Your Voice Election 2017 – Takere’s experience of WINZ


As part of our election coverage of shaming the neoliberal welfare state who treat the poorest and most vulnerable amongst us with contempt, here is  Takere’s experience of WINZ

Glen Mall Service Centre, West Auckland Staff member.

She was too lazy last week to find a family suitable emergency accommodation that was, safe & clean and instead, wasted their time all week & forced them to choose between a Drug & Rehab Hostel, James Liston Hostel or Flea Bag Rat Infested dirty & unclean Lincoln Court Motel!

This person is as you have describe & doesn’t know(??) that she is incompetent, lazy, in denial of her responsibility of her staff & herself to meet the peoples needs when they’re in this situation.

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They’ve even done the HNZ Assessment & were assessed A-12. A-15 is top of the list for Urgent Need of Housing in December last year! They have being advising WINZ since then & looking too. Rentals (in West Auckland as everywhere) in the private sector as well as emergency housing providers ect …. over 30 organisations. I could go on but….naming & shaming is a good start!


Have you been treated poorly by our neoliberal welfare state and wish to bring attention to your experience anonymously so that they can’t punish you? Check out our 2017 election campaign to do just that.


  1. Could I sudjust publish the winz staff members email adress if that is possible

    [I’m not sure what you’re asking, Darth, but if you are seeking to publish a WINZ staffer’s email address or any other personal details, PLEASE DON’T! Cameron Slater did that on his blog, with another civil servant, and it ended badly for everyone concerned. TDB will not publish personal details of civil servants. – ScarletMod]

  2. It is tragic isn’t it.? The staff member in question may well be facing so many ‘clients’ like these that it overwhelms her, and she too is probably fighting just to stay afloat and retain her job in Paula’s paradise. Who knows?
    What we do know is that the barking mad Natz supporters back this putrid system and are happy to watch social breakdown without an ounce of empathy for those people in unfortunate circumstances.

  3. One inescapable conclusion from the last eight years plus: National doesn’t give a s..t about the less fortunate and disadvantaged in our country.

    • Neither did Labour over the previous 9 years. We need to hold Labour to account over that. All the sign s so far suggest it’s going to be more of the same if Labour happens to fluke it into government. Hypocritical scum.

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