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E tū stands in solidarity with Pike River families today


E tū is supporting the call by some Pike River families for a halt to work to seal the Pike River mine.

E tū’s staff and members will join the families at a peaceful protest outside Solid Energy’s Christchurch office today at 4pm.

The union’s Southern Region Director of Organising, Alan Clarence says 29 men died in the mine and no one has been held to account.

“We want to show solidarity with the families who simply want every avenue possible explored to see if a drift re-entry is feasible and safe,” says Alan.

“No one has been held accountable for this tragic loss of life and the families want justice, which everyone can understand.

“We also want the truth revealed to the degree this can be safely done.”

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Justice for Pike River – Families lead Valentine’s Day Protest


Families of the 29 men killed at Pike River are asking for a Valentine’s Day gift of justice for their loved ones and calling on Solid Energy not to seal off evidence of the cause of one of the worst disasters in New Zealand history.

The families will lead a protest outside Solid Energy’s national headquarters on William Pickering Drive in Christchurch from 4pm today.

Anna Osborne’s husband Milton was killed in the disaster, and she says that by trying to seal off the entrance to mine, the company is robbing her of justice for her husband’s death.

“Milton was an incredible man – a loving husband, a devoted father. He was the love of my life, and there’s no way in hell I’m giving up until I get justice for him.

“None of the 29 will ever spend another Valentine’s Day with their loved ones. I don’t want to be protesting, I don’t want to still be having this fight. But when you love someone, you do right by them – and I’m going to do right by my man.

“The people running that mine cut corners, they ignored warnings and my husband was killed because of it. They got to walk away because the evidence was left down in that mine.

“Everyone knows you don’t tamper with a crime scene but Solid Energy is trying to seal this one off forever.”

The families are asking for the Government to fund a recovery plan that experts, including Tony Forster, the former head of Mines Safety New Zealand, have already agreed can be done safely.

“We’re not asking anyone to go into the mine – just into the drift tunnel that leads to it, which could hold evidence, and remains of our loved ones. International experts tell us the drift can be re-entered safely – it’s just a matter of cost.

“Our message is simple: put your conscience ahead of money, do the right thing, and let us get justice for our loved ones and help save other miners,” says Anna.

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Malcolm Evans – The Golden Fleece


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Sanity & MoU prevails – Greens won’t stand candidate in Ohariu


Greens step aside in Ohariu to help Labour’s O’Connor – despite misgivings

The Greens have dropped any plans to run a candidate in the Ohariu seat in a move aimed at giving Labour’s Greg O’Connor a better chance of winning the marginal seat – despite Green misgivings about his past views.

Green co-leader James Shaw said the decision was taken in the interests of changing the Government, which was the party’s priority.

“We have been very clear with our supporters and the public about that since we signed the Memorandum of Understanding with Labour last year,” he said.

So sanity has prevailed and the Greens won’t stand against Labour’s Greg O’Connor in Ohariu.

This on paper should be making Dunne nervous, but it doesn’t mean Greg O’Connor will have a free run.

While Dunne only won with 13,569 votes against Labour’s Virginia Anderson’s 12 859, the 6120 votes that went to National’s Brett Hudson still swamps the 2764 of the Greens’ Tane Woodley.

So Dunne plus the National Party candidate totals still beats Labour + Greens. Standing down their candidate, while symbolic and beneficial to beating Dunne still doesn’t mean they’ve done enough if English pulls the same trick and stands down his National Party candidate as well.

O’Connor still has to win over National and United votes while bringing the Labour + Green base with him.

It’s going to take a herculean effort to beat Peter Dunne, but this way with this candidate is the only roll of the dice in town.

The sudden spooking of a low win for Jacinda in Mt Albert because Julie Anne Genter is running and the possible downstream political retributions from that (Labour teaming up with NZ First to roll the Greens)  seem to have tempered the Greens desire for rash political decisions and they’ve agreed to not stand in Ohariu in the hope of rebuilding the bridges they accidentally set alight back in December when they threw their hat in the ring for Mt Albert.

The shock that some liberals seem to have in realising that a BroadChurch actively requires recruiting candidates with a wider appeal to electorates we don’t currently represent if we are to have any chance of replacing the government seems bewilderingly naive.

