Another week of shame and disgrace in the Beehive while New Zealanders stand in solidarity with Palestine


While the government covers itself with shame and disgrace over refusing to condemn the industrial-scale slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, decent New Zealanders will be out on the streets across the country again this weekend standing in solidarity with Palestine.

Protests this week will centre on the march and rally at parliament on Wednesday 11th December.

John Minto

National Chair

Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa

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Nationwide rallies/marches/MP protests/vigils this week


These are on the PSNA Facebook events page here with the basic details listed below.


North Island
Opononi – Gathering for Palestine
Sunday 8 December
No Rally this week

Kerikeri – Rally
Saturday 7 December
9:00 – 11:00 am
Kerikeri roundabout, State highway 10

Whangarei – Rally
Saturday 7 December
No Rally this weekend

Waiheke – Market Stall – hosted by Stand With Palestine Waiheke!
Every Saturday
8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Ostend Market, Waiheke Island

Auckland – Picket the US Consulate
Wednesday 4 December
12:00 noon
Customs Street East

Auckland – Banners around Tamaki Makaurau
Every Saturday
10:00 am – 1:00 pm (then off to the Auckland Rally)
East Tamaki Road overbridge in Otara. Near 123 East Tamaki Road (locations vary week to week)
Text John on 021 899 659 for more details

Auckland – Rally for Palestine and Te Tiriti
Saturday 7 December
2:00 pm
Te Komititanga – Britomart Square, Tamaki Makaurau

Thames – Vigil to Stop the war on Children
(Hosted by The Basket – Social and Environmental Justice – Hauraki)
Saturday 7 December
10:00 am
Thames Market, 700 Pollen Street, Thames

Tauranga – Flags
Sunday 8 December
1:00 pm
SH 2 Bethlehem, by the BP service station

Rallies are starting to be organised
Watch this space

Hamilton – Flag Waving for Palestine
Saturday 7 December
1:00 pm
Flynn Park, Cnr Wairere Drive & Naylor, Hamilton

Hamilton – Picnic for Palestine
Saturday 7 December
12:30 pm
Innis Common, Hamilton Lakes

Raglan – Flag waving and Palestinian merchandise
Sunday 8 December
9:00 am onwards
Raglan Creative Market, Raglan

Cambridge – Rally for Palestine
Every Saturday
11:00 am
Cambridge Town Hall

Rotorua – Rally for Palestine
Every Thursday
4:30 pm
National MP Todd McClays Office – Cnr Amohau and Ranolf St lights, Rotorua

Gisborne – Farmers Market – Vigil to Stop the war on Children
Every Saturday
9:30 – 11:30 am
Gisborne Farmers Market

Napier – Rally for Palestine
Saturday 7 December
11:30 am
Marine Parade Soundshell Roundabout

Hastings – Rally for Palestine
Sunday 8 December
1:00 pm
Hastings Town Clock – Hastings CBD

Palmerston North – Rally
Sunday 8 November
2:00 pm
The Square, Palmerston North

New Plymouth – Flags on the Bridge
Friday 6 December
4:30 pm
Paynters Ave Bridge, New Plymouth

New Plymouth – Picnic for Palestine
Saturday 7 December
1:00 PM
Please bring a plate to share and your own cutlery
The Landing, 1 Ariki Street, New Plymouth

Whanganui – Rally for Palestine
Saturday 7 December
11:00 am
Riverside Market, Whanganui

Carterton – Gathering for Gaza
Every Tuesday
12:00 midday
Memorial Square.

Martinborough – Vigil for Palestine
Every Wednesday
11:00 am
The square at the top of Kitchener St, Martinborough

Masterton – Gathering for Gaza
Every Sunday
9:30 am
Town Hall Lawn, Masterton

Featherston – Gathering for Gaza
Every Saturday
11:00 am
The Squircle (opposite the op shop).

