BOOM: New Guardian Poll sees Labour crash below 30% DANGER CHIPPY DANGER – NZFirst is back!


You can’t accuse this Poll of being a right wing noose to strangle NZ Democracy with, it’s the fucking Guardian love…

Guardian Essential poll New Zealand: National holds clear lead over Labour as election nears

Inaugural report shows Labour languishing on 29% of the vote while National records 34.5% as cost of living concerns dominate

…this is the Guardian’s first Poll tracking NZs election so it will be interesting to see what they see.

National – 34.5%

Labour – 29%

ACT – 11.6%

Greens – 8.5%

TDB Recommends

Māori Party – 2.5%

NZF – 5.3%

What it shows is just how close this election is going to be.

Labour dropping under 30% highlights that if all Labour does is remove GST from fruit and vegetables they will lose the election thanks to boredom.

People are haemorrhaging money every week at the Supermarket, food inflation is 12.5%, add in the petrol cost increases and the horticultural damage caused by extreme climate events and the true spike run food prices hasn’t been felt yet!

Removing GST off all food in Supermarkets, Dairies and Convenience stores (not fast food) will look like Labour have listened to the pain of the people and while the smug snidely laugh at the desperate thinking they’ll get the full 15% off their total supermarket bill, those wankers are merely highlighting their own privilege because Kiwis are struggling with food costs as their mortgages, rents and cost of everything is fuelled by price gouging corporations who use their market dominance to extract monopoly rentals from us.

If Chippy doesn’t do something shortly, there won’t be enough sausage rolls at the local RSA Rugby Club Lions Rotary Working Man Union Pub  to go around and he will have allowed the most extreme right wing Government since Roger Douglas waltz into power and destroy the fabric of this country.,

No pressure Chippy.

That the Māori Party languish in this poll is no surprise, TVNZ and TV3 both have terrible history recording Māori Vote, and I’m not surprised if the Guardian does the same.

There is an MMP G-spot that sees the Māori Party creating an overhang if they get more electorates than Party vote. That would be funny.

The big news is NZ First over 5%, that is enormous news and shows we are facing a splintered MMP spectrum election that has every chance of throwing up oddities as the political spectrum fractures and the middle implodes seeing voters trying new options to break the current paradigms.

This could well propel Raf and TOP into consideration as well.

This election just got a lot more fascinating.

There is also a TU Curia Poll due later this week.


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  1. NACT in perpetuity. Thank you NACT. Thank you white-collar criminals like Damien Grant. Thank you non-citizen voters. It’s going to be awesome.

    • Don’t be a tosser. Grant served his time and now makes an excellent contribution to society by poking holes in the illogical claptrap spouted forth by pastel-shirted chardonnay socialists.

    • Grant served his time – perhaps you could move on too? He now makes an excellent contribution to society poking holes in moronic claptrap espoused by the government the reserve bank and its acolytes.

  2. Labour do this.

    We promise starting the day after the election “NO GST ON FOOD”

    FOOD PRICES SLASHED. Supermarket Food Bill. Was $100 Now $87. Only under Labour. Starts Mon 9 Oct. Don’t Forget To Vote.

    You do have to tell the politicians who work for you what to do 🙂

    • They will have to find the lost GST revenue somewhere though. I expect they will hike GST on everything else to 17.5% (the same most of Europe). How do you like the policy now?

      • The debt mountain created by this dangerous Labour Government will have Grant Robertson singing with joy at this latest poll result.
        Leaves someone else to clean up his mismanagement

      • Let’s do a combination.
        Increase GST to 17.5% and the government pay the GST on food on behalf of those who need care.
        Need of care: Those who can present a community card.
        Imagine the rorting of such a system.

    • Yes what the hell is the new guardian poll. If its associated with the guardian paper in the UK it’s no wonder they got this result. They are perennial critics of anything left of Putin and were continually sniping at NZs covid response while their Government was fucking useless.
      If our media and I include you Martin need to report this poll god help us.