This already has some of the activist base in revolt. Angered that Willie Jackson has been allowed into Labour, there has been a move by some to waka jump to the Greens, but the Greens allowing a Cop a free run in Wellington will seem like a double double cross.

Twitter won’t be happy.

If Labour are smart, they’ll ungag O’Connor on his views about cannabis reform, which he could run rings around Dunne on while surprising activists.

If O’Connor pulls this off and ends the political career of Peter Dunne while denying the Government with a coalition ally in an election as close as MMP can make it, O’Connor will have earned his right to sit inside the Labour Tent.


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The denial of our past State abuse and the abuse occurring right now in the present


Our denial at how rife abuse was in the state agencies of the past is a blind spot we seem incapable of seeing.

Like structural racism, alcoholism and domestic violence, the lengths New Zealanders will go to deny and ignore the level of state abuse seems odd and out of place.

The Human Rights Commission has launched a campaign demanding the Government do more to investigate state abuse…

Demand grows for inquiry into alleged historic abuse of children in state care

The Prime Minister, Bill English, has virtually ruled out setting up an independent inquiry into claims of abuse of children in state care, despite the growing call for a comprehensive investigation.

He considers it more important to get on with the Government’s changes to child welfare services, which are in part aimed at preventing a repeat of the abuse inflicted in the past on as many as 3.5 per cent of children in care.

The Human Rights Commission is leading an open letter to the Government, published in the Herald today, calling for a comprehensive inquiry and public apology to those who were abused.

Twenty-nine prominent New Zealanders have signed the letter, which underpins the “Never Again” petition to the Government.

Labour’s justice spokeswoman, Jacinda Ardern, urged the Government to heed the “growing chorus of leading opinion” calling for an apology and an independent inquiry

“Labour has long committed to issuing a public apology when we are in government.

We must acknowledge publicly the mistreatment of so many young children in state care. There should be an independent inquiry; their voices need to be heard.

“National’s continuing failure to act on Judge [Carolyn] Henwood’s recommendations is a dark stain on its record in government.

“Bill English as a new prime minister has the opportunity to show that his Government does really care about the wellbeing of all those who have been abused and he should act now.”

The Green Party said it backs the call for an inquiry and formal apology.

“It seems everyone but the Government realises that an inquiry and a formal apology are essential to helping the victims find some sense of closure, and to ensure that children in state care now and in the future are protected from abuse,” said the party’s social development spokeswoman, Jan Logie.

“The Minister for Social Development [Anne Tolley] needs to issue a full universal apology to those abused while in state care, and immediately set up an independent body to resolve historic and current complaints of abuse and neglect.

“Bill English is happy for things to remain unknown and unexamined around the abuse of children in state care.”

…the impacts of state abuse are long lasting and life changing…

Gangs a byproduct of state care – Black Power member

The Human Rights Commission has sent an open letter to the Prime Minister calling for an inquiry into abuse in state institutions.

Albie Epere spent time in Kohitere Boys’ Home in Levin when he was 13 and said the violence that was inflicted on him there by staff and other residents shaped the rest of his life.

“The amount of abuse that got perpetrated on us eh, that was dished out to us, it was horrendous actually.”

“Like, going through that time through the boys’ homes, I started learning that violence was okay.

“After I got out of those places, you know, you could sit there – watch somebody get a hiding – you would think nothing about it.”

Mr Epere said politicians were always criticising gang members but would not accept any responsibility for the suffering that happened in places like Kohitere Boys Home and Epuni Boys Home.

“I’d like to ask politicians to take responsibility. We’re a by-product of their system,” he said.

“That’s what they need to take responsibility for, their actions in the whole thing. We took responsibility for our actions – when we used to beat people up we went to jail for it.

“That’s what I’d like to say to them – where’s your responsibility in it? Or do you just sweep it under the carpet like everything else.”

…so why are we is so much denial as a country to respond?

In 2015 when damning report after damning report came out about CYFs, the main justification for the need of change came about from the astounding level of children being sexually abused and assaulted

The report says there were 88 cases of substantiated abuse of children by CYF caregivers in 2013-14, plus 25 of children abused while with their parents but still formally in state care, and five abused in unapproved placements.

