Let’s be very clear, a Posie Parker riot 3 weeks out from the general election could destabilise NZ!

'Pure Trans Joy' - How the Spinoff saw the Posie Parker mob violence vs reality

Mike Munro is a former chief of staff for Jacinda Ardern and was chief press secretary for Helen Clark, he argues the election is so close it could hang on a single moment, a single event…

Election 2023: Mike Munro – with Labour and National neck and neck in the polls leaders must beware a Brethren-sized blunder

It’s hard to escape the feeling that this year’s ding-dong election scrap could well end up turning on a single incident.

With the contest so tight — the left and right camps are virtually level-pegging — you begin to wonder how one side will gain an advantage over the other.

Assuming for a moment that the impact on voting intentions of issues like the cost of living and crime is already baked in, what might a game-changer look like?

An act of campaigning genius? A monumental blunder? A ripsnorter scandal?

…I think that moment could well be Posie Parker attempting to repeat her public meeting fiasco in Albert Park earlier this year.

Parker has announced her return to NZ and it will be 3 weeks before the 2023 Election.

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That is dangerously close.

When the woke turned into a violent mob and chased Posie Parker literally, figuratively and metaphorically from the Town Square, they called that mob reaction, ‘Pure Trans Joy’.

They ignored the precedent the woke had now set.

If Posie Parker attempts to hold another public appearance at Albert Park, every far right nutcase who is under the belief that the Trans Community are all pedophiles will turn up.

Every Qanon Sovereign Sheriff anti vax lunatic will turn up.

Every religious nutter will turn up.

The anti-co Governance cross burners will turn up.

You already have men pledging to turn up and ‘protect’ women.

This time immigration NZ has to step in and refuse Posie entry based on fears of civil disorder.

I know, I know, I know, bowing to the woke Lynch mob is a capitulation to the thugs veto, but a second visit would lead to a riot and we can’t ignore that now.

The woke’s reliance on cancel culture and deplatforming has generated a movement incapable of persuasion and instead now justifies street violence as a means to an end.

When respected commentators are actively defending street politics that lead to the mob violence we saw at the Posie Parker protest, we are already on a slippery slope.

The Left minimised the Mob violence WHILE justifying it!

They screamed ‘Pure Trans Joy’, while the rest of the country saw a mob assault and literally chase a woman from the town square.

I’m no fan of Parker, as far as I am concerned she is a fear grifter who loves this reaction and attention. I think she is inflammatory and grotesquely offensive, however she is a manifestation of a cancel culture where these issues can’t be debated without woke social media lynchings.

If Posie Parker returned, the woke could not help themselves and would once again turn up wanting to rumble, the problem now is the far right have seen the rules changed and can now enter the fray behind the noble defence shield of Free Speech rather than their darker motives.

There is a real possibility of political violence that spins out of control and destabilises the election.

Normally I would laugh at this being threat, but having witnessed ‘Pure Trans Joy’ first hand and the febrile political landscape we now inhabit, this will be like pouring gasoline on a fire.

If she wants to speak in a venue that can at least be managed, that would be one thing, but an open Park where anything could erupt is simply too dangerous right now.

This isn’t about free speech, the woke’s mob behaviour has seen an end to that, this is about public safety. We can’t foster riots, and that is what this is going to become if she speaks in public again.


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  1. Exact same thought pattern as when the Brown shirts smashed up every Communist meeting in pre WW2 Germany. Decent Germans stood by and said Oh well – we don’t like it but they are doing it for the stability of the nation. We must not appease the shrill trigger-happy elements. Let the woman speak.

  2. So you have a dilemna, a Left that is hostage to extreme “wokery” and a Right hostage to reactionary interest groups. And they are both “tails wagging the dog”.

    I’d suggest that Labour gives “Rover” a slap on the snout, after all the extreme Left without the moderate Left has nowhere to go. Time they were hauled into line. Whoever pulls it’s radicals into line first will win this election.

