Waatea News Column: Te Pāti Māori Kingmakers must have immediate bottom lines for every New Zealander


Te Pāti Māori Kingmakers must have immediate bottom lines for every New Zealander

The latest polls from Roy Morgan and the Taxpayers’ Union Curia Poll spell out that the Kingmakers in the 2023 Election will be Te Pāti Māori.

The power and obligations of Kingmaker make immediate demands upon the Māori Party that they must deeply consider.

The Mana Party had a saying, ‘What is good for Māori babies is good for Pakeha Babies’. This was the understanding that social policy that lifts the material well being for one, lifts them all, that was the power of the Feed the Kids policy.

There are numerically more poor white babies in Aotearoa than Māori and Pacifica combined.

The leverage for true transformative policy that can lift every New Zealander is an obligation to any Party given the power to negotiate.

The hard Right of New Zealand Politics as expressed via the ACT Party will use the news of the Māori Party being Kingmakers to spook middle New Zealand into fearing some stupid co-governance conspiracy that Māori are taking over by stealth.

This is the opportunity for the Māori Party – as Kingmakers – to surprise the electorate and calm irrational Pakeha fears of a takeover by advocating for immediate social policy that brings rapid material well being to every New Zealander.

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GST off food, a Financial Transaction Tax to fund the extra social infrastructure we require, Free Public Transport and Free Dental.

Those polices would impact Māori most significantly WHILE benefiting everyone.

If Te Pāti Māori win the privilege of being Kingmakers and can genuinely negotiate some real social policy change that drives an immediate upgrade of material well being, then Te Pāti Māori will win the trust of the people and remain Kingmakers forever more.

This is a time to build legacy.

First published on Waatea News.


  1. Martyn – Remember the Maori Party was the Kingmaker in the National – ACT Government, apart from the $300 million Whanau Ora scheme (which ended up being spent on “Admin” costs) – nothing for Kiwis.

    • neihana, Kiwi a bird maybe you should ask D.O.C about their funding project of native birds surely they have all the answers you require.

      I for one will be voting for the maori party (never have) mainly because of their policy stance against military intervention especially in Ukraine apart from alleviating poverty for the most vulnerable.

      The leader of TPM made this stance publicly against NZ involvement in military intervention when the Ukrainian President Zelensky made a live videolink to our elected parliament when TPM leader got up and presented his views of supporting a peaceful resolution clouting the narrative that NZ should militarily support Ukraine.

      Then he sung a waiata traditional in Maori culture and made David Seymour who was seated next to him look un-maori it was comical the look on Seymour face.

    • Yes they did go with the Nats. But I know they have learnt from the crumbs they got under the table.

      I will be voting for Te Pati Maori for the first time, Ii was previously a Green Party voter and member. I am now a member of Te Pati Maori, and intend to have a billboard and be as active as I possibly can.

      They need to get GST of everything, have a wealth tax, a financial transactions tax …..

  2. Meanwhile their websites current front page campaign is: “Remove British Royal Family as Head of State”. I don’t disagree, but after a preamble that sets out differing statuses of citizens based on race – yeah, nah.

  3. Bhahahahaha. Packer and Waititi advocating for universal social policies. it’s the 12th of April not the 1st. You just know they will go down the seperatist rabbit hole straight after the Greens.

    Te Reo just needs to articulate this. Therein lies the current problem for the right – Te Reo doesn’t appear to have the ability.

      • well you crackers have all the rest – fuck I’m sick of this poor me attitude towards Maori – what a bunch of fuckin losers.

        • Bob is top of the list for the capitalists. If he had his way Maori would all be in chain’s, now that’s real racism, not his individual definition of race based parties.

      • Did you have a problem when they were in CO governance with National Bob?
        What did they achieve with a right wing government? Why are Maori much worse off now for the Maori party being in coalition with a right wing government for nine years?

        • Corporate Iwi is doing well under N and L. Bread and Butter Maori and Pakeha alike are doing it tough under N and L alike. Class is the issue, not race.

    • Ironically could it happen that many on the left hold their noses and vote National, Act or abstain from voting at all just to keep TMP or the Greens from govt, as many National voters did by ticking Labour in 2020, just to keep the Greens out?

      • I don’t know – you are assuming a base level of intelligence in the average voter that hasn’t been on display since CovidCult. This is particularly relevant for voters under the age of 30.

  4. They could bring back the sorely needed Commissioner for Vulnerable Children, ruthlessly abolished by Carmel Sepuloni to the sound of silence from Kelvin Davis, the theoretical Minster for Children.

