the horses already, oh dear. National already on a win.

    That two parties with a very low percentage of the vote each and not one electorate seat between, can now be cabinet ministers and drive policy, against the wish of the majority of citizens, is just insane. A one term government is the most likely outcome, Kiwis like their excecutive leaders to actually have the people’s mandate.Therein lies the rub. Labour and Ardern do not have the mandate at all. Roll on 2020 because electoral justice will be looming. I predict that the punishment will be severe and long lasting, tarring all three parties involved. The biggest upside out of this debacle, is that MMP in its current form has been exposed as the undemocratic turkey it is. That is another thing that Peters has inadvertently enabled, talk about poetic.

    • If the left had truly won the election, they would not have needed the help of NZ First, a party with nothing in common with Labour or the Greens.

      You guys are so thick you can’t recognise your own bullshit and get your stories straight.

      Please explain why the (lame) National Party campaign ads presented blue joggers running like mindless automatons around red and green clad runners sharing the company of, you guessed it, black clad runners.

    • Strange that, if Labour and Greens have so little in common with NZ First, why did they decide to go for governing then, having checked so much policy, that seems to be overlapping and common between all of them?

    • I have not seen anything reasonable come from the government benches during question time for the last nine years. They got away with dodging questions and infantile behaviour because of the very partial speaker. He won’t be there to help them and I doubt if they’ll dominate anything.

      • Yes David Carter was truly corrupt. Not at all sad to see his demise. I’m surprised this chap Matt is even a Nat MP, given he can’t even do basic math.

        • Sorry Bert. According to his bio – “Mr King has lived in Northland most of his life. He is a farmer, fraud investigator, volunteer firefighter with the Okaihau Brigade, and was previously a NZ Police Detective.”

          I found the following amusing: “I’ve been a tradesman, a police officer, a farmer and a businessman.”

          Those who can, do. Those who can’t – enter politics?

          PS He might be a nice bloke to go for a beer with. But perhaps not two, if he rants like this.

    • “Bill English kept his principles and integrity, the other side sold out to Peters.”

      Seriously? Did you miss the 11 day period where English led National through negotiations to cut a deal with Peters, in order to do the exact same thing that Labour succeeded in doing?

      All you’ve done here is inadvertently paraphrase the idiot logic and sour grapes tone of Matt King’s post in question. Talk about poetic.

    • “Bill English kept his principles and integrity”

      Your opinion fell over right there. Todd Barclay and 450 text?

      Integrity and English is an oxymoron.
      Can’t see National anywhere near govt for 12 years plus given that Ardern has true integrity.

    • Actually lots in common. All you have to do is check out IStandWith. I normally vote Labour & Greens but this election a bit peeved at Greens big stumble and quite attracted by some of TOP’s policies voted TOP. After election found IStandWith and it gave TOP as my most compatible party (83%) Greens came second (81%), Labour third (77%) & NZF fourth (72%). In fact I was very tempted for the first time to vote NZF this election but decided that because NZF would make it without my vote that I would contribute hopefully to bringing a new party into parliament. Got halfway there lol but better luck next time. Hopefully lowering MMP threshold will be on agenda in near future so that more people get representation. It is unjust that segment of voters votes are ‘wasted’. If you have enough votes to get a seat then you should have that representation.

    • “If the left had truly won the election they would not have needed the help of NZ First” lol. The comparison of this comment to the original article by another mathematically challenged person Matt King could persuade one to think that Matt has changed his name to Miles. How do you think National would have been able to govern for a 4th term? Think about that sentence for a moment Matt, sry Miles. Does the penny drop. Probably not!!

  10. Right. So according to this dickhead when GST went up and living costs, especially housing and food, rose exponentially while wages flatlined and NZ’s government debt ballooned from $10billion to $90billion during the National government’s 9 years in power, that was sound economic management.

    If the same things were to occur on Labour’s watch (I’m betting they won’t given their record of running continuous budget surpluses and decent wage growth for workers last time they were in government), it would lead to an economic meltdown.

    Ladies and Gentleman we have strong new contender for NZ’s biggest fuckwit and his name Matt King.

  11. Hmm. I see this guy is a former Northland police detective like the previous Nat MP Mike Sabin. It wouldn’t surprise me to hear they’re good mates. Let’s hope he doesn’t have any skeletons in his closet.