    • Nick — The problem is that both sides of the Left Faction (the old Second International wing, and the ‘moderate’ Old Keynesian reformists) have been thrown out of the Labour Parties.

      The “Moderate Left” you reference ended up entirely inside that now-defunct faction. (Genuine New Deal Coalition liberals no longer exist either.) All that remains are splinters of the Right Faction — the pro-war, pro-Reaganomics, Third Way Liberal grouping that was always highly out of step with public opinion.

      And who was most responsible for promoting the “extremists” of “wokeism”? That would be the representatives of the same Wall Street oligarchs who funded the “woke groups” in the first place — the Third Way Liberals.

      • Nice analysis Kris, it’s been going that way since I ran an LEC forty years ago. Still I’d maintain that in voter land outside of the party factions there is a large portion of Labour voters who are socially conservative and they have little reason to be loyal to a party that takes them for granted. Labour has become a church with a clergy at odds with the parishioners.

      • Yes, but Martyn clings to the delusion that Hipkins, Allan, Robertson etc are suddenly going to see reason, rediscover social democracy, and desist from wokery.

  3. What needs to happen is that the free speech of all groups needs to be enabled and protected period.
    This is a policing problem pure and simple.
    It has nothing to do with the message and everything to do with right to participate in an exchange of ideas free from violence and intimidation.
    The NZ police need to do their job with out fear or favour and the government and mainstream media need to stop picking sides.

  4. Perhaps have a word to your trans activist mates, suggest that the granny stomping is not a good look. That’ll work

    PM Hipkins can’t, or is too afraid to, say what a woman; whatever happens with the PP visit surely can’t be more damaging to his reelection prospects than that stupidity.

  5. That IS capitulation, and we can’t have it. Let that precedent stand?? Not on your life! That would change the landscape for more than just one election. How many times have people the “woke mob” deemed unacceptable tried to book but been unable to secure because of threats to the venue owner? No, the answer is that this time, the Police do their job.

  6. Address Parker’s concerns, she speaks for women: reinstate The Commissioner for Vulnerable Children pronto; call a moratorium on genderID ideology and sex education being imposed upon young school children and have it reviewed by non-partisan medical experts instead of being based upon extremist ideology; pop in another Police Commissioner with more experience in front line police practising; guarantee that every single child will have safe toilet spaces even if it means having to have three or four choices, which is much better than little girls going all day without weeing and risking getting urinary infections or other problems or embarrassments; announce a national referendum to review the Education Dept’s sex and gender policies, with the authors identified, stating their qualifications, expertise and relevant experience; consider reverting to traditional hospital wards along gender lines, that’s if there are enough hospitals or wards still functioning; stop tax payer or rate payer funding being provided to anti-free speechers without the knowledge or consent of we who provide those monies.

    • I would include defunding InsideOut and any other organisation that receives government money for promoting and enabling the confusion and fast tracking to puberty blockers, sterilization and genital mutilation of children including drag story time.
      Simultaneously start funding and treating authentic diagnosed gender dysphoria in children as a mental health issue.
      The threshold where this shit stops has to be children.

      • Jack Absolutely. This is why I will always be profoundly cynical about Sepuloni, Davis and everyone else involved in kneecapping the Commissioner for Children. I don’t believe they’re so stupid not to know exactly what they were doing here, and Hipkins as Min of Education when confusing damaging agendas have been insidiously inserted into the school curriculum, is an apology of a man, IMO.

        Gender dysphoria is a genuine medical condition, but it’s appearing in social clusters may not be, and “ treating” it without extreme care and caution, can and does wreck kids’ lives.

      • If Inside Out reflects values that NZ’s desire we will individually fund them by making contributions to their cause.
        I agree, our taxes should be used to provide public services, not promote group or individual agendas.

        In it for you! Seriously. What is a woman??

