Greens Māori land policy probably gave ACT another 5 points


Greens launch Māori land policy, Hoki Whenua Mai – vows to return stolen land, revisit claims and redress

The Green Party is vowing to make sure all stolen land is returned to tangata whenua by introducing legislation including removing a historical claims deadline for breaches of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and establishing a process for private land.


Look, it’s a great policy (although I disagree with the changes to the Public Works Act), the economic backbone of this country is stealing Māori land and never paying it back, but the Greens inability to read the room just highlights the weird bubble world they live in.

People are screaming for solutions to the cost of living crisis, many pakeha feel that te reo has suddenly been foisted upon them, we are tearing each to pieces over bloody bilingual signs and here are the Greens trundling off down some cul-de-sac handing political ammunition to ACT because that’s all this does, hand ACT a cudgel with which to beat the bejesus out of the Greens while terrifying white folk the Greens are going to take all their land off them!

Are the Greens even trying to get elected?


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  1. It does very much highlight that no matter what all the previous compensation agreements said, they are rendered meaningless. Which, the Greens fail to realise, is that whatever reassurances their pie in the sky idealism guarantees, they’re 100% meaningless too! And hence all the real concerns over any agreement with Maori over anything!

  2. Most land wasn’t stolen, most was sold cheaply, occasionally fraudulently by Maori themselves. Some was stolen for which sole purpose the Waitangi tribunal was set up.
    To remove private property rights is to go full Zimbabwe. Rule of law and legitimacy of government will be gone.
    Just how dumb are these people.

    • Keepcalmcarryon The Rule of Law went with Mallard overruling the police with the Parliamentary protestors, and at Albert Park 3/23, when women were not entitled to police protection from transgender extremists’ intimidation and violence, and the PM himself subsequently regretting not participating in denying New Zealand women freedom of speech at their own scheduled event. This was reported in the global media.

    • It appears to be based on the Lancaster House Agreement signed between the UK and Zimbabwe in 1979, in which black were assisted to purchase land for whites on a willing buyer, willing seller basis.

      You do realise that right of first refusal means, that if you wish to sell your farm, you only need to offer it to iwi first, If they dont want it, you can go Maori.

      But, given your blind racism, you dont seem to give a shit. You dont want those uppity Maori getting one up of the white man.

  3. Surely time has come we need a law that basically looks for intelligent life amongst political parties and if not enough is found the party gets deleted and the money that was being wasted on those muppets gets to be used for those in need.

    Lets reduce waste and delete the Greens.

    • What ‘Left’ ?
      “Election 2023: ACT founder Roger Douglas not voting for ACT over welfare, wealth, tax concerns”
      “ACT Party co-founder Sir Roger Douglas says his former party has “lost the plot” and he will not be voting for it in the coming election because he believes ACT only represents the wealthy.” When/why did RNZ suddenly become so interested in what that old fuck thinks?
      When the rats come out of the woodwork you know shit’s going down.
      In this instance, the boss rat’s just jumped overboard and to divert attention from his floundering fuck thrashings he’s thrown his protege to the sharks and let me write, I’m a fucking hungry old shark.
      douglas threw us all into the gaping maw of the Monster just outside the light and now he’s about to reap that which he sowed.
      ( I’m drunk so please excuse the wandering prose. )

  4. Trying to win votes of the Maori Party. Not sure how they would enforce such a policy and what do they think the fall out might be.

  5. Capitulation and appeasement to the like of filthy Act in the ongoing shadow of post Colonial Fallout has to end at some stage. Thousands of NZers are sitting in deep denial on openly stolen, or dubiously acquired land handed to them by the Māori Land Court and various others Acts of earlier settler Parliaments.

    The funny thing is some land handovers will actually suit Pākehā developers and land bankers–because–various coastal land is damn near uninsurable now, Ngati Kahu up my way in Tai Tokerau recently were enabled to buy “Taipa Point”, Shane Jones and various others were involved. Not just white folks get a sea view these days!

    In the Far North land loaned by Māori for WWII efforts like Kaitaia Airport, and land for Churches and schools, somehow never quite seems to be returned, but vested with the local Council and then sold off!

    The racist boomers are gradually reducing in numbers now and the new Gens have to be given some hope by some political party–which at the moment is Greens and Te Pāti Māori. TDB has spent the last few years roundly abusing the Greens, so they are probably not going to take your advice that seriously.

        • “The Green Party is vowing to make sure all stolen land is returned to tangata whenua by introducing legislation including removing a historical claims deadline for breaches of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and establishing a process for private land.”

          This is not TPM policy, Nathan.

  6. This policy may not get anyone that can’t afford a house a roof over their head but could well attract some voters.

    Litigators will be licking their lips. Trickle down..?