Wellington – Flags on the Bridge
(hosted by the Falastin Tea Collective)
Every Friday
7:15 – 8:15 am
Hill Street bridge Overbridge, Wellington

Wellington – Vigil for Palestine
(hosted by Aotearoa Healthcare Workers for Palestine)
Every Friday
6:00 pm
In front of Wellington Hospital, 49 Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington

Wellington – Rally
(hosted by the Falastin Tea Collective)
Saturday 7 December
1:00 pm
Under the Photoplasam sculpture on corner of Hunter St and Lambton Quay

Wellington – National Rally for Palestine
Wednesday 11 December
11:00 am – Rally start and March to Parliament from Queens Wharf
12:00 noon – Rally on Parliament steps

South Island
Nelson – Rally for Palestine
Saturday 7 December
10:30 am
Paru Paru Rd (alongside Squash Club)

Blenheim – Rally for Palestine
Saturday 7 December
11:00 am
Blenheim Railway Station

Christchurch – Flag Waving for Palestine
Friday 6 December
4:00 – 6:00 pm
Bridge of Remembrance, Cashel Street, Christchurch

Christchurch – Market Fundraiser for Palestine
Saturday 7 December
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Bromley Community Center, Christchurch

No Rally this weekend

Saturday 7 December
No Rally this weekend
Next Rally December 14

Queenstown – Palestinian Picnic
Saturday 7 December
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Earnslaw Park, Queenstown

Invercargill – Rally for Palestine
Sunday 8 December
1:00 pm
Queens park , Invercargill



    • Exactly, just like Netanyahu always knew what cover he needed in order to commit genocide against Palestine – stall peace deals and shun hostage negotiations – hence we have what we have.

        • There is no bluff. There is only a choice between a slow destruction of Palestine or a mass destruction of Palestine. Netanyahu, by stalling peace deals and shunning hostage negotiations, has now chosen the mass destruction, genocidal route. Netanyahu has revealed to the world, Israel’s true intentions….the world is not reacting kindly to this.

          • What you are saying here is that genocide is acceptable, that we will carry on the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians, but we might stop it, we may even go back to just murdering hundreds of Palestinians a year, if Palestine just foregoes peace talks and hostage negotiations! Yet again, the true nature of Israel and its supporters is revealed.

              • Bullshit, you mean the ongoing subjucation of Palestinians will continue.

                Netanyahu does not want peace, when that happens he will be carted off to prison and will know longer be the PM, it just isn’t in his interests

                Read all these have you, really understand the issue:
                The Zionist lobby on both sides of the Atlantic – IIlane Pappe

                The ethnic cleansing of Palestine – Ilane Pappe (Jewish)
                Israel a Beachhead in the middle east – Stephen Gowans
                The Palestine Laboratory – Antony Loewenstein (Jewish)
                The Last Earth – Ramzy Baroud (Palestinian)
                The making of Hamas’s foreign policy – Daud Abdullah ( former Deputy Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain)
                The Great War for Civilisation – Robert Fisk (deceased, middle East journalist)
                The Question of Palestine – Edward Said (Palestinian)
                The biggest prison on earth – Ilane Pappe (Jewish)
                On Palestine – Noam Chomsky (Jewish)
                Palestine a four thousand year history – Nurma Masalha (Palestinian)
                The Invention of the land of Israel – Shlomo Sand (Jewish)
                Freedom Next Time – Resisting the empire – John Pilger (deceased recently, journalist, written many books and docos).

            • You can’t have peace without talks and you have showed, much like Netanyahu has been showing for too long now – Israel is no longer interested in talks. As such, you are right, this issue is horrifically simple, its genocide or bust for Israel from here on in.

                • Well, all you need to do is verify your claim and then you may have a point. But in a time of genocide, who is keeping count, Ann? A shocking but not surprising, mistruth, Ann!

                  • Is it not horrifying, the events being described here in this article! Its chilling, wish this was widespread news, because it may help stop this calamity if only the world Knew.

                    Back to us. Note the date of this piece – July 03, 2024, since updated as of Oct 30, 2024, but that update does not relate to your point here Now, note that there is no specific date to the figures behind the point you are emphasizing. And once you really dig in (boy, there is a wealth of pertinent info here), you’ll note these qualifiers – estimations and yet to be verified figures.

