Act Party candidate Elaine Naidu Franz highlights Labour’s last electoral chance

Shit is going to get crazy.

Act Party candidate Elaine Naidu Franz resigns after comparing vaccine mandates to Nazi concentration camps

An Act candidate has resigned after her historical comments comparing Covid-19 vaccine mandates to Nazi concentration camps came to light.

Another candidate has apologised and renounced online comments which suggested drownings were connected to the effect of the vaccine, but he has been kept on as a candidate.

Act leader David Seymour said the party’s Rangitata candidate Elaine Naidu Franz, 29th on the list, had offered to stand down after 1News brought her previous comments to Seymour’s attention today.

Seymour said he accepted her offer on the spot.

Act’s Waikato candidate Darren Gilchrist, 48th on the list, had apologised to Seymour over comments he’d made which included linking deaths caused by drowning to the Covid-19 vaccine.

Seymour said Gilchrist had disavowed those comments, saying they were made during a time of high tension in New Zealand concerning vaccination.

NZ First have a candidate who believes there are nano robots in the vaccine, so comparing Covid-19 vaccine mandates to Nazi concentration camps seems quaint.

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Because Labour have delivered so little and promised less, all they have is the fear of how far Right a National/ACT Government will go…

Election 2023: Chris Hipkins dials up the negative as internal polling shows Labour in difficult position

Chris Hipkins is sharpening his knives, prepping to get negative and run a campaign based on the fear of what a National-ACT coalition Government would bring. 

The race relations row got fiery in Parliament on Tuesday with Labour accusing ACT of relying on an “openly racist” campaign platform. 

…this is not a stupid tactic.

ACT aren’t just looking at dumping the Ministry for Pacific Peoples’ (who didn’t help themselves with their ill judged $40 000 piss up), they are intending to dump the Ministry for Youth Affairs, Ministry of Womens Affairs, the Ministry for Māori Affairs, the Ministry for Ethnic Affairs and the Human Rights Commission, while stripping out all the environmental legislation passed over the last 6 years, including any worker rights and renter rights on top of a referendum where he will redefine the Treaty and then just force it upon Māori!

Those Ministries provide important input to legislation, they are the voice of Women, Pacifica, Māori, Youth and Ethnic Communities in our Democracy. They are the important evolutions you build so that Democracy isn’t just the the tyranny of the majority, that those in society with less power are ensured their interests are considered.

Do they spend money on silly stuff sometimes, sure, but that is a tiny price to pay for the role they play within our democracy. To amputate the State in a way that eliminates Māori, Pacifica, Youth, Women and Ethnic Communities WHILE removing the Human Rights Commission is extraordinarily brutal and creates a lesser, weaker democracy.

ACT are effectively asking you to dump all welfare because one person was caught defrauding WINZ.

The extreme nature and ease with which David Seymour would manipulate a hapless Chris Luxon whose own extreme policies of allowing Landlords to throw tenants out onto the streets alongside their mass immigration policies are going to make renters lives miserable.

Nothing National or ACT are putting up as solutions will do anything other than make the rich far richer.

There’s a reason the Billionaire class are throwing money into National and ACT, and they ain’t doing it for us!

We are already seeing examples of National Party donors having their pet projects promoted by National in what will be a cluster fuck orgy of crony capitalism that will make Labour’s sins look childish in comparison…


It’s so ghoulishly self interested.

When the books get opened next month, the full scale of the Chinese slow down and our exposure to that will spook the markets and the sense of economic crisis requiring extreme privatisation measures will abound.

The difference will be National will hack the State for juicy contracts to their mates while ACT will hack the State as the ideological stormtroopers that they are.

Labour and the Greens need to drive attention to what the shared policy platform would look like and warn voters now.

Because it’s going to be very grim.

There are two true motivators in politics, fear and anger. ACT and National have taken anger, Greens and Labour will take fear.

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

If you can’t contribute but want to help, please always feel free to share our blogs on social media


    • Tane you could be right, he starting to sound quite sensible, however no doubt he will shoot himself in the foot again as he always does coming up to an Election.

    • Ha! Winnie will almost certainly be back, because NZF is the only anti-globalist option on the menu, and because a lot of voters are still angry about vaccine mandates.

