Chris Hipkins as gutless on Gaza as he was on a wealth tax


Ceasefire in Israel-Gaza conflict currently unrealistic – Hipkins

A ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza conflict is currently unrealistic, according to outgoing Prime Minister Chris Hipkins.


Chippy is as gutless on Gaza as he was on the Wealth Tax.

We aren’t demanding a ceasefire because we are slaves to America via the 5 Eyes Spook Alliance, so we won’t say a harsh word against Israel’s war crime drenched response.

According to Chippy, this is proportional…

…glad we had that cleared up.

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If NZ had an independent foreign policy, we would do the following in response to the ongoing war crimes of Israel and horrific Hamas violence:

  • Condemn Israel’s attacks on Gaza
  • Demand Hamas return all hostages immediately
  • Call for an immediate comprehensive ceasefire
  • Call for the Palestinian people in Gaza to be placed under immediate United Nations protection
  • Send the Israeli ambassador home
  • Call for Two State summit immediately after hostilities have ceased.

There can be no justification for what Hamas did, but there are many many many manymany many many many many manymany many many many many many many manymany many many many many manymany many many many many many many manymany many many many many manymany reasons why it has happened.

I argued in January that the toxic ingredients were all in place for a 3rd intifada.

The far right Zionist Israeli Government and their cruel settler building program alongside the crack down on Palestinian prisoners rights alongside a normalisation agenda with other Muslim nations that would sideline the Palestinians permanently alongside the attacks on Holy sites alongside Putin and Iran’s own interests for conflict alongside no political solutions alongside 2.2million Palestinians cramped into what is effectively the largest open air prison on the planet alongside a 17 year blockade have all combined to produce a terrorism of unspeakable horror that can never be justified no matter the provocation.

The fear now is that in their blind rage for revenge, the Israelis are about to compound the atrocities of Hamas with their own.

You can’t drop bombs in a place as densely packed as Gaza and not kill innocent civilians.

70% of Palestinians killed so far are women and children. That’s not a military outcome, that’s a war crime!

The violence meted out by Hamas was calculated to inspire a rage retaliation from Israel that will trip the West Bank and Hezbollah.

The difference between Hamas and the IDF is that the IDF has obligations as a State in terms of its use of violence, where as Hamas is a terrorist organisation whose resistance has breached resistance and deformed itself into naked malice.

By refusing Palestinian aspiration, Israel has paid the highest price for their illegal occupation and their rage will not pause.

At this stage Israel are incapable of restraining their need for revenge, when the IDF force their way into Gaza, while telling the most densely packed open prison one earth to run with no where to run to, the civilian casualty rate will jump into the thousands.

As each obscene act of violence is met by another obscene act of violence, the invasion of Gaza will be a self mutilating wound that can only escalate.

New Zealand can not stand by silently while war crimes continue, and yet we are.


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  1. By now, we should all know that Hipkins is doing as he is told.

    NZ is owned by overseas masters and has been for a long while.
    Five Eyes, military ties and the snare of the TPPA’s power to discipline ensures that we’ll always tow U$A’s line, and U$A is run by the dark money of its corporate owners.

    • The initial reaction in supporting the right of a sovereign country to defend its population is a logical and the correct response.
      It is also logical and correct to object to over-reach by Israel. We need strong statements from our government in this regard but we should also continue to defend the right of sovereign countries to defend the citizens and condemn terrorist actions wherever these prevail.

      We should debate what is the appropriate action for a sovereign country in situations like these and what can we do to eliminate the suffering and assist societies and individuals to thrive.

    • Where exactly is ‘Palestine’? My map says Israel…and they’re winning. Mr Hipkins has more of a moral compass than I’d thought.

        • Good riddance to Gaza and the West Bank, say goodbye their days are number. From the River to the sea Israel will be free, from terrorism

            • Because they commit terrorist acts. Because they terrorise Palestinians and others!
              Serious answer.

              Why are criminals criminal? Not because they want to be productive members of society! Same applies to gangsters. People who join the local bridge club are different…..

              • Hmmm…hardly enlightening.

                Both sides are torrorising the fuck out of 10000’s. What makes one side a terrorist organisation and the other not?

                From what I see they are 2 peas from the same pod and if the world has decided Hamas are terrorists then surely so is the Israeli Government.