    • Yes Covid from what I have read this is a pretty dodgy outfit whose predictions about the Australian elections were the worst. How come this so called left wing blog is publishing a poll from a less than accurate polling firm. How come all of a sudden we need this interference from an overseas polling company. This was also published in the Guardian you say not right wing Martyn . I beg to differ after reading the said Guardian and many other right wing tabloids , not a left wing newspaper in sight. Even the Daily Mirror has become questionable because of much needed right wing money who can’t stand left wing government of any colour. ( Murdoch press anyone). Why all of a sudden are these entities interested in good old NZ. Sound like some rich NACT donors meddling in NZ politics, “Dirty politics “ and hidden agendas anyone.

  3. Labour have achieved little over the last six years and now the chickens are coming home to roost .The their ministers let us down badly by dragging their heels to get us up and running after the covid fear deminished .Little failed to bring in nurses and by the time they dropped the rules Australia had got those on board . The passport office is another example as they were caught out with staff shortages to issue passports .Now it is 20 working days after a year.
    Re GST of food I do not think I am a wanker by stating the obvious that it is a bad idea for so many reasons and only the deluded would think it will help anyone .The appliance costs will drive many small dairies and fruit and veg shops out of business while giving a few dollars more to the poor but a lot of dollars to the rich .
    A cash payment direct to those in need would far better or drop GST completely and replace with another tax

    • Trevor The small dairies, fruit and vege shops, corner shops, bakeries, and mini markets must be saved. The simplest option would be to make all of their merchandise gst free. If that includes light bulbs and dish mops fine, it’s not as if these shops are likely to branch out into big stuff like fridges or sofas.This could be done; they could revert back to the cohesive and convenient role of the corner shop in the social community before the advent of millionaires’ supermarkets.

    • Trevor can you enlighten me on how Little failed to bring in nurses or any other medical professionals, were they to be kidnapped and dragged screaming and kicking across the borders .

  4. The commentors here would love it. They want Labour gone so National can screw over the poor and the workers by cutting wages, imposing user payers healthcare, restricting access to benefits, increasing rents and getting rid of anything not making a profit.

    People like Anker, SaveNZ and XRay should be ashamed of turning their backs on Labour and suppiorting parties that will inflict misery across this country.

    Is the thought of a supermarket worker getting $24 an hour really that replusiive to you?

    • Sure Millsy, I for one am looking forward to being able to whip my household staff when next they ask for a day off….the slackers.

    • Millsy, would you like everyone in NZ on $100/hr, regardless of what they do for work, or not work.?
      Good idea.?
      For simplicity, the $4000/week pay packet should be paid out by the government, through IRD maybe.
      Or Winz.
      Would that make you happy?

          • Are you a right wing boomer gammon who resents the working poor getting higher wages and job security.

            • You just keep on using those snobbish identity pejoratives Millsy. It merely underlines how far the Left has strayed from working-class ideals.

        • Look millsy/bert
          Clearly, going by the massive volume of comments, you are a paid-by-Labour plant, part of their campaign team in social media division. But you do sound pathetic. More pathetic than Ginnie Anderson and Megan Woods and Kelvin Davis combined. Do you know how pathetic that is? In fact, your brainwashed and blinkered comments reinforce exactly why we need a change of govt. And I hope it has ACT sitting at 20% – just for you moooohahahahamooohooohahahhaaa.

    • I didn’t turn my back on Labour Millsy. They turned their back on me. They smeared women who were speaking up for single sex spaces.

      They changed the law to let men into our change rooms. You as a women hater love that, don’t you Millsy. You don’t care about women having privacy in change rooms you women hater….

      See how it feels Millsy when someone communicates like that with you and second guesses your motives?

      For gods sake man, come on here and argue your point, not mind read other commenters Last chance or going forward I will just ignore you

      • Well you didnt have to go and vote for a party that wants to freeze the wages of the lower paid and slash public services.

        Something told me that you never were all that left in the first place.

        And also, those anti vaxxers you love wanted to kill young female journalists. Is that something you support?

          • Millsy must be under 21 years old surely?
            Her? comments just scream a naivety that has been birthed by the woke shitstorm the young and clueless swallow whole every day . .

