MEDIAWATCH: TVNZ takes David Seymour literally when they should have taken him seriously!

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: One is a terrorist and the other is Guy Fawkes

TVNZ Breakfast host apologises for misquoting ACT leader David Seymour

A TVNZ Breakfast host has apologised to ACT leader David Seymour for misquoting him during their show.

On Thursday last week, Seymour released a media statement promising to abolish the Ministry for Pacific Peoples and then went further when asked about it in a media interview.

“In my fantasy, we’d send a guy called Guy Fawkes, and it’d all be over, but we’ll probably have to have a more formal approach than that,” Seymour told Newstalk ZB.

On Monday, Breakfast host Anna Burns-Francis paraphrased the statement: “Comments about wanting to blow up the Pacific People’s Ministry”.

TVNZ made the same mistake about David Seymour that the American Media made about Trump, they took him literally and not seriously!

Outrage Olympics at David Seymour’s Guy Fawkes comment eclipses the real damage of State amputation he’s attempting!

By attempting to conflate and equate David’s comments as a literal terror threat to blowing up the Ministry for Pacific Peoples’, the identity politics virtue signalling Left are only succeeding in giving him ammunition!

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The Outrage Olympic virtue signalling doesn’t work because of course David Seymour wasn’t literally talking about blowing up anything and focusing on that only gives him unimagined publicity when the truth is that what he actually intends to do is far, far, far worse!

He isn’t just looking at dumping the Ministry for Pacific Peoples’ (who didn’t help themselves with their ill judged $40 000 piss up), he is intending to dump the Ministry for Youth Affairs, Ministry of Womens Affairs, the Ministry for Māori Affairs, the Ministry for Ethnic Affairs and the Human Rights Commission, while stripping out all the environmental legislation passed over the last 6 years, including any worker rights and renter rights on top of a referendum where he will redefine the Treaty and then just force it upon Māori!

THAT is what he is planning to do, yet the identity politics virtue signalling Left are getting their non binary knickers in a twist by pretending he is going to blow up a building.

ACT intend to amputate the State and implement a referendum that will start race conflict we haven’t seen since colonial times, THAT should be what we are concerned about, not twisting his stupid joke into a literal terrorist threat.

Because the identity politics virtue signalling Left  live in echo chambers determined by cancel culture and strangling free speech, they’ve lost the art of debate and persuasion and it keeps showing every time they try to take on ACT.

Take ACT seriously, not literally. That’s how you beat their far right madness. All TVNZ managed to do is give ACT another 2 points.


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  1. Too Woke to Joke.

    Woke media, too echo chambered to bother to report real facts.

    Woke feel the need to cancel comedians in their mean little humour free worlds, that increasingly few can relate to.

  2. Yes, Jim it’s called the Government or old boys network who are donating millions so they can have there way with the National and Act parties.

  3. So when you say TVNZ should take ACT seriously, you mean they should attack ACT’s policies?

    • Pope. The breakfast shows and all news on TV seem to be light entertainment laced with the political views of the presenters.
      We need journalists, not to attack Act, or any Party but to question them and force more detail from them about their policies than what we are presently getting.
      I also wouldn’t mind finding out what these departments cost us, what they do and what they have achieved.

    • ACT doesn’t so much as have policies as crimes to be swept under mats. ACT is roger douglas and derek quigly. Roger douglas was Labour’s traitor in waiting two term finance minister. roger stabbed his friend, David Lange, in the back, front, the sides and the top and bottom leading Lange to resign as PM because douglas had already gathered about him other greedy opportunists to feast on our state owned, i.e. taxes paid for assets and infrastructure. That’s how we have 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires with net wealth each in excess of $50 million and their besties, the bankster mafia feasting on YOUR money in net profits calculated here at $180.00 a fucking second.
      What, about that, do you Right Wing blow job service industry to rich-wanker dip shits fail to comprehend?
      National began it’s vile career exploiting our agrarian primary industry as far back as the 1930s then they came back for the public assets and resources our agrarian-industry-enabled city people to earn to pay taxes to pay for the creation of those same assets.
      How can I write this more plainly? The National Party and its deep, dark, closet vampire, hangers on like ACT ARE YOUR ENEMY! They’re like finding then giving your violent old man a strap to whack you with.
      I see in The Conversation that they’re even suggesting we melt into Australia. FUCK THAT! We’d immediately become a cap doffing snivelling little minion to the U$ fuckin’ A.
      There is hope. Christ Hipkins said this.
      This on the Reactionary Neo-Liberal Zeitgeist aka RNZ.
      Hipkins: National prescription fees going to ‘tax cuts for millionaires’
      This just in.
      Reactionary Neo-Liberal Zeitgeist aka RNZ
      ‘National banks 7.5 times more in donations than Labour’
      Do you know why? Because the 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires with net wealth each in excess of $50 million and their besties, the bankster mafia are shitting themselves because the crooked scum fucks are being outed. Of course they’ve going to saturate their all bought and paid for Natzo politicians in the money they’ve taken from our farmers specifically but also from anyone with a mortgage who are now tits deep in death pledges (Mortgages) to foreign ‘investors’.
      N.B. I feel somewhat guilty for using so many fuck words. Unfortunately I can’t see an end to that in the foreseeable future. When I think of the natzo’s hideous fucking luxon along side his little ball-cupper seymour in governance I get so rowdy and enraged that my cat’s hiding behind my dog behind the next door neighbours garage with my next door neighbours and they’re about 500 meters away.

