NZ First brings in Hobson’s Pledge Brownshirts & antivax lunatics into their cavalcade of political circus freaks – can it break 5%?



So NZFirst have included a brownshirt from the despicable Hobson’s Pledge and some antivax lunatic from the anti-mandate grievance trust into their cavalcade of political circus freaks.

Winston has gone where ACT won’t and is prepared to open the Parliamentary doors to fringe extremists in his naked attempt to regain power.

Politically, it’s a very clever move.

To date, NZFirst has just not fired politically, their desire to remove Māori from Government Departments is petty, their call to misuse the Terrorism Suppression powers to make domestic gangs into terrorist groups to enable the army to shoot them is fucking insane and the less said about Winston’s defamatory lies about Harry Tam the better, it’s all ended up being pretty tired and stupid, but wooing a Grand Cyclops or two from Hobson’s Pledge and antivaxxer ‘Drs’ is enough to drag much of that spastic sub 5% vote into political reality.

It’s still going to be tough, the truth is that the demographics are against NZ First, their base are people near death and with so many more younger voters this election (Millennials + Gen Xers outnumber Boomers for the first time ever), NZFirst’s impact has been watered down and that’s why they are stuck at 3%.

The febrile reactionary nature of this election however has splintered MMP and NZF crossing the 5% threshold is as possible as Raf winning Ilam and bringing in MPs off the coat tailing.

NZ First desire to disband the Waitangi Tribunal would cause a civil war.

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That’s where NZ is right now, this is what we is, a Pensioner with a one trick pony show that’s actually a donkey painted like a zebra.


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  1. It is highly unlikely they will gather 5%. You can hoodwink people once or maybe twice, as he has done, but I don’t believe conservative voters will ever forgive Mr Peters for siding with Jacinda. Especially looking back now after 6 painful years. The ‘MMP Winston effect’ is exactly the reason NZ is in so much shit.

    • It could be, this time round, that Winston garners the disaffected Labour vote. Those that will never vote National or Act but can’t bring themselves to vote Labour.

      I think he’ll get 5%, I’m hoping I’m wrong but if he’s this close now he tends to over deliver on election day

      • @ jkt etc
        What? Like Luxon? A shiny white money-fetishist extremist with radical views and a mythical deity worshiper to boot. There’s not much more of an extremist than a God bothering money worshiper.

        • What exactly are Luxon’s “radical views”, according to you? He’s always struck me as a weather vane who’s afraid of offending anyone.

  2. This is the kind of thing that makes me seriously consider voting NZF. A single standard of citizenship for all NZers as opposed to the Labour practice of dividing people up on race or vaccination status or gender/sexuality or whatever other other polarising lines they can come up with, is exactly what democracy needs to remain stable.

    • Perhaps people should just have gotten vaccinated. If you are anti vaccine, you are basically anti science and anti medicine.

    • I’m voting NZF for NZ for all Nzers, democracy and free speech. And also for the handbrake.

      One of the areas that people underestimate Winstone is that he has a huge wealth of experience and by that I mean he has been in politics from around 1970 and his memory is still sharp as a tack. If you listen to Winstone speak on issues, its often ‘Oh yeah back in 1980, Bill Rowling was looking into it and we concluded it wouldnt work because … Basically, if you listen to him, you realise that there is ‘nothing new under the sun’.

      He studied NZ political history and Apirana Ngata was one of his role models. He can tell you chapter and verse on what has been tried in NZ and why and what the outcome was. On top of that, he lived all the political issues from about 1973 on. Just look at the difference between Ardern’s first term and second. Sure they were useless but they werent the utterly useless, divisive authoritarian elitists they have become over the last 3 years!

      • Funny you mention that, because in 1980, when he started out in the National Party, he regarded himself as a ‘Classical Liberal” and was on the right of the spectrum.

        He has always been controlled opposition. When he was Treasurer in 1997/98, he sold off Contact Energy and Auckland Airport, cut benefits, and tried to impose bulk funding on all schools.

        Not to mention he killed Fair Pay Agreements in the RNZ TVNZ merger in the government’s first term.

        He also tried to privatise pensions, which was only stopped by a referendum. (The KiwiSaver scheme is in fact a very cut down version of Winston’s proposed scheme.)

    • How is a prison for gang members a single standard for everyone. This is the stupidest idea any political party has ever had.
      Just like putting all the rabbits in one hutch. Multiplication springs to mind leading to a super gang.

  3. I don’t think their popularity issues have anything to do with an aging base. Since the emergence of Trump, the average age of the populist conservative base actually seems to be falling.

    The problem for N.Z.F. is economics and foreign policy. The days when populist conservatives could be hoodwinked by globalist, pro-war candidates that only openly talk about the ‘Culture Wars’ have been over since 2016. Those Liz Cheney types were eviscerated, because Trump brought back Hamiltonian mercantilism and a non-interventionist foreign policy — something which was always popular with BOTH rural and urban working people, and small traders (including a large bloc of ex-Obama voters).