      • Not only do trans women using the women’s public toilets not pose a threat to cis women in the vast majority of cases but a study from 2019 of 37,000 US teens aged 13 to 17 found 36% of trans and non-binary students with restricted bathroom or locker room access reported being sexually assaulted in the last 12 months
        Also if we applied your position equally then you’d end up with masculine trans men in women’s toilets instead so your position is just silly…
        But in any case is this issue really important enough to you that you’re willing to co-sign all the crazy shit ACT wants to do like allow ministers to override the decisions of entire health boards as they announced yesterday? (so much for local government being able set rules that work for their communities as they fearmongered with the Maori health wards and three waters lmao)

  5. Of course foodstuffs shouldn’t be taxed, but plonkers sitting on comfortable incomes can’t relate to things that don’t impact on them. They don’t listen to the people. We saw that at the Parliamentary Protest. They even support violently shutting women up. We saw that at Albert Park.

    Their sneaky little attempts to undermine the democratic process with ploys like the seemingly mad sociologists at Victoria University of Wellington’s Extremist Centre would be comical, if they weren’t so implicitly self-serving and dangerous.

    For those of us who would not vote for Nats who are no better than the soon-to-be Labour Opposition Party, Winston Peters and New Zealand First, supporting freedom of speech, and not supporting the gender ID ideology snaking through the school curriculum, offers a pretty healthy alternative. With a bit of luck, Mr Peters may also have no great antipathy towards having a Commissioner for Vulnerable Children either, being a real sort of man. Back to basics for the kids is good place to start.

    • interesting SW to see NZ First at 5.3%. So we can now assume it’s all on. Watching Seymour backpedal when having to include Winnie in their coalition will be worth the wait .I f you were Luxon why wouldn’t want a NZ First buffer against Act. Pure popcorn moment coming up!

      • Shona. Low butter popcorn is ok, but I just want Labour, Greens, and the stupid Nats gone. Kaput. Peters is the brightest beam on the horizon now. Who’d have thunk.

            • I beg to differ. Sepuloni shames women, and shames mothers, especially the universal spiritual mother whose name she bears, with her brutal banishment of the Commissioner for Children. Not entertaining at all. Some parodies can be, but here where kiddies are concerned, no, just grimly unfunny.

        • Oh Anker you were a right wing zealot long before Posie Parker. You think the left can’t read your many right wing comments

          • Yep, she recommends Brendan O’Neill. This is a man who is a raging homophobe who wants gay marriage outlawed and LGBT’s shunned from society, supports religion being forced down everyone’s throat, defended the Catholic Church’s record on sexual abuse, condones police brutality, and wants to elimate welfare and public healthcare.

            She also runs a Twitter account packed with right wing bile. Also is on record as supporting George Floyd’s exection, and says that blacks in the USA deserves to be gunned down, because all blacks are criminals.

      • That’s because they hogg half the bloddy alphabet. Dave Chapelle makes lots of jokes about which you won’t get…it requires a sense of humour which most lefties simply don’t have. They’re too fucking uptight. Martyn is an exception.

        • Except for when they are young female journalists who support vaccination. Then you are fine with them getting raped and murdered by rabid antivaxxers.

      • Millsy how prejudice of you!

        You have left out two spirit people! And Queers, intersex and asexuals!

        Its 2SLGBTQIA+. You just hate those two spirit, queer, intersex and asexuals don’t you!

        • You are getting more and more reactionary Christian every day. As I said, you weren’t all that left in the first place. You have also never really stated whether you want workers to get payrises or not.

    • You do know that the anti vax protestors you idolise threatened to murder young female journalists, do you? Or doesn’t that count?

      • Did you know moronic herd max vaxxers were supporting the denial of life saving treatments, admissions to hospital, social segregation, loss of employment, access to social services, sports activities, schools, attendance of funerals, or being with their loved ones in their final days, all over a treatment that neither stops transmission or infection, or doesn’t that matter?

        • These public health measures go back to medieval times, and have proven be effective to stop the virus from spreading. You are just another QAnon, Trump supporting anti vax covid denier that wants people to die so you can gorge yourself on the funeral circuit.