  7. The Greens are running scared of TPM so they have to compete for the voters attention and vote. They are getting creative etc.
    It’s just pre election politics playing out

  8. For what it is worth, the Treaty Settlement process is the biggest privatisation program in this country’s history, and anyone who calls themselves left wing should oppose it.

    Also, the Greens would be better off to start a fund for iwi to buy private land that was consficated on a willing buyer, willing seller basis. Private housing should definitely be excluded.

      • Why should you care? Obviously you are a cilmate change denier now. Add that to your racism, authoritarianism, anti vax, anti tax, anti welfare and anti public sector positions.

  9. Is this policy only related to 1840 onwards, or does it also cover the huge dispossession and genocide of the 1820s-30s during which many Iwi had their lands stolen forever?

  10. Perhaps the Greens are trying to out Maori, Te Pati Maori ??? The Green’s woke voter base are probably flirting with the idea of giving their party vote to Te Pati Maori.

    Think about it, ’empowering the indigenous’ is the new, HOT, global trend. It may prove to be a flash-in-the-pan, though woke voters WILL collect virtue points where they can.

    The Greens certainly have the largest chunk of the climate and trans woke brands. Whereas Te Pati Maori (if polling is to be believed) have the lions share of the racist and empowering-indigenous woke brands.

    There is probably an inclination to steal votes off one another, yet both could do well as they’ll likely siphon off hardened Ardernists from Labour.

      • The Greens are polling at 10% so that indicates there are many true believers in their ranks.

        I’d suggest it’s not a case of “staying on task” for the Greens – it’s a case of convincing the followers of the woke religion to vote for them.

        For the Greens their denominations of interest are Climate and Gender. They’ve discovered though that most LGB people actively revile and mock them. and ALL the alphabet people after the B produce diminishing returns.

        If the Greens where to “stay on task”. that task would be to convince the followers of the woke religion that if they vote Green, ‘when’ re-elected they’ll implement the latest woke trends. language and consequences for apostates.

        This presents a challenge for the Greens considering wokeness already permeates NZ. Te Pati Maori may now have their finger on the pulse of woke culture more so than the Greens.

        See how the Greens are branching out into ‘indigenous empowerment’.. sub/consciously they may be concerned their monopolisation of the woke electorate is no more.

        It will be interesting to see if the 25’s and under offer up an abundant woke harvest in the Greens favour come October 14th.

    • Zack Brando Yes, but Marama has always been inclined to shoot her mouth off impetuously, rather than present well thought out policy; she isn’t the brightest, and has little concept or knowledge of history, IMO. Chances are this is happening again now.

      Her advocation for the c**t, wanting the whole population to make vocabulary changes when someone hurt her feelings, may be the most infamous. Blaming Pakeha for the Christchurch Muslim tragedy, was ill-considered, untrue, unfair to Muslim and Pakeha, and divisive, but she didn’t care. Her various diatribes against white non-gay non-trans males would preclude her from the leadership of a mature educated party; her previous ideas about taxing ‘millionaire’s’ were much less refined than what the Greens seem to be saying now. The gender ID ideology and shocking sexualisation of children being foisted upon school pupils, came from Greens, but they may have been being used by Labour again here, ditto with jumping on the indigenous bandwagon, initiated by sneaky John Key, and again, promoting civil unrest.

      What’s happening to children is worse all around, but as gender flexibility appears to go hand-in hand with sad mental health issues and anxieties, younger Green followers may not be able to function with any degree of objectivity when making their choices at the ballot box. We’re part of an extreme socially damaging global scenario now, which is another reason why Peters suddenly appears to be the most rational leadership choice, and the MSM are assiduously avoiding reporting on NZ First.

        • Bob the First. Marama was why I quit the only part I’ve ever donated to, upon her hijacking the tragic Muslim massacre to indulge herself in an unacceptable racist diatribe which shell-shocked Muslims may have even believed.

          I was a Green supporter probably pre-dating all their opportunistic MP’s, except perhaps for for Eugenie Sage.

      • You are dripping with hatred for the LGBT commuity Snow. Its really digusting. And its only right and proper that millionaires get taxed. The rich have had their taxes cut by 50% in the past 35 years, and we have had nothing but shit public service since.

        And that is wrong with teaching kids that LGBT people exist, and it is OK. Do you really want gay kids to be bullied an osctracised?

  11. Maori is being foisted upon us.
    It is a functionally pointless language.
    If people want to learn it for cultural purposes then by all means.
    However, children should not be forced to learn it when we can’t get the basics right and precisely zero dollars should be spent embedding it in government departments or road signage.

    • It is well know that people who learn more than one language have extra capacity to learning generally. It is common in Europe .for people to know 3 or 4 languages .Maori is an official language of the country and represents the culture of about 20 percent of the population so it us should be promoted as much as possible .It will be a win for all the country and help it unite

      • Too right. NZs appalling education system prepares kiwis to be an export negotiating nation that can’t understand trading partners and it encourages young kiwis to go overseas and the system fails to appreciate rest of the world think your dumb only speaking one language. Compulsory 3 language education English, Maori and one other of the main languages Chinese, Russian, Spanish, French, Turkish, Arabic. The education system needs smartening up more languages, more STEM.