    • To butthurt your political enemies, see them driven from the latest Colmar-Brunton poll and hear the lamentation of their self identifying, binary specified persons who may get pregnant…

      but don’t quote me because I’m sure alt right non MSM media will totally blow this so out of proportion and push hate filled algorithms onto their uneducated Muppet subscriber base and I have to see Mum at the weekend.

    • saveNZ It’s actually quite astonishing that the Greens and Labour were so opposed to K-J K being permitted to speak. Wood’s comment that Keen has “ an incorrect world view”, was a chilling one from a government minister, more so when this” incorrect world view” remains another Labour secret. Politicians should not be telling the great unwashed how to think, and controlling our thinking is what they’re trying to do when they censor free speech, burn books, dumb down education, tell lies, and fund sycophantic media outlets who are selective about what they report. Their lack of forward thinking coming back to bite them on the bum is a problem entirely of their own making.

  7. If they ban Parker then I’m voting ACT, and we’ll damn well desrve the resulting civil war.

    Of course we could and should beat her to the punch by having a proper and respectful social discourse on the issues before she even gets here, then just _laugh_ her reactionary bullshit off the stage. But that’s not going to happen.

  8. Kellie Jay Keen has said she’s going to have a Let Women Speak event outside the court when the Albert Park juice thrower is appearing. As far as I’m aware that’s the only event she is planning in NZ…. well so far at least.

    I’m a left wing, GC feminist & lesbian and am not a Kellie Jay Keen supporter – didn’t go to the Albert Park event & won’t be going to any further of her events. I do support her democratic right to hold the events along with supporting many of the women who speak at the events.

    The mob aggression & resulting violence against women by the anti-women protesters was inexcusable, but inevitable watching the media hyping up the transactivists hyperbole and misinformation, and knowing the MO of such transactivists that has been repeated numerous times overseas: the aggressive noise making to drown out the women, the physical aggression that does result in some assaults, or attempted assaults by one or two transactivists if the police do not contain them.

    In the UK, the police know now to keep the 2 sides far apart. There was a wilful failure of policing at the Albert Park event. I don’t think that would happen outside a court in session.

    There are a fair few of us GC feminists (especially on the left wing), who see Kellie Jay keen as very good at PR and self-promotion, but ultimately doing more harm than good to the GC cause – undoing a lot of the hard yards groups of GC women have being doing on the front lines, and with a lot of groundwork, research, events, press releases, articles submissions, etc over several years in NZ and internationally.

    I don’t see the KJK-led LWS events as being a threat to public order. That comes from the hard core of aggressive, anti-democratic, bullying, misinformed and misguided transactivists (not from most transsexuals and cross-dressers that come under the current transgender umbrella).

    Part of the leading gender ID ideologues hyperbolic approach is to paint themselves as the most marginalised of the marginalised, and as the ultimate victims – of suicide if their demands aren’t met, of ‘genocide’ and physical assault, while ignoring, underplaying or justifying their own poor behaviour.

    It’s up to the NZ police to do their job to keep the bullies in check, and the media not to keep beating up gender ID ideologues’ hyperbole, misogyny, and misinformation with biased reporting.

    • Yes, fair enough Korolyn.
      I’ve listened to some very bright and perceptive women on these issues – Kathleen Stock and Mary Harrington come to mind. KJK doesn’t pretend to be an intellectual and perhaps her feminism is not the same as yours but she is doing a great job raising awareness to a rather different audience. She’s feisty and charismatic and very likeable – give her her due.

      • David+G K-J K isn’t a feminist, and she’s not anti-feminist either; feminist seems to be a label just stuck on women who voice opinions nowadays. It was being a mother shocked at what’s happening in schools, which apparently galvanised her into action.

    • I think Posy Parker is actually benefiting GC cause because the pro trans, no questions asked, has become a cult and an aggressive one at that. I support woman.

