Winston’s arrogant smug Parliament Speech riddled with conspiracy theories and bile – welcome to Q Zealand



Winston’s arrogant smug Parliament Speech is riddled with conspiracy theories and bile because Winston is the new King of the Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom that allowed him to scrape back over the 5% threshold and haunt us all with Qanon conspiracy theories masquerading as legitimate social policy.

He is unleashed and totally crazed on power!

I don’t think people grasp yet how crazy shit is going to get now that Winston is reliant on the Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom electorate.

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This Hard Right Government has turned us from New Zealand into Q Zealand because the feral antivaxx movement are deeply entrenched within NZ First and have pushed crazy conspiracies to the forefront of our national policy platform.

The conspiracy theory against the WHO, the conspiracy that the media were bribed, and the conspiracy that Jacinda knew about the Christchurch terror attack before it happened all lead back to QAnon conspiracy that a shadowy one world child molesting Satanic Cabal is promoting the vaccinations to weaken us using 5G technology.

These people also think crystals can cure cancer.

As real news journalism is strangled off on social media…

The news is fading from sight on big social media platforms – where does that leave journalism?

According to a recent survey by the News Media Association, 90 per cent of editors in the United Kingdom “believe that Google and Meta pose an existential threat to journalism”.

Why the pessimism? Because being in the news business but relying on social media platforms and search engines has become very risky. The big tech companies are de-prioritising news content, making it harder for citizens to find verified information produced by journalists.

…the rabbit hole conspiracies we are losing so many good people to continues to act as a Black Hole of self-enforcing extremism algorithmically set to hate and conflict.

To falsely claim the entire media were bribed into carrying Jacinda’s vaccination message for dark intents is a conspiracy theory only believed by the extremely frightened and alienated.

Winston is starting a war with the media for the exact same reason Trump did, to challenge objective truth and twist it into whatever Winston wants it to be.

He keeps pushing this culture war vengeance campaign because he sees himself winning sub 5% threshold antivaxx vote, the only way this breaks is if ACT finally show some backbone and turn away in disgust or National voters turns away in disgust and march right back over to Chris Hipkins.

Chippy may have not managed to inspire the Left, but right now he looks a billon moles stronger than Luxon does.

You are already seeing National Party voters showing regret!

Has there been a worst start for a Government than this venal self interested nonsense?

Welcome to Q Zealand.

Winston is the new brown Trump


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  1. winston peters cups jonky’s balls while together they recite anything written by roger douglas. If you haven’t already figured that out you should stay in bed and never breed or vote.

  2. They were bribed or they believe their unverified biased crap. Either way tech companies didn’t do this, journalists have been doing it to themselves for decades.

    • New Zealand is not a well run place. We need trade and that will require a larger military so that we can deploy at least a thousand personal at a time on U.N missions without taking away from regular training requirements so about 30,000 regulars. Then we will be able to go after an emissions trading scheme and a U.S. free trade agreement and keep our nuclear free policy.

  3. That was hard watching. I really can’t tell if he is cynically performing for his cooker fan base, or if he actually believes his own shit. Either way, that was some irrational shit.

  4. Hitting at Winston and Shane Jones will not get any kick back from me and all National people I know hold their nose when NZF is mentioned .At the end of the those that voted for him need to feel he is being listened to that is called democracy.

    • No one was listening in 2020 Trevor, thats why its reallyNZ first “ bonfire of the vanities” getting his own back on Jacinda while gleefully getting rid of Labour policies, thats how childish it all is . It’s all really a grudge f**k, by nothing but a lot of c***s

      • Winston went with Jacinda due to a grudge against National. He is an evil man but he was Labour hero in 2017.

        • Trevor yes for once I agree with you , Winston Peters hold a grudge and yes we were pleased he went with Labour. I think he thought that Jacinda Ardern was a pushover but he was very much mistaken. Today creepily he gloated that he had made 3 women PM’s . Then in the next breath he completely denied he had said it !!. There is absolutely no doubt he will go rogue then watch the s**t hit the fan

        • Winnie and Winston First are simply opportunist power grabbers – no respect for anyone including themselves so nothing to lose. Winnies pitiful speech in parliament testimony to his fuckwittery.

      • Yes, a bunch of cunts that are going to take us back to the dark ages. And how long will this coalition last and we then we have another government and more changes this has to stop all the changes are detrimental to us as a country.

