David Seymour wants to disband the Human Rights Commission – technically ACT aren’t fascist, but their shirts are sepia

These are extreme policies which will cause enormous social dislocation and a level of violence that will make the Parliament Lawn protests look calm and rational.


HRC – A Useless Organisation Proposing Another Useless Organisation

“The Human Rights Commission is nothing but a Wellington managerial-class quango desperately trying and failing to justify the funding it receives from taxpayers. It’s time for it be abolished,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“One of New Zealand’s most serious problems has been met with one of New Zealand’s most serious wastes of money.

“Today they released a report, following a two-year inquiry, where their key finding is that housing is a human right and their solution is to create another useless organisation to act as a ‘watchdog’, and integrate te tiriti o waitangi into policymaking.

“There’s not a single recommendation that would, you know, make it easier to build more houses. Which is the fundamental issue here. ACT on the other hand has a detailed GST-sharing policy that funds councils to provide infrastructure, and will cut red tape around building.

“Time and time again, Paul Hunt and the hapless Commission have proven they have no clue. They trot out tired left-wing platitudes and talking points and barely even try to dress them up as something resembling genuine policy work.

“They fundamentally misunderstand human rights. A human right is only meaningful if someone fulfils a duty to furnish that right.

“A human right to housing is meaningless unless someone fulfils the duty of providing you with housing. The Commission couldn’t tell the difference between a hammer and a nail.

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“If it was as easy as the Commission makes it out to be, ACT would simply say “it should be a human right to not experience a cost of living crisis” or “it should be a human right to not have to dodge hundreds of potholes on the highway” or “it should be a human right to not have to put up with a Labour Government until the election in 100 days.”

“It is shameless that they have spent two years on the taxpayer dime ‘investigating’ this issue and still can’t come up with a single solution. A group of fifth form economics students could come up with better in a few periods, that would cost taxpayers a lot less and the students might even learn something.

“The Commission is at best irrelevant and at worst dangerous. It has become a highly-politicised, left-wing organisation, and when it comes to actually helping people with human rights, it doesn’t help at all.

“ACT sees no purpose for it and would abolish it completely.”

Look, I’m not saying ACT are fascist, but amputating Pacific, Ethnic, Māori, Women’s and Youth political voices ALONGSIDE the Human Rights Commission make their shirts a shade of Sepia doesn’t it?

A light chocolate? A bark?

Sepia, chocolate or Bark, whatever the shade of shirt colour, it is a brown though right?

Not over the top fascism, that takes too much effort and we are far too laid back a culture for goose stepping, but we enjoy a casual fascism in NZ.

A gun centric, public service mutilating free market level basic bitch bigotry we are talking about here right?

Amputating the political voices of Māori, Women, Youth, Pacific and Ethnic Kiwis ON TOP of killing off the Human Rights Commission ON TOP OF ankle bracelets on 11 year olds ON TOP OF allowing the gun nuts to abolish the gun registry ON TOP OF  billions into prisons ON TOP OF vast cuts to welfare ON TOP OF sacking thousands of public servants ON TOP OF vast tax cuts to the rich ON TOP OF a referendum to redefine the Treaty and force it upon Māoridom which will spark a civil war.

These are extreme policies which will cause enormous social dislocation and a level of violence that will make the Parliament Lawn protests look calm and rational.

ACT are drunk on their own sense of power and are promising ever more radical change which they intend to implement, no matter how many riots it inspires.

They are wide eyes acolytes who are believers and I don’t think the vast majority actually understand their policy platform and how dangerous it will be to implement.

You’ve all seen how useless Luxon is, there’s no way he’s going to be able to stop someone as smart as David Seymour getting everything he wants in a post election negotiation.

We will get 100% ACT policy with no filters.

The country needs to understand what that looks like before they vote.



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    • @ CHSOB.
      Of course they do. Poverty and hardship in any form is cheap labour for ACT’s already wealthy sycophants.
      Equality and dignity within the unfortunate and unlucky working classes most at risk from narcissistic psychopaths like seymour and his dank cave-master, roger douglas, means less money for them so fuck the loser slaves, sweep them crumbs off the table if they must eat.
      seymour is far more dangerous than his idiotic and embarrassing public-humiliation-of-his-public-stunts would suggest. He’s able to spin a loopy narrative like trump does and sooner or later, just like trump, he has a following of a class of the terminally stupid. Seymour well understands the statistical spread of the demographic he needs to exploit to be voted in.
      If national and act get in then God help us all. Except the 14 hyper-rich. They’ll be ecstatic.

