The Daily Blog Open Mic – 21st August 2023

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. NO.3 Idea from me –
    See others:

    To help bonding, recognising that we are up against an entity thaif personified could look like the one recently put up devouring a person, those who like the idea of informally calling ourselves Gaspers could make short judgments on others coming into the group as to whether they are ‘pie-eyed’ – principled, innovative and equitable. A good combination as basic?

    (Note that google meanings did not include a definition of kind as being an emotion or attitude!? And in further listings it always had a soppy approach – tender-hearted etc. – being kind may not always involve such a level of soft emotion; there seems to be a failure of expression in the language spectrum.

    Hahdehah. The budget advisory community help says often that people cannot manage on what they have available. Learning the theory of how money can be stretched and what compound interest is at school would not be as much help for the future as giving teenagers real experiences and skills. Also the old fashioned idea of learning how to cook at school, how to repair stuff, do woodwork, metalwork, sewing – being handy and self-sufficient in basic ways and understanding.

    Then out into jobs in a series of work experience jobs, lightly paid (to cover transport and costs, various). After, the teenagers discussing their learning, rating their experiences, what they thought of employer and why. how useful they thought they had been in the job. Then back to school, so it would be work/academic life split.

    Money is a notion, an aid to living and building; it isn’t a responsible action for Labour to teach about effective financing for the peeps, as politicians have abandoned the measures that were set up to enable a capability in lifestyle for all. Are kids to be taught all the lurks there are for making money out of money?
    The Bible says something useful which seems to speak directly to politicians!
    Proverbs 29:4-5 – Beware the man who comes bearing gifts and invoking flattering words.
    (full version KJV – The king by judgment establisheth the land: But he that receiveth gifts overthroweth it. A man that flattereth his neighbour Spreadeth a net for his feet.)
    Ecclesiasticus 20:29. “Presents and gifts blind the eyes of the wise, and stop up his mouth that he cannot reprove.” King James Version (KJV)

    Radiologists in Australia want to use post-mortem scanning to help cut the number of unexplained stillbirths by 20 percent over the next five years.

    What do we care about babies and stillbirths in NZ? There is lip-service to pregnancy and mothering and so on but hollow when probed.

    Now radiologists want expensive examinations to cut stillbirths. It doesn’t compute.
    Might this be because radiology firms are springing up and hospitals are using them not their own. A lever into privatisation, where the private interests can always be wanting more and ‘massaging the message’ and health care becomes a continual political football.

    We can’t afford everything that might be offered to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Resist, resist resist. Follow the daleks as they tidy up the political scene.
    Even have a laugh at Spike Milligan’s 1975? version, but just laugh anyway and recover practical thought – our pretensions are funning us!

  4. The unbelievable thickness of NZ being! What fun – dress up in KKK costumes.

    Dragging NZ out of the mudhole that we are in is so much more difficult because of the lack of enlightened, informed citizenry that we have now after a century? of supposedly good education. It hasn’t shaped thinking in many Greens who have found loopholes (also called arrow-slits) in the forbidding towering mass of policy they were supposed to advance but which was too sobering to energise for action.

    In 2019 there was the foolhardy fun of blacking faces in Hawera at some rural frolic.
    “How is parading around with a Hawera Mt View Lions banner attached to a trailer filled with Jim Crow characters even allowed?,” Nganeko Eriwata wrote.
    “Educate yourself [about] the definition of Jim Crow law and how inhumane American people treated African people who were not white, not privileged, not of status and were hung on trees for entertainment. So Tell me Hawera, do we allow this mockery to continue?”…

    Dozens of people – including former New Plymouth mayor Andrew Judd – posted on Facebook saying the dress-up was offensive…
    The club responded to the post saying it was not meant to be derogatory…
    “What if these persons had been dressed up representing Maori wahine and warriors. Would that have been offensive too?
    “This group of ladies work very hard for you the community and support all the diverse cultures within it. Let’s not be too precious or PC. Next parade let’s see you participate and join in the celebration …”…

    It later posted an apology, then deleted its Facebook page entirely.
    “Hawera Mt View Lions do sincerely apologise for the impression we made at the parade last night. We didn’t set out to upset the community in the way it has.”…

    When community groups next have a celebration and definitely ‘set out to upset the community’ in the future, I guess it will advise so that people can be sure not to miss viewing their efforts. And perhaps Tauranga’s worthies, The Kaimai Settlers Committee, may take an interest in the unsettled millions of others in the world that do not belong to their community group.

    The KKK are racists since 1865 in the USA, and not just passive racists, they have performed many deeply cruel and criminal acts, lynching black people and behaviours that are awful and frightening to contemplate. The negative energy fuelling this group arises FTTT and many others feel encouraged to act or join, feeling free of decent restraint of law, sometimes unhindered by responsible policing.

    • Maori refuse to be speedily tidied away. They seem to take the view that the reparations are ongoing and the ‘treating’ has to fit in with their lives as it has been an issue all their lives and for over 100 years. Paddle Angry off to Rangitoto or Tiritiri Matangi to calm and concentrate his mind – a wanka in a waka!

  5. Fire fighting – when you join up you may end up away from home and family for a month at a time, overseas. Do people want to sign up for this extra deployment to be added? Will they get worn out by the time they are 50 say, as do many active sportspeople.

    New Zealand is leaping to Canada’s aid with a contingent of firefighters leaving tonight to help battle the growing number of wildfires there. Fifty-four firefighters and an 11-person incident management team are travelling to British Columbia where there are more than 450 fires burning. A team of 36 fire personnel has already been sent to the north and northwest of the United States which is also struggling to contain fires. Kevin O’Connor is a manager with Fire and Emergency New Zealand. He tells Susie Ferguson what is planned.

    Again in 2023
    Twenty-five New Zealand firefighters have been selected to head to Alberta province in Canada to help combat wildfires…
    The New Zealand contingent are scheduled to leave on Wednesday, “joining a 200-strong Australian contingent that will support Canada’s firefighting operations”.
    7 Hune 2023 — A second group of 21 New Zealand firefighting personnel are leaving today for Alberta, Canada to help fight wildfires devastating the …
    28 June 2023 –
    20 July 2023 –

    20 August 2023
    A group of New Zealand firefighters deployed to Canada to help with wildfires is returning home today.
    The western province of British Columbia was still under a state of emergency, as fast-moving wildfires threatened homes in the city of West Kelowna.
    Most residents of Yellowknife, a city farther north, had evacuated because of another dangerous blaze.
    New Zealand sent 92 firefighters from Fire and Emergency, the Department of Conservation and forestry companies to help fight wildfires in Canada this year.
    This fourth group, named Delta, was the last deployment as Canada had not made any new requests for help.

    Background news of fires –
    (18 August 2023
    19 August 2023 -(Dependence on profit-making comm systems cuts services needed.)

    • Note this is in 5 Eyes territory, is it part of a service agreement? These big countries with big revenues should train their own people for the essential and growing task. But maybe this is an example of how we are encouraged to operate – don’t train your own people, bring in others from poorer economies who are already trained, or will pay to be trained by you. Suck up the expertise from other countries and leave them with a poorly serviced taskforce for themselves.


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