        • Pedro did you know that these measures were used to save lives. Did you see the morgue containers on the streets of New York, the daily death toll all over the world. Did you want that for us. People young and old died of covid , people went out on a limb to vaccinate your sorry arses. Most of the vaccination teams were retired returning nurses who risked their lives vaccinating your sorry arses. A lot of us were demonized by your sorry arses. What about the essential service workers who worked through the pandemic on minimum wages just to feed your sorry arses, and your sorry arses didn’t even want to give them a pay rise. Just remember all of us were affected by this world wide pandemic not just your sorry arses.

        • No. And you didnt address my point. That Snow White supported and rape and murder of young female journalists.

          • Wrong. And I prefer not to elaborate, because you are a cretin. I’m not even interested in how you came to such an obscene conclusion, because your neuron connections make no 8 fencing wire look like fine gossamer.

          • Does anyone care ? Focused on one tiny circumstantial detail and regurgitating it doesn’t get the attention you so desperately want? Grow the f up

      • Quick millsy, transgenderise now and you’ll be safe forever more. Down the Sallies for a frock, on with the lippy, experience the pure joy. Could get to be an Education Dept advisor and get more dosh. Easy peasy money. Enjoy.

  6. No surprise

    every day is a new low under labour and in so many ways from the economy to race relations

    NZF here we come!

  7. War, or Peace

    Tax Justice, or austerity

    Climate action now, or kicking the can to 2050

    2023 possibly the most important election of your life.

    • Agree time to rid ourselves from the worst Government in our history.
      Maybe from the ashes a genuine Labour Party will emerge.

  8. Winston is getting full halls around the country apparently. So interest must be high

    Labour in the 20’s. Would mean vast swathes of there multi talented back bench would be wiped out. & Chippie promised them he would save them all. At what point do the Labour back benchers realize there are not enough life boats.

  9. On those numbers there is a potential change of government. The level of discontent is spread across the spectrum and if you look at the Nasty Natz they are sitting in the low thirties. That reflects the level of discontent out there and finally a realisation that the current main parties are no longer credible or can command the confidence of the public that either one of them is capable of seriously tackling the many crises we are experiencing.
    People are so fed up they are willing to listen and believe Winston after his shenanigans last time that he is worthy of their vote.
    I would surmise that unless Chipkins has a secret weapon up his sleeve the LINO caucus will be alarmed at how far they have fallen and although the Nasties are only slightly ahead many of them will not be back after October 14th.
    Just relying on Chipkins debating well is not enough to turn the ship around after drifting for the last two years.
    Its economic carnage for many of us out here.

  10. ‘Innit to lose!’ Or is it ‘Innit, innit?’ Whatever the fuck it is. Theyre dog tucker!

    If that’s all they can come up with, GST off Fruit & Vege and a $2b koha to BlackRock to fuck up the NZ National Power Grid, a $44b rail project that has no chance of getting off the ground within the next 20 years… All I know is that LINO will probably not be in government again until 2053, only if they can shake their neoliberal fascist authoritarian freakish mental delusion(s) off. Its bad juju!

  11. If Labour make any announcement regarding the removal of gst from food they completely seal their fate. If that is all they have to offer they deserve to be wiped out and even the top 35 on their list who have allowed Chippy to make his stupid captains calls shouldn’t have their useless bums warming seats in Parliament.
    The bare minimum Labour must announce is
    A restructured income tax that is even better for low earners than TPM
    0 to 30,000 0% tax
    30,000 to 60,000 10% tax
    60,000 to 120,000 15% tax
    Over 120,000 start raking it back in leading to a maximum of 45 to 55% over 200,000
    A similar graduated company tax so that a greater tax is placed on the big companies (supermarkets, petrol suppliers, power, communications internet and banks)
    A 50% tax on all money paid to parent companies outside of NZ. ( Although I am guessing secret clauses in our much heralded free trade agreements probably ban this)
    This should be accompanied by a detailed plan to cut government spending. Telling us about tunnels in Auckland in 30 years time is stupid. Getting Blackrock to talk up $2b to help reach Zero carbon by 2050 is pathetic.
    This is where Acts plan for government services hits the right notes. People are sick of bureaucracy and consultants in government. Any plan to put a lid on government spending in this area no matter how nebulous will have support.
    Failing any of this Chippy could stand down and (insert name here) could take over.
    The problem is there is no ‘insert name here’ and Labour lack not just credible leadership but credible ideas as well.

