2023 will be a class war election without the political vocabulary


There is an unspoken promise between the neoliberal State and the untaxed capital gains private landlord class that the neoliberal State never builds enough State Houses to alleviate housing desperation so that the untaxed capital gains private landlord class can exploit that housing desperation ON TOP OF getting a $1.5Billion annual subsidy in the form of the Accommodation Allowance EVERY SINGLE YEAR!

So the neoliberal State work hand in glove with the interests of the untaxed capital gains private landlord class to constantly keep desperation in the Housing market by never building enough State Houses WHILE handing taxpayer funded subsidies to the untaxed capital gains private landlord class!

This rigged casino where Landlords can constantly use their own debt to buy more property and out leverage first time home buyers just adds insult to injury.

On top of this, ACT and National want to give that same untaxed capital gains private landlord class the power to evict you at will so they can kick out the smelly domestic renters and exploit the new 100000 migrant workers coming into the country, remove all the healthy home and environmental regulations and put back in place the tax loopholes that benefit the untaxed capital gains private landlord class.

On top of this, the Real Estate pimps are donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Right and are dangling the promise of house prices jumping 20% if National and ACT win.

The Housing Crisis is a political decision and you as renters should be incandescent with motherfucking rage at how this has been allowed to continue!

We have a class war this election but none of the political vocabulary on the Left to fight it  because Identity Politics has replaced Class.

Pure Temple alienation over Broadchurch solidarity.

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The minefield of cancel culture Social Justice over the collective power of Economic Justice!

Since 2013, there have been over 405 workplace deaths in NZ.

There are only 550 Worksafe Staff for a working population of 448 000.

There are only 37 inspectors of rental properties for 300 000 terrible rentals.

There are only 82 labour inspectorates who are supposed to police hundreds of thousands of migrant worker exploitations!

I’m not looking for Socialism from Labour, just basic regulated capitalism!

Nationals 3 biggest donors (Hart, Mowbray and Bolton) have a combined net worth of 15 billion!

The Bottom 50% of NZ has 23 billion.

The top 5% of NZers own roughly 50% of NZs wealth, while the bottom 50% of NZers own a miserable 5%!

IRD proved NZ Capitalism is rigged for the rich and Bernard Hickey calculates that if we had a basic capital gains tax in place over the last decade, we would have earned $200billion in tax revenue.

$200billion would have ensured our public infrastructure wouldn’t be in such an underfunded ruin right now!

There are 14 Billionaires in NZ + 3118 ultra-high net worth individuals with over $50million each, why not start start with them, then move onto the Banks, then the Property Speculators, the Climate Change polluters and big industry to pay their fair share before making workers pay more tax!

Bread and Butter cost of living pressures are what the electorate want answers to, and that’s where the Left need to step up and push universal policy that lifts that cost from the people.

The Commerce Commission is clear that the Supermarket Duopoly should be broken up and the State should step in and provide that competition.

We need year long maternity leave.

We need a nationalised Early Education Sector that provides free childcare for children under 5.

We need free public transport.

We need free breakfast and lunches in schools.

We need free dental.

We need 50 000 new State Houses.

We need more hospitals, more schools and a Teachers aid in every class room.

We need climate change adaptation and a resilient rebuilt infrastructure.

We need all these things and we need to fund them by taxing the rich who the IRD clearly showed were rigging the system.

That requires political courage and there is none!

No one is willing to fight for tomorrow, they merely want to pacify the present!

As a nation we will face some of the toughest choices and decision making  outside of war time and that means you must press those bloody MPs to respond to real policy solutions and make those buggers promise to change things and you can’t do that if you hand your vote over before the bloody election!

Keep demanding concessions and promises for your vote right up until midnight before election day AND THEN cast your vote!

We only get 1 chance every 3 years to hold these politicians feet to the fire and they only care before the election, so force real concessions out of them before you elect them.

This election is going to be too important to just let politicians waltz into Parliament without being blistered by our scrutiny.

Demand real concessions from them and THEN vote on Election Day.

2023 Election will be a vote for the least worst outcome


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  1. Labour did it!

    They’ve had 6 long years!

    Get ready for more of the same from whoever it is that gets in.

    A hung parliament is the better option.