  12. Ode to National

    You’re nothing but a passing memory…
    I reach out, graze my hands along your bitterness.
    Soft, floating, but never gloating
    Of your passing power previously deemed.
    You are nothing but a passing silence;
    The sort that stops one in his tracks.
    Wanting the taciturn lineage
    to gain whatever he lacks…
    You’re nothing but a funny sound
    The kind that I shall shut out just so
    I do not care about your soul.
    Do not grope at my robes or my
    Feet as you slip away;
    I bid you, as do all, just go.

  13. Matt King is a particularly stupid individual – I attended a pre-election meeting on the topic of Education held by NZEI. Catherine Delahunty was excellent for the Green Party as Education spokesperson, Willow-Jean Prime was also excellent on the topic, Winston was Winston – and Matt King read from a printed note all the billions of dollars that National planned to spend on roads in Northland. No comments about education or policy at all! Totally unable to answer any questions about Education or anything else. When one young man asked him how a four-lane highway would improve his educational chances, King replied: “You might get to school quicker.” Seriously!

  14. Kesta says

    Fact: the Labour-NZ First coalition, with the Green Party holding a confidence and supply agreement, was voted for by 1,305,333 Kiwis. That is 140,183 more than the 1,165,150 who voted for these old tired Trump like clowns:

    You know, the double dipping crook from Dipton, Boot face (taken to the Human Rights Commission) Pullya Bennett, the illiterate woodwork teacher Gerry Mt Brownlee, Doctor Death evil Jonathan Coleman, failed eight economics papers Steven Joyce, crooked minister of corruption Judith Collins plus all the other lazy, inept, step over the homeless sleeping in the gutter loons in the Tory party and of course that ACT Party fool with his 13,075 votes.

    Perhaps MP King might reflect on the 1978 election in which Labour’s Bill Rowling received 40.4 percent of the vote but won only 40 seats while National’s Robert Muldoon with 39.8 percent of the vote won 51 seats. Smith might then agree such an outcome was a good enough reason to dump the FPP system for MMP.

    Don’t know where Matt the Pratt gets his 200,000 from, I reckon its 33,448 calculated from figures supplied by the roosters from the Electoral Commission. 

  15. “Trouble is Kiwis on the whole are generally fair-minded with a sense of fair play.”

    Okay Matt, that might be ordinary kiwis. How about just a couple of National Ministers?

    Hekia Parata won’t be there so you can’t ask her this personally:
    “Hekia, when you dealt with the principal at Rangiora High were you fair-minded and treated her with a sense of fair play?”

    “Steven Joyce, when you came out with that billions of dollars hole before the election were you fair-minded and do it with a sense of fair play?”

    Janine McVeagh says Matt King is a particularly stupid individual. That’s not all. His utterances show he’ll fit in well at their caucus with the other arrogant arseholes.

  16. Another thing Matt, you claim Winston has “cut his own throat along with his own mates.”

    How about yourself? No, no not some foolish thing about the cutting of your own throat, but how you have condemned yourself by this silly tirade.

    Nothing to do with facts and numbers or how you want our electoral system to operate but something else.

    That you, as member of the National Party party have the level of blind stupidity, outright pomposity and absolute fucking gall to mention anything about “moral authority” is the ultimate condemnation. They have nothing to do with ‘moral’. I think you deserve them and they deserve you. Enjoy being in opposition.

  17. Hmmmm… curious…

    I’ve looked at Mr King’s “Matt King National Party MP for Northland” facebook page and I can’t see that post that ‘Bomber’ has screen-shot and posted above.

    Either I’m missing it, or Mr King has had second thoughts on it’s publication?

      • Ahhh, that explains it, Seaweed. I’m in no doubt whatsoever that someone from the National Party hierarchy put a ‘flea’ in King’s ear to get rid of it. Too late though, it’s been spotted; recorded, and I won’t be surprised if if makes the news tomorrow on Radio NZ’s ‘Morning Report’.

        His comments are an affront to our democratic process and a none-too subtle call for de facto FPP rule.

        What an idiot. He’s forgotten the first rule for all new MPs: for the first year breathe through your nose. (In plain english, STFU and don’t say anything stoopid to embarrass the Party, the government, or the Leader.)

  18. Some MMP countries like Germany don’t let the loser Jacs with the second largest slice of the pie do a deal with the third loser Winny with some support agreement with the fourth loser (what’s his name). All we can gain from this is that we have a weird MMP that allows NZF (whom the majority and Labour loathe) run the day. This isn’t democracy; as the Australian Daily Telegraph said, we are a laughing stock. A true left win would have been something to cheer; that’s not what Labour have. As the Australian said, the losers won and losers they are. Sorry but I cannot pretend that this is a Left win.