                    So, yes, math is important, but when were the figures behind your point taken and can these figures be verified! There is no date to the (unverified) figures here and the point these figures were used in was made back in July. Thus, what is the likelihood of your point holding water today – microscopic – but geez, talk about the calamitous background from which this argument of ours has arisen out of….sad, its all so sad.

                    • The headlines, like most headlines anywhere, are sensationalist, but once past this, the stats given are usually qualified – as they should be now – given the conditions.

                • Perspective really 731 Palestinian children murdered under the age of one years old over the last year.
                  The youngest were 3 day old twins.

              • A O – True…but, if Hamas continues to hold hostages – then Israel will feel emboldened to keep hunting down Hamas and Gazans will be killed…

              • Israel is emboldened because we have allowed them to commit crime without repercussion, right from their inception. The blood of Palestinians is on our hands. We enable, we support, we cover for their crimes, which now includes, genocidal level extermination. Israel does not distinguish between Hamas and civilians, they only need a pretext, in this case, Hamas – to be able to freely, gleefully, mass murder defenseless people. In fact, they don’t even need a pretext anymore, as the Hamas-free West Bank district of Palestine starts to endure a similar fate to Gaza. And here we are bickering that this is all because of Hamas or even hostages. As if. The genocide will continue until either the people of the West rise up against the genocidal complicity of their politicians or the non-West rises up to put an end to this gaping scar on today’s world.

                • A O – This is where we disagree…Hamas hides amongst civilians – then screams ‘Genocide’…West Bank is not Hamas-free…Hamas sneaks terrorists into the West Bank to stir up trouble.

                • And this is the beauty of Hamas to Israel, it is the cover, it is the excuse, it is the pretext that allows Israel to commit murder – anywhere. Thank friggin goodness that there is no Hamas in NZ, thus far, at least, because we could be on the ass-end of an Israeli shellacking if there were and worst of all, there wouldn’t be a damn thing we could do about it,! They could murder tens, hundreds, thousands of us at a time in the name of neutralizing Hamas, in the name of fighting Hamas, seriously they could, such is the complicity of Western politicians and Western media. This can’t go on, this won’t go on, because if it does, then what I have outlined here, is only a political headline away from realization.

                  • A O – I beg to disagree…While Hamas is an open threat to Israel…Israel will continue on until that threat is removed.
                    Hamas leadership knows this and still hides in Gaza, attacking IDF behind ordinary Gazans.

                  • Israel would never have funded Hamas for near the entirety of their existence, and right up until Oct 6th, 2023, if Hamas was indeed an open threat to Israel.

                    Hamas is merely the excuse to commit genocide, and your behavior here is a good example of that. Hamas never took hold in the West Bank, and yet Israel is pummeling them too, now. Oh no you say, Hamas is there (and it only needs to be said too, never proven) therefore this gives us the right to pummel the West Bank too, and this just shows the tragic beauty and purpose of Hamas to Israel – they are the excuse that allows them to commit genocide, thankfully, at least, only in Palestine at this stage!

                    You are right about one thing. Israel will indeed continue on until the threat is removed, but the threat is not Hamas, it is every Palestinian living in Palestine, hence the genocidal massacre taking place today, right before the world’s eyes at that!

                    • An O – All true regarding Israel’s funding of Hamas…but Hamas is now an open threat to Israel…like it or not…
                      Either Hamas removes itself from Gaza, or Israel with remove them.

                  • Correct. Hamas in the cover Israel is using to remove all Palestinians from Palestine. Unfortunately for the world, Palestine is not the only land they covet.

                  • And how do you know they are even there given that 80% of Gaza has been or is been displaced. This alone, shows the true purpose of Hamas to Israel. Israel will remove them – and Hamas obviously does not make up 80% of Gaza – Israel will remove all Palestinians from Gaza, using Hamas as the excuse that allows them to do this. In short, clearly it stopped mattering whether Hamas is there or not, a long, long time ago!