        • And some of us are so very proud of how well labour did this!?
          Voters will hold them to account for the outcomes that they have created, irrespective of Millsy’s chants.

          It is hard to see how Labour can get over the line from here. Maybe they have a really exiting promise, something like 100,000 houses in 10 years and light rail in all cities across NZ within 20 years.

  2. That it took Commerce Commission investigation to tell us that there is not enough competition in the supermarket duopoly is what boggles the mind. Duopoly shouts this!

    How do we improve competition when no new investors are prepared to risk investing in this “lucrative” sector?

    IMO the market is repositioning itself with big box competition entering the market. As a result of the ComCom investigation? Be real!

    Will this repositioning in the market provide better outcomes for the average NZer. Yes. Will it translate into better outcomes for the poor? Probably not.

    • If the two grocery monopolies were broken up into the six companies that existed previously, someone would buy those stores. They’re not unprofitable.

      • The reality is that many of the “duopoly franchises” are already in competition with one another.
        The big box competition will compete with the duopoly and stress the “duopoly franchises”.
        Hopefully the box box operators will create opportunities for new provincial shops that offer better value for those living further away from supermarkets.

        • well johan the big box operators are no use unless you want a years supply of peanut butter…great for the middle class no use if you’re on low oncome…aldi or similar would have been out best bet but we fucked that up.

          • But Aldi does not see an opportunity to invest at present. They will be in there in a flash if they can create value for their shareholders.

        • There’s one new competitor (Costco, one branch). And in that category (membership cash-and-carry), they have a monopoly.

          We’ve been here before. Rattray’s were an operator of cash-and-carry and full-line discounters. Woolworths’ gobbled them up as well.

          The provincial full-service grocers you speak of can only buy wholesale from Woolworths’ or Foodstuffs Co-Op. The Andrew Lane stores cannot go full-line, because there is no other wholesaler to supply them.

          • If the big box operators scare Woolworths, they may well try to buy them out, also.
            Or Costco could decide to open more stores if their model works for their shareholders.

  3. Record profits provide security of employment and room for wage increases.
    Losses amount to redundancies.

    • Yes indeed.
      Government can always increase company taxes, the top rate of personal taxation and/or drop the top tax bracket from 180,000 to 120,000 at the risk of loosing the election.
      If they stay in power they can subsidise GST on essential food products, build roads, build schools, increase benefits…..

      Or they could do nothing or as little as it takes.

  4. ” 2023 Election will be a vote for the least worst outcome ”

    Only for the $50,000 and under class Bomber.

    For the others its red or blue who will look after you.

  5. The Real Estate Pimps hate Tennant’s. Would rather every house was a ghost house, that they can sell over priced quickly.

    • I want to add that Robert Kennedy and (my particular hope for something better) Cornel West have both entered the US presidential race in the US. Both have deliberately bypassed the mainstream media in doing so, both are citing its stranglehold control and manipulation of, (rather than reportage of), information as being the reason for bypassing it. Both are already talking about issues that are not allowed to be spoken in the extreme propaganda machine the media has become.

      Things are finally getting interesting. The compulsary least-worst non-choice is being strongly resisted internationally. People have had enough. My prediction is that this will be no ordinary election season in NZ. The US is fortunate that one of the calibre of West has stepped into the maelstrom, IMHO. It would be good if these unusual times brought us a genuine left-wing alternative in NZ.

      It certainly casts fresh light on the frantic attempts to censor and control speech on the internet – the place both of these leftist candidates are choosing to run their campaigns.

  6. Vote Comrade, vote for the red flavor, or the blue, add a wee bit of yellow or green, won’t you know, it’s all the same. Pretend there is a difference, cause otherwise it would be a boring game and no one would tune in.

    • Labour Government is a larger classroom Peter Barry filled with incompetent people,more childlike.

  7. Ah but Martyn, class war is so 20th century. You know as well as I do that the parliamentary left gave up on the white working class a long time ago.

  8. Way, hey, hey, we need to change this blog site’s name to the Johan and Bob show. You both need to get married, you have way to much time on your hands.

    • If I could only get my operation scheduled I will be back on the golf course as soon as I am ready to swing a club.
      My problem also affects my surf casting.
      Until then, I will practice my grammar.

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