    • I doubt that 55% are the “losers and the losers won”.

      This is MMP. Not FPP. We need to get our head around this and not allow right-wing fanatics to influence this country.

    • So you’re taking your direction on what constitutes “a true left win” from a couple of Rupert Murdoch’s Aussie shitrags? Um, OK – good call.

    • Ironic, isn’t it? You post under the name “Veritas” but you have a hard time accepting the facts. MMP is a representative system, in that everybody gets a say. It’s not a showdown between the two biggest kids in the class, it’s everyone figuring out who can work together to achieve the best outcome for the greatest number of people. National failed to provide their share, and they lost for the fact.

      As for what the Australian Telegraph says, it’s worth about as much as a Suzanne Paul “Blue Monkey” CD. The AT is owned by News Corp, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the biggest bullshit peddler and right wing mouthpiece of them all.

      If your argument consists of FPP logic (20 years out of date, you might find) and quoting tabloid headlines, then I’m sure you can in fact pretend an awful lot.

    • The fact is that Labour, NZ First and the Greens are forming a new government based on the results of the election. If you want to pretend that it didn’t actually happen that is your choice, but you will have to wake up some time and face reality.

    • Veritas, here’s a question for you that shouldn’t be too taxing to answer: if it is mandatory for the party that has the most votes (though not all out majority of 50% + one), then is it mandatory for that party to automatically become government and automatically guaranteed Supply & Confidence by all other political parties?

      If so, does the same “rule” apply to Labour as well, when it wins an all out majority of 50% + one? Or is this only a privilege accorded the Right?

      And now here’s the ‘kicker’; if National automatically assumes the mantle of government on 44%; and all other parties must give Supply & Confidence and pass all of National’s legislation; how does that scenario differ from a one-party state ?

      Because it sure as hell looks like that’s what you’re advocating, but without actually coming out to say it.

      • I don’t think I said anything of the kind. If anything, you could read into my comments that I think there should be a constitutional convention allowing the party with the highest percentage to have the first attempt at forming a government.

        • Ok, Veritas, here’s a lesson in basic English, since you don’t seem to have grasped it. Asterisks used by me for emphasis with key phrases.

          You said “Some MMP countries like Germany *don’t let* the loser Jacs with the second largest slice of the pie do a deal with the third loser Winny with some support agreement with the fourth loser (what’s his name).”

          Frank said “Veritas, here’s a question for you that shouldn’t be too taxing to answer: if it is *mandatory* for the party that has the most votes (though not all out majority of 50% + one), then is it mandatory for that party to automatically become government and automatically guaranteed Supply & Confidence by all other political parties?”

          So, if Germany “doesn’t let” the 2nd largest do a deal (they are not allowed to choose their own path) then how is that different from it being mandatory (they are not allowed to choose their own path)?

          Good god, have you never learned what words mean?

          You may not have actually quoted that it was “mandatory” but with your use of other words, you have said exactly the same thing.

          Here’s a simple example of the same logic.

          You: “You’re not allowed to set your hair on fire.”
          Frank: “You said it’s mandatory to not set your hair on fire.”
          You: “I never said that.”

          • Richarquist, since you accept that I did not use the word “mandatory”, here is a practical example to show you what I do mean; constitutional conventions aside. In Germany, the losers, as I have referred to them, have on occasion tipped out the party with the highest percentage. So, there is no “mandatory”. However, the Germans have avoided the situation we have with grand coalitions (admittedly more frequent in the Land rather than Bund parliaments). The difference is that they don’t get hung up on FPP-type thinking; hence Merkel currently will be in a coalition with the Greens. If we did this (and sadly Bill English did not try) we might have James Shaw and the Minister of Women’s Affairs in cabinet and the Minister of Defence out. I accept that my “don’t let” overstates the German situation, but the Germans try their hardest to avoid the spectacle we had by more sophisticated negotiating.

            • To continue my response to Richarquis:
              Now, of course, a grand coalition might comprise the two largest parties only, yet still remove the NZF phenomenon. Unfortunately because of our FPP Left and Right notions (ie the Left could not work with the Right) we miss the German experience. In fact, the whole notion of an NZ opposition is archaic in my view.

