Luxon’s latest massive blunder is the last nail in his political coffin – he won’t fund women’s contraception because you know ‘God’

Blessed Be The National Party Fruit

Oh for the love of Christ (literally, figuratively and metaphorically), Luxon just can’t help but blunder into minefields can he?

The latest blunder is just unsurvivable in my opinion.

He’s refusing to fund women’s contraception because you know, ‘God’.

Election 2023: National to make women pay fee for contraception prescription if elected

The National Party says it will reintroduce the fee for contraception prescriptions if it wins the election.

Leader Christopher Luxon told Newshub on Wednesday he was not looking at a carve out for those who need regular contraception prescriptions. They would return to paying the $5 fee.

“We don’t want to see any change … We are making sure we can help with people who desperately need help with their prescription charges. We want a targeted approach.”

He did not consider people needing regular contraception prescriptions filled as having “high medical needs”.

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“What we’re trying to say is we’re targeting it really clearly to people who are in desperate need. And if people are in that criteria and they actually need help and support to do that then we should definitely support them doing that.”

When Newshub asked Luxon why people needing contraception every month wasn’t a high medical need, he said: “I’m just trying to say from a prescriptions point of view we’re taking a very simple policy and say ‘let’s target it to people who most need help getting support in actually paying for these bills’.

“We don’t want people not able to take medicine, take the drugs that they actually desperately need to get hold of.”

Now he’s not stupid enough to say directly he won’t fund women’s contraception because of God, but that sure as hell is the insinuation everyone can take!

Why the hell penalise women for getting free contraception prescriptions if it isn’t some bullshit Christian morality play by Luxon personally.

If you look at the swing voter National needs to win over, 50+ white women with tertiary education, they sure as fuck won’t tolerate his morality interfering with their contraception!

It’s a bewilderingly stupid move by Luxon that just rubs every swing voter he needs to win over the wrong way.

I don’t think he can survive the ramifications of this latest blunder.



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  1. Women 50+ are generally well on the way to menopause, so conceiving is quite difficult, though it does happen, fwiw.

    Yet another clusterfuxon nonetheless.

    • Yes Sinic but they have daughters and granddaughter’s, daughters in law, nieces, friends ,friends daughters etc.etc.

      • They also have empathy, intellect and that rare commodity- common sense. Luxon’s targeted idea will bring about additional bureaucracy to sort out those who comply with his ethics and those who do not.

  2. It’s also ignorant, the pill also helps with several actual medical issues nothing to do with not getting pregnant.

  3. But I heard he was going to top tampons instead though!? For the trannies and breastfeeding men!! FFS!

  4. Wouldn’t it be nice if the leader of the opposition came up with a policy that really nailed him the upcoming election, something that’s positive, nice and generous, wholesome, and appealing to a wide range of people …

  5. It is amazing how some people turn everything around to a negative. Super is universal and so it should be but all the add on like winter power payments and thinks like prescriptions should be given only to those that warrent help .The country is not rich and free anythink is not real free as taxes pay the cost .

    • Nice try Trevor. The guy is a god bothering tosser and we have no need for a PM left, right or otherwise that does this sort of bs.

      • Shush we are not allowed to mention religion even when it guides decisions made that will have long-term repercussions.

  6. blah, woman are already paying for contraception.

    Labour, National and the Media party are all tragics.

    Release the viewership rating and key demographic stats. This should be a weekly requirement for ALL media receiving public funding.

    Release the data!

  7. Clusterfuck indeed.
    Natacts just continue to confirm they don’t give a rats about anyone earning under $100k.
    If they thought this one through they would realise that free contraception would probably give a economic return far outweighing any of the John Key highway.
    Imagine the savings over the years from education, health, benefits, crime etc.
    Add the lower births to the higher deaths of old people that Act want and we’re quids in.

  8. Luxon is such a creep.
    He needs to go and all those other control freaks who enjoy playing with people’s choices.
    (Luxon & Co will have a go at meddling with the End of Life framework next.)
    He is so out of touch it’s weird and has no idea of people’s struggles to get by in this life.

  9. It wouldn’t be a subject any political party with something resembling a strategy would say, that’s for sure.

    Its not just Luxon although a desperate National definitely backed the wrong horse, its practically the whole party misfiring. Bishop being the latest.

    Whatever happened to that legendary carefully manicured disciplined political party? They’re keeping Labour on life support!

  10. Can I ask if Family Planning is still around and free if you go there?

    I think anything like this would be a conscious vote, if so there is a very even spread of conservative MPs in all parties. You fail to view indigenous beliefs the same way.

    I don’t like the guy yet as he is weak connecting with voters but the constant bashing of one person for the head line is tiresome.

    Did we do this to Jacinda, Helen, John before they had an opportunity?
    Social Media advancements are sometimes ugly.
    Would you headline this if he was of Islam faith or another?

    Challenge you to engage.

  11. I just watched Simeon Brown try to justify Nationals stance by saying Labour have been happy to charge prescriptions on contraceptives. Yes you turd they have been charging it on all meds, and now they have removed the fees across the board. It’s National saying they wont do it for contraceptives. Somehow that’s connected to means testing. This is after watching tough on crime Luxon refusing to commit to police numbers. They are consummate bullshitters. This is why Labour are not out of it. The main opposition are even more embarrassing. That’s quite an accomplishment

  12. Soccer Mum’s won’t care this year as only interested in Woman’s world cup and kids game on Saturday.

  13. Certain religious business organizations in this country have vested interests in many services.

    Look at rest home involvement and hospice care run by some these people.

    I wonder if they want to see their revenue go down if they have an unfolding situation of declining patients to fill beds.

    It’s an ugly aspect from the far right conservatives as their attitude is not a very compassionate one in my opinion.

    Look how some Natiional MP’s like Maggie Barrie, Hilary Hipango tried to filibuster David Seymour’s EOL bill.
    I would put nothing past these radical far right zealots.
    See what unfolds if National gets in power and I think there will be all hell to pay if they meddle with David Seymour and his views.
    It could be interesting to watch how they work together.

  14. Once again we are seeing up in lights on the big screen just how stark the choices really are @ the October 2023 Election. Maybe it’s time for the Mickey Mouse Party. Debates will be between Donald Duck and Goofy. At least we can have a laugh while the country becomes more divided and falls apart.

  15. Je–zusss forking ker–rist–Baldrick Mark Luxon strikes again!

    Women (with uteruses, not the trendy new ones with cocks and balls) still make up half the population. And lots of them choose to limit the number of kids they have, “one and done or none”. So being singled out for retention of the prescription charge to apply to them will likely not be popular at all.

    Real US MAGA/Handmaids Tale territory. Please, please Natzos–keep your beloved leader on until Election day.

  16. funny how the right care soooooo deeply for those in the womb (even eggs now it seems) but don’t give a flying fuck about actual kids…they want to exercise their ‘parental rights’ in schools but vote to cut funding every time….there’s must be a word for this oh yeahhhh snivelling hypocrites


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