      • How long has Palestine been called Palestine?
        The term “Palestine” first appeared in the 5th century BCE when the ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote of a “district of Syria, called Palaistinê” between Phoenicia and Egypt in The Histories.

        On November 29, 1947 the United Nations adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948 when the British mandate was scheduled to end.
        The foundational events of the Nakba took place during and shortly after the 1948 Palestine war, including 78% of Mandatory Palestine being declared as Israel, the expulsion and flight of 700,000 Palestinians, the related depopulation and destruction of over 500 Palestinian villages by Zionist militias and later the …

        • So why did the Arabs throw their toys out of the cot and refuse the partitioned land from which they could have developed a state. After all India was rent apart and land taken for Pakistan. Why were the Palestinians so churlish do you think? Any clues revealed in bin Laden’s Letter to America perchance?

          • ” The Palestinian Arab leadership rejected partition as unacceptable, given the inequality in the proposed population exchange and the transfer of one-third of Palestine, including most of its best agricultural land, to recent immigrants.” The Ps also had a bigger population. Also the Jewish population had been boosted by immigration under British control who under Balfour had promised a jewish State. The Ps rightly determined their homeland was being taken from them.

      • Do you know where Gaza is? That’s the area with a population of which 60% are children. That’s where the big tough IDF continues aerial bombing but apparently is doing all they can to avoid collateral damage. What a load of horse shit.

    • Lol….priceless!

      You missed out the ending silly Tipene, I know you meant it to read:
      ‘Free Palestine, from Hamas and Islamic terrorists’

      Fixed it for you, you will thank me later. Feel free to copy and paste at end of your rants and save you forgetting eh?

  2. It’s only unrealistic if you think that the legal responsibilities of the United Nations should be totally ignored.

    One resolution in the General Assembly is enough to end the madness immediately, and gathering the support of 80% of the Non-Aligned Movement nations is enough to get it passed.

    Under U.N.G.A. Res. 377A., the General Assembly may directly authorise an international peacekeeping force to “restore international peace and security” in Israel-Palestine, in order to respond to the “breach of the peace” and “act of aggression” by the occupying power, following her “attempt to alter by force” the Res. 181 partition.

    Such a resolution cannot be vetoed by the Security Council.

    U.N.G.A. Res. 181 states that the U.N. Palestine Commission is responsible for “maintain[ing] internal order… prevent[ing] frontier clashes… general political and military control [of the] armed militia from the residents of that State… [and] hold[ing] elections to the Constituent Assembly.”

    Those responsibilities go all the way to the borders of the State of Arab Palestine: as defined in the same resolution since 1947, and never rescinded. It is the responsibility of the General Assembly to call a new meeting of the Commission, appoint new members to her, and to pass a resolution providing her with sufficient peacekeeping troops.

  3. Since there is no generally accepted acknowledgement of the existence of “Palestine”, this is effectively an Israeli civil war and thus none of our business whatsoever. IMO we should remain entirely neutral in this conflict outside of an opinion/position at the UN if asked for.

    • Nitrium, we host IDF in our country on their holidays and we have brought weapons and defense auxiliaries from Israel, this is a military the consistently commits war crimes and practices apartheid. And you believe that we should be neutral????

  4. You of all people Martyn should know that it should be Luxon commenting not Hipkins. Whatever Hipkins believes is completely irrelevant as Luxon will repeal it next week and take us back to the 80s as he is going to do with everything else.
    Then not only will we be the hermit kingdom we will be the laughing stock of the rest of the world and compared to North Korea except for the guns.

  5. Luxon along with any other PM we have will be no different. For those who want immediate peace talks consider the following.
    Hamas govern Gaza so if there are peace talks you are negotiating with terrorists.
    Half of those living in Gaza don’t want Hamas but through their silence they are complicit with Hamas.
    The other half of those living there support and hide Hamas so are complicit in this tragedy.
    For the half of that population that don’t want Hamas and want to live in relative peace, Hamas has to go.
    Hamas won’t be going anywhere if there is negotiation.
    Who is this war really serving. IMO Iran and other surrounding countries.
    If Hamas can be rooted out of Gaza a UN force, or similar can stay in Gaza permanently to monitor the area saving thousands of lives in the future.
    I’m sure my opinion won’t be popular if it gets published at all.