              • Right, when you phrase it like that, I can see what you’re getting at. Europe has a completely different psychological foundation than NZ. They are a myriad of nations all in close quarters, having to find a way to get along peacefully, so coalition thinking works well there. We, down at the bottom of the world, far away from everything and everyone, tend to base our thinking on an “us / them” mentality instead, hence the f***ing festering corpse of FPP. We (not me personally, but many Kiwis) base our thinking on a team mentality. There’s the catalyst to these bullshit arguments.

                So it seems you and I are actually somewhat on the same page. I think we should all work together. However, our system is built on a foundation of people who don’t think this way, so we’re stuck with this shit for a while. Hopefully the new deal works out well enough to pave a new path and lead us into a more equitable system.

        • I think there should be a constitutional convention allowing the party with the highest percentage to have the first attempt at forming a government

          They did.

          The Nats negotiated with NZ First.

          The Nats put their offer on the table.

          It was rejected.

          What part of that suggests National was denied an ” attempt at forming a government”?

          If you’re suggesting that National should have gone to Parliament and put themselves forward to a Confidence vote without any prior negotiation – that would have been the biggest waste of time since whenever.

          Because – and here’s the ‘kicker’; no party would have given Confidence without any reason or negotiations to have first taken place.

          There is no mechanism to support your suggestion.

  19. Left this on Mr King’s page (though I doubt it’ll last very long):

    Thankfully, Mr King, you deleted your earlier post:

    No doubt your party hierarchy was not amused when they read your comments. And I don’t blame them one jot.

    I really suggest you get your head around MMP or you may find the next three years in the House very uncomfortable for yourself.

    Congratulations on your win in Northland – although I notice more people voted against you than for you ( by 7,516 votes.

    So if anyone is going to question mandates, perhaps we should look at yours?

  20. I think Mr King is still living on planet Key and has left his run to be in government a little to late.

    Left wing media !!! indeed.

    My god these people will blame anyone and anything and spout utter crap to anyone who listens.

    If kiwis were that fair minded then his colleagues would never have got away with the most outrageous behaviour of the last nine years without consequences.

    A real coup is only legitimate when a left wing government is removed by right wing forces.

    Matt King only recognises democracy when it puts the National party in office.

  21. National party radicalised neo-liberals, they brainwashed to say that garbage – elitist born to rulers, they taught this shit at private schools, its disgusting.

    I wonder if anybody can tell me when the Commonwealth Charter is going to be upheld – I thought National party weren’t extremists and fascists and believed in WORD OF LAW?????

    There been so much talk of bring back love into politics when it was never allowed to be driven out according to documents like this.

    NZ is corrupt and people must start facing up to the levels of corruption and fraud going on in our justice, health and welfare systems. What happened to the basis of our law – common right be done to all rich as poor – or Magna Carta, no-one is to be destroyed and everyone is to have access to right and justice.

    All I’m asking for is our leaders follow the law – is that too much to ask? And if they aren’t following the law why aren’t they being prosecuted for it?

  22. MMP has a hidden function. It acts as a safeguard against government tyranny. We have seen that over the past nine years under the illegitimate National regime. A regime that has undermined the economic and political freedom of New Zealanders, but also put the country on the road to serfdom.

    While individually Labour, NZ First and Greens did not gain the same votes as the undemocratic National party, combined together, Labour, NZ first and the Greens received more than National. In other words, the majority of votes were cast against National. This allowed Labour, NZ first and the Greens to form a legitimate democratic government to oppose tyrannical excesses of the political right.

    • Yes I believe for the first time this is a true mixed member representation where there is a shared proportion of the vote.

      Sot to Matt and and people like Paula Bennett and Nick Smith, suck it up sweetie, how sad, too bad, never mind!

    • Mat King ran a lawn mower shop in Northland before becoming mp,hardly rich white guy. When he says it was a coup he was just spouting the Nat party line.whoops hes put his foot in it!
      Mat is new to politics and this will be valuable lesson to him, he should keep quiet until he knows what hes talking about.
      National wouldnt give up some power by agreeing to give Winston some mps cabinet seats,Jacinda did ,she will be better for it, Winston will give her the experience of his years of horse trading.
      English could have afforded to dispense with Paula Bennett,Stephen Joyce, and Nick Smith, but thought Nat Party could give Winston some other innocuous position to keep him happy, Winston is too wiley to be fooled by their tricks
      Good luck to the new coalition.

      • Elle: your soft spot and kindness are showing! I hope that if I ever needed someone at my back it would be someone like you.


  23. At least the national party leader had the dignity to awknowledge the outcome of the election was democracy!!! This guy is living in the past.

