Wait? WHAT! ACT purge ANOTHER candidate + Alliance of Arseholes start fighting before election even held

We are facing a situation where the Country will be held to ransom by an extremist hard right Party and the political media want to scream about an advert Labour got wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ACT loses another candidate just weeks out from election

ACT has lost another candidate just weeks out from the election.

The party’s candidate for Taranaki King Country, Brent Miles, withdrew last week for personal reasons, a spokesperson for the party said.

1News had asked why Miles had been removed from ACT’s website.

The spokesperson said ACT would not comment further.

Miles previously stood for ACT at the 2020 election.

It means five ACT candidates have now withdrawn in recent weeks — Elaine Naidu-Franz, Darren Gilchrist, Scott Boness, Anto Coates and now Miles.

Naidu-Franz, the party’s Rangitata candidate, immediately resigned after online comments where she likened vaccine mandates to Nazi concentration camps came to light.

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What in the name of the zombie Jesus is happening over in ACT?

The deep dumpster dive of poorly vetted ACT candidates having to suddenly drop out is as eye rolling as it is terrifyingly hilarious.

Eye rolling because taking deep dumpster dives into peoples Social Media history is so fucking tedious and woke pious!

Terrifyingly hilarious because the cavalcade of political circus freaks ACT have attracted is because of ACTs extreme rhetoric and this sense that ACT are extremist is now either exciting a shell shocked numb electorate or repulsing them.

ACTs candidate selection board resembles a panel of lepers judging a beauty contest.

As ACTs power builds, the vested interests that generate pressure groups and fund factions are growing.

The Gun Fetishists will get their favourite sociopath machine gun back while dumping the Gun Registry.

Corporations wanting Public Private Partnerships are getting everything they want.

The stealth privatisation of Phramac has begun with their Number 4 Party Pharmaceutical Pimp.

Managing these extremists is difficult because they all want bone cutting reforms and pure amputations of the State.

Critics of Seymour have taken him literally and not seriously, his latest threat to National of giving them only Confidence if David doesn’t get his extremist agenda highlights just how extreme the gulf between ACT policy and National policy really is…

ACT’s David Seymour floats confidence-only partnership – no supply

ACT has floated the possibility of a new kind of governing arrangement if National refuses to cooperate during post-election negotiations.

Party leader David Seymour has threatened to resort to a confidence-only deal, which would require the larger party to seek ACT’s backing for all government spending – or “supply” – decisions on a case-by-case basis.

Recent polls suggest National and ACT could form a government together, but National having to also rely on NZ First – who ACT has ruled out – is also a real possibility.

National has also begun ruling out – or in some cases merely rejecting – ACT policies.

Seymour says if National is not prepared to “fully share power”, his party would consider a minority-government position.

“We’re prepared to do it if the alternative is taking the baubles of office and letting our voters in New Zealand down. So yep, I’ve done it before – I turned down being a minister to do End of Life Choice,” he says.

However, his version would be a different flavour to what NZ First’s Winston Peters has threatened in the past:

“I think we’d be able to be clear that, you know, while they have the confidence of the house, if they want to pass Budgets they are going to have to rely on another party,” Seymour said.

“I think it would probably be just confidence.”

This would mean that although ACT would help National form a government, they could refuse to support its spending initiatives – a break from the traditional “confidence and supply” agreement which sees the minor party guarantee to support the larger’s Budget.

…if Labour, Greens and Maori Party are the Coalition of Chaos, then National, ACT and NZ First are the Alliance of Arseholes and they are fighting before the election is even held!

People don’t understand how wide eyed ACT are about implementing harsh reforms that will cause enormous carnage, that they are openly threatening National should be an enormous red flag that ACT has intention of moderating any policy!

We are facing a situation where the Country will be held to ransom by an extremist hard right Party and the political media want to scream about an advert Labour got wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How is it that an extremist hard right Political Party can openly threaten National and hold the country to ransom and the political media are bickering about truth in social media adverts???

