The Daily Blog Open Mic – 11th June 2023

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. Even though accused Australian war criminal, Ben Roberts attempt to silence his accusers and the witnesses to his crimes failed, it never cost him a cent. He got off scot free.
    Though the accusations were proven in court, Ben Roberts faces no criminal prosecution for committing war crimes and all his legal costs for taking this case against his accusers case were covered by his wealthy backers.
    Not so for his accusers who face big legal fees.
    The decision on who is to pay those legal costs is still ongoing.
    If the court does not rule court costs against Ben Roberts, then Roberts has effectively won.
    No media outlets or journalists will be able to to publish Australian military war crimes without being financially penalised or even ruined.
    And this is the military force that Andrew Little want’s us to join up in AUKUS?

  2. Increasing the term for the government.

    Hell no!

    If anything it should be reduced to a 6 monthly contract and reviewed then by referendum!

    In times like these we can’t allow incompetence and fuckwizardry to govern the country. It’s the last thing we need with high forever inflation and a cost of living Crisis! Along with all the other Crisis’s like;

    Porangi Yoofs
    Cost of Living
    Pole Abusers
    Mellinial Cops that don’t do confrontation
    Police that don’t turn up unless it’s a photo shoot with AR15s
    Waka Jumping MPs
    Illiterate MPs and Ministers and their wife who can’t read what it says on a Pecuniary Interest form!!
    A Mowree Politcal party with a Racist Imported Flawed Agenda
    WWIII on the horizon but the whole country is oblivious to it
    And more general fuckwizardry from mental yoof, Mellinial privileged muddle class kids whose mum should have swallowed them instead when she met their dad!

    • Tane too true. You whip the lace curtains aside so the middle class can view the outrageous form of reality. The lower class can already see through the holes in their curtains – if they have any or anywhere to hang them.

  3. Random reflections.
    Musicians are sensitives that are like the canaries down the mine – giving indications of the mood of society! They feed the state of our souls back to us – we need to nurture them and listen to them and if there are words to go with their music, take account of them.

    Even A Child
    Neil Finn/Johnny Marr

    I want to turn on the lights
    I want to keep your hopes alive
    So where do I begin
    To help you believe again
    Makers of secret planes
    Keepers of our last remains
    Dream of a holy state
    In a nightmare time
    You know I meant it well but who was it meant to help

    Even the child knows you don’t waste it
    A promise is only given once
    And there is no doubt that changes have begun
    Even a child knows that you can’t fake it
    As long as the world is waking up
    You are free now to recover your heart

    The stories left to write
    The ebb and flow of my life
    To justify the end
    I’ll do everything I can
    And i’ts a dangerous game
    I heard you tell someone that you don’t care
    But I don’t believe the message
    And when you sing about love
    What are you thinking of

    Even a child knows you don’t waste it
    As long as the world is waking up
    And there is no doubt that changes have begun
    Even a child knows you don’t fake it

    A promise is only given once
    You are free now to go wherever you want
    There’s nothing like waking up in some foreign town
    Music is a call to prayer
    Wailing out of speakers in the market place

    The first time ..even a child
    Even a child knows you don’t waste it
    A present can always be delivered twice
    You are free now to receive the gift of insight

    From now on let’s be open
    All in time let’s breathe in
    Am I brave?…You’re so brave
    Am I afraid?…No not afraid
    Even the child

    (I’ve broken up the last verse for better effect –
    and italicised the hopeful piece at end. Can we
    take up the appeal on behalf of ourselves and
    the others around us or far?)

  4. This doesn’t sound like a modern country with readiness to unroll action plans to help isolated people and communities in need after serious emergencies. Are we in modern times, driving a nation that has resources and effective administrators in parliament (rabble) or in administrative civil officers (building CVs towards better and bigger jobs in nicer places.)


    Young female athletes are losing out of university scholarships and their rankings lowered due to trans athletes being able to compete against them.

    Former HS track star Chelsea Mitchell & 3 others suing the state of Connecticut to overturn policy after losing to ‘trans’ athletes. Mitchell says “Even though there were only 2 of them, they took 15 state championships away from other girls and there were 85 girls that were directly impacted from them being in the races.”

  6. I’m assuming you’re taking Sunday off like a reasonable person. I needed to understand the Greens bold move. Would it go?

    Hope to hear from you on Monday.

    Here in my wet province I took off dry tomorrow to celebrate. Will it go is another thing with those weaklings and reality. That I wanted to celebrate says a lot.

    • I think that the range of Green Party thinking and by that I mean a range of thinking that extends from leftwing Marxism to anarchism. I think that these are largely correct and the release of The Greens income guarantee policy is a good first step towards proper and natural liberalism into an era of advancement and industrialisation. A good first step in a long March towards Net Zero by 2050. Or atleast lengthy in terms of political cycles.

      In contrast it seems to me that the ideology of gender and sex based rights that’s to say how long can the Greens sustain its massive turn around, and the ideology of neoliberalism which is what’s become of The Labour Party. And the Treaty which is what will become of the Maori party. And what has become of the Welfare State. These of course will dominate New Zealand leftwing thinking out to at least 2050 and I believe influence industrialisation and an industrial society.