    • You do realize that cuts to government sending include cuts to services like health, education, social housing and welfare, etc don’t you?

    • Seymour ,who he has worked with before. Seymour asked Winston for advice on how to frame his end of life choice bill. That’s why it succeeded.Seymour is a dickhead thru and thru and will toss as much shit as he can at Winnie over the next few weeks. NZ First are taking votes from Act you see.

    • Joseph. If Hipkins is Helen and Jacinda’s love child, and Luxon has the misfortune to look and act like a nursery rhyme, and Seymour is the smart-Alec fourth former, Peters has to be the front runner.

      • Winnie is taking votes off Labour more like it, and by those number this is true

        Labour is in for one of its worse performances yet. Once the soft Labour voter sees that time is up they’ll flock to Winston or they’ll sit this one out. I’m an Act voter and wouldn’t touch Winston with a ten foot barge pole but those that can’t bring themselves to vote Nat/Act will see NZ1st as the lesser of their perceived two evils.

  12. Well Joseph considering this was a Online Poll and probably did not include many potential NZ First voters. Could be 7% plus on the night.

    So all the other leaders will be desperate for a cup of tea with him.

    • Marco+ Battler. I’ll be more than happy to donate the tea. Chippy can bring his sausage rolls, and the man- hating Green girls will have to bring their politically correct chocolate. The Mad Hatter seems keen on McDonalds, and Peters’ll bring home the bacon. Yep, it’s a beautiful day.

  13. RU-In it for you!

    Given a mandate to roll back neoliberalism, Ardern and Hipkins ran away instead with radical identity politics. Instead of fixing existing problems, they pretended to solve pseudoproblems (“period poverdy”, “hate speech”), and created very real new problems (our education system is now a dysfunctional indoctrination system, violent crime is up bigly).

    • Pope Punctilious 11. 100% What has happened throughout the whole education sector is so bad that it’s uncertain if we have the expertise or skill set to address it competently. At the moment Shane Whatshisname, NZ First, seems to be the only politician with any intellectual grunt. I hope I’m wrong.

    • They never campaigned on rolling back neoliberalism and certainly didn’t get a mandate for it. They were rewarded for their covid response and tactical voting to keep the Greens out.

  14. Since our ‘politics’ is enduringly neo-liberal we have no politic. To illustrate; how do we know the hatchlings of neo-liberalism, the dreaded Natzo’s, aren’t playing a good-cop, bad-cop game in sync with *now neo-liberal labour? Are we really simply still at the mercy of a greed orientated neo-liberal political scam that’s been running for nearly forty years?
    If you’re in doubt about what you see, hear and read, much less, God help us, what reality shoves in our faces, what do the facts tell you? What do the facts educate you in?
    You’re meant to believe that Labour was the birthplace of AO/NZ’s particular version of neo-liberalism when, in fact, it lay with the natzo’s. And it’d have started with a small, nasty little psychopath in robert muldoon. Yes. You read that correctly. Look it up.
    Now, read between the lines. What do you see? Trust your instincts. Let the truth be your guide.
    I see Muldoon having inserted douglas up Labour to secure unrestricted access to free farmer money to fatten pig’s numbered Swiss bank account using a new wave economic swindle championed by a crooked spine’d little New York money fiddler, *milton friedman.
    Now, before you kick the dog then allow your rage to cause you to drive your tractor erratically, think about it. ( You’ll still be feeding out and lambing will be starting soon, if not already.)
    Not only did muldoon’s plaything, roger and his bestie Jimbo The Natzo Bulge fuck the unions, of which farmers should have been members of, he wrote a narrative that was immune to blame and impossible to deny for the enduring pillaging of farmer earned money from the off-shore sales of food, wool and cannabis. That was to make sure you were paying attention.
    Solution. There isn’t one. We’re all fucked. We’re going to go beyond *Someone Else’s Country. We’re going to become Survival Island without the sunscreen and g-strings.
    We’re heading into the Dark Lands man. Thanks Roger. Thank’s a fucking bunch. When you’re dead, which is going to be sooner rather than later by the look of you and considering your age then you find that God’s just slammed the door in your face as you stand there with rob muldoon clutching his briefcase then you realise the Devil’s got you by your withered ball bag and he’s dragging you off think of me. A voice from within the void that is the Masses. An angry man with a dead family in a grave yard who worked their arses off to give you the wealth and comfort you don’t deserve in your old age. I’m going on record here to call you, roger, a liar and a traitor and Jesus man, you’re short. Can I ask? How do you get your little diddle over the edge of a toilet bowl? Who do you stand on?
    * If you’re wondering why I don’t use capital letters for the occasional fellow’s names it’s because it’s to signify that I have no fundamental respect for them. It’s a personal thing.
    Now remember? Fear not, for we’re all fucked. BOOM.