      • That’s just silly stuff Battlefield Earth.
        Labour have wreaked havoc for almost 6 years,the proof is staring us all in the face.
        The definition of terminally stupid,is voting Labour this election.

      • BE, you seem to think there’s a finite limited amount of money, and if one person makes more, then another must make less?

    • Act are strident in their efforts to return to us our human rights,which for the last 6 years have been seriously eroded.We are no longer one people.
      Gosh the Labour Government even want us to depart from democracy by overturning universal suffrage.How can anyone accept that?

  1. Would it be such a huge loss? From what I have seen lately this so-called ‘human rights’ lobbying is productive only of two things – Entitlement by those who think they have it and or Grievance by those who think they don’t.

    • I have just finished reading the Human Rights Commission Te Kahui Tika Tangata report into housing.
      It took two years and basically says we should make the right to a quality house a legal right for all New Zealanders.
      Wonderful. Where will I get mine?
      Who do I sue if it is not delivered?
      Is there any debt to pay or do we all just get one?

  2. Will anyone even notice if these departments are gone? Most people had more human rights before they existed than they do now!

    What has changed is the corruption of the political process. The major parties only want corporate rights, mass surveillance and censorship — with some window-dressing of ‘woke’ word salad.

    The department would presumably remain as a one-man organisation, because otherwise that particular group can no longer speak at the U.N. Human Rights Council.

  3. Why do want to continue to have a Ministry of Women’s Affairs when all your buddies on the left and the Prime Minister himself can’t say what a women is?

    Might as well have a Ministry of Klingons.

    • BG. A Commissioner for Sausage Rolls in an imperative which would have cross-party support. MP Chris Bishop’s hungry father searching for them in petrol stations, is still talked about by the empathetic students at the Wellington bowsers. Hipkins gifted them to King Charles 111 on the occasion of his coronation. If that’s the new emblem for Kiwi cuisine, let’s do this.

  4. As I have mentioned previously, this Labour Govt has got NZ deep in debt and it needs to stop the spend..spend..spend.
    Let the ‘window dressing’ govt departments present a cost analysis as to WHY they are needed/vital.
    If a dept is costing 5-7mil a year to be in existence (salaries, rent, travel costs etc etc) then let each dept give a reason why that 5-7mil is justified by showing tangible results….if none are available or very sparse then why should the govt (read: tax payers) keep it going?

  5. Martyn – Apart from giving Meng Foon a kicking, due to the fact Meng was short listed to take over the Human Rights Commission, what else have they done in the last 5 years??

    • Nathan. Let me help you here. I believe that a Human Rights Commissioner, gaudy-shirted sort of old guy from the ghastly University of Waikato, went to Wellington to protest against Kellie-Jay Keen trying to give women voices. He was thwarted by Keen having been hustled out of the country to save her from further violence being meted out against her by Shaneel L’s friends, but had she not been, one can assume that it would not have been a wasted trip, and that he would have fulfilled part of his destiny by doing his little bit to stop biological women from talking.

      Proposing going to the UNO about people needing houses is virtue signalling about something which we all know anyway, achieves SFA, but is the sort of thing which can make a man feel good about himself, and after the assaults upon the male species by one of his erstwhile female advisors, men need this.

      The Commissioner for Children, however, had countrywide support for doing such a good job helping our vulnerable children, ergo had to go, because where small persons’ and bigger persons’ interests
      collide, small may win in Aesop’s Fables and the Brothers Grimm stories, but not in a country where adults still wail about their own rights when faced with Sue Bradford’s Anti-Smacking Bill, and where government minions turn hoses on kiddies all throughout cold nights then laugh like hyenas that water’s coming down from up above as well. It’s a kind of madness.

  6. Reading Seymour speech makes me more inclined to vote for hom. A report that takes two years to write and then tells uspatitudes at a cast of ?????

    Seymour is right. Get rid of it and the women’s (that is anyone who says they area women) Ministry.

    Remember the two mill given to the HRC to process conversion therapy complaints?

