Appeal for New Zealand to call for a ceasefire in Gaza now – Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa


We realise there is a transition between governments occurring, but the people of Gaza can’t wait for the help we can give.

The death toll for Palestinians in Gaza is now over 3,700 with more than 1,524 children among the dead.

How many more children do you think should die before you call for a ceasefire?

Please do not reply to this letter making the excuse we have a caretaker government whose hands are tied or that the incoming government has no authority to act.

On behalf of the Palestinian people of Gaza – please act together – today!

We are having nationwide protests calling on you both to announce a ceasefire.

We’d like your decision before the marches.

Ngā mihi ki a kōrua.

TDB Recommends


John Minto

National Chair

Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa


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