      At a chromosome level, there are only men and woman. If a person wants to be transgender, fine, but they will have to have their own category of identifying as transgender. Identifying as transgender does not affect their alternate biology which is at the chromosome level – either a Y chromosome or not is male. You can take off a penis or add in a vagina, but the chromosomes will still be the same – which is what male or female is about.

      It also annoys me that there is no much political interest in this, which should be a non starter, when people who are male can essentially be very similar to female if they want to and vice versa, but somehow it has got done to changing woman’s language and spaces so the poor souls don’t get triggered.

      I can’t believe how many people now support male rapists who suddenly transition going into a woman’s prison! There are disabled people, homeless people etc who pretty much get nothing changed. What a fucking waste of space, protecting the fucking rapists out there! This is another blow to woman.

      If a man can self identify as a woman, it then takes our the positive discrimination for woman so human rights for woman, has become a bit of a joke, whether in business, employment, education and sports.

      • I think we should go back to the previous language, which more accurately reflects reality: trans means crossing between 2 points, not the destination (eg Trans-Tasman, Trans-Siberian Railway.)

        The terms used to be ‘transsexual M-to-F or F-to-M. It was never claimed they had become the opposite sex, but that the medical and surgical treatment resulted in people being more comfortable in their bodies. People who dressed in clothes usually assign to the opposite sex were called transvestites. People who did not totally fit the appearance of their sex, or of sex-based stereotypes were called androgynous or gender-benders. There was no denial of people’s underlying sex (male or female at birth and for life)

        Now all such people are incorporated under the transgender umbrella are claim to be the opposite sex or neither sex: whatever they FEEL they are.

        The chromosomes don’t determine a person’s sex: it’s the code/genes carried within the sex chromosomes that do. So, it’s possible for a male to have XX chromosomes or a female to have XY chromosomes. It depends on whether there’s an active SRY gene, most usually found on the short arm of the Y chromosomes, but very occasionally can be on an X chromosomes.

        There are other atypical chromosomes patterns but the person has either a male or female reproductive system, that is fully integrated in their whole anatomy, regardless of whether they are fertile. An infinitesimal amount of people do not have an identifiable male or female reproductive system. These are are all congenital conditions of sex development, often labelled ‘intersex’.

        Sex differences result in differences between males in a cluster of attributes (geneticists have found 6,500 genetic differences between the sexes. These differences matter in some areas of life: health care, male violence against women, sports, intimate and enclosed spaces and intimate care. There are skelto-muscular differences between males and females that result in males being stronger, faster, less prone to certain kinds of injuries than women eg the muscle attachment at the top of the spine beneath the skull is different resulting in women being more prone to concussion in sport – a knock can cause their brains to bounch around in their skulls.

        • A male depends on whether there’s an active SRY gene- it is still clear they are male. There is only ever two sexes in animals and vascular plants – this is defined by ‘egg’ or ‘sperm’. Even naturally intersex people are still identifiably male or female, one or the other.

          You can surgically add a vagina or penis, but it is in the genes whether a biological entity is male or female. Lets not fake science and biology by pretending otherwise.

          Gender is a socially constructed role that can be changed, sex can never be changed biologically because we can’t change it at a cellular level – and why would you!

          Crazy as already fine for men or woman to leave as one or the other in most aspects of their life – they get on with their lives with what they have – a perfectly acceptable life that they don’t have to attack biological sex to live it!

        • you’re correct that biological sex differences are real, and can’t be changed. Intersex is vanishingly rare – 0.018% of the population. Although intersex may have confused genitalia, ‘under the covers’ they are only ever one sex or the other. In mammals there are only two sexes and you can’t change from one to the other.
          The reason the TQ community violently push back on this whenever its pointed out is because they want to gaslight society and pretend they can change sex at will because then they can manufacture more trans kids.
          But the sad reality it that over 80% of kids being ‘transed’ are actually gay, hence why the Trans community is becoming so anti gay. And the suicide stats the Trans activists quote are also a lie – there is no epidemic of trans suicide. The single best intervention for so-called dysphoria is to wait and let kids go through puberty because >80% of them will turn out just fine without experimental puberty blockers, radically invasive surgery and lifelong medication.
          It’s time the Trans activists shut up and let the facts come out – but as with the rest of the authoritarian left, they won’t and will keep digging their own hole like the did when they assaulted KJK. Once an authoritarian gets a taste for power they can’t help but go back for more.

