Turning The Tables Back On The Government: 90 Day Trial Period Is Finished – Extinction Rebellion Tamaki Makaurau


On February 28, the government has been in place for 90 days. Representing the people of Aotearoa Extinction Rebellion Tāmaki Makaurau and other groups such Stand Up Youth Union is giving them a 90 Day Letter of Termination of Employment.

In Tāmaki Makaurau, the letter is being delivered to the electoral offices of the Prime Minister (at 10.30 am), Act Leader 12.30 pm) and the Minister of Transport (11.30 am)and Auckland.

This Government (a three headed Taniwha) is failing to foster social cohesion through fostering racial tension; increasing inequality; dishonouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi through devaluing Te Reo Māori, Māori Health. The backward steps on addressing the climate crisis by allowing more oil & gas exploration; allowing fast racking of resource consents; the repeal of the Clean Car Discount. We could go on.

The Government has been given sufficient warning that they are not fulfilling their obligations adequately at the Motu Hui, Ngaruawahia, Ratana Celebration and Waitangi.

When one million voters did not vote, when there is a tenuous three party coalition, this government does not have a mandate for such sweeping and damaging actions.


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