The mass surveillance Deep State is right – our future is bleak, but they aren’t really helping + Anti-vax lunatics attempting to corrupt NZ elections


‘It’s a bit bleak’: Government officials warn of the future New Zealand faces

A possibly “bleak” future lies ahead for New Zealand as contests between countries and threats from “malicious actors” worsen, and Kiwis are worried about it.

MPs of the intelligence and security committee, headed by Hipkins and including National Party leader Christopher Luxon, met on Tuesday evening to question a forecast of New Zealand’s future produced by nine of the Government’s national security agencies.

The national security long-term insights briefing, published in May, warned the risk of New Zealand being harmed by spying, cyberattack, transnational crime, and terrorism is going to worsen in the coming decade.

The NZ Secret Intelligence Service did a ‘poll’ to ask New Zealander’s what our fears were and the SIS have taken that ‘Poll’ to be the blueprint for a National Security platform???

Why would we know what the National Security threats are?

We don’t have access to actual intel and are basing our thoughts on pure ignorance and ‘feelings’!

The bloody NZ SIS are supposed to be the experts, they tell us what the threats are from a position of knowledge, asking us to point out National Security threats via a poll AND THEN basing a National Security response based on what fat bloke down pub thinks is insane!

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I love how the people didn’t even give the SIS what they wanted because most identified organised crime and hacking or natural disasters as their main concerns with disinformation tagged in there and that’s what the SIS have seized upon.

The SIS endlessly claim that their ‘Who’s the White supremacist in your neighbourhood’  nark list is for anyone who has created an ‘us and them’ mentality. In the small print the SIS acknowledge that this alone isn’t enough to be a terrorist, but its the phrase they keep repeating because they know that’s their entry point in convincing Kiwis to nark on their fellow citizens.

Let’s be very clear why we are having the SIS put out nark lists to get their woke activists spying for them, because we refused point blank to de-escalate the Dumb Lives Matter protest on Parliament’s Lawns.

The middle class Stuff docudrama Fire + Fury and RNZs Undercurrent focused only on the far right fear grifters to explain why violence erupted, there was no focus whatsoever on the role Mallard played or how economic conditions and Government incompetence had also combined to create this.

Was there a mob of angry hurt frightened NZers being manipulated by far right bad faith actors?

Of course there was, but imagine if the Left had been actually transformative and had eased those economic anxieties?

There was only a mob ripe for far right manipulation because we on the Left allowed it to form in the first place!

The SIS had infiltrated the protest in the second week and rushed intel back from hyped up fantasists about all the terrible things they were going to do, just like Police Intelligence had done 15 years ago with the Urewera Terror raids.

This intel scared the bejesus out of an already frazzled system and the decision to force them off the lawns was made.

Of course the protestors were violent – we spent 3 weeks winding them up and then called their reaction a hate crime.

This has given the far right a propaganda and recruitment win they could never have imagined but it’s also built momentum up from frightened Middle Class Marxists who demanded the Police Commissioner be sacked and the military sent in on day 2 of this Dumb Lives Matter farce.

This new Police State will focus on Hate Speech powers, vast new budgets and new surveillance capabilities.

Already the SIS and GCSB are drawing up expanded budgets to track the ‘Nazis’.


The looming over reaction in police powers and state surveillance this avoidable Parliament Lawn violence provokes will be the true legacy of this bullshit.

The Police State in NZ will be cheered in by the Woke, it won’t be criticised.

Most MPs were ushered in and out under heavy police protection alongside the frightened Press Gallery, so their perception of threat is now magnified through their own personal ego, and when that happens any criticism of the new powers to make them feel safe will have you labelled a traitor or enemy of the State.

Once the Police State gets these extra budgets, they will never let them go. If they are paid to find monsters, they will find monsters even if it takes monstrous things to find them.

We are spending over $300million on the:

The SIS (Secret Intelligence Services)
The GCSB (Government Communications Security Bureau)
The NSG (National Security Group)
The Police Intelligence Unit
The CNSN (Cabinet National Security Committee)
The ODESC (Officials’ Committee for Domestic and External Security Coordination)
The SIB (Security and Intelligence Board)
The CTCC (Counter-Terrorism Coordinating Committee)
The NICC ( National Intelligence Coordination Committee)
The IAD (Intelligence and Assessments Directorate)
The NRU (National Risk Unit)
the NSPD (National Security Policy Directorate)

and the National Centre of Research Excellence for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism

The price to not de-escalate the Dumb Lives Matter protest on Parliament’s lawns and the cost of Trevor Mallard’s appalling decisions that simply radicalised 5000 new extremists is this new SIS woke nark list where effectively anyone who criticises the Government might be a domestic terrorist.