When is the actual, you know, serious Election coverage by the mainstream media going to start or is it really just ZB talking points all the way through till October?



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  1. Another three years of drifting and decay under Luxon is only slightly better than three years of pronouncements, pronoun policing, and NZ’s decline under Chippy.

    Smart move Seymour.

    • Better to run straight to the cliff edge behind little David, eh Ada?

      New campaign ad perhaps?
      Vote ACT – “Let’s just end it all.”

        • Any party practising now discredited neoliberal economic theory will lead us to ruin. It’s just some (National, Labour) like to take a circuitous route, whereas others (like ACT) want to dash headlong into certain death.
          The polls indicate how poor a grasp the average KeeWee voter has of the underlying cause of their financial plight.
          As if David F@cking Seymour & Cluxon are offering a different approach to economics than what Labour have.
          Their slavish addiction for failed neoliberalism goes unpunished through ignorance of the facts, a situation they and their supporters wish to maintain.
          And for evidence of this, may I offer Exhibit A: the topics being currently debated in the election campaign. No nettles being grasped whatsoever!

    • ” What in the name of the zombie Jesus is happening over in ACT?”
      I hope it’s a ‘groundswell’ of conscience because they’ll all burst into flames the moment they walk out of rogers crypt and into the sunshine.
      ACT appeals to the terminally self delusional who believe that just because they got out of bed and exposed themselves to a new day they’re the National Party Dark Lord’s messiah to be adored and adorned in jewels and treasures and given gifts of virgins and Ferrari’s. Their psychotic belief that we should all bow down to their greatness, where there isn’t any or course, is their, so they will believe, well deserved right and that it’d be our pleasure to work ever harder for ever less for them in all capacities because we carry the hallowed ACT name in revere which will appease the Great Twerk and he’ll see that as our reward enough and of course, he’ll keep the money.
      I see ACT and seymour differently. I see ACT as a tuneless base line, entry-level chorus person in grubby pink tights crawling up the leg of its abusive father-mother National. ACT is a national party appendage that’s going further off than a fish head on a London street, a bit iffy to say the least. When it comes to right wing politics too much can be a ghastly monstrosity ( While too little if any would be a blessing and a joy.) lumbering around the dock yards with it’s tattered frock hitched into its fishnet stockings offering $2 dollar blow jobs to the elderly and the emotionally already handicapped.

      • Well, given Act incels probably never had a root they did not pay for, CBs analogy is reasonably apt.

        A number of lower income revenge voters are going to get a good walloping from Act if they assume office–petrol prices will not drop, renters will have even less security of tenure, attack on minimum wage, prescription charges reinstated, public transport price hikes, and that just touches on some of the obvious claw backs. The bigger scene is shrinking the state and handing the work over to the private sector and a full frontal assault on Māoridom.

        The dark kiwis love this stuff, but it will all be on for sure in terms of open societal conflict not seen since Muldoon and 1981, and in recent times the occupation of Parliament grounds.

    • Seymour looks like a half pissed idiot Jack ,,,, which seemed to be his role in the last NAct government,,, where he would ask Key the most stupid Patsy question,,, that you would have to be drunk and have a weird mindset ( rich corrupt wankers perhaps), to find find funny.

      ie, the two of them found this hilarious and had a right good giggle — “David Seymour: In what century did the wine-box inquiry take place?.
      Rt Hon JOHN KEY: One so far back I can hardly remember it.” ,,,, get it Jack ? ,, share their inside humor?.

      Seymour also probably gave Key the thumbs up with larrikin face for this pearler,,, and obvious lie –“” JOHN KEY: I cannot confirm whether the Bahamas is a tax haven or not—I simply do not know.”

      Leaving aside Seymours pleasure and laughs at Tax havens with the white collar crime that inevitably goes with them,,,,,I can confidently predict Seymour is going to do a Peter Dunne this election….. that is Seymour will bring a bunch of incompetent misfits into Parliament,,,, and it will be a circus ,, just like Dunne achieved once….. With the voters consequently deserting his clown show the following election.