    I don’t know exactly who has joined Hobson’s Pledge, but on paper their policies are to essentially throw out the black nationalists from the government departments, and return to the colour-blind society. This has broad appeal, and at face value is actually AGAINST white supremacism! (A proper anti-Tribunal argument could easily be constructed in such a way.)

    The ‘anti-vax’ groups are a rabble full of grifters and oddballs, but general criticism of government overreach during the pandemic has some popularity.

    • Trump stacked his cabinet with rich pricks, and slashed government services while cutting taxes for the rich. He also tried to crack down on unions, and he tried to start wars in the middle east. He even employed hard core neo-cons in his policy team.

      Also, the likes of Rumsfeld and Rice endorsed him.

  4. Martyn – Perhaps 7%??? If the Greens have, according to various polls, 10% support…then NZ First could get 7%

  5. If Winnie Mops up all the ‘wasted Vote’ from the ‘not listened too’ voters and get s over 5% this way, then it’s democracy working well.

    • Well, it might appear that way, until Winnie – say – becomes “racing minister” and nakedly throws cash around to favoured industries. Winnie talks a good game but he’s just a grifter, time and time again. But maybe he’s been out long enough for people to forget?

    • Yes Marco exactly. NZ is a free country, if it gives a home to the marginalised well good on them. They have views too so why should their views be wasted?

      So what if Winnie is a grifter, at least he is experienced. Where are all the sterling politicians in Labour and the Nats? Honest Chippie, Dumbo Kelvin, Racist Marama – need I go on?

      Time to challenge the hegemony that is Labour and Nats Neo LIberal stronghold on power. They will not surrender it willingly so it is only through the smaller parties that any change will be made. So anti vaxxers and Casey Costello – bring it on! Time for the ‘Rivers of Filth’ to put their oar in!

      • A brown woman who calls out the constant abuse from white supramacest KKK members like you gets called ‘racist’.

        You need to to go somewhere like the US south, there you dont have to worry about those uppity blacks having rights.

  6. For the first time Winston has said who he will go with if he is given the chance . I would now like to see Luxon say him and his party are not partners he would be happy with but I do not think it will happen so I just have to hope voters see through the bluster and give their vote direct to National,or Act.

  7. I don’t think it’s only the dying who will vote for NZ First. I went to a NZF meeting with WP in Hastings last December, held at the Racecourse and among the crowd of about 200 there were quite a few young ones, as in teens, 20’s and 30’s. I asked one young man if he was a supporter and he said no, he just wanted to check it out.
    Winston has always had a consistent message of one NZ for all NZer’s. During his long career I wish he had had an opportunity to be PM. However, I can’t see anything bad he’s done amongst the many political decisions he’s made. He didn’t and couldn’t give 2020 to Labour and we are the worse for it. And for 2017, well we can’t change it and as Winston said, he felt National were too unstable to go with them at the time. Insight is a wonderful thing.

    • Magit there is one flaw in that argument we are not all the same, one size does not fit all. As was seen in a certain dictatorship in the 30’s and 40’s .Where is this mythical NZ that people talk about, is it the colonial days where people knew their place or were swiftly put in their place. Isn’t it about time that NZ actually grew up. I can understand the concerns of the wealthy and oh so powerful who want to keep the status quo for their own ends ( look at all the wealthy right wing donations) . Unfortunately we had the pandemic to contend with and many want to downplay this as over and done with. The pandemic will influence our lives no matter who is in government come October. History will tell us the impact of this pandemic and its follow on impact, those who deny, those who listen to conspiracy theories do so at their own risk. If Winston Peters wants to take people like these into parliament then he has not learned from his own mistakes. He may well unleash a devastating tsunami of hatred, misogyny and racial intolerance like we have never seen before. At the end of the day Winston Peters and his ilk are purely in this for themselves and their sense of power and the NZ public will be the worse for this aged ex. politicians political experiment.

  8. So someone wants to stop the brown gravy train…about time…someone wants to isolate gangs from society…about time…

  9. I wonder if John Ansell and his lunatic followers the Celtic race conspiracy theorist are joining Winny chorus of mental gymnastic crowd?

  10. Come on Trevor, who was the perfect Hand Brake for Jacinda s Govt and probably explain s why Labour have been such a mess since NZ First we’re voted out.
    Unfortunately All MMP Government s it seems need a hand brake to function. It’s either NZ First or TOP .