    • Basic Israeli Hasbara that’s not really worth replying to but i will because it needs to be challenged.
      Only the militant wing of Hamas is designated a terrorist organization by the West and the civilian branch of Hamas that sees to the needs of the people with infrastructure, water and health is not designated a terrorist organization by the West. Israel with a sleight of hand wants you to believe all Hamas are terrorists to exact revenge and mow the lawn.
      Glad to clear that up for ya!

    • Netanyahu and Mossad knew about Hamas’ planned terror strike but did nothing because it served their agenda of ethnic cleansing Gaza. Hamas is as much a creation of USA/Israel as it is Iran.

      I like thejuicemedia’s take on this situation

      1. Hamas’ attack on civilians in Israel is fucked and a violation of international law
      2. Israel’s collective punishment of civilians in Gaza is fucked and a violation of international law
      3. Both (1) and (2) are happening in the context of an occupation which is fucked and a violation of international law

  6. Martyn – Not a word on the Palestinian Authority, despite being the legal representative of the Palestinian People…perhaps it because refuse to support Hamas

  7. Just another spineless politician simping for Israel.

    Luxon has come out too saying he see’s nothing wrong with what Israel is doing.

    German chancellor has also said he see’s nothing illegal or wrong with what Israel are doing. In fact all the western leaders are queuing up to pay homage to Israel the only supposed “civilised” state of the ME

    Meanwhile 3,000 children have been killed in the last few weeks by blood thirsty Israel. Any other country acting in such a manner would become a pariah state but oh not not Israel.

    Tell me Gaby, what’s the difference between Hamas killing a baby with a knife and Israel dropping a bomb on one? Both are barbaric acts yet Isrzel gets away with it, even gets commended for it by the west.

    Ceasefire now ffs

  8. NZ would do well to follow Bolivian lead in UN General Assembly [31.October] their decision to break diplomatic relations with Israel.

  9. In this day and age…As I drive my beautiful car while I communicate via my amazing cell phone as I pass sophisticated homes in safe suburbs within a first world city I struggle to keep my sanity because why are people, like you and me, still behave like savages. No disrespect to actual savages.
    Two battlefronts, right? Battle front #1 Men wail and screech about Gods and demons while suppressing their women under tents with eye holes while Battle front #2 Moans about not having everything everywhere immediately while wearing weird little cup coasters for hats over their alarmingly empty heads as they self satisfyingly kill everything with a heart beat so they can be the best with the most.
    Honestly? Really? Truthfully? I think we progressive, intelligent and enthusiastically learning and evolving human, human-beings should stay the fuck away from the mad bastards until there’s only two left, one from each mindless side then once they’ve jizzed their little man-bullets at each other we give then a couple of ‘E’ each. Behold. Peace on Earth. Thank me now.
    I can get a license to own a gun and shoot my little man-bullets at evil little animals and yet if I was found in possession of : ‘Wikipedia 3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine, commonly known as ecstasy, molly or mandy, and is a potent *empathogen–entactogen with stimulant and minor psychedelic properties primarily used for recreational purposes’ I’d get arrested, asset stripped and imprisoned.
    Alcohol and Drug Foundation › drug-facts › empathogens
    Empathogens increase a person’s feeling of empathy and benevolence towards others, as well as feelings of being socially accepted and connected.1.
    Entactogen › wiki › Empathogen–entacto…
    entactogen from
    Entactogen’s are a class of psychoactive drugs that produce experiences of emotional communion, oneness, relatedness, emotional openness…
    Doesn’t it all make you wonder that the fuck it is that’s actually going on here and there.
    Biden is a wicked old nut and shouldn’t be let out of his Gimp cupboard.
    Donald ‘Duck’ Rumsfeld’s estate should send Putin his platform shoes
    Donald Rumsfeld enhanced his comparatively diminutive 5ft 8in stature with the aid of thickly padded shoes with built-up heels, which caused him to waddle when he walked.
    The Guardian. By a reporter called Andrew Cockburn. Ba hahahhaha ahahah a!
    Our planet has become overrun by self mutilating penis people.
    You young people of today? When old psychiatrically ill men call you to war, don’t go.
    The reason why Chipkins struggled is because he has no common sense or a sense of humour. I do think he’s inherently a good person. Unlike luxon who’s just a dumb opportunist who will unsurprisingly have a doting caucus following. Only greedy narcissists go to war and only fools follow them ahead to fight it. Yes, you read that as it was intended.