  15. Yep. Labour are circling the drain and Robertson pissing $120B up against a wall during CovidCult has meant it is really difficult to bribe your way out of this hole. The only thing propping up Labour is the countless middle class government tit-suckers dependent on the spend-a-thon shit show currently in operation.

    Who would have though having a collapsing health and education sector; lawlessness and gang pandering and promoting an Ethno-state would have essentially halved your support over the past 24 months. Still WEF & Blackrock are managing your funds for a James-Shaw orgasm therefore according to Megan Woods everything is fine in the world.

    Quick question – when Hipkins gets <25% on election night – who replaces him – Kelvin, Megan or are we back to Angry?

  16. Semi consistent with Roy Morgan so some trending credibility.

    And this further that, one with NZF as doable as well. After ACTS self indulgence announcements in the past week, which they may have well over egged pudding in sheer arrogance and stupidity, Winston being viable may pick up voters that were hitherto destined for ACT from dissatisfied Labour/Nat voters. I can’t underscore just how dumb the ACT strategy has been in the past 7 days.

    Labour sinking is no surprise. By my reckoning, voters are not taking much of any notice of them and Ginny Anderson asking for National to preserve the firearms registry should they win was revealing because I’m guessing their internal polling is looking bad. Not sure if she intended to speak out loud like that however!

  17. ” Labour is expected to announce its pissweak, don’t-upset-the-rich tax policy this week. Meanwhile, Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor has said the thing they really didn’t want anyone to say: the government needs to collect more taxes: ”

    Finally the message is getting through to some members of the cabinet. Shame it wasn’t heeded and Chipkins ” captains call’s ” have denied them a campaign commitment that they were seriously ” In it for you ” by responding to the feeling that the current tax system is indeed unfair and fairness is a powerful Kiwi yardstick in their perception of how things are currently being managed and the levels of hardship many are finding themselves now facing.

    When the obituary is being debated on how it all went wrong after October 14 Arden and Hipkins and their ineptitude will be near top of the list.

    • “fairness is a powerful Kiwi yardstick”

      The idea that the well-off will always vote against more tax doesn’t actually pass muster. They know they want world-class public hospitals when they get sick themselves and they want good education for their kids or if the kids go to a private school they still need a well-educated workforce that doesn’t become criminalified.

  18. How about we go all nanny state and ban phones in schools. That will fix the cost of living and climate.

    Some Schools are already doing this so why do you need to campaign on it?

    • Because we’re too busy being mummy state making judder bars and reducing speed limits to 30km/hr to keep us “safe” and “kind”!

    • Because we’re too busy being mummy state telling two parents when they have to take their maternity/paternity leave. Labour are just so fucked up!

  19. Labour having divided New Zealand like never before on many issues aided by the dreadful Greens we have an opportunity to put our country back together.

  20. “Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, / The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere / The ceremony of innocence is drowned; / The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity.”