      Despite the fancy misleading advertising covering the contents of the Act biscuit box ,,,, in reality it contains bitter nuts and salty crackers,,,,

    • Jack, you mean you would vote for a automated twat asking to go have a piss
      You’d vote for him into a coalition with a guy who got slayed again by a semi competent interviewer this morning.
      Be good watching on Maori TV tomorrow night when Moana takes on Seymour. She and her channel are not beholden to anyone white so it will be all on. She shit all over Luxon a while ago so I doubt we will see him back on her show.

  2. Seymour is trying with all his might to keep his candidates looking just sane enough until the election, as if ACT was a multi headed amoebic medusa, that Seymour needs to chop the heads off of, each time one of his candidates pops their head up, and is caught saying what they really think. I can just imagine the conversations Seymour must be having, trying to stop them showing their real colours, when all they want to do is burst out showing their real colours:

    ACT Campaign Manager: Sorry David, but our 12th candidate, Idi Amein is in favour of genocides.
    Seymour: Chop him!
    ACT Campaign Manager: Now Benito is going on about special treatment along race lines.
    Seymour: Chop him!
    ACT Campaign Manager: 14th candidate Richard Darmer wants to diversify our meat exports.
    Seymour: Chop him!
    ACT Campaign Manager: 19th candidate Charlie Manson is throwing poo at our supporters.
    Seymour: Chop him!
    ACT Campaign Manager: 26th candidate Andres Brevik says he loves ACTS gun policy.
    Seymour: He can stay!
    ACT Campaign Manager: I got a text from Jamie saying that as we’re fast losing candidates, he’ll put his hand up, if we agree to change the laws on incest just a little.
    Seymour: Although my sister is certainly attractive, tell him sorry, but no can do, though I’ll keep it under consideration!
    ACT Campaign Manager: Putin says you’ve got his vote.
    Seymour: Of course! Like me, he’s a guy who knows how to get things done.

  3. While I have no idea about any specific candidate, as I only personally know one person standing for ACT (and she is a very impressive candidate, intelligent, talented & very accomplished and New Zealand would be lucky to have her in Parliament).

    One of the possible reasons for candidates standing down, is that things are starting to get real. It might be fun to stand as a candidate, knowing you’re 15th or greater on the list and there is little likelihood of having to give up your job, your business, your life and throw your family into turmoil to take a place in Parliament. However, the way things are currently moving, lower ranked candidates may find themselves elected and it is better to pull out at this stage, if you aren’t prepared to make that serious commitment.

    • Here,here Rat in a cage.
      The converse happened in 2020 when people down the Labour list found themselves elected and went on to be exposed for the fools they were.

  4. Acts circus freaks are better than Labours circus freaks & that’s the problem.

    All the parties have 3 eyed circus freaks.

    But it’s the Kitchen Cabniet that matters.

  5. They’re far too sensitive.
    Saying something on Facebook a decade ago isn’t worthy of being forced to resign. Unless it’s something of reasonable import, David should just tell the media to bugger off.

  6. So ACT getting rid of candidates at the first sign of trouble is bad? Looks more like ACT hold high expectations and if not met, then there’s the door. It’s a contrast to Allan, Whaitiri, Nash, Wood, etc…

      • Agree Nash was one of Labour’s few MP’s that had credibility the rest are mainly hangers on enjoying the remuneration.
        I suspect Parker doesn’t have his heart in the job anymore,he’s an intelligent person who must at times be embarrassed to keep the company of

        • You are so full of it Bob. Let’s all have a search of TDB posts on Nash. You will see your comments on those posts and you say something very different about Nash not so long ago. Spoiler alert, it’s not complimentary. Rather than pontificating over Country Boy and how seriously he is taken, a little self reflection might be in order.