  5. GST off food
    Financial Transaction Tax
    Free Public Transport
    Free Dental
    I think every party should offer that as matter of principle.

    • When public transport is free, you inevitably get the ferals hanging out, loitering and taking advantage of it, intimidating others etc. which makes it a completely undesirable option for decent people. It may work in a decent society, but not in places like Auckland.

    • 400 Bus drivers short, Dentists working 3 day weeks as no staff, GST of food waste of money on administration .This is a party of buzz words with no real substance.Both members are racist show ponies

  6. I’m not convinced that the current leadership off Te Pāti Māori is capable of such thinking, let alone acting. They (the current leadership) would be like the Greens, absolutely no good when in government. Best at sniping from the opposition benches and not capable to follow through the legislative process that benefits the 85% whilst lifting the 15%.

    The current leaders are still firmly mired in the genetic superiority of Maori sportsmen/women.
    How the heck will they overcome their racial discrimination against all the races in the 85%?

    Cant see it myself.

    • Do you honestly believe the Maori party leaders in the Key government were any more capable.
      As Nathan points out they achieved zilch. And if you believe Whanau Ora was a success, would that be defined as ‘co governance ‘?

      • Proves my point. Suppliant fringe parties are always going to struggle unless they advocate for ALL the people. What is “co-governance”? Is it a question similar to “What is a women”? Maybe TDB could spell it out for us, the average Joe Blog what co-governace will entail? Will we have to pay to access water (commercially and recreationally) in the South Island to Ngai Tahu? For that is how currently the 3 waters co-governance reads.

        What do you think Te Pāti Māori will achieve in coalition with Labour in 2024? Will they advocate for benefits to ALL New Zealanders so as to lift everyone up? Or will they only advocate for Maori and achieve (like the Maori party with National) diddle squat?

        Co-governace, in its present form, is unsaleable and unelectable for Labour. There is no way co-governace will ever be enacted based on 15% of the voters gaining 50% of the electorate vote. Not going to happen. And 3 waters ensured Maori iwi will have 100% control over water use.

        Tell me I’m wrong and where!

        it will be interesting to see if Labour in 2024 in government with Te Pāti Māori is able to function and if not, could wee see a grand coalition to kick all minority parties to the curb?

        • I believe you are dreaming if you believe we will ever have a grand coalition.

          I read a lot of questions in your post and then theoretical answers to your own questions. Then you make statements on how co governance is unelectable in its present form.Then you ask ” tell me I’m wrong”.

          So, theoretically you’re right and wrong until it is proven so.

  7. Martyn, do you honestly believe that the maori partys ‘bottom line’ policies, their ‘line in the sand’ ultimatums will be to benefit us whities as well as maori??
    Pull the other one…
    Any negotiation on policy that MUST be enacted as part of the maori party negotiations will ONLY benefit maori, anything less would be unacceptable to their voters, if you think otherwise you are being fooled.

    • Closing the gap between the poor and the privileged which is growing every day. Is frankly better for everyone not just the poor.

    • So many thin skinned people who have never had anything but capitalism and classism against them, yet somehow it’s Maori that put that chip on your shoulder – wake up – lol – get your own fucking political party.

  8. In the end, insulting over and over again a whole bunch of demographics for wrong think and wrong believes will leave a party/ies without voters. Maybe that is something that the ‘political left’ should realise. It seems that they have pissed of enough voters to make a difference and the difference is that one can’t get enough votes, and their mates neither.
    And there is no reason for many to vote for the TPM. Not a single fucking one. Sad as it is.

  9. Interesting result from this poll…especially as this next election will be the last for the Maori Party , as the Maori seats will be gone from the political landscape…..ACT and National , with the support of Brash behind the scenes, will drive this through by lunchtime along with all the Maori naming legislation….Martyn says there will be howls of protests like never seen before as Maori people react to the removal of the brown gravy train…..Huge protests on parliament lawns and such like….I just wonder how all these people will get time off work to do all this protesting….???

    • I think you will find that you need more than barely over 50% of parliamentarians to change how many seats there are in government. So good luck with that Roberto Muldooni.

    • Should happen but won’t happen. At one stage during the last term of government, 8 out of the 12 political leaders and deputy leaders were maori.

      The need for seperate representation is well gone in my opinion.

  10. The maori party are way too immature and reactionary to ever bring anything to the table that will benefit all NZers

    • Yep and sadly as is obvious through a lot of their rhetoric, they are prejudiced and none too objective (Superior DNA?). A rising tide may lift all boats but any gains will be accidental not deliberate.

