The Green Party Wealth Tax as performance art by a Green Party candidate
That’s pole abuse!
Something that can’t be unseen!!
Jack and the Bean Stalk.
I’m a sensitive chap,I find that pic offensive.
So that’s what Bob the first looks like.
Flash Dance fatty-style
Better. Flesh dance. Are you man enough to do the upward limbo?
The Greens, the party of breaking down cis heteronormative privilege.
Finally an election campaign opening that’s honest
The Greens, reinforcing women as objects
The woke have rehabilitated racism (putting social significance into race), homophobia (lesbians who won’t sleep with trans women are transphobic genital essentialists), traditional gender stereotypes (gender non-conforming children must be trans) why not promote casual objectification (under ‘body positive’ activism, this is now empowerment if it involves plus-sized women).
New pole shows Green candidate climbing.
Lol tui
Finally the Wellington City Council realised why all their street lamps were falling over.
He identifies as a black, fire fighter.
Lol save NZ
Another white supremacist discovered by the new terrorism and extremism research centre.
That’s pole abuse!
Something that can’t be unseen!!
Jack and the Bean Stalk.
I’m a sensitive chap,I find that pic offensive.
So that’s what Bob the first looks like.
Flash Dance fatty-style
Better. Flesh dance. Are you man enough to do the upward limbo?
The Greens, the party of breaking down cis heteronormative privilege.
Finally an election campaign opening that’s honest
The Greens, reinforcing women as objects
The woke have rehabilitated racism (putting social significance into race), homophobia (lesbians who won’t sleep with trans women are transphobic genital essentialists), traditional gender stereotypes (gender non-conforming children must be trans) why not promote casual objectification (under ‘body positive’ activism, this is now empowerment if it involves plus-sized women).
New pole shows Green candidate climbing.
Lol tui
Finally the Wellington City Council realised why all their street lamps were falling over.
He identifies as a black, fire fighter.
Lol save NZ
Another white supremacist discovered by the new terrorism and extremism research centre.
Changing lightbulbs in the Beehive.
None of you are going to fuck 10’s. Deal with it.
Nicola Willis lets her hair down.
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