Luxon’s Speech notes (in brief)


Getting NZ back on track, unless you live near an actual rail station, in which case it’s probably been cancelled or privatised by the time I end this speech.

Getting NZ back on track requires 8000 Tobacco Deaths, 13000 children pushed into poverty and cutting disability payments by $2300 each year just so our rich landlord mates can get a tax cut.

We are bashing beneficiaries, state tenets, renters workers, Māori and the environment all in our first 100 days plus a new American war to play along with!

Did I say, ‘Back on Track’?

I meant ‘Screw you Jack’.

There are 2 kinds of National voter – Billionaire Exploiters and idiots.

Check your bank account to see which one you are.

Thank you NuZilind!

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  1. Cluxon today talked about unexpected surprises left by the previous government.
    Isn’t that why we have the PREFU for gods sake?!!

    He’s thus just admitted, for all NZ to see and hear, that the National Party Brains Trust either didn’t read the PREFU, or worse – they did, and didn’t understand it!!
    What a f@ckwit.

    • 3 more years of this clown turning things around for the 1% by making life harder for the other 99% and as Martyn says the 30 plus % of idiots who support national even though it will leave them worse off. Thankfully I put my faith in a higher power as that provides a guaranteed future.

    • Exactly right. And the $200b infrastructure shortfall is made up of all the things he’s cancelled starting with the ferries and 3 waters. That’s over $150b to start with. Ad

    • There are always “surprises” whenever there is a change of government, it’s how the incoming government justifies not doing the things they promised to do, generally the very promises that got them elected to government in the first place, leading to the eternal disappointment in both National & Labour.

    • Totally aced it Jase….Clusterfuxon’s speech…er…i mean.. diatribe, would have to be one of the worst, inauthentic, stream of verbal diarrhea, that i have ever seen/heard.

      Full of tired old cliques, fake hammy facial expressions and falsehoods about the state of the economy. So poorly written poorly delivered…so meaningless…so uninspiring…so beige!

      Of course, any fool can see that it was just one big smoke screen whinge fest, because, they now know, that none of their stupid policy ideas, that they came up with during the election, are feasible.

      As Jase points out , they couldn’t even dissect and interpret the PREFU.

      The economy is far from fragile, and has been heading in the right direction, after digesting a 2 year long, one in 100 year world- wide Covid pandemic and an extraordinary chain of unprecedented natural disasters.

      All economies around the world, were/are, in the same boat. Despite all this, Labour still managed to build more houses than any other government since the late 1930’s and save more lives than almost every other country on the planet.

      Oh… but apparently, according to 7 houses, subsidised Tesla driving, Clusterfuxon, Labour was the worst government in the history of N.Z., and they have now been left a bad inheritance…
      And right there is the problem… Luxon, and his privileged, inheritance bejeweled, spoilt cronies, don’t know what to do, how to get ahead, without having received an inheritance.

      Oh dear oh dear…welcome to the real world Luxo!!!

      P.s…Rod Oram, on NEWSROOM, writes a very telling critique of Nicola Willis’s recent speech to the ‘business’ sector.
      More bland boring beige from another bland boring beige National Party Finance Minister!

      • It’s very simple Grant, Luxon’s speech was designed to obfuscate and to lay blame squarely at Labour’s feet when he and his Government crash and burn and they will.
        Evidence to this was when Key and English promoted a rockstar economy, there was no investment in infrastructure and keeping our brightest in this country. Teachers, nurses and the like never got the investment required and now Luxon has admitted not only will this happen(again) but he will gut the public sector completely. All the while he will keep his 7 houses, subsidised Tesla driving, telling others our country is “fragile” and we need to do more with less.

        Tighten your seatbelts N.Z. this car crash of a Government is going to be spectacular.

  2. Well its a rough ride ahead for the bottom 50% that have just 5% of the wealth…it was a classic Bennie Bash speech from Baldrick Luxury Luxon–which is hilarious given the number of Gold Card beneficiaries on national superannuation that just voted for the Natzos. “Pensioners” loathe being tagged as bennies…but that is what they are–in receipt of state payments via the taxpayer.

    There are thousands of New Zealanders on over $100,000 p.a. collecting National Superannuation, it is just piss money for them and I have heard some of them in Northland, one with a ground spread businesss, laugh about it. Yet, vulnerable high needs people on, or trying to get on, “Jobseeker” allowance are about to get the kicking of their lives from this filthy tory Govt.

  3. Watch: ‘State of the nation is fragile’, Christopher Luxon says
    Countryboy says bullshit. He’s using logical fallacies to redesign thinking.
    AO/NZ will always be in demand because we’re a first-world food producer. His brain-wank’s designed to obfuscate thinking to cover up deliberate attempts to derail our economy thus making us a bargain for our new foreign owners who will be used to further cover over the tracks of trans generational crooks sucking the blood and money out of our primary industry farmers. It’s Mr 14 multi-billionains graeme hart / Government printing office 101 shit. Well, not on my watch you bald fuck.

  4. Excellent speech, laid out what needs to be done, and will be done!
    NZ public knows it needs to be done as they were more than aware another 3yrs of a Labour govt would have bankrupted the country. It’s why Labour got such a thrashing.

  5. If it’s that bad, he must be ‘forced’ to cancel income tax breaks for the rich and renege on giving landlords 669mil in tax breaks.


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