    Moving on I would like to comment on another of the right wing antagonists Mr Mike Hoskings who says it is impossible to create 24 houses a day without 70k immigrants per year of course who all live in tents.

    Finland produces high quality prefab houses (which are all over France) the coalition to get the ball rolling should in my opinion consider immediately importing 20-30k to alleviate the immediate problem and give time to prepare for NZ businesses to respond.

    The housing crisis has been created by to many people coming into NZ to quickly. We simply didn’t (and don’t) have the homes or infrastructure to continue this policy. Incredible damage has been done the down stream consequences of children being bought in in cars is coming.

    John Keys 20 million from the sale of his house if there was any fairness should be confiscated and shared amongst all those people who were made homeless as a consequence of his secret creeping immigration policy. It’s no wonder he did a disappearing act.

  24. At least the national party leader had the dignity to awknowledge the outcome of the election was democracy!!! This guy is living in the past.

    Moving on I would like to comment on another of the right wing antagonists Mr Mike Hoskings who says it is impossible to create 24 houses a day without 70k immigrants per year of course who all live in tents.

    Finland produces high quality prefab houses (which are all over France) the coalition to get the ball rolling should in my opinion consider immediately importing 20-30k to alleviate the immediate problem and give time to prepare for NZ businesses to respond.

    The housing crisis has been created by to many people coming into NZ to quickly. We simply didn’t (and don’t) have the homes or infrastructure to continue this policy. Incredible damage has been done the down stream consequences of children being bought in in cars is coming.

    John Keys 20 million from the sale of his house if there was any fairness should be confiscated and shared amongst all those people who were made homeless as a consequence of his secret creeping immigration policy. It’s no wonder he did a disappearing act.

  25. Hooray! Another “born to rule, self entitled, true blue illiterate nat” from the north.

    The “born to rule” class cannot understand that most electors do not want them to rule.

    The “no mates nats” are very trumpean. “It’s not fair”

    It is time the nats grew up and accepted they do not know better than the rest of us.

  26. An analogy for those who still live in the 20th century FPP era, allow me to explain MMP

    There’s one mince pie left in the shop. It costs $5.

    Bill has $4.50
    Jacinda has $3.70
    Winston has 70 cents
    James has 60 cents
    and David has 5 cents.
    No one has enough money to buy the pie by themselves but Jacinda, Winston and James put their money together and buy the pie.
    Bill gets no pie because he needed 50 cents but didn’t have any friends to help him pay for the pie.
    I hope this helps explain things
    (By Eva Allan)

  27. National 44.5%. + Labour 36.9% Total = 81.4%

    Bigoted National Party supporters in the media are screaming that NZ First should go with the biggest party, (despite any differences of principle or ideology.) And that it is unfair and undemocratic that they are going with the biggest voter bloc and not the biggest Party.

    Taking their stupid argument to its illogical conclusion, Labour and National Parties should be forming a coalition.

    Why aren’t these outraged nutters calling for that then?


  28. Now that it has been revealed that Jacinda gave away all the silver for power to Winston, I wonder how happy everyone is. This is a huge amount of baubles for a party on seven percent and no seat, wow, she absolutely got played. National must be laughing. Good luck at retaining credibility with the electorate and not shedding votes very soon. Winston really was greedy, cunning too!

  29. Gawd I’m lovin’ this… all their precious tears taste so salty sweet.

    Now we get to watch a passel of political stooges bitching about how unjust it all is. We will be treated to an endless parade of obscenely rich people having anxiety attacks for fear of losing their Entitlements. And already we’re starting to hear from the Corporate Welfare Queens and their lackeys, begging for bailouts and government assistance before even one piece of legislation has been passed.

    Mmmf mff nom nom… pass the popcorn please…

  30. I agree with Matt King (no proof he wrote it)

    Myself, I think it is unreasonable and unjust that a party leader with only 7.2 per cent of the vote should be given the power to negotiate whom he will go into a coalition government with.
    This is not what I voted for when I voted for MMP.
    We were told that the first past the post system was unequal because it
    elected minority governments on occasions. But by Winston Peter deciding to go with the Labour Party, then we have exactly that.
    MMP does not solve the problem of minority governments ruling. Bill English, as the leader of the party which received the most votes, should have the final say in who will govern the country.
    How can I trust any government which is formed in secret, as this one was, with a seven percent party leader involved.
    Interesing that Prebble can see it for what it all is, having been in the Labour Cabinet, back in the day.

    I await the coming hissing and derision…

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