  1. ” Pacific Peoples’ (who didn’t help themselves with their ill judged $40 000 piss up) ”

    THAT is a perfect example of entitlement , arrogance , irresponsibility , and a government and minister who are negligent in allowing this kind of excess when the people ( Pacifica ) are at the BOTTOM of many of the stats the MSM choses to report to make the wealthy feel so much better that the modern day imported slaves will still turn up to clean up after them and their indulged children and do it with a smile.

    I and many like a great number of Pacifica barely make $45,000 a year to survive. We are the financially enslaved that LINO should be representing but instead oversee huge financial junkets like this and then expect our vote by promising to ” be in it for us ”

    Last electoral chance ?

    That question shows just how far the once great NZLP has turned its back and walked away with a MMP majority to promote the interests of the managerial class while pretending to act and govern for their many former supporters.

    • They join the government PMC and think they can act like Stockbrokers and Bankers with the tax monies. They got a degree, got up the ladder, got a salary okayed by Higher Salaries Commission, felt proud of themselves achieved their personal KPIs, became a tall poppy and got an expensive send-off. They deserved it! But what did they do?

    • No the grim reality is that the 7 million dollars in donations is obscene. These donors are paying for promises . These donors are not paying for the workers they are paying for their own self interest. These donors are actually buying an election. However the right wing are so up themselves with their racism that they can’t or actually see what is really happening in New Zealand and the threat isn’t co governance it’s actually losing democracy to filthy rich donors and the sell out of our country to china.

      • The funding difference says an awful lot of people want this government gone for a lot of different reasons and they aren’t all for evil purposes you think. Quite the opposite!

        • No it doesn’t. Polls might say a lot of people want change. 7 million in donations is more likely not that many people buying what they want. When you have people “donating” 50k you only need 140 donors.

          • Exactly Wheel.
            XRAY’s comment appears to deliberately confuse the conclusion for the benefit of those who don’t want to think straight.
            Looking at the vandalized signs round my way, you could just as easily come to the opposite conclusion.

          • Last election National struggled for donations whilst Labour creamed it. Was that vote buying? Its fairly obvious people want to make sure they are gone this time!

            • Having a suss and you are right Xray. In 2017 thru to 2022 the Parties currently governing NZ got a shed load more donations that the parties outside of Government in numbers of donations and the $$$. Labour got some big numbers and from rich prick business people amongst others.

              But in 2023 they are getting their arse kicked even their Union mates have deserted them, but they have still got some 5 figure numbers from rich prick business people.

          • Wheel the people who are donating big ( and you know who they are ) want to ensure their beloved party looks after them post election
            ( if they win that is) nothing more nothing less. These poor rich listers who are constantly complaining about being poor because of this government want them out. God forbid if there is a change of government we will see conflicts of interest like we have never seen before, but the difference being they won’t be held accountable for it because the media will be complicit and they will try to hide it.

        • Absolutely incorrect XRAY. The donors come from a small number of rich listers so it is ridiculous statement to say an awful lot of people want change. The rich want change to become richer, that is a more correct statement.

          • The donors are saying this irresponsible Labour Government has to go before more people are put into poverty.
            The poorest people in New Zealand have been abused by people who have only ambition for themselves. The Labour Government.
            It’s criminal what they have done to our country.

            • You talking of the poorest is the most hypocritical thing ever posted on this site.
              You yourself are a criminal for purporting lies. The donors are rich wealthy businesspeople, not ordinary and poor New Zealanders. Do much better trying to sell your lies Bob.
              Our country was destroyed by the Key National coalition.

            • Bit hyperbolic, don’t you think Bob I?

              ‘More people are put into poverty” – concrete evidence?
              ‘The poorest people have been abused by the government’ – concrete evidence?
              ‘Criminal….?’ – concrete evidence of the crime?

              Time for a lie-down, Bob I, to calm you down.

      • Give us break BG. How many doses administered versus how many suffered from myocarditis? That mortality rate is probably no worse than a load of vaccines.

            • The donors are saying this irresponsible Labour Government has to go before more people are put into poverty.
              The poorest people in New Zealand have been abused by people who have only ambition for themselves. The Labour Government.
              It’s criminal what they have done to our country.

              • Bob what bollocks. Most of the donors could not give a stuff about people in poverty and you know it. Stop trying to clear your conscience with some delusional notion that the donors mentioned above are champions of anyone other than themselves let alone the poor.

              • Posting twice now Bob. Is it early onset dementia or just the result of your low functioning brain. Clearly your lobotomy failed.