      • Kellie Jay Keen is damaging a lot of the gains and work done via hard work of mostly left or centre-liberal lesbian, bi- and heterosexual women.

        The result of her last visit to NZ was a lot of hyperbolic headlines associating all gender critical people with the authoritarian right/fascists, and then down-playing the violence against women at Albert Park. Many, especially on the left, are resistant to KJK parachuting into NZ from the UK – colonial hangover.

        And a longer term outcome of her visit is dubious right wing NZers and groups, gaining more mainstream visibility with their limited (non-feminist) take on the reality of natal sex, while coat-tailing on the previous hard graft done by GC feminists: eg Bob McCoskrie & Family First, Winston Peters and NZ First. These right wingers are using this for their own political agenda, and partly as a way to attack the political left.

        Of course, there are people across the political spectrum who acknowledge the material and scientific reality of the life-long sex binary. But, unlike feminists, such right wingers tend to embrace the kind of sex-based stereotypes that support male dominance and the patriarchy. (Gender ID ideologues also embrace sex-based stereotypes but claim if people don’t conform to them they must be the opposite or neither sex)

        Meanwhile GC feminists who have been doing the hard graft for years have been sidelined in NZ.

        In recent days, many GC women, especially lesbians, have been outraged at Kellie Jay Keen embracing right wing, lesbophobic policies, eg denying lesbians rights to IVF procedures and parenting rights

        See Kathleen Stock: “Lesbian mothers should be on birth certificates”


        “As it happens, I’m named on my youngest child’s birth certificate, though I didn’t give birth to her. My lack of contribution in that respect is made clear by my categorisation as “parent”, while my partner is named, accurately, as “mother”. Such an entry became legally possible in 2009 for lesbians in civil partnerships, bringing parity with what had already been possible for years for heterosexual males, as long as they were in a couple using donor sperm for fertility issues.”

        Similar rights exist in NZ.

        Now, many feminists no longer want to be associated with the ‘gender critical’ label because the likes of KJK have trashed it by flirting with some members of dubious right wing groups, and now with lesbophobia.

        I guess you could say we a sex realists, who are anti sex-based stereotyping that supports male dominance and patriarchal systems, thereby limiting women’s full participation in public and social life.

        Most of us support protections against discrimination against trans IDed people in areas such as health care, housing, income, jobs, education, etc.

        • KJK does not associate with right wing groups. Right wing groups despise women. Nazis despise women, the Christian right subjugate women.
          She has nothing to do with right wing groups. The fact that they oppose transgender ideology has nothing to do with her. She will talk to anyone to get her message across whether from the right, centre or left.
          KJK is the poster girl for the old school lesbians that fought for the very rights of women that are being erased by men. Millennials have forgotten that these women were at the vanguard of equal rights for women and are not going to stand idly by while a bunch of delusional fascist men move in on their territory.
          Her message is pure and simple. Biological truth. Protecting women and girls rights, female only spaces and privacy. That’s it. Hardly revolutionary.
          KJK has exposed the ugly truth of the authoritarian leftist trans ideology bullies into the mainstream consciousness like no other.
          She is using a form of street theatre at great personal risk to trigger the trans activists to discredit themselves and their ridiculous demands.
          This is a highly successful strategy.

          • KJK is very good at getting attention in all kinds of places, and some very dubious ones.