      • Agree Nash was one of Labour’s few MP’s that had credibility the rest are mainly hangers on enjoying the remuneration.
        I suspect Parker doesn’t have his heart in the job anymore,he’s an intelligent person who must at times be embarrassed to keep the company of

      • Yea nah. It’s like saying Brownlie and Collins are the cornerstone of National, well given his size maybe big Gezza is.

  7. Like the CTU shooting of fish in a barrel with that Luxon attack ad, this is the wrong thing to focus on. The right are better at fearmongering than we are (because they don’t care about sticking to the facts), so whenever the left campaign on Fear of the Other, we’re playing on their home turf. If we do this for the next few weeks, we will lose.

    How about we play a different game, one that we’re better at? The game of explaining the deep causes of problems, and the solutions that can actually solve them? If we focus the campaign on policy, we expose the right’s intellectual bankruptcy, and we will win.

    Policy, policy, policy!

    • Boom – bullseye Danyl!
      The only comments from the right wing trolls have been “but Labour bad”, “but Labour did it”, etc etc.
      Yeah, we get some of that, but where are the compelling arguments as to WHY anyone should vote for Mr Potato Head or Rimmer and his fast disappearing clowns?
      Discuss their policies! Martyn’s offering a tremendous platform to talk to the left (ain’t he nice!). Or, do they not have any? Or worse, as a right wing troll, do you know they are electoral poison IF we do talk about them?

  8. Seymour can laugh at himself, Chippy can a bit too, but Luxon can’t. He is not comfortable in his own skin. He needs JK for encouragement. Sad really.

  9. Yet James Shaw can blatantly lie on his CV

    Marama can go around accusing a single racial group of all crime.

    And Rawiri en tal can tell if you’re genetically superior by the colour of your skin.

    None of those have resigned.

    At least those on the right do the decent thing and pull the pin, can we say the same about those on the left?

  10. Ye Gods!
    So how bad were the ACT party candidate applicants who didn’t win selection? Maybe we’ll find out when they replace all the current ones?

  11. Fortunately, Labour and Greens don’t seem to ever have any problems with their candidates. Totally stable. No resignations. No disgraceful conduct. No arrests. Oh wait.

  12. Labour has had a few people who have left , or are leaving , or have jumped ship , fall from grace or nothing left in the tank….I’ve spoken to some lifelong dedicated Labour voters and they are , much to my amazement, Voting ACT…..The co governance legislation is the main issue that they can not vote for….

  13. ” Corporations wanting Public Private Partnerships are getting everything they want ”

    Just like the financial gangsters funding the National party.

    If the MSM wasn’t so biased and one eyed they should have been scrutinising the ACT , National , NZF , Labour , Greens , TMP , and TOP party lists and the people selected to stand but I guess that means more work for the millennial snowflakes who think they are journalists.

    As usual one of the most frightening aspects of neo liberal democracy is SCRUTINY and well resourced impartial media to carry that out.

    No one should be surprised that the MSM’s dereliction of duty when it comes to investigation and uncovering the real facts and agenda behind the current campaigns after all neo liberalism and its enablers relies on them not to delve to deep or really question anything.

    Social media takes care of the issues nicely.

  14. ” While I have no idea about any specific candidate, as I only personally know one person standing for ACT (and she is a very impressive candidate, intelligent, talented & very accomplished and New Zealand would be lucky to have her in Parliament) ”

    But obviously not one shred of humanity or understanding of the economic plight of those that NACT will on behalf of their donors and her representation enforce policies and an economy that have never benefitted anyone apart from rich listers and consistently has failed to deliver for the many rather than the well off and the financially well endowed who are donating to make the status quo work even better for them !

    Good on ACT for selecting her. I am sure she will be outstanding Rat.

  15. Not sure why ACT were even running in Taranaki King Country. In an act of supreme optimism, ACT published a its list with 55 members as potential MP’s. Brent Miles didn’t even make the list. Maybe his lack of a listing convinced him that no matter how many of his co-imbeciles dropped out of the lower rankings, the person in seat number 55 does not have a snowball’s chance in hell of finishing among the money.


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