    These people are complete parasites ie HRC

    • The HRC level of competence in delivering anything is on par with a student debating society.
      Bleating about things should be free, not cost us millions

  7. The human rights commission is becoming a sham. Look at their lack of leadership of woke fads. They are out of touch with reality and not doing a good job. In principle I am for human rights commission, but since in NZ they seem more harmful and woke led than helpful to human rights, they should go. They have put woman’s rights backwards with the latest woke fads, that allow men to say they are a woman if it suits them and rapists can now choice to go to a woman’s prison.

    No leadership of child abuse with kids being put on puberty blockers and then having body parts cut off as teenagers. Around the world the kids (many of whom are autistic and have other issues) are left permanantly disabled by the state sponsored woksters agenda.

    Any voice of reason, from the wokesters in NZ government positions on this topic? Nope, they are pretty much useless and a waste of space – actually going in the wrong direction and creating a cult like fixation from Wellington.

    Chloe Cole – puberty blockers at 13, double mastectomy at age 15.

    ‘NHS trans surgery damaged my body for ever — it’s not safe’
    An autistic patient who reversed his transition is suing over treatment given to young people with gender dysphoria

    Have NZ authorities banned or put anything forward to stop this state sponsored woke gender agenda in NZ – nope. They seem to be enabling it – and it’s spreading to the ministry of education who seems to be encouraging kids to think that puberty blockers and transitioning as a kid is ok as part of the curriculum! The ongoing lawsuits, mutilation of children and changes of mind from kids around the world, lack of research on the drugs and amputations and flawed studies, seems to prove otherwise!

    In NZ the ring leader of the torture and murder of the teenager – was trans. Too little research and too much woke fuckery, silencing of the facts and lack of rigour in this space. Before diagnosing the latest fad, maybe look at other factors that might be the issue – before the kids become adults with major problems.

    We have militant trans activists that fractures a elderly woman’s eye socket at a speak up for woman’s protest, and was initially reported that the perp would get diversion. Apparently if you are in the trans community, violence is ok in NZ, and supported by the highest cult like devotion in government. Watch this space because the guy that punched out James Shaw who he didn’t seem to agree with, got jail.

    People arguably inciting violence in this gender space have herald columns!

    Nothing from human rights commission!

    • Very well stated saveNZ.
      Your comments explain why we don’t need the HRC,they don’t do anything.

    • saveNZ. 100%. Winston Peter’s calling out what’s happening in schools with so-called sex education scenarios was not before time, and as far as I know, he is the only person of stature who has.

      • Perhaps Winstone should have given shameless Jones some sex education, so he wasn’t tempted to watch porn and then be dumb enough to charge it to his work credit card.

        • Seems to me that Jones was giving himself a bit of education there; no need to waste Mr Peter’s valuable time on him, kids matter more.

  8. So, Seymour is a hom does that stand for homosexual or homophobic the very people you don’t want to exist (based on your comment) Anker perhaps you need a W in front of your name.

  9. Bugger off covid. The trans movement isn’t only misogynistic it’s homophobic .

    Read about the lgb alliance in the UK and how Mermaids a trans group took them to court to try and stop their charitable status. LBG all good by me.

    The ludicrous and authoritarian 2SLBTGTIA + is harmful for gays and many lesbian women know it

  10. So where the fuck was the HRC when Jacinda was mandating Covid vaccines against Medsafe and MoH advice with the ensuing discriminations that ensued. If that wasn’t a bell weather moment for the HRC then what is.

  11. Noticeably Martyn your site is littered with right-wingers, who the majority exhibit racial undertone. ACT deputy “Brooke Olivia van Velden” an ex Exceltium, a political PR firm, was on the Breakfast morning show shouting the tough on crime rhetoric. Chloe though is up to the task making valid points that ACT is using soundbite talking points that disregard the evidence.

    ACT becoming a mainstream party should have the whole of NZ concerned. If you think race relations is bad now wait till this fascist leaning party gets a hold of power. Chloe has put Brooke van Velden feet to the fire on numerous occasions during their debates on MSM like her reinterpretation of the TOW where she makes unsubstantiated claims and more worrying her undeniable support for apartheid Israel.

    This ACT party will lead our country down a path of destruction with support from outside forces namely the zionist organisation that should be classified as an unfriendly hostile actor.

    • Noticeably Martyn your site is littered with right-wingers,…

      Well, as hardline on traditional Left class warfare as Martyn is, he certainly doesn’t support the idea of a Left Wing echo chamber that is apparently your heart’s desire. Perhaps The Standard would be a better fit for you?

