Climate Boiling vs Climate Denial vs Mega Chinese Dairy Farms


I’m not sure anyone is noticing, but the planet is melting.

The sheer magnitude and scale of the current heatwaves enveloping the Northern Hemisphere alongside breaking research suggesting the Atlantic Current could shut down before the end of this decade causing never before seen climate disruption is a tad concerning because we all like living on Planet Earth, and for vast swathes of our species, their homes will soon be failed state hellscapes, scorched from the face of the earth with the furnace intensity of satans flaming trident.

Which is why it’s odd that National and Labour are simply promising ‘more-roads’, with some ‘more-roads’ plus a side order of ‘more-roads’.

This at a time when our economy is getting hit with collapsing Dairy prices as China starts completing their mega farm projects which are rapidly replacing their need for our milk powder.

So we have an economy dangerously built on a dairy industry (that was always going to be replaced by Chinese mega farms), a speculative housing market (where we pretend to get rich from selling each other houses) and a mass transit infrastructure plan minus the mass transit, minus a plan and minus any climate change reality.

I blame Seven Sharp and The Project for making us all this dumb.


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  1. The mega farms in China solves all our problems.
    Our farmers will reduce stock, anthropogenic CO2 emissions drop …. and we save the world.

    • And we go broke, 25% of the population (that can) flee and have a GDP per capita similar to South Africa.

      Happy Times

      P.S. Blackrock and WEF will save us – they pinky promised Jacinda. Honest.

    • Exactly farmers will start farming more responsibly and look for more sustainable farming practices rather than the current high cost high production farming systems.

  2. So the planet isn’t well and all our nostrums are made of chemicals that are sucked out of one place to be pumped into another! Sounds like a losing scheme to me. Then comes the age old question – should you tell someone that they are dying? Isn’t it better some ask, that the person should live out their life in happy (even if uncomfortable) ignorance? This is a serious question – what do you think?

    • Are you asking for consideration of what is more benevolent in reality, truth or illusion? it’s an interesting question. Probably both are valuable at various times. Maybe we can become more comfortable with the competing states of mind and find a balance. Ignorance on the other hand is often quite damaging and self-defeating.

    • It’s the northern hemisphere’s fault. They need to dial down their consumption of everything. They’re responsible for 89% of the total amount of the world’s emissions by their consumption. Their consumption drives the factories in Asia, the Pacific and destroys the environments across the globe for the materials and resources needed to apease their consumption.
      Those greedy bastards need to pull their heads in and to stop consuming the planet’s natural resources.

  3. Let’s start digging up minerals needed for Electric Car/truck s battery s then, like the Labour Government in Australia does. And reduce our cow numbers.

    That way we save the environment and generate more revenue for the Government and create high paying jobs.

    • We aren’t even allowed to mine our coal for power generation, much smarter to transport it from Indonesia//

  4. Since our ‘politics’ is enduringly neo-liberal we have no politic. To illustrate; how do we know the hatchlings of neo-liberalism, the dreaded Natzo’s, aren’t playing a good-cop, bad-cop game in sync with *now neo-liberal labour? Are we really simply still at the mercy of a greed orientated neo-liberal political scam that’s been running for nearly forty years?
    If you’re in doubt about what you see, hear and read, much less, God help us, what reality shoves in our faces, what do the facts tell you? What do the facts educate you in?
    You’re meant to believe that Labour was the birthplace of AO/NZ’s particular version of neo-liberalism when, in fact, it lay with the natzo’s. And it’d have started with a small, nasty little psychopath in robert muldoon. Yes. You read that correctly. Look it up.
    Now, read between the lines. What do you see? Trust your instincts. Let the truth be your guide.
    I see Muldoon having inserted douglas up Labour to secure unrestricted access to free farmer money to fatten pig’s numbered Swiss bank account using a new wave economic swindle championed by a crooked spine’d little New York money fiddler, *milton friedman.
    Now, before you kick the dog then allow your rage to cause you to drive your tractor erratically, think about it. ( You’ll still be feeding out and lambing will be starting soon, if not already.)
    Not only did muldoon’s plaything, roger and his bestie Jimbo The Natzo Bulge fuck the unions, of which farmers should have been members of, he wrote a narrative that was immune to blame and impossible to deny for the enduring pillaging of farmer earned money from the off-shore sales of food, wool and cannabis. That was to make sure you were paying attention.
    Solution. There isn’t one. We’re all fucked. We’re going to go beyond *Someone Else’s Country. We’re going to become Survival Island without the sunscreen and g-strings.
    We’re heading into the Dark Lands man. Thanks Roger. Thank’s a fucking bunch. When you’re dead, which is going to be sooner rather than later by the look of you and considering your age then you find that God’s just slammed the door in your face as you stand there with rob muldoon clutching his briefcase then you realise the Devil’s got you by your withered ball bag and he’s dragging you off think of me. A voice from within the void that is the Masses. An angry man with a dead family in a grave yard who worked their arses off to give you the wealth and comfort you don’t deserve in your old age. I’m going on record here to call you, roger, a liar and a traitor and Jesus man, you’re short. Can I ask? How do you get your little diddle over the edge of a toilet bowl? Who do you stand on?
    * If you’re wondering why I don’t use capital letters for the occasional fellow’s names it’s because it’s to signify that I have no fundamental respect for them. It’s a personal thing.
    Now remember? Fear not, for we’re fucked.

