Woodhouse got a low list ranking, not because of his penis, but because he’s a dick


Election 2023: Outgoing Dunedin MP Michael Woodhouse says being male cost him his place on National list

Being male has cost him and many other National MPs a high slot on their party list, outgoing Dunedin list MP Michael Woodhouse believes.

On his first interview since quitting his party’s list, National’s Dunedin candidate said he feared that New Zealand’s sixth-largest city was being abandoned by his party, and that the way National was behaving meant it was shedding party votes to Act New Zealand.

“Firstly, there was a contest between diversity and experience and in my case, diversity won,” Woodhouse told the Otago Daily Times when asked about why he was given such a low position on National’s list.

“Secondly, I think that there was a bit of naivety about using the list rankings as a process to send messages, and thirdly I think that there were other factors at play working against me that I won’t elaborate on but I wasn’t part of the caucus club, that’s for sure. I have a habit of saying things without fear or favour.”

He’s tried to walk this back and has claimed the media put words in his mouth, he is saying the media have made him sound like a ‘toy-throwing misogynist‘, which is funny because the media are only framing it that way because that’s how his tantrum is coming across.

Sure National have a problem with diversity, yes they have put a lot of new female candidates up, yes they need to reach out to more women voters, but that’s not why Woodhouse was demoted, he was demoted because he’s a clown!

This is the bloke remember who tried to paint Labour’s Covid response as incompetent by claiming homeless people were manipulating Covid quarantine by sneaking into 5 star hotels.

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He never proved this claim, and it was never really clear why he was spreading it in the first place.

How cares if Homeless people were managing to get 5 star hotel accommodation, why shit on the homeless getting a lucky break?

It was as if Woodhouse was personally offended that a homeless person slept in a room he might one day use.

It was a weird and stupid thing to claim.

Woodhouse got a low list ranking, not because of his penis, but because he’s a dick.


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  1. Woodhouse’s ego got the better of him.
    After being a high profiler of the failed Key government, the majority of which MP’s were last seen scuttling, Woodhouse clung on thinking he was bigger than Texas. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Woodhouse could be heard using Aaron Gilmores quote to Luxon…”don’t you know who I am “!

  2. Alleged to have thrown around comments querying whether the Min. of Health “had enough body bags” during the height of the Covid scare, at a time when we needed leadership, not cheap scaremongering.
    Proudly paraded a toilet seat with a picture of a Parliamentary colleague pasted on to it.

    A professional Tory parasite and tosser. Surprised National are getting rid of him since he’s such a good fit for them!
    However not surprised they’re doing it in such a cowardly fashion.
    Karma is a bitch, eh Mike?

    • Jase. He degraded Curran with his grubby toilet seat caper, and he subjected her to the ridicule women politicians have endured for years from these pathetic inadequate males in Parliament. Now it’s his turn.

      Karma, or maybe divine justice for a good Catholic boy like Michael, brain frozen from the Deep South. As a father he’s a creepy role model in his attitude towards women. Bill English was another of these immature southern Nats, blithely trashing other people’s sons seemingly oblivious to the vast differences between between their lives, and the extremely privileged lives of all the sons that he produced, and just as big a jerk. There was another who sent intimate pictures of himself doing something really weird, like copying his backside on a photocopier. They all need to grow up.

  3. Great loss to the Parliamentary rugby team. A fine half back.

    & One of the few Mps to ask probing questions of the beltway professional mangerial class. Question s they don’t like.

    • Not a great loss at all and when he was an MP he failed to answer the hard questions he didn’t like.

  4. And Mark Mitchell isn’t? Chris Bishop? It seems being a dick is not a disqualification. Interesting though that 15 years experience goes out the door. All this shit about “wokeness”, is all Labour is just garbage. As Ron Burgundy claimed Diversity is “an old, old wooden ship used during the civil war era”

  5. He’s been an absolute embarrassment for years down here….has done very little for the area, as have all local MP’s over the years, but one thing he can claim , he is not as useless as Clark….

  6. Martyn – He, Woodhouse, is right – how can Judith Collins (rank 10), who in many ways help cause the Labour landslide, be at 10…or Melissa Lee (rank 13), or Gerry Brownlee (rank 14) – who is treating Parliament like a rest home, be above Michael?

    • Judith Collins indeed. It’s hard to think of anyone who’s done more damage to her own party than Collins. Her placing at #10 is enough to make you wonder what dirt she has on Luxon or Willis.

      • Pope P 11 I’m thinking that ex National PM Jenny Shipley’s zeal might be doing some damage retrospectively, like more than she did back then when Bill Clinton did not have relationships with her and escaped the country as quickly as he could.

  7. Please explain, if being a dick leads to low rankings, why people like Kelvin and Sepuloni and Woods enjoy such high ranking? Is it because the rest of those Labour ministers are c@#ts?