      • When Reagan assumed office he didn’t need to negotiate with Iran for the release of the Embassy hostages. They just knew they would be in the shit big time if they didn’t. It’s only a show of force that convinced them to act. The political heads of Hamas will come to understand the same expression of force from Trump if they refuse to act. No one expected Trump to take out Soleimani and many still don’t believe the ramifications of that act. Next in line are the Hamas heads who will not want to relinquish their ill gotten fortunes, despite their love of martyrdom – oh that’s right, martyrdom doesn’t apply to them, just to the hapless and expendable Palestinians in whom they rejoice that their blood continues to nourish the revolution.

        • Yep, force is the language of the West. For many of us, its the only language we respect. Martyrdom is but one direct consequence of our forceful nature. To the forceful, martyrdom is nothing more than an annoying irritant . To the forceful, even negotiations appear to be an irritant. And soon, soon we’ll have an even greater welder of the force, it seems, in the form of Mr Trump. Talk about Western, hegemonic thinking all wrapped up in one here. Talk about a prime example of what has driven this horrific circumstance from the very outset, over a hundred years ago now. But we are not the bad guys here, surely not, we are just doing, expressing what comes naturally to those with the force behind them.

          Meanwhile, back to the main irritant, Hamas in this case, the entity that Israel, the West, helped prop up and fund in order to weaken the main representative body of the Palestinian people, the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), the entity whose leadership, some of which we begrudge because they have gotten fat off of our funding while residing in Western friendly Qatar to boot, this compromised entity that we use as an excuse, as a vehicle to help commit mass slaughter of Palestinians behind (by bombing buildings, neighborhoods, towns, anything at all that may contain Hamas – despite the fact that it is well known that they reside in a vast underground of tunnels), this compromised entity that is now supposed to quiver because there’s a new Darth Vader in town. C’mon, what can he do, if he ramps up the tyranny then he’ll just ‘nourish the revolution’ even more!

    • Yeah you mean release the soldiers many of them are of course in the IDF. And then what, apparently it is ok in your little mind for Israel to rape and murder many Palestinians, they are hardly likely to give up now, everyone with a brain knows that Israel will never ever be able to return to the land they stole, they will never ever beat the Palestinians

  1. Release the hostages. Stop the rocket fire. The war will be over. Polls have consistently shown that that the majority of Kiwis support Israel.

  2. Doesn’t that header photo elicit such wonderful feelings of martyrdom and victimhood. Good to go for another generation or three. Any takers wanting to invest (and lose) their funds in a revitalised Gaza with a view to throwing their money away. They had their chance and trusted the wrong leaders.

  3. Doesn’t that header photo elicit such wonderful feelings of martyrdom and victimhood. Good to go for another generation or three. Any takers wanting to invest (and lose) their funds in a revitalised Gaza with a view to throwing their money away. They had their chance and trusted the wrong leaders.

  4. Doesn’t that header photo elicit such wonderful feelings of martyrdom and victimhood. Good to go for another generation or three. Any takers wanting to invest (and lose) their funds in a revitalised Gaza with a view to throwing their money away. They had their chance and trusted the wrong leaders.

  5. It used to be that in a civilized society Murder was the ultimate crime that could be committed.
    Amnesty International Israel openly admits that in all likelihood Israel is guilty of crimes against Humanity and ethnic cleansing but not “Genocide” that tells me all I need to know.
    Rape, murder, ethnic cleansing, illegal detentions, colonialism, open racism, land theft and crimes against Humanity are now deemed “Antisemitic” as a defense by the Jewish state. Genocide?, oy vey how dare you!
    Everyone of all the International bodies and safeguards of Internal law are now also deemed “Antisemitic” by the Jewish state.
    In what fucking world is that a defense?
    I’m sorry officer I know i smashed his head in with a metal pipe and i only just met him, but in my defense im Jewish? don’t be fucking antisemitic, I’m innocent. The Holocaust ya know. See how fucking pathetic that sounds?
    Here’s a truth bomb Gaby, Worlds first case of terrorism against the Romans. Israel. Worlds first car bomb. Israel. Worlds first letter bomb. Israel. Worlds first case of ethnic cleansing in the Bible. Israel.
    One can not help but come to the conclusion that the issue is not the Palestinians but Israel the worlds oldest terrorist state.