These figures are much higher than the 23 to 39 children a year abused by caregivers reported by the agency itself in the past four years.

…and what exactly was that suggestion by Anne Tolley? Why it was sterilisation of beneficiaries and privatisation of services.

Suggesting sterilisation as the solution to children being sexually abused and beaten while in state care is throwing the baby out with bathwater after drowning the baby first in the bathwater.

Not pleasant imagery, but almost as ugly as the Minister’s own answer to the question of why women who had children taken into state care were still having babies – which, according to the Minister, was because those women enjoyed having sex.

That’s the intellectual bankruptcy of what we are facing here.

We refuse to look at abuse in state care because our cultural need to blame the beneficiary for being in such personal circumstances that require state intervention is what most angers middle Nu Zilind , NOT that the state then goes onto abuse, assault and sexually molest the taken children.

We have the same headspace when prisoners are abused by prisons (they wouldn’t be in prison being abused if they didn’t deserve to be there in the first place).

We refuse to blame the system of poverty that sees tens of thousands of children go to school hungry each day and we blame the parents for the 220 000 kids who live in poverty.

30 years of neoliberalism has concreted in the belief that success and failure has nothing to do with the hegemonic structures within society, it’s all a personal dynamic.

You are rich because you are smart. You are poor because you are dumb. If you get caught up in the horrors of the neoliberal welfare state, well you deserve all you get.

We can not acknowledge the past abuse and we can not acknowledge the ongoing abuses that WINZ, Housing NZ, MSD, Corrections, CYFs and Probations provide.

We here at The Daily blog have launched an election platform for all beneficiaries who have been abused, belittled and emotionally damaged by their interaction with the neoliberal welfare state.

The stories that have come in to date are heartbreaking and we have many more coming.

There are almost 300 000 beneficiaries in New Zealand, yet their voice and true political muscle are ignored and forgotten. The Daily Blog offers them a chance to take back some mana and have the empowerment of a platform that will amplify their truth anonymously so that the Government agency can’t punish them.

National have run down the revenue streams and borrowed billions for tax cuts, they have no choice but to cost cut using privatisation in social welfare and the neoliberal welfare state will continue to abuse and damage the most vulnerable needing their help.

I am convinced that the draconian policies of the neoliberal state are part of why our suicide rates are so horrifically high.

An incoming Government must look to radical reforms within the Welfare State that starts putting peoples actual welfare first rather than the idealogical cruelty so many within these agencies enjoy over their fellow citizens.

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Meanwhile the Planet melts – when will we admit global warming and climate change is here?


Global warming makes Australia look more like a malignant tumour than a country.

The denial we have at the speed and enormity of climate change is extraordinary to watch, terrifying to comprehend.

Global warming is occurring far faster than the scientists first considered...

He is best known for ground-breaking research in 2014 which revealed the rapidly melting section of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet appeared to be in an irreversible state of decline, with nothing to stop the glaciers in this area from melting into the sea.

In an interview with the Herald, Rignot said while historical measurements stretched back a century, some of the most worrying discoveries in Antarctica had come only in recent decades.

…and it only getting more extreme…

Hurricane-force Atlantic storm to push North Pole to melting point in winter

A gigantic, powerhouse winter storm is charging through the North Atlantic and threatens to flood the high Arctic with abnormally mild air.

Arctic temperatures have blown past previous record highs in recent months, and this surge of (relative) warmth is just the latest in a long series that has amazed scientists.

For the fourth time in just over a year, the North Pole may near the melting point in winter, a previously rare event.

…the insane heat in Australia, the extreme weather events we are seeing here in NZ, the speeding up of melting glaciers and a North Pole facing hurricane winds spiking temperatures up in ways not witnessed before, this is global warming. This is what happens when you pump pollution into the environment without an sense of self control.

We are past the ability to stop what is happening, we need to start adaptation. Now.

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Demand an inquiry into the abuse of NZers held in state care – Human Rights Commission


Human Rights Commission asks Kiwis to demand an inquiry into the abuse of New Zealanders held in state care

The Human Rights Commission has asked New Zealanders to join their call for a comprehensive inquiry into the abuse of thousands of people, many of them children, while they were under the care of the Government.