  11. Te Maoro Pati is awesome, they are all our generation ish, zero old cis pakeha tane. And they understand Wairua. So let us make them the party that helps the politicians that actually care about Papatuanuku!

  12. Tipene – Lovely to hear from you again…I agree that NZ should never support Ukraine in military terms…David Seymour cannot be un-Maori, for he is Maori – Nga Puhi…

  13. What a load of bullshit from a bunch of wayne kerrs as usual patonising to say the least and typical coloniser rubbish being espoused

  14. I’m 73. I don’t need to work but I enjoy the social contact and getting out from under the feet of my lovely wife. I recently did a 13 hour casual shift which paid around $280 in the hand. That went towards a $340 dentist bill for spending 40 minutes in the chair. It’s just nuts!

  15. I’m 73. I don’t need to work but I enjoy the social contact and getting out from under the feet of my lovely wife. I recently did a 13 hour casual shift which paid around $280 in the hand. That went towards a $340 dentist bill for spending 40 minutes in the chair. It’s just nuts!

  16. ” Te Pāti Māori Kingmakers must have immediate bottom lines for every New Zealander ”

    ” There are numerically more poor white babies in Aotearoa than Māori and Pacifica combined ”

    Then why not a political force that represents all of these neo liberal victims instead of just one ethnicity ?

    The TMP does not have a great track record in uplifting Tamariki of any colour or their enslaved parents and wider families.

    They committed the cardinal sin of getting into bed with the Shyster and his financial gangsters to enrich the brown elite who were more than ready to bleed their people and everyone else dry in the pursuit of greed , control and subjugation of the people they claimed they were representing in all of the impoverished communities throughout the country all of them Maori and that did not include any other enslaved race’s in New Zealand who they solicited votes from but did not deliver Bomber and never intended to once Key waved a fistful of money in front of their faces.

    Bottom lines are admirable but will be sold out in favour of enriching the tribal elite and maintaining the neoliberal status quo.

    Like ACT there needs to be a representative social justice environmental anti capitalist force on the left that brings together all of our people ….Brown , white and anyone who wants economic justice and the right to be heard and represented instead of the current status quo who governs this country for the elitists and the monied class.

    TMP is worth 3% and backed up with their electorate seats.

    We need a 15 % alternative that speaks and acts for all those who whatever your background in defiance of neoliberal tyranny.

      • No of course not. What I meant is that if a party from the right can harvest 15% of the vote and influence the direction of a future National government then we need a party on the left that can do the same.

        Apology for the confusion.

  17. ” Te Pāti Māori Kingmakers must have immediate bottom lines for every New Zealander ”

    ” There are numerically more poor white babies in Aotearoa than Māori and Pacifica combined ”

    Then why not a political force that represents all of these neo liberal victims instead of just one ethnicity ?

    The TMP does not have a great track record in uplifting Tamariki of any colour or their enslaved parents and wider families.

    They committed the cardinal sin of getting into bed with the Shyster and his financial gangsters to enrich the brown elite who were more than ready to bleed their people and everyone else dry in the pursuit of greed , control and subjugation of the people they claimed they were representing in all of the impoverished communities throughout the country all of them Maori and that did not include any other enslaved race’s in New Zealand who they solicited votes from but did not deliver Bomber and never intended to once Key waved a fistful of money in front of their faces.

    Bottom lines are admirable but will be sold out in favour of enriching the tribal elite and maintaining the neoliberal status quo.

    Like ACT there needs to be a representative social justice environmental anti capitalist force on the left that brings together all of our people ….Brown , white and anyone who wants economic justice and the right to be heard and represented instead of the current status quo who governs this country for the elitists and the monied class.

    TMP is worth 3% and backed up with their electorate seats.

    We need a 15 % alternative that speaks and acts for all those who whatever your background in defiance of neoliberal tyranny.

    • Because you can double up on a Maori Authority and a Non Maori Authority, and the dear children of the middle class – M and P alike can get jobs producing nothing of value. Again, the issue is class, and currently there is no party in government that will to anything else but throw a few pennies in the ground for the beggars to fight about. A tale of two cities, might be a good re-read.

  18. whilst I’m all for progressive agitation on behalf of Maori, tikanga is a conservative movement and as such should be concentrating on a right wing solution for Maori – whereever that takes us, I dunno, but playing Uncle Tom isn’t going to work for anyone.

  19. they won’t state a bottom line until they open the brown envelopes….and once again the iwiocracy will betray ordinary maori

  20. The Maori party will crumble again if they go with National but I believe they have learnt their lesson.


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