  21. Hate to be the thorn in the side. But come on. Polls? It’s been said before I know. But don’t buy into the narrative.

    What I don’t get is in an MMP environment like NZ what do they ask the 1100 ‘eligible voters’ anyway. Questions about everything from understanding of the big political announcements to awareness of pop culture trends, according to the blurb. But for the purpose of covering the lead up to the election, ‘preferred government’ is the headline. So is this a direct question asked of the 1100 eligible voters or is the answer a result of some cross tabulation based on the responses to other questions? In the real world of MMP of course eligible voters have two votes and I’m not sure if any of the polls can capture this nuance.

    Anyway, it’s all media driven. And big data for God knows who. At worst polls probably have a pretty big influence on swing voters in the 11th hour.

  22. To summarise Pope they (Labour Government) are guilty of a dereliction of duty to the people of New Zealand.

  23. Top just threw hundreds of votes away when Raf showed what a woke snowflake he is when he refused to engage with Plunket on the Platform. There are literally hundreds of comments from potential Top voters dumping Top because Raf is no better than the disinformation project, Labour and others too frightened to talk with journos who don’t endorse their policy.

  24. And the last neoliberal kick in the guts from the “labour” party before they sliver off into obscurity is the Blackrock betrayal .

  25. While the prospects of re-election have been marginal at the very best for some time, the announcement of new road tunnel proposals for Auckland put the last nail into the coffin. While the planet is boiling, big parts of NZ are being devasted by extreme weather, and growing numbers of people falling into the poverty trap, who thought it was a good idea to try and win over Auckland with this so obviously naive and false proposal? Talk about not noticing the Elephant in the Room. Where before I was prepared to give Labour my vote, for want of a better choice, now I’m not so sure anymore. It doesn’t seem that there is any good choice left.

  26. With the exception of TMP which I’d feel are more like 3.5% this feels quite authentic to me.

    Labour will be ‘Out of it, for you’ and we are mostly all so grateful.

    Especially all of us old Labour voters who detest its new tail wagging, sycophantic global capitalist iteration.

  27. Not sure about the saintly RAFs chances Bomber.

    You should see his Prince Andrew moment on the Platform with Sean P. He sounds insufferably woke and comes across as rather ‘unKiwi’. Be interesting to know if Wigram is more of a Kiwi or Woke electorate. Should see it, its quite funny. Sean’s being a bit mean but its what I’d call electoral ‘car crash’ TV.

  28. Peters and NZ First are the best option for those who want economic justice without the civilization destroying antics of labour and the greens

  29. The last open speach, them farm fence, not sprining the play ground prefect, got the teachers, who, if caring. political blind, whould understand our caring education.

  30. Eh! the school care,, social, learned understand, Aotearoa/New Zealand, ask my tama!s, my Scot, Maori, who taught us this father, scare egits barricades your stupidity.

  31. Taxi, today,, the drive, asked, my accent, how long you lived in New Zealand, fifty five years,, your accent, yes, have not found a better one.

  32. Never to late to throw a $40,000 farewell party for Chippie. Millsy-Bert is guest of honor so make sure you’re there! Bring gifts worth 7,000.

  33. Labour/National…same shit, different toilet.

    I’m expecting sweet fuck all to change no matter who gets to cobble together a government that serves itself and the Crown first and everyone else second.

    Keep believing your vote counts and makes a difference when all it does is maintain the status quo for a westminster system style of liberal democracy that hasn’t evolved in over 2 hundred years.

    Count me out…

    • ” Labour/National…same shit, different toilet ”

      Perfect analogy except I would add the rest of the parliamentary parties including Winston-Shane First.

      Unfortunately no matter how many times you flush………….

  34. I went to Winstons public meeting in Dargaville – 500 people (absolutely packed), no media. Then last week went to his meeting in Whangarei, way over 500 people, they had to use an overflow room. No media.

    I think Winston is going to get 8 or 9% this election. That’s why act has unleashed dirty attack ads against Winston as they hate the thought of New Zealand First being a handbrake of their rogernomics austerity.

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