            She is a poor strategist, because seeming to praise the likes of Tommy Robinson gives fuel to those who have long tried to claim GC feminists ARE associated with such white supremacist, authoritarian, right wingers. It never was/is true. I called KJK’s moves as ‘flirting’ with such groups, rather than her clearly associating with them. Having the likes of Pauline Hansen on her platform in Aussie didn’t help either.

            She didn’t step up quickly enough in her Aussie tour to explicitly oppose the right wing groups that turned up at her events.

            KJK and many of her supporters have the view that any publicity is good publicity. But, the mainstream headlines she got n NZ was just all about her poor choices and strategies.

            The damage has now been done.

            Many lesbians are now EXTREMELY unhappy with KJK’s statements about lesbian parenting, particularly coming at a time when the right wing govt in Italy had imposed the laws KJK is now talking up. How is that a good strategy?

            In the aftermath of KJK’s trip to NZ, dubious right wingers have stepped up and grabbed media coverage as though they are the forefront of the GC movement, while ACTUAL groups and women who have long campaigned for women’s sex-based rights have been sidelined, and painted with the same smears that have long accompanied KJK.

            The people who need to be hearing the evidence and arguments of feminists are on the left of politics, especially those in positions of power. Those people have just become more entrenched in their support of gender ID ideology since KJK left.

            Not all publicity is good publicity.

            • KJK is not interested in the views of loud opinionated men whether they are nazis, right wing politicians, talk show hosts or violent trans thugs in dresses.
              She is continuously on message and does not need to oppose, reject or make excuses for all these fucking MEN hijacking her simple mantra.
              Let women speak.

        • “The result of her last visit to NZ was a lot of hyperbolic headlines associating all gender critical people with the authoritarian right/fascists, and then down-playing the violence against women at Albert Park.”

          Unless KJP was writing the hyperbolic headlines and personally down-playing the violence against women at Albert Park, this just seems like yet another example of a woman being blamed for other people’s actions.

          • KJK is being criticised for her own actions.

            In politics, strategy matters. What where, how and when speaking matters. KJK came to prominence in the UK after years of groundwork by women and groups who understand that: e.g. Julie Bindel, Women’s Place UK (with a background in the Labour Party and Unions. Unionists understand very well how strategy matters when dealing with those with way more power.

            KJK is now undoing a lot of their years of hard work.

            KJK seemed to not understand how different the situation is in NZ, or how the entrenched gender ideologues would respond to her coming her (including MPs and the media).

            Much smaller population in NZ; no feminist MPs speaking for women’s sex-based rights as in the UK; no academics in NZ speaking for women’s sex-based rights iin NZ, as there is in the UK; a more diverse media in the UK where prominent UK GC women have had a fair amount of coverage, and being much more measured in how and what they say.a

            And KJK did not seem to be very aware that NZ gender ideologues would be very resistant to a UK woman coming to talk about women’s rights – NZ gender ideologues have long been claiming there is no real grassroots resistant to them in NZ, just UK women bringing their culture war here.

  9. It’s pure logic. The visit needs to be properly managed. A secure venue, attendance by ticket sales or registration only, security management and police presence. What is so hard about that? Please tell me!
    And Nathan is right, let women speak. It’s funny how this crap is not an issue for Transmen???

  10. If they allow her in don’t give her air time like the zionist Avi Yemeni haven’t heard a squeak from that woman basher ex IDF potential war criminal.

  11. If Keens visit tips the election towards a act, then Labour and Greens only have themselves to blame. They are neck deep in gender ideology and have enabled it to seep through our institutions and law.

    Their women MPs treated women disgracefully who were submitting against gender ideology in select committees.

    Prior to Posie arriving they whipped up a furore aided and abetted by msm

    • I personally cannot understand why any woman who is aware of the struggles of women throughout recent history would support the expunging of women’s rights by men.
      The problem for unenlightened millennials is they have no clue as to the history of feminism so absorbed in their self entitled snowflake victim culture as they are.
      The feminists of the 60s 70s and 80s were hero’s once but have effectively been cancelled.

