Why you can’t take Corporate Farmers seriously on climate change


The Corporate Farming Lobby who have as much power as the Real Estate Pimps over the new Government tell us to trust them on climate change, but this is the lobby who have lied and manipulated and cheated any attempts for quarter of a century now to stop any real change and as NZ faces a $26billion climate fine for failing to reach our Paris obligations, the Insurance industry eyes up the reality that Climate Change will cost us a Trillion each year…

Lloyd’s new data tool highlights vulnerability of the global economy to extreme weather

Lloyd’s, the world’s leading marketplace for insurance and reinsurance, today launched a systemic risk scenario that models the global economic impact of extreme weather events leading to food and water shocks, estimating the loss to be $5trn over a five year period.

The scenario explores how a hypothetical but plausible increase in extreme weather events, linked to climate change, could lead to breadbasket crop* failures and significant global food and water shortages. As the event plays out, societies around the world could see widespread disruption, damage and economic loss, promoting major shifts in geopolitical alignments and consumer behaviours.

The first in a series of nine systemic risk scenarios, this research has been produced by Lloyd’s Futureset and in partnership with the Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies, to help risk owners better understand their exposure to critical threats such as extreme weather, and role of risk mitigation and insurance protection to build their resilience.

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It is supported by a cutting-edge data tool that provides businesses, governments, and insurers with a data-driven, financial impact assessment of the most significant global threats facing society today consider the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) impact of extreme events across 107 countries and at three levels of severity (major, severe, and extreme).

In addition to the global scenario, the data tool includes regional analysis which illustrates the potential economic losses should events be focused on a particular region. The recovery time for individual countries or regions depends on the structure of their economy, exposure levels and resilience.

As an example, if an extreme event such as this was centred on Greater China, the area which would feel the largest financial impact, it could lead to economic losses of $4.6 trillion over five years. This is followed closely by Asia Pacific at $4.5 trillion. As a percentage share of GDP, the Caribbean would be impacted the most by an event focused on its shores, losing 19% of GDP across the five-year period.

…the Corporate Farmers and their political representatives keep lying to you about how extreme climate change is and the scale of damage it will wrought.

We are in denial about the changes that are coming.

We are in denial about the need to adapt.

We are in denial about the new realities.

Look at this heat map…

…We. Are. So. Fucked.

As Kiwis we are a very laid back culture and we are fastidious about ignoring things that might lead to conflict, until conflict is upon us and then we are unrelenting in fighting for a righteous egalitarianism.

I believe we are at a turning point on climate change and we need to start being honest that nothing we can do now will stop what is coming.

For many of us, climate change has been a theoretical argument about something that might happen in the distant future.

It is no longer that.

It is now a present on going risk factor that poses an existential threat to us as a species and it is here now.

I’ve been following the IPCC reports on climate change from the beginning, and the criticism made against the IPCC was that due to its strict need for only unilaterally agreed science to make the official report, it was always underplaying the urgency and severity of the climate crisis.

There was always a section in each report where the science was presented that wasn’t universally accepted but included to show the reach and scope of debate.

Increasingly over the years, the worst case scenarios in the IPCC are playing out in real time.

The scientists were wrong, but only in their optimism.

You understand that each year that passes now will get worse or remain as starkly bad as they are now right?

You get that it doesn’t go back to normal after this right?

The extreme weather will get worse and worse.

More extreme than these extremes now.

Consider the baseline extreme current normal.

Sure the war in Ukraine is hurting food prices, but that’s damage on the baseline reality of a mega drought that has interrupted the agricultural calendar of major food producers globally!

The radical adaptation required to get us ready for what’s coming will splinter the political spectrum whether we like it or not.

NZ has to radically become more self sufficient.

We need a basic pharmaceutical industry.

Engineering industry.

Green Power.

The supply side shocks caused by Covid and war are not going away, and they are being compounded by catastrophic climate change.

Radical adaptation and communal community resourcing alongside a Big State approach to lynchpin infrastructure for basic self-reliance as an Island country facing enormous economic shockwaves is the only means to build the muscle mass to respond to the ever intensifying external disruption of late stage capitalism.