      • And Victoria University of Wellington, home of the anti- Free speech extremists, has just abolished Latin, source of most European languages, and a very useful tool in the acquiring and understanding of other languages, and of how they function, and of the broad landscape of our shared histories.

      • Speaking four languages in Europe would be a huge advantage because you could be doing business with French, German, Italian and Dutch customers for example. What benefit does speaking Maori provide, internationally? Te Reo will only ever be useful to a small number of people in NZ.

        • Not everything can be weighted against the money .There is something called pride in your unique heritage. I am told 50 percent of Welsh can speak it now and it has made a noticeable difference to how people react to one another .

        • It helps with pronouncing and understanding sentence structure of most European and Asian languages properly excluding English, which, as we all know, is SPESHAL!

      • Bullshit Bob. So we’re not as good as we used to be when compared intermationally but overall literacy and numeracy is way higher than it ever was in any past wet dream dribble you ever had.

  12. I wonder what happened at Ihumatao .Jacinda purchased the land to make herself look good overseas as it showed she cared for the indigenous people . The land was going to used to build 500 much needed houses with some ear marked for local iwi families.
    Another successful stuff up by Labour and if they win with support from Green and TPM expect more Shell Bays ,Ihumatao deals as those 2 parties will try and out do themselves as the party of the Maori voter

    • Those houses were going to be luxury flash houses that were over $700,000 and were affordable only by the wealthy.

      We needed social housing and AFFORDABLE HOUSING on that bit of land. Not rich prick housing, that people were going to pay 70% on their incomes on, so rich pricks like you can laugh all the way to the bank.

    • Cant see it on that link Geoff just lots of preaching about te Waitangi tribunal, are you Lyeing?
      Appreciate the precious few minutes of my life I won’t get back.
      Is there a Maori claim in for time yet?

  13. If the Greens want my 600 square metres they can send the closest albino vegan Cook Island handicapped drag queen on her bike over to try and take it.

  14. Just reading how a Maori business group are humpy with James Shaw who is working on ETS changes that could cost them $16 billion . I wonder how they will get out of that hole

    • The same way Maori fishing interests especially Ngai Tahu are blocking any changes into the quota system etc and Maori interests in forestry are one of the reasons we’ll never get sensible regulations in that sector. It’s called corruption, imagine how much worse it would be under a co-governance model.

    • Pope Punctilious 11. Marama has only up-frumped fairly recently, and not before time, but is still not isn’t exactly stylish; she and Carmel are part of the big earring brigade, another diversionary tactic, now being adopted by studded males too. Judith Collins used to have better taste in earrings, Jacinda went the indigenous route, and half of them now wear dangling mini hearth brushes resembling Bennett’s and Hosking’s upside down heads.

      Expect to see Luxon sporting good chains straight out of India, Hipkins with sausage rolls sticking out his reading-room ears, Seymour with tinsel Markle bum pads, and Winston with a classy tie pin, he not being a chappie hung up about colonialist symbols beneath the chin.

      Just never vote for any bloke who wears light coloured socks, and especially those white socks with disgusting red and blue stripes around the tops.

  15. There’s a place or case for righting past wrongs and some positive discrimination for a while. However an open ended treaty settlement process based on an ever reinterpreted living document with no final settlement where people’s property rights are racially determined and leaves people subject to legalized raiding parties is not peace promoting nor equality promoting.

  16. “a process for return of private land” !

    The greens have lost their way. Protect the trees, birds and rivers make every day arbour day. Focus, stick to your knitting.

  17. ” Are the Greens even trying to get elected? ”
    No. They’re not. In fact quite the opposite. They want to create discord. shaw’s a one-time fucking HSBC bankster so he’s there to keep nudging The Green Party off-balance to make sure our primary industry doesn’t get a sudden rush of oxygenated air to the brain and see that organic, sustainable and regenerative farming’s the way out of almost certain fucking doom. Marama Davidson isn’t here. I think she’s a hologram beaming in from The Outer Reaches of the known Universe. The poor kid’s entirely without a personality.
    If Chloe Swarbrick, by some miracle, became the sole leader of The Green Party there’d be instant and dramatic change.

  18. Go Marama. I’d be happy if the whole country was Maori land. Covered in gorse and nursing a regenerating forest.

  19. Australia, Canada and the US are going follow our amazing example! The bonus: just imagine how great all our countries will be once we return all the stolen land to indigenous people and we go back to their technology level and have to use spears and clubs to kill each other! Climate change will be totally solved!

  20. Greens campaigning hard for ACT. On the plus side, it’s a proposal that will make houses more affordable and remove investor speculation.


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