      In any case, at least with me, Martyn allows only some of my comments through, in what seems a pretty random approach based more around the topic than anything like abuse or trolling – so he is doing something to protect your safe space.

      BTW, you really should stop with the “racism” and the even lamer “racist overtones” description of Righties like me because it’s lost its sting through overuse. Follow the US Left and say White Supremacism. It’s just as stupid but it is a little fresher. 🙂

      • “BTW, you really should stop with the “racism” When have I used the term racism? That overuse word is the right leaning political nasty that come on a left-wing cite crying racism racism!! about a Marama Davis meme of ‘white cis males’

        I understand the term ‘racism’ has pakeha clutching their pearls on their ivory towers when being accused of these acts especially from Maori.

        I suggest a good book called ‘White fragility’ its not a bad read challenging nonetheless very empowering to curing fragile personalities.

        • “White Fragility”. Good grief, Kafaka’s The Trial made real. But I see you’ve referenced it here several times so obviously you’re in love with it.

          I’ll let a leftist describe it: (trigger earning: he’s no more gentle than he was with Goldman Sachs)
          DiAngelo isn’t the first person to make a buck pushing tricked-up pseudo-intellectual horseshit as corporate wisdom, but she might be the first to do it selling Hitlerian race theory…

          DiAngelo’s writing style is pure pain. The lexicon favored by intersectional theorists of this type is built around the same principles as Orwell’s Newspeak: it banishes ambiguity, nuance, and feeling and structures itself around sterile word pairs…

          Writers like DiAngelo like to make ugly verbs out of ugly nouns and ugly nouns out of ugly verbs (there are countless permutations on centering and privileging alone)…

          Including her vast ignorance of history:
          There is not a single baseball fan anywhere – literally not one, except perhaps Robin DiAngelo, I guess – who believes Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier because he “finally had what it took to play with whites.” Everyone familiar with this story understands that Robinson had to be exceptional, both as a player and as a human being, to confront the racist institution known as Major League Baseball….

          Robinson’s story moreover did not render “whites, white privilege, and racist institutions invisible.” It did the opposite. … Robinson’s story, on every level, exposed and evangelized the truth about the very forces DiAngelo argues it rendered “invisible.”

          It takes a special kind of ignorant for an author to choose an example that illustrates the mathematical opposite of one’s intended point, but this isn’t uncommon in White Fragility, which may be the dumbest book ever written. It makes The Art of the Deal read like Anna Karenina.

          I see she also expressed the same idea that got Scott Adams banned from polite society:
          “People of color need to get away from white people and have some community with each other.”

          Except they all nodded along with her.

      • “Noticeably Martyn your site is littered with right-wingers”

        Stephen is simply stating a fact however at no point was he promoting a Left wing eco chamber as you suggest. Your interpretation was clearly your own insecure thought process around your right wing leanings.
        Also, I often have some of my comments not allowed through so perhaps this means he is protecting your safe space.

    • Stephen you are so right. This so called left wing blog is really a right wing blog. We have all the NACT. sycophant’s in one place. These are the people who would deny others rights as less important than their own, they throw words like racism around like confetti. Their only answer to crime and punishment is to lock everyone up and throw away the key, they want to disestablish the gun laws put in place after Christchurch, welcome to the good old USA, hows things going gun wise over there ??. One of their ACT. MP’s is actually the president of the gun lobby ,hows that for a conflict of interest. We have more outlandish statements on here every day. Us on the left are less valued, thick, our opinions are of no consequence according to the right wing usual suspects. Woke is a good one thats also bandied around. David Seymour and his lackeys policies go under the radar of the media, just made up of headlines to appeal to the pearl clutcher’s and the pale stale men in gray suits. If this is an example of what’s to come be very afraid and be careful what you wish for. There will be plenty of us leftists left on this blog however I bet we won’t see the righties arses for dust when it all goes tit’s up as it will.

  12. Yes, your right Stephen the right wingers are scaremongering, but many News Zealanders are not as naive as they think which is why National aren’t polling higher despite Labours faux pas.

  13. Yes, your right Stephen the right wingers are scaremongering, but many News Zealanders are not as naive as they think which is why National aren’t polling higher despite Labours faux pas.

    • Yes Bob I ain’t as bias as you think and yes Labour have made some mistakes but the point, I’m making is they are still polling well if we look at the trends as is the Maori Party.

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