The need to increase military spending to 5% alongside the new costs for this infrastructure must be funded via new taxes aimed at corporations and banks.

A financial transaction tax and windfall profit tax would take the yoke of taxation off working people and place it upon the shoulders of the wealthy.

National and ACT  see mass immigration as a means to create fake growth at a time when we should be focused on de-growth.

Climate Crisis is here and adaptation is now.

We need to start rethinking Isolationism as a strength and Hyper-Regional Think Big as Economic Sovereignty.

The geopolitical shock waves are only getting more intense from here on in.

As you look around at the devastation these extreme weather events have caused, doesn’t being carbon neutral by 2050 look pathetic now?

We need a far larger vision than Luxon can produce, we need a far larger vision than the Left are even currently thinking.

We are beyond the tipping posts now: Greenland ice melt, the entire West Antarctic ice sheet, the Atlantic current failure, the changing of the jet stream, total biodiversity collapse, FFS what actually needs to happen before you sleepy Hobbits wake up!

I remember when the idea of instability in West Antarctica was a ‘never’ prospect, now in barely decades that has been turned on its head…

Meltdown of West Antarctic Ice Sheet unavoidable, study says

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet will continue to melt this century regardless of how much the world slashes planet-warming emissions, research from the British Antarctic Survey has found, locking in further sea level rise over the coming decades.

The study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change on Monday, found no matter the degree of warming this century, the melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet will speed up as warmer water in the Amundsen Sea erodes ice shelves bordering the ocean.

…the melt will happen regardless, no matter what we do now meaning we are fucked!

Just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions that are causing the climate crisis, and big oil KNEW in the 1990s that they were creating catastrophic climate change.

The comparisons between how Big Tobacco lied and manipulated the science linking smoking to cancer is as audacious as Big Oil has lied and manipulated the science linking CO2 to global warming.

We should be collectively suing Big Oil now and using the payouts to fund the urgent Green transition away from fossil fuels.

It is outrageous that our Government has not led this fight and instead capitulate to the polluters rather than challenge them. Indigenous people have been at the forefront of the climate crisis battle and have been the frontline between corporate polluting greed and sustainable habitats.

You can see why the State illegally spied on Māori Iwi fighting big oil in this country.

We need a vastly different vision for this country now, and it will require a revolution at the Ballot Box.

A specific plan to get elected with a radical agenda, force other Parties of the Left to agree, a 100 day plan to force it through and a strategy to hold the changes in place.

The next 3 years will start seeing climate change events beyond the ability to ignore and will terrify the electorate.

We as a movement must have a plan and an ability to articulate that or we perish as a movement, as a people and as a country.

This is now an existential threat to our species playing out in real time.

The time for an eco revolution is now.

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  1. Correct.
    Adaption is our only option.
    Local mitigation is futile unless the big industrialised northern hemisphere polluters are on board.
    We can save our local environment by acting locally but the effects of climate change we experience are not generated by us.
    This is the irony of globalisation, its is literally killing us.

  2. NZ Govt stats has all areas trending down.

    R&D is playing a pivotal role.

    If we do this better with technology then we have an export of knowledge etc to really help other nations which is how NZ can really make a difference to this issue.

    Support NZ farming.

    • Hasn’t Seymour already given R&D the kiss of death if he has any say in the matter. And he will.
      Good idea but who in the new govt. has the brains to implement anything progressive like this?

  3. The most obvious way to express an opinion is on your plate, supply & demand will soon show what type of farming is sustainable. Economic conditions & worldwide demand are factors that will influence the result also.

    • Complete myth, farmers are the custodians of our environment while urbanites don’t do anything but moan.(They are very good at moaning.)

      • No, they gladly poison the rivers with abandon. Look at Lake Ellesmere. Completely choked with shit. Look at the canterbury rivers. They used to be the cleanest rivers in the world, then farmers decided they wanted to make money so they dirtied them. And then we told them to stop, they started whining about their mental health and threatened to kill themselves. Fuck them. One less polluting farmer then.

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