We are reaping what we have sown…

Electoral Commission aware groups encouraging supporters to apply for roles

The head of the Electoral Commission says he’s aware some groups have advised their supporters to apply for election jobs, raising concerns about attempted election interference.

At the end of July, Voices for Freedom posted on social media encouraging members to apply for general election jobs, linking to an Electoral Commission jobs web page.

…when you have become utterly alienated culturally in your own land, it turns people’s souls into a dark toxic treacle of vengeance using the cowards weapon of treason.

The Anti-Vaxx lunatic fringe, bolstered by the Anti-Mandate movement are a cavalcade of the hurt mixed with the incandescent rage of the vindictive.

Every quack science social media news tictok video announcing new evidence proving the Covid vaccination was a scam led by child abusing satanists is rapidly passed amongst people who are already frightened and angry and it has turned into something very dangerous.

The Anti-Vaxx movement see themselves sabotaging and attacking the structures that underpin democracy for the pure anarchy of it and see injecting doubt into our electoral system as a means to that end.

Their activism is civic corrosion for a society that has othered them.

This pain is deep and never healed.

One of the reasons we needed to de-escalate the Parliament Lawn protests was because when you simply quell protests via Police force there is always a radicalisation potential and all we truly achieved with that Parliament Lawn Protest was generate 5000 new radicals.

These fantasists are damaging and foster an environment where something far darker spawns. I don’t care about the Voices for Freedom, their baseline incompetence poses no threat to the checks and balances our democratic infrastructure still enjoys, I fear what is mutating inside their echo bunkers, that lone Sovereign Sheriff who brings a gun and noose to the polling booth, that is what we should be concerned by.



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  1. Don’t worry, after the election, we’ll get back to focusing on Leftists, terrorists & religious extremists. The usual suspects.

  2. That’s probably why we should be greatful that NZ First have listened / acknowledged this part of the community and given them a valid option of partcipating in the democracy, with the real chance there vote will matter and lead to a say in Parliament.

    Also Luxon showed great leadership during the protest, by speaking to Mallard to shut down all his antics, which were only infuriating the situation.

    • Marco+Battler Part of the problem is that trust in government is probably at an all time low, ranging from Ardern’s intemperate plea for global censorship of free speech to the UNO, secret agendas like He Puapua, and no independent fourth estate. NZ First’s support for freedom of speech has to be a big plus. The govt supported shutting up of women at Albert Park is indefensible, as well as downright ridiculous.

  3. Is this helpful?
    While U$A centric
    “As new documents appear to indicate the entire justification for vaccine mandates may have been based on a falsehood — and that public health officials knew it, whilst the government was strong-arming social media companies to censor alternative views – where does this leave our institutional trust? ”
    Russell Brand
    “Not only did I lose £1500 on a ticket to visit my son in New Zealand, because I refused to be vaccinated, I actually thought I might not ever be able to visit or see him again. The mental anguish it caused people, especially those who never got to say goodbye to loved ones, when they died. All the lies, misinformation & propaganda spread by the government & media cannot be forgotten & they must be held accountable! ”
    Re ” The mass surveillance Deep State is right – our future is bleak, but they aren’t really helping …”
    I have a question. WTF?

  4. Martyn says : “ The Anti-Vaxx lunatic fringe, bolstered by the Anti-Mandate movement are a cavalcade of the hurt mixed with the incandescent rage of the vindictive.”

    Well why doesn’t the government just apologies for instituting medical apartheid and ruining peoples lives with the ill advised mandates? The MoH and Medsafe advised against them.
    If Ardern can issue a fake apology to Pacific Islanders for dawn raids her father took part in then why can Chipkins apologies to all the New Zealanders who were sacrificed to dodgy policy?

  5. The NZ SiS is the biggest terrorist threat to NZ’ders full fuck’n stop! They’re a paranoid buncha fucks who see terrorists everywhere! They even set up a Maori Nark network called paparoa. Funnily enough the dude who was convicted as a terrorist in operation 8 and later released went all narky narky and contracted to the SiS to Nark on Maoris ffs!

    The only thing the NZ ‘intelligence’ network has done in the last 6 years is increase their annual budget 3 fold and we’re no better off for all that additional cost.

    I guess that hill billy Batchelor having Hui up and down the country unimpeded is getting a free run because he’s not Maori?

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