“This is a chapter in our nation’s living history where the human rights of thousands of people were abused by their own Government. More than 100,000 New Zealanders were taken from their families and put into state institutions from the 1950s to the 1990s where many suffered serious physical, sexual and emotional abuse and neglect over several years,” said Disability Rights Commissioner, Paul Gibson

“The extent of the abuse is unknown. We believe this painful and shocking chapter of New Zealand history is one that needs to be opened: if we do not openly talk about the mistakes we made, then we cannot ensure they are never repeated. Never Again. E Kore Ano.”

“People with disabilities had no rights and were removed from their homes to spend the rest of their lives in institutions far from families and loved ones: their stories need to be told.”

Maori children were more likely to end up in state homes and institutions than non-Maori children. Some were there for minor transgressions such as wagging school, others found themselves in care after a family tragedy.

“The pain and shame of their shattered childhoods and lives continue to this day, there is no mana in the way the state has treated its own vulnerable people,” said Indigenous Rights Commissioner Karen Johansen.

“Tamariki Maori were more likely to be taken from their families than other children, with some institutions reporting 80 to 100% of all youngsters coming from Maori homes. We know more than 40% of prison inmates spent their childhood in state care: this is a dark chapter in New Zealand history that must be opened up, understood and never repeated. Never again. E Kore Ano.”

An open letter signed by iwi leaders, child advocates and disability sector representatives was released today with a call for New Zealanders to sign a public petition urging Government to take action.

“Our message is simple: we must never let this abuse happen again. We need to start by hearing the stories of those people whose childhoods and lives were forever scarred by their own Government,” said Mr Gibson.

“Once we understand the full extent of what went on then we can ensure our policies in 2017 reflect our shared past: at the moment this is not the case. New Zealanders deserve to know more about their history and learn from it.”

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New Zealand needs a proper debate about shockingly high family violence statistics – and the National government should make that happen, a group of anti-violence NGOs says.

National Council of Women President Rae Duff ONZM has written an open letter to Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Michael Woodhouse, asking him and his fellow MPs to support Green MP Jan Logie’s Domestic Violence – Victims’ Protection Bill.

Ms Logie’s members’ bill is set down for its first reading on Wednesday, and it needs National’s support to make it through to the select committee process.

Among other provisions, it will allow people affected by family violence to take up to 10 days’ leave.

In the letter, Ms Duff tells Mr Woodhouse that the Bill will save lives.

“Being able to take leave to attend court hearings or move house allows people affected by family violence to hold onto their jobs when all else is in turmoil,” Ms Duff says.

“This Bill also creates obligations on employers to keep their staff safe from abusive or violent partners while they’re at work.

“This government has made progress on family violence, but we don’t believe it’s enough.”

A full select committee process will allow New Zealanders to debate how this legislation can work, as well as what’s needed to stem the tide of family violence.

“This is a debate we urgently need, and Minister Woodhouse can make this happen,” Ms Duff says.

“We urge him to agree to support this bill to first reading.”

The National Council of Women’s open letter is supported by the Equal Employment Opportunities Commissioner, Jackie Blue; the New Zealand Federation of Business and Professional Women; the Council of Trade Unions, the Public Service Association, and the New Zealand Nurses’Association; the Soropimist International NZ and the National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges.

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Greenpeace smack down NZ Petrol industry – no sell out, no compromise


Tēnā koe Cameron,

I’m writing in regard to your invitation to attend the 2017 Petroleum Conference, taking place in Taranaki this March.

I appreciate that this must be a significant step for PEPANZ, as it is the first time that Greenpeace has been formally asked inside the conference.

However, we must decline.

We understand that by inviting Greenpeace, you are hopeful that we may be able to engage in a dialogue about the role that oil and gas should play in our future.

Our issue with this is fossil fuels like oil and gas have no place in our future. If we are to pass a stable climate to our children, we must rapidly phase out fossil fuels.

We’re at a point now where not a single new coal mine, oil well or gas field can operate if we’re to have a chance of avoiding a climate catastrophe. In fact, we can’t afford to burn the majority of the already discovered fossil fuel reserves.

Already we’re starting to experience extreme droughts, floods, and rising seas.