    • Come on Roy for every Carmel there’s a Judith and for every Kelvin there’s a Mark Mitchell. It’s not like Labour have a monopoly on idiots and post October we will see another season of the Muppet show. I mean National gave us Paula Benefit!

    • They’re not Dicks, that’s why, perhaps you are for thinking they were because you are a right wing c@#t?

        • Bob who?
          So you agree with Roy Batty then Bob, come on, reply you twat, I dare you. Show us your colours, your deep blue entrenched colours. You are a nobody an absolute nobody.

        • Put your big boy pants on Bob and do a spell check next time you post your immature comments. Dreadful, awful literacy.

    • Earth to young and Batty… Your so called “opinion piece” is nothing more than an admission of rank stupidity, and bigotry to a depth that would have you getting a crick in your neck from looking up to ground level… and wishing it was close enough to see clearly.. You represent the only group not part of the “money train” that the Nats will simply restart for their owners, who are still stupid and bigoted enough to stand on your hind legs and applaud while the country is sold out from under you… Your comments define the rank stupidity that the British bequeathed us, and has utterly munted the place so many times now that NZ has become a standing joke wherever one chooses to go to… Go on, try it.. Go on a holiday to anywhere.. The second they find out you’re from NZ, the prices will go up for you, and anyone with you.. But of course, being a “proper kiwi” means that you lack the wits to grasp the most basic of economic/social policy that would work in the real world… Much better to just copy the poms, who are masters of cocking up everything they tried, and had to rely on others to give them the solutions.. Even their engineering was taken from other countries, who actually invented all of the real groundbreaking technologies… Thank you for giving me such a gilt edged opportunity to utterly trash what amounts to immature, and small minded drivel…. The cheque is in the post…

  8. There are a lot of dicks out there, that’s for sure. All of National, all of ACT and all of us for thinking this election will dramatically change anything other than that we may become owned by either Au$tralia, the U$A or, after a nuclear fall-out period, China. It’s telling when the rats start abandoning the sinking woodpile.
    One of these days a politician will come to realise that the only safe option is to be truthful because no other politician will know what to do with it.

  9. ” It was as if Woodhouse was personally offended that a homeless person slept in a room he might one day use ”
    Well that is a prerequisite to joining the Nasties or LINO for that matter. They must be kept at some distance from the dirty , filthy poor or it will remind them that the underclass their policies helped create until they have to step out of their comfort zone and solicit the votes they need to keep their privileged existence until the next election campaign.

    Woodhouse has form and was one of the more unpleasant Nasties MP’s from the Shyster – Double Dipper government.

    Penises are useful and most of the time work really well with the right encouragement.

    That rules this ” Woodie ” out.

  10. Woodhouse was a mediocre minister who always managed to look smarmy achieving Buggar all.
    Shutting him out is a good sign the Nats know how to clear out dead wood.

    • Keepcalmcarryon. As a woman, I found his toilet seat antics offensive, but worse, it was very puerile adolescent behaviour, and that’s more the prerogative of the Green girls. He was awful.

  11. Of course it has nothing to do with this politician alienating himself from the caucus for at least the last two years

  12. Isn’t this the political demise of a man who has been treated so well since 2008, fifteen years ago now, that he has become very used to it? He has been given a high ranking for many of these years despite unsuccessfully contesting his electoral seat.

    • Yes Danny, in a nutshell he was never elected, he was always on the coattails of the party. He’s now playing the ” Don’t you know who I am ” trump card to which the answer is, no.
      The ACT party survived similarly because of the coattails of the National party. If National have any issues with ACT taking their votes well they only have themselves to blame.

  13. I sincerely hope National haven’t fallen under the thrall of the ‘diversity agenda’ like the left so thoroughly has, because we need the BEST people running the country regardless of the shape of their genitalia or bedroom antics.

    • Andrew. If Luxon has any smarts, he would realise that this person’s unsubstantiated homeless man claims, and his disgusting photoshopping a lady’s face onto a lavatory seat, were not behaviour befitting a future senior political figure. At least he’s white, and ergo easier to jettison.

    • By “the best” do you mean this male?
      Labour had Mallard, National have Uffindell and Molen etc etc etc

      • Uffindell was at school while Mallard was a Labour Member of Parliament,the Speaker of the House.
        You are very definitely desperate to make the comparison.
        NSC are you really a right wing troll?
        I ask because your comments encourage people to vote National/Act

  14. OK, so to paraphrase Martyn: Woodhouse isn’t ranked at #53 because he HAS a penis, but because he IS a penis?

    • Look, all he has to do is ID as a black lesbian and see what difference that makes to his future prospects, but no, he’s gone all woke and is playing the victim, and that’s not helping him either. Oh dear.

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