  5. One more funny little thing.
    This is what’s happening. No, really.
    ‘The woes of wool’
    ( Yep. That’s the best they could do.)
    This is a good example, but certainly not the only example, of two things.
    Thing one. The terminal, cultivated ignorance of we farmers.
    Thing two The terminal deviancies of our politicians who control the narrative of what was once our media
    This, is what’s happening.
    Now that the multiples urban of billions and millions have been swindled, all that’s left to do is cover the tracks from the Farm Gate to the cash.
    But how? Here’s how. The hyper rich are now going to sink the scene of their crimes. They’re going to sink our AO/NZ. They’re going to use their traitor mouth piece rnz to gaslight a logical fallacy to bring AO/NZ down like jerry brownlee falling over his guts.
    And when we’re at our most disadvantaged, which is now, we’ll be sold to the highest bidding victim of the climate frying they ignited. The word ‘irony’ hardly does what’s about to happen, justice.
    But who will be the buyer? That’s the only question left. The Chinese? The ‘mericans or a vague coagulation of fiscal stratosphere-dwelling narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths who are soon to discover they’re not flame proof.
    Here’s another moron from Dipton, yes, you”re correct. The home town of the Double Dipping Dipton Dribbler traitor himself aka The Shirtless Haka Honky, big little Billy english. If pink hairy tits on a traitor are you, then you’re in.
    Farmers. Oi? You really, really need to come to terms with the reality of the fact that you are AO/NZ’s only hope.
    Stop fucking about with the minute` of grass growth and for God’s sake understand why you’re having sleepless nights trying to figure out what you’ve done wrong to get to where you’re at.
    Here’s the pivotal hub of the matter. The Great Answer. Yes, I have that. I know, I’m awesome.
    You’ve done NOTHING wrong. You’ve simply been the victim of a quite big swindle. A con. A scam spanning multiples of generations dropped on you by university educated people who operate narrowly within what we’ve come to believe is the laws. Laws they wrote.
    You farmers really, really need to step up and ask for help then do nothing. Your abusers are using your ignorance to defeat you. And for fucks sake! Ignorance isn’t a bad thing. It’s just a thing, but it can be used against you by scumbags, hence the need for lawyers.
    To say that your sheep wool’s worthless is an abusive logical fallacy published by your abusers who’ve come to rely upon your free money. It wasn’t fucking tourism that built urban AO/NZ. It wasn’t fucking tourism that built the pathetic Auckland Harbour Bridge. It was YOUR money. You built that stuff. You paid for the construction of every single fucking asset from Bluff to Kaitia and from coast to coast on both main fucking islands. You guys did that. Not some puffed wanker driving about in a car they paid the price of an entire town ship for.
    How much more can I write about that? I’ve been writing strong for nearly twenty years, is it? Coming up I think. I started with Tumeke after hearing Martyn Bradbury mention ‘neo-liberalism’ on RNZ just before rnz gave him a life time ban. Radio New Zealand’s fucking ours! How can it ban a fellow like Martyn Bradbury without first consulting us? Ask yourself? Who was behind that? Who was it really, that got Martyn Bradbury a life time ban from our MSM?
    @ Farmers AO/NZ. For the sake of all of us, you really need to step up to this shit. Ordinary city people are not the enemy. It’s the fuckers with the Big Old Money and their bankster mates, that’s who the enemy is.

  6. Our pathetic contribution to climate change by building a few more roads compared to developing countries like China and India is neither here nor there.
    Our local climate change effects are generated off shore and there’s not a dam thing we can do about it.

  7. Our end? Being laundered, or taken to the cleaners?

    This is an idiom that means, when applied to the economy, if everyone takes in each other’s laundry for a living then nobody will make enough money to have their laundry washed, i.e. if all manufacturing jobs leave the country then how will people make money if the service industry can’t provide enough jobs for …11 Hūr 2016
    to take in each other’s washing [laundry] – › kudoz › idioms-maxims-sayings
    They Eked Out a Precarious Livelihood by Taking in Each Other’s Washing
    Quote Investigator: The earliest match located by QI appeared in the book “The Battle-Fields of 1866” within an essay by Edward Dicey about Heligoland, a small German archipelago in the North Sea near Germany and Denmark. Dicey compared the activities on Heligoland to those on the Isle of Man, an island in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and Ireland. Emphasis added to excerpts by QI:

  8. China will not be able to grow all the high quality food that it desires. Not for 1.4 billion people.
    They need food imports for around 20% of their food, particularly for higher quality food. So their market is going to be solidly available for decades to come.
    Yes, prices will go up and down. You know what Martyn, welcome to farming, just as it has been for the last 150 years.

  9. Melting, boiling, and burning….It’s really happening….It was on TV, and the wireless….

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