  11. This won’t please Social Credit, who already target the support of quite a few of those magical thinker types.

  12. Ol’ Winnie aye. He’s a lawyer but wait, there’s more.
    “In 1970 Peters returned to New Zealand and studied history, politics and law at the University of Auckland. During his university years, Peters joined the New Zealand Young Nationals, the youth wing of the centre-right New Zealand National Party, and became acquainted with Bruce Cliffe and Paul East, who later served as Cabinet ministers in the Fourth National Government. Like his brothers Ron, Wayne, and Allan, Peters played rugby. He was a member of the University Rugby Club in Auckland and captain of the Auckland Māori Rugby team. In 1973, Peters graduated with a BA and LLB. He married his girlfriend Louise, and later worked as a lawyer at Russell McVeagh between 1974 and 1978.[23][24]”
    So he’s an ancient fucking Natzo! The worst kind! And a lawyer to boot, and you know what they say about lawyers. Scientists in laboratory’s use lawyers instead of rats now because they discovered there were things even rats refuse to do.
    So. The Wine Box Inquiry, right? Citi Bank documents showed how they hid money in tax havens, in this instance, the Cook Islands, and those documents were legendary for their effect on politician and lawyer sphincters.
    In went Winston! What a hero!
    Farmers? Who’s money was it that Citi Bank and others including the BNZ were trying to hide, read laundering, to bring back here then to spread out into the con jobs that are the major cities and the development of their infrastructure? Again. Read laundering. 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires with personal wealth of above $50 million each and four foreign owned banks stealing $180.00 a second 24/7/365 don’t grow on trees ya know. Or do they? Is that why AO/NZ’s being buried in useless, nasty old pine trees? To hide past crimes… Mmmm!
    So, getting back to where was I..? Oh right. Who’s money was, and is, it. It’s tourists, right. Of course! Tourists are our main export industry and they’re edible, and some of them have great hair which we export to the fabric and carpet makers of Europe. They do get wriggly in the shearing shed but their shit’s great compost.
    Farmers? Yes, you. You farmers who were born onto the land you love, your Turangawaewae as Maori refer to their lands as, and from which you draw your income, your food and your pride and where you conceived and nurtured your Whanau. You really, really , really need to lobby the Crown for a very public Royal Commission of Inquiry. Start with the Governor General who will brush you off like Jerry Mateparae
    did to me. But there he stood, next to jonky all but holding jonky’s soft little hand. So then you’ll need to work your way to Buckingham Palace. I hear that King Charles, for all his faults, has a soft spot for sustainable agriculture and I can guarantee you, he’ll be keeping a weather eye on AO/NZ as our only Earth starts to whistle out its spout.
    If you farmers want some advice on who to vote for then vote The Green Party on the condition that jimmy shaw and marama davidson just fuck right off.
    Then, install Chloe Swarbrick in as sole leader. I have no idea how that would be done, but that’s what needs to be done. Farming must return to it’s sustainable roots, no pun intended, and I’ve met Chloe Swarbrick and my instinct teold me she’s a dead straight shooter and is well above the icky insanity’s of conventional dirty Kiwi-as politics. Chloe Swarbrick has innate nobility, I think that’s what it is. She’s above and beyond cheap, nasty corruption, in my opinion anyway.
    But I’m not. Give me a few $billion U$A and I’m outa here, just like you lot, Aye Boys?

    • I meant “insanities” damn it. Stupid, dumb grammar an’ that. Some stickler will surely *stickle me good for that one. ( *a small fish with sharp spines along its back, )

  13. I’m never voting for Winston’s shitty little party again, now that he is indulging racists, homophobes and antivax QAnon filth.

    • Spoken like a true ‘holier than thou’ progressive who would deny others their democratic rights on the basis he knows better.

      I very much doubt you ever voted NZF and probably have never voted in NZ at all.

      We all know you are probably working out of a bot farm, Millsy or drawing a wage from Labour? via the WEF?

      • Hey, “Fantail” or whoever the fuck you are. You are the one who wants to ban being LGBT, abortion and birth control, and impose a Christian theocracy. So dont carry on about ;’democratic rights’.

        • Funnily enough Millsy, I have never even thought about banning abortion, lgbt and birth control. Or of establishing a Christian theocracy. Just like most on here, I simply believe in equal suffrage where everybody gets to have their say and not just people I agree with.

          In the old days, it was considered the essence of being a Kiwi – live and let live. Democracy beats tribal party politics every time.

  14. Lots to unpack today with several parties launching:
    Here’s our so called environmental champion launching themselves with…hello…tax! Their obsession with wealth tax and woke social issues will ensure that they become the minor minor party they deserve to be. One has to feel sorry for real Green fans expecting their party to save the environment. They won’t. They don’t even want to. It’s sad.
    Another policy to attract National voters…infrastructure, roading. Very clever of Seymour. Clearly he wants to and will hold the trump cards should it come to pass that the right will win. Chances are high they will so he will be in dreamland.
    Well, now this is interesting! Lots of policies that should attract the likes of Martyn Bardbury and even TPM fans:
    – GST of essentials!
    – Tax brackets according to inflation!
    – Doubling funds for medicines on waitlist!
    – A look at judiciary and dedicated prisons!

    Folks, if you are going give your vote to a minor party, why not make sure to help Winston become your kingmaker? Look at all the lovely policies he rolled out for you.
    Millsy, after that public admission (yuk who would ever admit such a thing!) you can redeem yourself and vote for Winston one more time.

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