              • The donors don’t give a fuck about the poor. It is purely influence for self interest..its always been that way .

          • From having the vaccine administered or from COVID? I think it’s bollocks to say it from vaccine administration. Do you have numbers?

          • As the outcomes from covid and flu are very similar it would seem most reasonable to compare those two vaccines.
            According to medsafe ( for 21/22 had 2199248 flu vaccines administered for 646 adverse events 94% non serious and no deaths. That equates to around 29 adverse events per 100k and about about 2 serious events per 100k.
            According to medsafe the covid vaccine for the same period ( has 61141 adverse events for 111888254 doses.
            That equates to 514 adverse events per 100k doses or 17 times more adverse events then the flu vaccine. The rate of serious events is 31 per 100k doses or 15 times more than the flu vaccine.
            Deaths are listed at 185 which makes them roughly infinitely more deadly then the flu vaccine for the same period (where no one died).
            Please explain your “mortality rate is probably no worse than a load of vaccines” comment in the context of this official data.

      • A lot of people have died from covid . As far as I know no record is released as to if these people were vaccinated but a combination of vaccine and drugs got me through despite a heart condition and other medical problems .
        I am afraid no drug or vaccine is 100 percent perfect and there will be sad consequences for a minority of the population but as with most things in life we make choices and hope .
        Those that decided not to get vaccinated are at liberty to do so but this choice should not endanger those like me who are vulnerable due to health issues.

      • How do we know how many have suffered?

        Megan Woods has been caught paying Stuff and TVNZ $300,000 to promote climate change stories, what else are they paying for? The media are hardly going to investigate themselves are they?


            “There are special responsibilities for journalists, especially those in state media – to hold power to account.

            “We have to acknowledge that the expectations of paid copy being separate from journalism are far gone.

            “I disagree with apologists among journalists who say there’s nothing to see here.

            “The main issue with paid journalism is that the story is defined by the client – in these cases the government – with interpretation defined by the government and designed to reflect government policy.

            “There also appears to be a lack of transparency with TVNZ claiming one paid promotion to be a “documentary”.

            The hour-long climate documentary was presented by TVNZ journalists, but didn’t have credits at its conclusion.

            Drinnan said there has been a marked deterioration in “paid news” over the past 10 years, which coincided with a rapid slide in public distrust for journalists.

            “I understand TVNZ smartly avoided taking money from the contentious public interest journalism fund – because it recognised the damage it would cause to the integrity of its news operation.

            “Unfortunately, it has not taken as much care to prevent politicians from subverting editorial independence by the more attractive means of commercial contracts and associations.”

            Megan Woods also released a breakdown of the $200,000 spent between 11 March 2022 – 26 November 2022.

            “This was for a partnership between EECA and Stuff to support our key public engagement campaign that was in market over this period.

            “The partnership captured and amplified stories and images of New Zealanders undertaking energy-related climate action to encourage others to do so.”

            The $200,000 package included five articles/stories written and posted on the Stuff website, display advertising across Stuff website, with a minimum of 5 million impressions (shown to readers on the site), specific video advertising placement on to launch the campaign, five newspaper articles in Sunday Magazine, Your Weekend and Life Magazine, five Neighbourly stories across, “Digital Hub” (dedicated section on to house all the editorial content and all stories created.”

      • Yes and the majority were saved by the vaccine BG . Your cherry picking is ridiculous. People probably died from heart issues from the Spanish flu vaccines as they do from the flu vaccine as they do from any vaccine.

        • I never said we should not have vaccinated, I am, against my wishes. But we should have only vaccinated the prone and the vulnerable. Healthy people did not need to be vaccinated, the risk of a bad vaccine was too high. Hell even the CEO of Pfizer didn’t get vaccinated, he didn’t need to because he was healthy he said.

          But to hide your head in the sand and believe that the vaccine was ‘safe and effective’ when clearly it wasn’t. I do not recall being told when getting jabbed that the vaccine may lead to myocarditis…this is negligence on those we’re supposed to trust!

  2. The Ministry of Women is now the Ministry of anyone who identifies as a women, so absolutely no loss to me if they go!

    • Congratulations. This is actually the stupidest strawman argument anyone has ever made, ever.

    • Their policies have a lot going for them and it is the voters who will decide if they are loopy or not just as we know promises made by Labour are not worth reading as so little has been achieved from their 2017 or 2020 promises.