    • ” Hitting at Winston and Shane Jones will not get any kick back from me and all National people I know hold their nose when NZF is mentioned ”

      Damn I guess you and and all your NACT supporters are going to have to breathe through your mouths instead Trev but I wouldn’t be to upset because the Nasties actually have enough wins to ensure you and your top feeders are well looked after until Winston pulls the plug.

      The only kick backs are the ones paid for by NACTS wealthy supporters and well paid lobbyists including the now influential land millionaires and developers …….and those wonderful human beings… National MP’s.


    • Seriously Trevor, stop using democracy to justify these guys being arseholes. What did Winston f’wit Peters actually give up? Your National mates seem to be rolling over and making this country a laughing stock. You freak out about Māori names on Ministries but not this guy legitimising people who have literally lost the plot.

    • That’s Sir John Key to you!
      Since he still lives in your head rent free, use his full title, he deserves it you peasant.

      • @ Im right.
        Can I just write, on behalf of National are Squeaky Clean? Fuck you? And on behalf of peasants everywhere Fuck you again! I bet. I bet you, you don’t have a pony tail. Am I right? I hope not actually because he’s a cunt as well.
        And no, not finally actually. You pecked out ” Since he still lives in your head rent free, use his full title, he deserves it you peasant.” If you’re going to be stupid, can you please make sense?

      • Thanks guys, I’m Wrong is never right however I will obey…Sir ponytail puller. There, idiot right moron should be happy now. Oh and the financial damage he did to the country cost us plenty of rent you faggart.

    • I’m taking it there is a technical difficulty since I find it difficult to comment here. Otherwise … truth may as well take the Rommel route (suicide). In Martyn’s favour he doesn’t know a crap from a computer.

      You, Martyn, are the only Left Blogger — despite your woke crap in my view — left shooting. You need to widen your shooting range. No more room for narrowness. You can see where it has led TDB, and where it will lead the world — our main thing. Just speak the widest truth. No matter what.

  5. ” Hitting at Winston and Shane Jones will not get any kick back from me and all National people I know hold their nose when NZF is mentioned ”

    Damn I guess you and and all your NACT supporters are going to have to breathe through your mouths instead Trev but I wouldn’t be to upset because the Nasties actually have enough wins to ensure you and your top feeders are well looked after until Winston pulls the plug.

    The only kick backs are the ones paid for by NACTS wealthy supporters and well paid lobbyists including the now influential land millionaires and developers …….and those wonderful human beings… National MP’s.

    Damn it must be so depressing to wake in the mansion and have to knell in front of Winston and give thanks every morning.

    • That is all they can do – talk shit and spit more of the same.
      When you have nothing to talk about you make shit up – which is the forte’ of Winston First and their malcontent supporters

  6. How ironic is it that NZ has the crazed antivaxxers, Winston &Tamaki’s lot etc wanting to Lynch our ex PM for the vaccines, lockdowns and shock horror…making them wear a mask all to save lives and In the UK they are holding Boris to account for doing exactly the opposite and letting thousands of people die. Nzers don’t realize what could have happened here and overall things were handled pretty well for such an unprecedented event. Winston Peter is an absolute Moron and has lost the plot.

  7. Winston Peters is a embittered, angry, resentful & spiteful old geezer! Can anyone name one thing this Man has accomplished in the 50 yrs he’s been in Govt? He’s done NOTHING for NZ or NZers! His spiteful & arrogant attitude was on full display with the opening of Parliament, all piss & venom with absolutely no humility, just more of his nonsense & bullshit, bullying rhetoric wrapped up in his seasoned Parliamentary gobbledygook garbage language he farts out of his mouth? The Man has zero credibility, this egotistical, useless as pigshit, vain Man is so easily triggered that he’s the gift that keeps on giving because his arrogant entitled attitude exposes how really pathetic & weak he really is with a wafer thin ego & personality that can’t handle any criticism! Peters is also a failed Lawyer, imagine this imbecile representing you in a Court case, Peters would be turfed out of any Court for contempt & his arguments rejected due to his looney conspiracy theories, what a joke this consummate grifter has spent his entire Life living on the Taxpayers dime with his nose firmly in the Govt Pig trough, he’s a 78 yr old Career Politician, yes fuckin 78, the Old goat should be in a Rest Home wearing adult incontinent diapers & playing old fogey bingo but no the asshole has to inflict his vile personality on NZers in Govt, what a shitshow this Clown will cause the Luxon Govt but good bloody job, Peters will have to be dragged out of Parliament kicking & screaming or carried out in a Wooden box before this ultimate benefit bludger ever quit Public Office?

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