  12. It clearly is too dangerous for women in A/NZ to question the notion that transwoman are indeed “women” in every circumstance. When a “trans” rapist, rapes, nevertheless, he belongs in an all female prison. If he plays sport and decides he feels like a woman he belongs on female sports teams. If he decides he is a woman but he is still attracted to women he demands lesbians not only acknowledge him but must fall in love with him. Oh, that is only if you are poor. Green Party lesbians are having nothing to do with transexuals are they?

    • LGB is grounded in biological reality. T is grounded in fantasy and social contagion. Q is grounded in politics and destroying everything in some sort of communistic scorched earth approach.

      NZ society is now very comfortable with LGB. The T can live their lives as they see fit, provided they stop gaslighting the rest of us and demanding women shut up to appease their fragile sense of self and victimhood. The Q can piss of – marxism has never worked out well, and btw, stop telling the LGB what to think and do.

  13. If Labour- a fake left wing party that is no more economically humanistic than National- cannot withstand the natural human reaction to the results of the policies it pushes, it must be replaced.

    It’s absurd to say that the sort of authoritarian policies that Stalin used to defend the people of the Soviet Union from their enemies, should be used to defend the indefensible.

  14. I think it’s best to get away from the idea that those opposing KJK are all a bunch of wokesters – there are a lot of women who don’t like people telling them what they think and feel – including the wokes and GCs – and butting into other peoples lives, like a bunch of Karens. MOST women wouldn’t notice any difference between a trans or cis woman & there’s already more harassing of women & girls because some people think they can. Isn’t a child’s medical issues up to the parent and doctor? Or is it up to Karen to protect this child they have nothing otherwise to do with? Isn’t even the sports issue one for sporting authories not some rando who probably doesn’t even watch womens sports anyway (there are plenty of issues in womens sports ahead of trans? It’s going to make f-all difference to the election – apart from to a minority – if she does come, cause the majority don’t care and won’t care.

    • “MOST women wouldn’t notice any difference between a trans or cis woman”
      LOL evidence please. Choosing not to confront a potentially violent man in a supposedly sex-specific confined space is not the same as “not noticing a difference between a trans or cis woman”, and many women see “cis” as a slur because it reduces them to a subcategory of their own sex.

      “there’s already more harassing of women & girls because some people think they can”

      Incoherent statement, and hardly an argument for removing existing protections.

      “Isn’t even the sports issue one for sporting authories”

      Yes, and when sporting authorities have made entirely evidence-based decisions to prioritise the safety and fairness of women’s sport (eg Rugby) they are vilified, and when sporting experts (eg Richie Hardcore) make entirely reasonable statements about protecting women’s right to participate safely in martial arts, they are vilified and trashed.

      Your contribution has been assessed as “low quality”.

    • “MOST women wouldn’t notice any difference between a trans or cis woman”
      Come- you must know at least one woman who isn’t Helen Keller, surely?

    • All women – human females know the differences between them and males – human men irrespective of their identity.
      Some women – human females are happy to dick pander though.

  15. funny how the TDB rightwing trolls are not jumping up and down about the woman manhandled at the recent redneck rightist meeting…..free speech huh trolls?

      • yes karolyn good to see BUT the usual suspects are noticable by their absence

        as far as pp goes she’s a grifter who needs the clickbait don’t gi9ve her publicity let her and her 20 fans have their little hate fest then she can just fuck off…job done

    • While I don’t endorse the organization or the behavior involved, I’m confused by the idea that it’s not possible to remove someone from a private venue except by calling the police to have them asked to leave quietly. There seems to be plenty of precedent for dragging people out of private gatherings where they have made themselves unwelcome.

  16. What if anti trans protesters take same violent approach as the pro trans you would have a war on your hands the police would fail to cope. I say let Posie back in its free speech after all.


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