    • But surely, given marxist logic, the Jews who rebelled against the Roman Empire (Ithere had been no Israel since the eight century BCE) were freedom fighters, not terrorists?

  6. Keep up the good work @ John Minto. You’re a true Kiwi battler. I see the lying fleas above are biting. Don’t let the bastards get you down.

  7. There’s a lot of nonsense above about “release the hostages and the bombing stops”. It won’t. This is about the greater Israel project, the aim is to expel Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank.

    The end result is to guarantee the destruction of the Zionist project. Israel can appear to win the war but the cost is exponential. People won’t invest, they will leave. Who would risk their future living in a house which has murdered it’s neighbours?

    • Is there some reason why Jordanians shouldn’t return to Jordan? After all Jordan, along with many of the surrounding countries, did expel its Jews. Call it a population exchange if you like.

      • I think that you are going to see a voluntary exchange of Israelis to safe havens. For their own benefit and safety. Large numbers have dual citizenship and family elsewhere. I’ve seen reported a million have left already.

        • No doubt surrounding Israeli Arabs, together with Palestinians, would be welcomed into western countries. Although wir schaffen das seems to be off the agenda now for some extraordinary reason. But please do let me know where in the world is a “safe haven” for Jews.

          • Here, Australia, UK, USA ffs try being a Kurd or Armenian or similar. Jews don’t have a monopoly on being persecuted. As a consequence of persecution they should be better aligned with the persecuted, and not be the persecutor.

    • Oh dear David read the books they are not on your side! And as you must know Israel as it has been can never ever return to what it was.

      A very short history of the Israel Palestine Conflict – Ilane Pappe (Jewish)
      Lobbying for Zionism on both sides of the Atlantic, Ilane Pappe (Jewish)
      The ethnic cleansing of Palestine – Ilane Pappe (Jewish)
      The forgotten Palestinians – A history of the Palestinians in Israel – Ilane Pappe (Jewish)
      Israel a Beachhead in the middle east – Stephen Gowans
      The Palestine Laboratory – Antony Loewenstein (Jewish)
      The Last Earth – Ramzy Baroud (Palestinian)
      The making of Hamas’s foreign policy – Daud Abdullah ( former Deputy Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain)
      The Great War for Civilisation – Robert Fisk (deceased, middle East journalist)
      The Question of Palestine – Edward Said (Palestinian)
      The biggest prison on earth – Ilane Pappe (Jewish)
      On Palestine – Noam Chomsky (Jewish)
      Palestine a four thousand year history – Nurma Masalha (Palestinian)
      The Invention of the land of Israel – Shlomo Sand (Jewish)
      Freedom Next Time – Resisting the empire – John Pilger (deceased recently, journalist, written many books and docos).

      • Forget the Quran and aHadith Michal? Fortunately the Hamas Charter with its genocidal exhortations and call to holy war can still be found online.

  8. Done that Minty, and who shot the craw, Assad, where too, the hard man of the East.
    Hope the new don!t fuck up like the past new, Egypt and so on.

  9. A thousand pardons AO. It appears I under reported slightly. You can find figures yourself at Save the Children and UNFPA. Strangely though, there are no figures on the Gaza Ministry of Health site. Now why would that be. Doesn’t fit the genocide narrative maybe?

    • All you need to do is produce the figures that cover the genocidal year in question – Oct 7th 2023 to Oct 2024. No other period counts. Why does the Gaza Ministry of Health do not have these figures. Well, what hospitals still stand in Gaza amidst all the carnage, pain, devastation, bombing, shooting and so on, and who has the time and inclination to bean count on top of providing healthcare, while attempting to protect themself and those they are caring for, during this highly precarious time.