      But I also believe that they are regressive because a large portion of our fundamental problems kind of stem from a kind of incompatibility to the social norms of a re-industrialisation program and reimagining of New Zealand’s economy. But it’s a good first step. Y’know I’ve seen all those Green activists that I call woke on there publicly available live streams, y’know deep dive stuff and this is a massive leap in logic for them. Good on them.

      There are many shades of anarchism and I am only concerned with one shade at present. A consistent anarchist must oppose corporate monopolies over the means of production. We still need access to international markets. And a consistent anarchist will also oppose the ownership over the means of production by the government. How ever we will still have to pay our taxes for protection against take over opportunities.

      The goal of the working class is liberation from exploitation. This goal can not be reached by a new directive and governing class substituting itself for ideological underpinnings. Read into that what you will. Prisons or gender ideology or whatever. It can only be realised by workers mastering there own means of production into some type of working class council now I’ve chosen Otara Flea markets everywhere but that makes sense to me.

      Look the culture and the vibe handed down from from the 9th floor of the Beehive is extremely important to the function and vitality of the New Zealand economy.

      Labour implemented Neoliberalism and National enrich the wealthy. I have no doubt that National would have done a good job implementing Neoliberalism and Labour do a good job cutting wealth taxes but it’s the differences in culture that really makes it pop. It’s like we all remember the sweet smells of your favourite dish but it’s the cultural aspects that really, really makes it pop. Y’know it’s not about race or divide and conquer. It’s the culture stupid.

      These cultural remarks merge into leftwing policy and intersects with the extreme academic movement to create the infant’s they never had and merges with ultra left wing anarchist currents.

      We have seen why Labour can not be trusted to industrialize New Zealand. We have seen why The Greens can not be trusted to manage defence, foreign affairs and trade. We have also seen why The Maori Party can not be trusted with socialist views, or rather there heavily conservative bent.

      The reimagining of The New Zealand economy will fundamentally be an industrial system. It’s constituents will be of an industrial character. Thus those carrying on the social activities and industries of the Zero Carbon Act will be directly represented by local administration’s and industrial body councils. A type of collective bargaining council or committee members overseeing the Smith operations of a national Otara Flea market or whatever. In this way the power of social and economic progress will flow upwards from those carrying on the work and conversely. When the Labour Party formally meets for negotiations to form government. They will meet as formal representatives of every aspect of social activities. Hence Neoliberalism is Completely replaced by The Zero Carbon Act and the transition from one political state to another will be completed by industrialised committees. The transition from one system to another will be New Zealand’s revolutionary gift to the world.

      The history of politics is one ruled by an elite cabal of man. A New Zealand Republic will be the Government of industry on behalf of the entire global community. The former means the political and economic subjection of the many, the later will mean the economic freedom of all and will therefore be a true democracy.

      Most of my remarks was taken from a book called “The State It’s Origins and Functions” by William Paul which is mostly his libertarian work I just flavoured it with Kiwi Fruit.

      It’s interesting that Paul wrote that the government ought to be replaced by an organised revolution which is closer to liberalism and anarchism and many many other parts of organised industrialization.

      What’s more important than sighting that many such Kiwi statements can be added is the fact these ideas are being realized by spontaneous revolutionary action “popping” up, several times for example the dumb lives matters protest. One might argue that is the natural form of revolution in a proto industrial state. COVID-19 reflects that democracy is largely a scam when industrial capacity is controlled by any form of elite whether owners, managers or bureaucrat, vanguard party or whatever. Under these conditions the ideas of true revolutionaries can not be realized. Man will not develop his own ideas and be free to create and develop New Zealand to its fullest. A worker can not remain a fragment of a human being used as a tool from up above.

      Now the ideas of wealth taxes has been submerged in the dominant ideologies of The Welfare State and Neoliberalism. But The Greens Income Guarantee is an old song and dance coming out of the interests of the welfare state and the remarks I ripped off from Paul was taken from from a thesis written by Walter Kendall. Both ideologies must represent something significant that developed into a remarkable and significant force for The World and should include trade unions, gender roles, what is a trans and how we accommodate that while taking scientific principles as it’s fundamental ideas. There have been many pop up ideologies with these differing fundamental ideologies with parallels to government and private sector interests but none really lining up into a cohesive frame work hence me getting all tangled up in a ground up industrial revolutionary movement to make a republic.

      Of course the Greens and The Maori Party could accelerate those ideas as The Labour Party did force Neoliberalism. And if the current wave of propoganda can be beaten back, and if the Greens can keep suppressing it’s more suicidal tendencies, and if The Maori Party can quit accusing everyone of racism/colonialism and we all celebrate the achievements of Jacinda Ardern then the problem of how to organise and mobilize New Zealand against the Nuclear Moment of Our Time should rightfully and correctly fall on another leftwing super majority.

  7. Don’t for a minute think the ‘big’ Righties you’re conversing with in your debates matter half a crap. We’re right, they’re wrong. That they have money and you and Trotter don’t proves it. We forgot the neediest for 40 years, says it all.

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