Luxon’s Waitangi Speech was terrible and repetitive and repetitive and repetitive

One was more wooden than the other

Wow his speech was pathetic and underwhelming.

He looked frightened, like a nervous virgin at an orgy.

The cosmopolitan Right where Luxon lives culturally are aghast at the level of backlash ACT’s race baiting Treaty Principles Referendum has generated.

35% of National voters are sickened by this redneckery, 65% however love Māori getting the bash.

Luxon’s weasel words on the Referendum mean nothing. If ACT dump the referendum element and push for a simple Conscience vote, Luxon can hand on heart vote for it because it isn’t what he just specifically ruled out.

He speaks out of both sides of his mouth all the time, he tells each audience whatever he thinks they want to hear with the precision of someone constantly covering his rase.

He does this time and time again.

There is a Congo line of Trans National Mining Interests eyeing up NZ…

TDB Recommends

Govt to free up foreign investment in ‘sensitive’ NZ land and assets

Ministerial scrutiny of whether overseas investments are in New Zealand’s national interest is to be significantly reduced in a move critics say risks eroding sovereignty but supporters believe will enrich New Zealand.

National and Act’s coalition agreement says the Government will amend the Overseas Investment Act 2005 to restrict ministerial decision-making to national security concerns only and make these decisions “much more timely”.

The act requires overseas investors to obtain consent from the Overseas Investment Office (OIO) before acquiring interests in significant business assets, sensitive land or fishing quota.

…and lo and behold, Dr Pork Shane Jones is bing appointed unprecedented fast track powers…

Fast track consenting in the fast lane

The Government is progressing changes to resource management laws as part of its 100 Day Action Plan, with the first steps taken to establish a new fast-track consenting one-stop shop regime.

“This new regime, which forms part of National’s coalition agreement with New Zealand First, will improve the speed and process for resource approvals for major infrastructure projects, unlocking opportunities in industries such as aquaculture and mining in our regions,” Regional Development Minister Shane Jones says. 

“For too long, New Zealanders have had to wait for progress in their towns and cities due to the overly-restrictive RMA. Today we have taken the first steps in cutting through this mess of red tape, so we can supercharge New Zealand’s infrastructure and economic potential,” RMA Reform Minister Chris Bishop says.

“Consenting of major projects costs too much and takes too long – the Infrastructure Commission estimates that current consenting processes cost infrastructure projects a staggering $1.3 billion every year, and the time taken to get a resource consent for key projects has nearly doubled within a recent five-year period.

“This situation is stifling economic growth and improvements for the environment and the community.”

Cabinet has agreed that our new fast track consenting regime will consist of:

    • A new fast-track process contained in a standalone Act, with its own purpose statement focused on economic development;
    • A priority for regionally and nationally significant infrastructure and development projects;
    • A process for projects to be referred by Ministers into the fast-track process if it meets appropriate criteria;
    • A list of projects that will be first to have their consents approved and conditions set by an Expert Panel;
    • A process where referred projects will go to an Expert Panel which will apply any necessary conditions to ensure adverse effects of the project to the environment are managed appropriately, and where the panel will have only a limited ability to decline a project once referred.
    • A “one-stop-shop” where other relevant permits are obtained in addition to resource consents.

“New Zealand’s consenting regime is holding New Zealand back. Our fast-track proposals will lift New Zealand’s living standards, lift productivity, and grow our economy – all while still protecting our environment,” Chris Bishop says. 

“We have let the RMA hamper progress for decades – today we say ‘no more’. It’s time to get New Zealand moving.

“The Government is committed to upholding Treaty of Waitangi settlements as part of the new fast-track regime.  

“The full details of this Bill are being worked through by Minsters now, and the aim is to have the Bill introduced into Parliament by March 8 as part of our 100 Day Action Plan.

The Government repealed the Natural and Built Environment Act (NBA) and Spatial Planning Act (SPA) in December 2023. 

Phase two of our RMA Reform agenda includes introducing this permanent one-stop-shop fast-track consenting regime, as well as progress on our Going for Housing Growth package, and other amendments to make it easier to get things done in New Zealand across aquaculture, farming, energy and other industries.

…come on.

Are we really going to give Unca Shane that level of power?

Come on?

Abolishing the Treaty Principles would remove obligation to engage with Māori at a critical juncture when Trans National Mining Interests are lining up to exploit land that can get fact tracked and won’t have the obligation of working with Māori.

Rather than engage with the trauma this agenda has provoked, Luxon wanted to talk about 2040 which was an absurdity because we are barely through 2024 and he’s already provoked a level of unity unseen in Māori politics.

Luxon wanted to play down the anger but this isn’t happening in an economic vacuum. This Government has attacked worker rights, renter rights and gutted inequality programs and climate change funds.

His Government minus the race baiting is still a deeply problematic policy agenda for working class, beneficiaries and environmentalist.

600 000 need food banks each month, 300 000 are power and housing poverty, 26000 on emergency housing wait lists, 200 000 kids in poverty, an entire generation locked out of housing and deep inequality and poverty.

None of that was even acknowledged.

The sooner we connect the Trans National Mining Interests, the Atlas Network and all the local franchise holders, the sooner we understand the enormity of what we collectively face here.

All of this was absent in Luxon’s speech. He is frightened as the reality of what he is being confronted by Seymour and Winston dawns on him.

Luxon is lost.


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  1. Luxury Luxon was promoted beyond his ability and political level–but nonetheless he still does have a grasp of the raw meat issues for his filthy white supporters–“lock ’em up, bullets are wasted on them” etc.

    Not even a day after Waitangi he is talking tough on crime! Just set up more barbaric private prisons and monetise bashing all the vulnerable is the agenda, while keeping up the immigration flow to keep NZ workers in their place.

    This is also a perfect opportunity for some class left unity between all the oppressed groups in Aotearoa NZ.

    • That should read as “inferior copy and paste”, say what you like about J Key, he at the very least was in control of his party and ACT sure as hell wasn’t pulling his strings.

  2. Luxon doesn’t have the luxury of being himself and relaxed now he is Prime Minister.. Seymour should be seeing more but he won’t the lithe little goblin; instead he thinks he is going to gobble up and spit out anything good people have achieved in this country. And Peters – wasn’t there a program called ‘Blue’ Peter and blue has many different meanings; but many would like this meaning attached to all old boomerang pollies: The “Blue Peter” is used as a maritime signal, indicating that the vessel flying it is about to leave…

    Especially important now is to limit unfortunate misunderstandings that can occur between races and even countries. Let this be a reminder video from Father Ted on how important it is to conduct oneself with proper propriety.


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