If you think National + ACT + NZF is the solution, we as a Nation have a problem


This self inflicted self mutilation has been driven by the rage of frightened voters who have had their pain manipulated for far right interests using social media hate algorithms.

It’s Old Zealand (Act/National/NZF) vs New Zealand (Labour/Green/Māori Party).

It’s timid fragile egos all angry at the economic anxiety post-Covid has manifested.

National + ACT + NZF will be the worst Government in NZ History.

If you think National + ACT + NZF is the solution, we as a Nation have a problem.
We are a lesser people for this Election and the worst angels of our nature have been aroused by political interests and astroturf rural dissent.

National get caught hiding the fact that only 3000 people will get their $250 per fortnight tax cut, while apologising for falsely framing everyone would get that tax cut, Luxon accidentally framed it that way again. He’s a one trick pony without a trick or pony.

After refusing to rule Winston out, then ruling Winston in, National begged the country not to vote for Winston.

I’ve never seen such an appalling set of stupid decisions all made in combination to create  a toxic brew of egos.

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ACT are promising to bring back submachine guns.

Winston is threatening Jack Tame for asking him hard questions.

National will stop building State Houses.

ACT want to rob you of January 2nd stat holiday.

National can not fund their foreign buyers tax but will allow foreign speculators to price the next generation out of home ownership.

NZ First just dumped a candidate who compared Covid vaccinations to Nuremberg trials.

National will give Landlords the power to throw tenants out without notice.

NZ First will misuse the Terrorism Suppression Act to designate domestic groups for paramilitary policing.

National will start riots and bloodshed at Funerals attempting to take Gang Patches from funerals.

National will rob 2 year olds, mutilate public transport and literally steal from climate change funds to give Landlord’s a $250 per fortnight tax cut!

ACT will start a race war with their racist referendum.

National and ACT will steal 2 years of our pension from Gen X.

Winston claims Māori aren’t indigenous.

ACT want to spark domestic meth cooking so they can pimp for big Pharma.

National will give bosses the right to sack after 90 days.

National, ACT and NZ First will all punish beneficiaries.

National, ACT and NZ First have used Māori as a punching bag.

National, ACT and NZ First will slash the public services while claiming they aren’t slashing public services.

National, ACT and NZ First will abandon all climate change legislation and allow the planet to burn.

National, ACT and NZ First are taking millions in donations from the mega rich.

National’s ‘plan’ isn’t trickle down economics, it defies political gravity and demands trickle up! They are taking $2b from the poor and giving it to the rich! This isn’t a plan, it’s Egalitarian vandalism!

In the first 100 days, redneck knee jerk left tough on crime rhetoric will be imposed that will cause an explosion in violence by the State which will shame kiwis!

National, ACT and NZFirst will throw thousands out of state homes with no where for them to go, while cutting 15 000 public service jobs while cutting 140 000 off welfare with sanctions!

If this is honestly your political preference because you are embittered Jacinda protected NZ from a mass death event and saved 6000 lives; have had your co-governance ignorance manipulated; and fear of crime exploited – then we have a problem as a Nation!

The question must be how we on the Left managed to exacerbate this and how the hell we find a solution.


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  1. Luxor’s dreadful. Seymour’s always looked a sociopath, and Luxon emerging publicly as a vacillating idiot could be even worse than slippery liars Key and English.

  2. The solution is staring you in the face every time you vote for a person or a party as you automatically endorse a political and judicial system that doesn’t work anymore.

    Have a referendum on the Westminster system and decide if it’s the best form of Governance we can have.

    That will open a dialogue on what other options there are.

      • What about selecting candidates for public office by lot, like we do with jury selection, rather than allowing people to nominate their mates?

        Or making more use of Citizens’ Assemblies, with govts obliged to action their recommendations? They’re far less expensive to run than binding referenda. As well as being far more capable of engaging with the facts and coming up with creative solutions that address them, and far less vulnerable to the bombardment of misleading political marketing we’ve seen in this election.

  3. New Zealand does have a series of big problems, but no one is keen to fix them, Labour included. You know that, I know that, most people here know. So ACT is what you’re going to get. Take your medicine, you worked hard to get it.

    • Let’s hope we all wake up and refuse to elilect A Liar like Luxdon. He never awnsers any real important questions. It’s proven he lied about All Newzealaners getting Decent Tax Cuts! Why do we need a wishy washy Dick looking after our beautiful country.
      Please don’t let the Richer get richer. While average kiwis struggle to get by. We all deserve better than Luxdon.
      Cheers Nancy.

  4. National are only in the game because Labour and the greens are so useless. You don’t need an algorithm for that.

    • But National are fast proving they will be more useless….unless you are a landlord, property speculator, real estate agent, or one of the knuckle dragging farmers (no that’s not all of them)or other industry types that completely f*ck the environment.

  5. Neither work for me. I want governance in NZ to actually represent and manage what New Zealanders want for their country fundamentally. The Swiss system is much more “democratic” in that the smaller parties get some input into running the country. Their cabinet ministers ( Bundesrat ) are a group of seven who are elected for life, proportionally by both chambers of their government, ensuring the higher polling small parties are playing a role in making decisions for the country. Right now four parties are represented in the Bundesrat. The president is chosen on the basis of the longest serving MP of the seven and is changed each year. This very democratic system of governance and is then backed up by usually 3 referendums a year with 3 or 4 questions asked each time. The results of referendums are binding and must be actioned within 2 years.
    SO NZ would be a very different place now if we had such a democratic collaborative team governing our country over the last 30 yrs .
    I would feel my voice was being heard.

    • For such a system to work, New Zealand would have to raise considerably it’s standard of political, intellectual and social discourse.
      Reason save us if we base such referendums on the same standards of discourse as we are currently exposed to via our incompetent, trivia chasing, lowest common denominator driven media,

    • The problem with the Swiss system is that, in giving more power to public opinion, you’re actually just giving more power to the corporate media, because that is the main force that shapes public opinion.

      And that’s before we even start talking about the nutters/racists/conspiracy theorists etc., who have as much “voice” in referenda as the scientists and experts…

  6. But! Labour did it! Doing fuck all with a majority government lets in the oppo!

    Labour Did it!

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