Here in New Zealand, the impact of climate change is set to wreak havoc on our farming sector, critical infrastructure, native forests, endangered wildlife, health and food security.

This is no longer an issue for future generations to deal with. It’s happening right now, and it’s happening to us. It is our moral responsibility to stop it.

Environmental organisations like Greenpeace have tried to constructively engage the oil industry in dialogue for the past 40 years. There have been decades of opportunities to work together to adapt to the reality of climate change and transition to clean energy.

But what the oil industry has done in that time is worse than nothing. Around the world, oil corporations have actively funded climate science denial and lobbied governments to protect the industry at the expense of protecting their own citizens. Just like the tobacco industry.

And it’s all been done behind closed doors.

We don’t see what can be gained from us sitting behind the closed doors of the Petroleum Conference in Taranaki, listening to international oil representatives and the Government make plans to dig more climate cancer out of the ground.

To move forward, the doors need to be opened.

Greenpeace is open to discussing these issues with you in a setting where members of the public are also able to attend and participate.

Hence, we propose a public debate in a neutral venue, with the moot: “We must rapidly phase out fossil fuels if our kids are to have a stable climate”

We would be more than happy to work together to organise this.

It is a critical moment in human history. On the one hand, the world is starting to take real climate action. Governments have signed an unprecedented agreement to tackle climate change, and renewable energy now represents more than half of the world’s new power capacity.

But on the other we have seen the election of the Fossil Fuel President of the USA, who has a vested interest in oil companies and an oil tycoon as his Secretary of State.

Let’s have a public debate at this important juncture.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Nāku noa, nā,

Dr Russel Norman

Executive Director, Greenpeace Aotearoa New Zealand

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The battle for Ōhāriu begins now – Greg O’Connor


“Having won the hotly contested nomination to be the Labour Party candidate for Ōhāriu, I now look forward to focusing on the battle ahead to win the seat back for Labour,” the newly selected Labour Party candidate, Greg O’Connor said today.

“I am under no illusions it will be an easy job, however the selection meeting on Sunday attracted an enthusiastic, energised and diverse group of supporters who are committed to not only winning the seat, but also changing the Government.”

Mr O’Connor’s selection as candidate was announced by the Labour Party President Nigel Haworth following a very well-attended meeting in Johnsonville on Sunday afternoon.

Mr O’Connor has previously lived, worked and played for sports teams in the Ōhāriu electorate, which extends from Wadestown in the south to Tawa in the north, and has strong ties to the community.

As the former Police Association President he has considerable interests and skills, developed while leading its commercial arm, which oversees a large property portfolio.

He is also active in the Intellectual Disability sector and is a Director of a commercial business.

“The decision to stand for Ōhāriu was an easy and logical one as it gives me the opportunity to utilise the skills I have developed over the years to advocate for the electorate, and on the national stage” Mr O’Connor says.

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MUST WATCH: Trump vs. Truth: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver


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Political Caption Competition


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TDB Top 5 International Stories: Tuesday 14th February 2017


5: Hmm, Could Australia’s Recent Apocalyptic Weather Be a Sign of Climate Change?

Floods in WA, raging bushfires in NSW—it’s just a taste of things to come, according to climate scientists.

How about that weather, hey? Summer has been a doozy so far. In Western Australia, towns have been evacuated and roads closed due to flash flooding—a result of the second wettest February in 25 years. Meanwhile, the eastern states have succumbed to a heat wave that has seen firefighters struggle to contain scores bushfires in New South Wales. In recent days, the forecast has been so dire the Bureau of Meteorology’s temperature maps looked apocalyptic—much of the country rendered black because bright red wasn’t enough for how hot it was.

Sure, Australian summers tend to be hot. But these recent weather events are at the extreme of both ends of the spectrum. Within the same week, Australians were evacuated from their homes to escape both flooding and bushfire. If only scientists could’ve predicted this kind of extreme weather would happen this summer. Oh wait, they did. They totally did.

On February 8, the Australian Climate Commission released a report titled Cranking Up The Intensity: Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events. It predicted that extreme heat would increase across the entire continent, with significant increases in the length, intensity and frequency of heat waves in many regions. It also predicted that extreme rainfall events would increase across most of Australia. Southern and eastern Australia, it reads, “are projected to experience harsher fire weather.”

