We refuse to blame our ‘feelings first’ culture for the mess we are in


In today’s world you can win an argument simply by ‘feeling’ it more.

Because objective truth, logic and rational debate are all heteronormative white cis male privileges, ‘FEELINGS’ are all that matter now and once the middle class woke activists triggered that new threshold for truth, the feral anti vaxxers and Incels and redneck racists and Groundswell astroturf protests have done exactly the same!

This is the new politics of the neoliberal subjective!

We have too many fucking feelings and we have allowed a culture where feelings trump rational objective logic because the ‘lived experience’ of victims, racists, rednecks, Incels, feral antivaxers and woke middle class activists all replace reality, objective truth and class solidarity.

The only people who should give a fuck about your ‘feelings’ are you, your family and close friends.

Outside of that, fuck your feelings.

Your feelings ain’t my problem.

If your self-esteem is hurt by my thoughts, the clue is in the ‘self’ part of word, ‘self-esteem’.

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You decide how you feel about shit, it ain’t no one else’s problem OR responsibility!

We have replaced feelings for rational debates.

We have replaced feelings for objective truth.

We have replaced feelings for wider context.

The Woke started this in 2016 with their social media Lynch mobs, the feral Right have now perfected it.

Everything we are seeing right now from this far right racist Government is ‘feelings’ based, not evidence based!

This Government is passing conspiracy theories into social policy because deranged antivaxxers ‘feel’ angry about a vaccination.

This Government will cut public funding to Community Sports if they have a Trans player because their angry anti-Trans voters ‘feel’ angry!

This Government is bashing beneficiaries, prisoners, renters, Māori, the environment and workers because the right wing voters ‘feel’ angry no matter how counterproductive those culture war revenge fantasies are!

FFS – we are seriously going to go against all the science and just raise the speed limits on roads because people feel angry at not being able to rush home!

Fuck! Your! Feelings!

The Right have perfected the Woke’s outrage olympics and all politics is now your ‘feelings’!

This is the new politics of the neoliberal subjective and our News media are attempting to adapt to a citizenship who want feelings and not thinkings to determine their news!

The new politics of the neoliberal subjective have robbed us of a unity based on rational logic and argument and replaced it with the sandcastles of feelings.

This cultural and economic dependence on donations means Corporate and State Media are telling the donors what they want to hear rather than what the news is.

Sure, blame the media for their corporate interests, petty bigotry and woke social engineering, but the truth is the vast majority of us have become emotional slaves to social media hate algorithm echo chambers that are dopamine rewarding us for doom scrolling and outrage olympics.

We have chosen to feed our emotions and feelings rather than engage our rational objective minds.

We are all burning the library while complaining the library doesn’t have the books we like.


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  1. Winds and whirlwind.
    The middle class greeny left started this and demonstrated there was a market
    Not surprisingly the right have proved to much more efficient in developing that market
    Be careful what you wish for

  2. Then don’t feel threatened because I have an AR15 safely locked up in a safe at a secure location. Feelings don’t matter.

    • Well exactly, a man who is outraged that outrage has taken over the world is himself outrageous.
      I think it was Gandhi who said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world” but I might say “You’ve got to walk the walk if you want to talk the talk”.
      However, the day Martyn Bradbury cuts out the “Fuck Feral Fascist Wankers!” from his blog posts is the day I know he has been taken over by aliens

    • That was a genius move by the crybaby woke students and the scared woke uni to prove that we really don’t need a woke left, let alone a leftie govt. NZ is better off without them. The right says Thank You for making the next election even easier.

    • Perhap people are right to be uncomfortable with racist, transphobic and homophobi rhetoric. Imagine if the KKK turned up to speak at a marae?

  3. It seems as if Ayn Rand has taken over in the USA and elsewhere and we have been inadequate in educating a different belief, for a strong economy based on self-responsibility, and co-operation, and recognising the morality of inclusion through work – paid or volunteering, and concern for all including those on a lesser level of wealth or expertise.

    That is the result of a feeling but one that is missing in action eg in the Greens who used prominence to draw attention to aggravations that were symptoms not causes, eg the word c…t being thrown about about women. Well f..k about that. What could have done about that was face up, own the word and the atavistic reason but no; outraged feelings won. There is hard work in building a tolerant community but with boundaries and codes such as living the golden rule as a basic ‘ ‘do unto others as you would have them do to you’, not rigid straitjacket rules.

    Ayn Rand was not entirely wrong in my opinion, but her proud, overweening thinking led to her being OTT. But she appealed to similar people with materialist views. The Virtue of Selfishness has provoked much controversy with many thinking that she wants to change the meaning of selfishness to match her translation in her book. She posits selfishness as a virtue – I think she doesn’t understand balance, give and take.

    And this next would appear to sideline decisions arising mostly from ‘feelings’
    Objectivism is a philosophical system named and developed by Russian-American writer and philosopher Ayn Rand. She described it as “the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute”.
    Objectivism – Wikipedia
    wikipedia.org https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Objectivism

    And because we must keep balance – a bit of humour.
    Flight of the Conchords – I’ve Got Hurt Feelings.

  4. The feelings can’t be very genuine – the most aggrieved group, those poor trans waifs, evidently have no problem going Dr Mengele on prepubescent teens, by chemically suppressing their endocrine systems.

    I wouldn’t want to be a prescribing doctor when the ethics committee catches up with them.

  5. Just because someone has a problem with biological MALES stealing sporting opportunities from FEMALES does not mean they have a problem with men pretending to be women. It’s two completely different things.


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