  3. To vote Labour you’ve got to:

    Have no expectations of them achieving anything they promise, in fact expect the opposite.
    Accept that they make decisions based on polling, focus groups and negative press with virtually no other thinking process and no thought of the repercussions.
    Expect far more anti democratic constitutional surprises they hid from voters.
    Continue the lawlessness they’ve encouraged but pretend we are all feeling safe.
    Accept a major lack of integrity from our government.
    Continue their hidden ideology in broadcasting masquerading as news and or reading te reo and Te Tiriti scripts out as written by Wille if they want funding.

    And if that last one that all good Iron Curtain countries practiced does not creep out voters, nothing will!

    Fuck Labour, if that’s the cure, it will kill the patient. ACT have expunged that dipstick. Move on!

    • How old are you that you expect better outcomes from a NACT govt.?
      NOTHING will improve.
      It’s a case of cutting your losses I’m afraid.

    • Thanks’ 007, I just fixed your comment by replacing “Labour” with “National” and now it makes your comment 100% correct.

  4. I feel like an activist when I keep on repeating this — what I’m mostly saying is am I missing something? — Seymour on twitter called the gang shenanigans in Opotiki, ‘subhuman actions’. Russell Brown noted it too in the minute. I was surprised when it didn’t light up the main media the next day. But now with the Nazi stuff etc why hasn’t it been brought into the conversation?

    Less surprised about Douglas’s disapproval of Seymour not getting airplay, since they don’t do ideas these days. I anticipated it by a minute tweeting Seymour to talk to Douglas and Prebble to right his head. Immediately learnt Roge had gone off on him, Seymour wished him ‘a happy retirement’ in response and that Prebble was his close advisor.

    Prebble putting one last victory before the conscience that troubled him in the 1999 tv debates, thanks to Anderton’s poking. Hey, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he knows like Bassett, Brash and Hyde climate change isn’t real! Just by that general belief in ACT they are irrelevant, but again, there is no righteous fire directed at the ridiculous ’84 Right (yep, Labour certainly also).

  5. Yelling at your opponents calling then “RACIST” is what led to the Trump Presidency and “Brexit” in 2016. Given Labour’s inability to deliver anything of substance I’m not full of confidence they can run a winning campaign using a strategy that clearly doesn’t work.

  6. I have friends in Rarotonga who say that heart attacks amongst young people has skyrocketed since a certain medical intervention.

    So I don’t think the comparison is entirely without merit, given the complete disdain our so called leaders have for this global phenomenon

  7. It’s bad juju when you mention; covid, vaccines, Bill Gates, Fauci, WHO, WEF, UN, Freedom, Nazis, the Illuminati and the Act party!

    So Acts vote will stop growing and probably be less than 10% on the night.

  8. “Those Ministries provide important input to legislation, they are the voice of Women, Pacifica, Māori, Youth and Ethnic Communities in our Democracy. They are the important evolutions you build so that Democracy isn’t just the the tyranny of the majority, that those in society with less power are ensured their interests are considered.”

    Women are a majority of electors and almost certainly a majority of ‘actual voters’. Māori literally have entrenched seats in the house no one else can stand in, and are currently overrepresented by proportion of the house.

    Not sure why either of these groups need special ministries to ensure their rights are protected from the broader democratic process, which both groups already have large control over.

  9. Six years in, three of them with a majority government and all the left have is fear mongering about what Act might do…

    Truly pathetic.

    • See Jase below. It’s not fear, it’s the truth but you knew that being hard right.

  10. Also note the criticism that there is duplication of work with these demographic ministries which I can personally vouch for. As an economic consultant based in Wellington we did a piece of work last year for Te Puni Kōkiri looking at the health workforce and methods to boost Maori participation in this sector.

    This year, I am doing a piece of work for Te Whatu Ora, looking at ways to boost Maori participation in the health workforce.

    Taxes paid twice for the same impact…

  11. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.

    The Westminster system of liberal democracy doesn’t work for anyone other than stale, pale males and their wannabes, irrespective of said wannabes gender, ethnicity age or religion.

    The Political class are a standalone class of their own who game the system under the pretense of the greater good for the most people.

    They are conning us to believe we have a voice and can make a difference with our one vote. Swipe left or swipe right and abrogate responsibility to those that know better…yeah right.

    It’s all farce and theater. Are you not entertained ?

  12. End division by race? That is such a stupid slogan I feel obligated to reply with similar: ‘Cancel the Olympics’.

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