How come? You know the answer to this already. The report finds that climate change is influencing extreme weather across Australia. It notes that while the links between climate change and bush fires and heat waves have also been well-established, the evidence linking climate change to storms and heavy rainfall is also growing.

The report sure seems relevant in light of the weather over the past couple of weeks. One of its authors, climate scientist Dr Will Steffen, agrees. Speaking to VICE this morning, he didn’t mince words.

“Yes, the recent weather in Australia is a symptom of climate change,” Steffen said. “We can see this best by comparing recent extreme weather events to those 50 or more years ago. Recent extreme events have become more frequent and more intense, and this is a result of climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels.”

Vice News

4: Israel wants settlements, not peace

Israel is above international law, or so it seems. On December 23, the United Nations Security Council passed resolution 2334, re-affirming the illegality of Israeli settlements.

The vote was significant for two reasons: Unlike previous UNSC resolutions targeting Israel, it was not vetoed by the Obama administration, who decided to abstain. Secondly, it demonstrated an international consensus on the illegality and illegitimacy of Israel’s settlement enterprise, and showed that these settlements constitute an obstacle to peace.

These points were reiterated by then-US Secretary of State John Kerry in his December 28 speech, and subsequently in the January peace conference held in Paris, which was one of the largest peace conferences ever held in terms of high-level participation.

The fact that even Israel’s staunchest ally, the United States, affirmed the illegality of settlements, did nothing to change the course of the Benjamin Netanyahu government.

On the contrary, since the UN Security Council passed the resolution, Israel hurried to approve the construction of even more houses in illegal settlements on Palestinian land. Within one month, the government gave the green light for the construction of more than 6,000 housing units – a higher number than the total number of settlement housing units approved in all of 2016.



FOR THE PAST year and a half, the FBI has been using a secret scoring system to judge the likelihood that someone will carry out a violent attack. The survey, called “Indicators of Mobilization to Violence,” assigns points based on factors like religious observance, travel history, financial transactions, and physical appearance.

A copy of the survey in a classified FBI document was obtained by The Intercept.

The survey itself consists of 48 questions that agents are supposed to answer about terror suspects as part of an investigation. The document also includes a set of frequently asked questions about the scoring system aimed at agents working counterterrorism investigations.

According to the document, the program was rolled out in the fall of 2015.

Many of the questions in the survey have obvious relevance to whether someone is plotting a violent act, such as whether the person has access to weapons, has trained or fought overseas, or has tried to acquire bomb-making materials.

The Intercept

2: ICE Arrests 600 in Nationwide Raids After Trump Order Expands Criminalization of Immigrants

Immigrant communities across the country are on edge after federal immigration agents arrested over 600 people in the past week in the largest raids since Donald Trump became president. Raids were reported in at 11 states, including California, New York, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri and Wisconsin. On Sunday, Trump tweeted, “The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my campaign promise. Gang members, drug dealers & others are being removed!” Immigrant rights activists say the actions signal a clear shift by the Trump administration to deport people who were considered a “low priority” for removal under President Obama. We speak to California state Senate President Kevin de León and Steven Choi, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition.

Democracy Now


1: Britons living in the EU face Brexit backlash, leaked paper warns

Theresa May is facing renewed protests over her handling of Britain’s withdrawal from the EU after a leaked document warned that British nationals living on the continent could now expect a backlash as a consequence of the government’s treatment of foreigners since the Brexit referendum.

The prime minister was accused of creating needless anxiety for British expats as an EU assessment of the legal impact of Britain’s withdrawal, obtained by the Guardian, revealed that the 1.2 million Britons living in the EU could pay the penalty for the prime minister’s failure to offer a secure future for EU nationals in the UK.

The internal document drawn by the European parliament’s legal affairs committee says that it will be down to each member state whether British citizens are allowed to carry on living in their respective countries after 2019, but adds: “The fact that it appears to be particularly difficult for foreign nationals, even if married to UK nationals or born in the UK, to acquire permanent residence status or British nationality may colour member states’ approach to this matter.”

The Guardian 


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The Daily Blog Open Mic – Tuesday 14th February 2017




Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

Moderation rules are more lenient for this section, but try and play nicely.



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