Mexican Embassy now involved in NZ First’s shamefully racist attack on Migrant MPs

Has Matua Winston been drinking again?

Oh this is insane now…

Mexican Embassy wades in after NZ First minister’s comments: PM Christopher Luxon repeats ‘rhetoric’ warning

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has refused to say if he’ll reprimand New Zealand First’s Winston Peters and Shane Jones over comments that have been labelled “xenophobic” by the Greens, instead deciding to just tell all MPs to “watch their language”.

Responding to Jones calling out in Parliament “send the Mexicans home”, the Mexican Embassy in New Zealand said it was “following up on this matter through diplomatic channels”.

In a statement, a spokesperson for Foreign Affairs Minister Peters said he was “aware of concerns raised by the Mexican Ambassador with MFAT” and looked forward to seeing the Ambassador at Waitangi next week.

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“In the heat of the moment in the robust environment of Parliament, sometimes some members say things when provoked that, on reflection, may have been expressed differently.”

…you know shit is bad when Winston has to acknowledge his racism!

Winston and Shane’s rhetoric against migrant MPs was so racist, so deplorable, so totally outside the realms of justification that the bloody Mexican Embassy is now involved?

Shouldn’t we all as Kiwis be deeply ashamed of Shane Jones and Winston Peters for this deplorable and needlessly hateful commentary?

Come on, this is disgraceful, but what is more disgraceful is that Luxon refuses point blank to reprimand either of them…

Luxon on Thursday refused to say whether he would reprimand his two ministers.

…which just reminds everyone how incredibly weak Luxon is as a Prime Minister.

When another Embassy has to step in because the racism is so extreme, Luxon’s refusal to reprimand is gasp inducing.

Christopher Luxon is the weakest Prime Minister in NZ history.

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  1. I bet Seymour’s loving this, today. He’s only upset a few children by delivering their lunches late.
    Winston and Jones have upset the whole of Mexico.

      • The photos don’t look appetizing and don’t match the ‘advertising’.
        Hope they are serving it up in Bellamy’s today.

        A huge show of disrespect to local suppliers of lunches up until now. They did a good job supplying hot appetizing looking food, delivered on time.
        Children eat early, not at 2.30 p.m.
        By being late, the whole afternoon was ruined by children being hungry and then having to make extra time to eat it.
        That will get their reading and numeracy up to speed won’t it, Erica?

    • Luxons spine should be court marshalled for being MIA and AWOL for when it comes to keeping his foreign minister in line, he’s a consiencious objector. Maybe he should go and see a doctor about it, but with our GP siutation he probably couldn’t get an appointment. The foreign minister, who is supposedly our countries top diplomat, is causing diplomatic stouches needlessly. The only thing worse Winston could do is go up to the mexican ambasador on Waitangi day and poke him in the eye.

      • Ain’t gonna be international diplomatic incidents because of what Kiwi pollies say in the New Zealand Parliament. For all we know, that preachy Mexican Greenie may piss off as many people back there as he does here.

    • “Winston and Jones have upset the whole of Mexico” It’s worse than that. Mexico is full of other foreigners trying to enter America illegally through its southern border, and W and J have also upset citizens from Congo and similar dissatisfying abodes, who now know that the NZ First Party isn’t exactly saying, “ Welcome amigo.”

      Wanting immigrants to respect the law of the land isn’t that big an ask. Those wanting to change New Zealand to reflect where they came from, aren’t forced to come here, they choose to come. Mexico’s a lovely colourful country with a great variety of art and craft and music well worth trying to put right – no pun intended.

    • Already gone… down the gurgler….what an utterly disgraceful poor excuse for a Government .

      Luxon – Mr Vanilla- Mr. Impotent- Mr. Nothing

      Seymour – Now confirmed beyond any doubt…not that there was any doubt….that he couldn’t organize a piss up in a brewery …he is all talk – beyond hopeless…Mr. Know Nothing who pretends he knows everything…he’s a fraud.

      Peters – Any credit that he may have built up over the decades he has now managed to single handedly eviscerate in the past 24 hours….Yesterday and today demonstrate that there’s no coming back.
      His trite, recited, tired old lines sound pathetic… Mr. Had His Day

      Meanwhile the country is in a terrible situation on so many fronts…’No boats’ Willis has slammed the economy into reverse and backed it over a cliff…what a fucking mess.

      All the predictions and concerns about this coalition, and how bad they could/ would be, are now fully exposed for all to see in just 12 short months…Now, only the deluded can believe otherwise.

  2. This government is expanding its list of skills.

    To “corrupt”, it can now add “farcical”.

    These hypocrites complain about others behaviour, then proceed to drag Parliament down to sewer level.

  3. Bear in mind it is our Foreign Secretary that has caused this. You know that person in charge of Foreign diplomacy and relations.

    • Jono Colombia’s where the drug pedlars come from, so go for it. It was Colombian criminals who attached skimming devices to ATMS right throughout New Zealand in well-executed successful raid, so it’d be a double- whammy.

  4. Peters and Jones are firing their first shots in their 2026 election campaign, but they just got the wrong targets – they’re your feet, you clowns!

  5. What New Zealand has in the form of supposedly representatives on the World Stage is a bunch of racist old twats who model upon themselves the Trump-Like Qualities that are concerning,
    Donald Trump is one who boasts about his Sexual Conquests past and probably present. Next Trump will boast about having so many wives and ‘Offspring” of almost Blonde Blue Eye-ed decent
    Shane Jones almost boasts about his sexual conquests of Latin Americans as if it is a School Boy Conquest.
    Luxon in his State Of Weakling/Cowardness and Stupidity because ALL LUXON cares about is being addressed as a prime minister even on paper alone is Luxon’s Willingness to allow the
    impropriety to continue because all he wants to retain is being address as a prime minister albeit on paper only.


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