The Daily Blog Open Mic – 11th April 2024


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

All in all, TDB gives punters a very, very, very wide space to comment in but we won’t bother with out right lies or gleeful malice. We leave that to the Herald comment section.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist abuse, homophobic abuse, racist abuse, anti-muslim abuse, transphobic abuse, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. Winstones party has voted for the Samon citizenship bill to go to select committee I think he is being sly as he will have to go to Samoa soon and meet and convince their PM to sell his sell out of our independent foreign policy.

    End of this month Mulloon Inst. in Australia is holding workshops on water and farms and …

    Time is short to do stuff before the politicians and the corpse and economic management entities and climate change disintegration further damage our nation.
    There is an opportunity so spend your money on this and learn something then help in NZ/AO with useful projects instead of buying an expensive house, new property, new vehicle or going for another cruise.

    Presenting our Nature-based Solution
    May 1-2, 2024 at Queanbeyan and on-farm at Mulloon Creek Natural Farms.
    The Mulloon Rehydration Initiative (MRI) is a model that can be scaled up to deliver Nature-based Solutions across Australia through collaborative partnerships.

    This conference will showcase the United Nations-recognised work of Mulloon Institute and our partners driving nature repair by harnessing that most crucial part of our planet’s life-support system: water. We will present the scientific findings of the MRI project, our innovative capacity building program, and our regulatory reform agenda. Panel discussions will dive into landholder experiences, whole-of-system solutions, the puzzle of financing landscape-scale restoration and our work across Australia. Discover the real-world returns that can be achieved when partners collaborate to transform our landscapes with Nature-based Solutions.

    The benefits flowing from these cooperations deliver:
    waterway and small water cycle repair
    increased biodiversity and enhanced natural habitat
    climate resilience
    improved productivity
    greater food and water security.

    All levels of government and agricultural enterprise can benefit from the learning and practical applications that Mulloon Institute will present on the dramatic impact of rehydration projects. Together we can affordably achieve rapid restoration of land at a scale that delivers benefits to all Australians – for environment, farming and society.

    DAY 1 features keynote speakers, highly engaging panel discussions with MRI landholders and industry experts, workshops, and discussions on how to more broadly roll effective programs and projects to increase the economic benefits of rehydration across Australia.

    Then, join us for an evening of networking, drinks, and dinner, where you can connect with like-minded professionals and expand your circle over great food and conversation!
    DAY 2 will feature field trips to see landscape rehydration in action

  3. What matters — climate change first and last. Which will kill and (almost worse) discomfort 57-year-old me. The whole prob is discomfort to fat and fatuous folk like us.

    So a crisis govt is the only soln, so socialism, as bad as the worst socialist of the 20th century, Winston Churchill

    • Yes the gummint is already recognising crisis by its bills put through urgency so let’s call for a special crisis coalition – an economic one verging on a war footing needed. And looking at the problems and panaceas cropping up I think it compares to the machinations that the Nazis used in Germany in the 1930’s. Sure it’s not exactly the same but thinking people can analyse what was happening then and see a comparison here.

      • GW, Kiwiblog would welcome you. You could fight for the Left there. 400 comments a day there of reactionaries. Your inchoate nonsense would go over better among idiots.

  4. The prob is how do you get a war govt from immense pleasure till a straight drop-off. All the intelligent know what’s going to happen but we are the descendants of the Romans, who always took 3 wars to defeat their opponents. We fail this test.

    The main prob though was passing over the govt to the rich 40 years ago. The old pre-rich-rule anglosphere countries would have turned their attn to climate change when we knew in 1990. The oilers found it so easy to overturn the united American response to the crisis in 1990 they carried on with anti-realism to this day.

    All we get out of this is the laughs of Tobacco Institute science triumphing over reality. So easy to have prevented, so easy to prevent still. Sans capitalists.


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