  4. Take Act seriously? Too right. They appear to have wider appeal this time and if ending up with the numbers on election day it’ll all end badly. The divisive policies Act peddles are not those wanted by most voters. Democracy will certainly be stretched. But the Nats will know this.

  5. If governance with the Min of Pacific People is so lacking in competence, as to imagine they are entitled to 40k of our money for their own entertainment, then clearly they do need to be abolished.

    • Tom Gardner. And if the Human Rights Commissioner thinks it’s ok to demonstrate against women being allowed to talk in public, maybe it needs to be abolished too.

      • Covid, this comment from David Seymour is the tip of the iceberg. The fact that a TVNZ political interviewer had to apologize speaks volumes. There we have Seymour wanting to obliterate a people by blowing them up ( Guy Fawkes is the epitome of dynamite nothing more nothing less ) and there we have David Seymour getting an apology for what , did someone hurt his feelings . He is nothing but an arrogant little prick who may or may not represent NZ on the world stage . A diplomatic visit to the Islands will be interesting after such remarks

      • That’s not the point. It’s the culture of entitlement/extravagance that exists in this and several other departments.
        Another e.g.: a third of a million dollars for an opening ceremony for the Transmission Gully highway. They could have got a $10 tape from Spotlight, borrowed some scissors for the cutting, and put on tea and bikkies for the guests.
        And don’t get me started on the obscene salaries in Te Pukenga: two-thirds of a mill for the boss, running a show that’s widely seen (at least down here in the south) as a dog’s breakfast.
        Profligacy rules: that’s their mantra. David Seymour may have a point.

        • RobbieWgtn – That $7,500 comes from the State Sector, yet the $3000 comes from ACT – I tend to believe the ACT figures

      • That’s not the point and you know it.

        During no stage of the planning did someone think “Hey this is tax payers money, people work hard for this, shouldn’t we button it back a little?”

        Or perhaps they did and this is what they came up with?

  6. This was just an attempt by TVNZ to take the heat off their political sweetheart ACT. Bride of FrankenSeymour, Burns-Francis, projected her image of guilt and issued the grovel apology to try to reduce the impact of Seymour’s illegal threat. It’s projection, inversion, manipulation and pantomime pearl clutching all in one, funded by the taxpayer. Nothing will diminish what the ACT leader has done here though, threatened a state agency and it’s staff with violence, which has set a precedent for all similar legal cases in future.

    • Does seem a bit battered wife syndromy. “It’s not you David, it’s me, it won’t happen again. Look I’ve cooked up your favourite meal my love, the TVNZ inhouse poll”.

  7. I’m all for reducing entitled bureaucratic muppets and ineffective overpriced consultants.

    Looking forward to the day AI makes a whole lot of local and central government workers obsolete.

  8. Look. Rimmer is in panic mode. He went nuts when NZF were gaining traction and has had a number of public hissy-fits by attacking Winston and as per usual, Winston didn’t buy into it. And so Rimmer’s ‘ad hominem’ attacks failed badly and backfired. NZF will be in government with the Nats and it’ll be up to Act to decide to pull the plug and send us to the polls again or, suck it up. Which will it be?

  9. To the year ending June 2022 the Min.Of PP received $30.5 m. They spent $15.8m on personnel and $14.2m on operating costs with $0.5m on depreciation.

  10. ” Take ACT seriously, not literally. That’s how you beat their far right madness. All TVNZ managed to do is give ACT another 2 points ”

    Maybe that was the point all along.

  11. Some more to get rid of.

    Ministry for Primary Industries
    Ministry for Culture and Heritage
    Ministry for Women
    Ministry of Youth Development

  12. Seymour ” In my fantasy, we’d send a guy called Guy Fawkes, and it’d all be over ”

    Well we have had an ACT MP steal dead babies identities and various other looney tunes who they have selected but good old Seymour can add being a pyromaniac and wanting to incite a terrorist act to his resume.

    But it was all a joke ? Or a deliberate message to enlist the votes of many in the community that like David have the same fantasy but aren’t joking.

  13. Seymour ” In my fantasy, we’d send a guy called Guy Fawkes, and it’d all be over ”

    Well we have had an ACT MP steal dead babies identities and various other looney tunes who they have selected but good old Seymour can add being a pyromaniac and wanting to incite a terrorist act to his resume.

    But it was all a joke ? Or a deliberate message to enlist the votes of many in the community that like David have the same fantasy but aren’t joking.

  14. Parliament, will not say,, who in our ranks have been abuse of our honorable privelage only arrogance and disrespect, would dare.

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