  10. Where is Palestine asks Gaby ,,,,, who a few weeks ago leapt at the fictitious Israel propaganda/lies of 40 beheaded babies to call for the very real mass murder of Palestinian children,,, and ethnic cleansing/genocide of Palestinians…..

    Palestine is the place where more than a fe young New Zealand soldiers died in WWI ,,, it’s written on their gravestones in many New Zealand cemetery’s ,,,, I hope a dishonest zionest like Gaby does not deface them to further his bull-shit ……

    Regarding the ‘two state solution’ ,,,, a broken promise on which Israel w as founded ,,, and which it has fought ever since to prevent it ever happening …..

    …. Well there is approximately 500,000 ILLEGAL Israel ‘settlers’ stealing and taking over the land on which Palestine should have ,,,, these illegal settlers are the extremists, Kahanists and the most racist Jewish supremacists ,,,,, Israel would have to have a civil war to dislodge these hard-core violent nutters.

    Israel ( and the Usa) would rather wage war and ethnically cleanse the Palestinians ,,,, that is their preferred and final solution for a country founded on land theft and dispossession.

    • A two state solution reason? But the Arab Palestinians refused their state in 1947. Are you claiming they’ve changed their minds? Why would that be?

  11. I am pretty sure that the western nations have a co-ordinated response. It says 1) Hamas committed atrocities, 2) Israel has the right to defend itself, 3) Israel must act within the laws of armed conflict, 4) Humanitarian assistance is required including a pause from fighting, 5) Israel needs to be serious about a two state solution.

    It is becoming increasingly clear that Western nations have co-ordinated and uniform responses on quite a range of issues (Ukraine, Gaza, etc). I don’t think it is simply dictated by the US, there will be a consensus between them all around it. For instance the greater recent emphasis on the two state solution.

    I think part of the reason is that they know the rest of the world will not do so. They will either be neutral or directly opposed. On Israel specifically the Holocaust weighs deeply on western governments. They don’t want to be seen to abandon Israel.

    Should NZ break from that? It means more than just the specific issue. It would signify a general break from the West. NZ Labour will not do that, although the Greens and Te Parti Maori would do so. But this won’t be cost free, especially with Australia. At some point this will become serious election issue, most probably from 2029 onward.

    • We won’t because ultimately we’re a tiny little nation at the bottom of the world that needs big countries to be our friends, for economic and defense reasons. And you are right, despite what people say here it is not all dictated from the USA. Look at Ukraine. If people think that’s just the USA vs Russia they are blind.

  12. ” Chippy is as gutless on Gaza as he was on the Wealth Tax ”

    But Bomber you know this guy ?

    Hardly a sympathetic humanitarian when he as his position directs him to cuddle up to his other 4 eyes exclusive club and all of their agendas and finance that enables states like Israel to continue to wage war on a people who have no ability to protect or shield their children and family from disease , bombs or the safety of a hospital that is that last refuge for these people that “ARE US ” but are 16000 KMs away facing the atrocity of an army of Tarrant’s.

    Had Hipkins an his brother in arms the Nast ACT party been in a position of influence in 1987 we would never have passed the anti nuclear legislation or stood up to the power of the western alliance in our determination to have an independent foreign policy based on principle and sovereignty which was enforced after the French terrorist attack on the Rainbow Warrior by French secret agents of the DGSE and the indifference of our former allies including Australia , UK and the U.S who supressed intelligence of the planned attack in 1985.

    Gutless is letting him off lightly Bomber.

    • Money where your mouth is, O’Dea. Give us the stats that prove Israeli genocide of the Palestinians. Repeating the same old lie over and over doesn’t make it any less of a lie. Palestinians have in fact more than quintupled their population. Accusing Jews of genocide is an obscenity of the left.

      • Fits the bill for the current assault on Gaza. genocide
        noun: genocide; plural noun: genocides
        the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
        “a campaign of genocide”

    • But the Jewish population declined and declined dramatically in western and central Europe in the years 1939-1945 yet increased in Palestine Pat. How can this be genocide?


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