      Life no longer functions normally when your world is being destroyed all around you.

      • But the Gaza Ministry of Health produces daily death tolls with exquisite precision. Which toll The Lancet adds to with figures plucked straight out of thin air. Why would the ministry not have the same intimate knowledge of daily births given the prominence accorded women and children in dedicated articles on the suffering of Palestinians?

        • We were getting figures on the regular early on, back when at least half of Gaza’s infrastructure still stood, and most hospitals were still functioning. Those days are gone now, place is blown to bits. We are being drip fed numbers now, estimations based upon the early carnage rates. When you see these numbers now, they are typically qualified as being on the conservative side, meaning they are estimations. And when you factor in the utter destruction of Gaza, that even mainstream media shows snippets of, and hear the views/plans of Israeli leadership towards the Palestinians in Gaza and the area of Gaza itself, then this alone adds weight to the numbers and to the description of what is taking place there – genocide.

        • Well Duh, The death toll is taken directly from bodies that are taken to hospital.
          There are nearly no working birthing units in Gaza and any births are nearly impossible to document.
          I’m so tired on Genocide apologists like yourself who does not even have a basic understanding of the definition of Genocide and its criteria.

          • Well that looks like me and Erdogan both then; his denial of a genocide in which up to 1.2 million, out of a total population of 1.5 million Armenians living in Turkey were killed in a little over a year being legendary. A similar story with the Assyrians and Greeks. The Holocaust stands at the pinnacle of genocides of course. The Rwandan genocide only took a few months. Then there’s the genocide of religious minorities in Muslim lands which secularists turn the other cheek to.
            But Palestinian victimhood apologists like yourself have been bleating about a genocide since ’48, in which time the Palestinian population has increased almost 8-fold. That’s a very, very strange genocide. I don’t believe there has been another like it in history. Perhaps you can know otherwise? If so, do tell.

            • Your take on history is immaterial to what is happening now. Israel is committing genocide, but to me, this is only half the problem. We are the other half of this problem, because we are allowing this to happen. Genocidal maniacs never stop until the other half of this problem finally puts an end to it. That’s the road we are all on.

              • I take the long view of jihad history which began in the 620s with the first attack on Jews by an jihadist warlord and continues in a direct line to the current Hamas jihadists.

  10. The level of intellectual dishonesty here is quite amazing. No where near genocide, I mean they let them know where they are going to attack next, they are sending food aid to Palestine that is quickly hijacked by Hamas and not distributed to the people. Please somebody that hasn’t lost their mind explain to me how this is genocide???

    • Just provide the verifiable evidence that supports your claims and – boom – you’re in the money…but you can’t and you won’t, the latter because those that put effort in, know that the points you are making are PR-induced garbage and you can’t because it all is the aforementioned PR garbage. Love for you to even remotely prove me wrong – I won’t hold my breath.

  11. In case you haven’t noticed, Israel just won another huge, strategic victory in the ME with the end of Assad’s Syria and the humiliation of the main backers of Hamas and Hezbollah: Iran.

    • you’re on the money here. I didn’t realize that the Al-Qaeda /ISIS offspring terrorist entity known as HTS or rebels as mainstream media prefers to call them, I didn’t realize the close ties they have with Israel. No wonder these extremely well known terrorist entities have always left Israel alone!

      • I didn’t realize the close ties they have with Israel.

        Meh! Good chart here of all the enemies and frenemies of the region. About the only one they all hate is ISIS, which is why it’s at the centre of the chart. Even then, the Turks have played footsies with them, while the Russians have with HTS.

      • ISIS, the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service needs to be joined by equal puppet master the USA in the middle. From there, they can all love/hate each other on their way to seizing control of whatever other countries in the Middle East that they don’t already control, which is what, just Iran now!

    • That won’t be a victory for the religious minorities in Syria. Watch as whichever Islamist group wins control carries on where ISIS left off. The “rebels” (do we call them resistance fighters?) have already started on the Alawites.


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