Luxon demands Marama apologise to all white cis men – did he demand Sam Uffindel apologise to everyone beaten by bullies?


Oh this is just getting stupid now…

National Party leader Christopher Luxon demands Marama Davidson apologise to cis white men

“I think the bottom line is her comments were incredibly harmful generalisation of an entire group of people, they were wrong, they were offensive. What I haven’t heard from her or Chris Hipkins yesterday was an apology,” he said.

“What I think we need to hear now from Marama Davidson is an apology.”

“She should do it publicly and she should do it to the people that she hurt.”

He was asked if he saw any irony in calling for Davidson, a Māori woman, to apologise to white men over comments about violence.

“Why is that a funny statement? … I just think it’s a group she caused offence to, she made a sweeping generalisation, the comments were wrong, they were offensive, she gave a justification as to why she made them but she didn’t actually apologise.

…thank Christ Luxon is so ham fisted when dealing with this, by demanding Marama apologise to all White Cis Males, the issue has gone from dumb to farce.

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Did Luxon demand Sam Uffindel apologise to everyone beaten by bullies?

What is most eye rolling is Luxon’s claim, “I think the bottom line is her comments were incredibly harmful generalisation”, you mean like calling people ‘Bottom Feeders’ and how people were in South Auckland Garages plotting crimes?

Look, Marama Davidson said on camera that as a Minister, she knew who caused the violence in the world, and it was white cis males.

This comment was met by a gasp and criticised immediately by every other political leader in NZ, except the Māori Party who were like, ‘Girl, same‘.

It’s come to light that Marama had been hit by a motorbike and so was in shock when she started hating on cracker in public, but the top 10 countries for crime are Venezuela, Papua New Guniea, South Africa, Afghanistan, Honduras, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, El Salvador, Brazil and Jamaica, so for Marama’s claim that white cis men are the reason for the violence in the world to be correct, there needs to be huge organised teams of white cis men living as expats in Venezuela, Papua New Guniea, South Africa, Afghanistan, Honduras, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, El Salvador, Brazil and Jamaica all coordinating vast crime waves to cause violence in those communities as a kind of competition league.

Look, cracker should get the blame for doing nasty shit, but when you add in a Billion Indians and a Billion Chinese, there’s no way that numerically white cis males can cause all the violence in the world.

It’s also deeply ironic that as Marama is saying all this, a Trans Gun person shot up a school in America and killed 6. 

On a scale of one to Alana Morissette, how ironic is it that Marama says this...

“I should have made clear in my comments that violence happens in every community. My intention was to affirm that trans people are deserving of support and to keep the focus on the fact that men are the main perpetrators of violence. I will continue to stand with my trans and non-binary whānau and support action to ensure that everyone can live their lives without fear of hate or discrimination.”

…when on the day of the protest, it wasn’t the Trans community facing violence and intimidation, they were doing the violence and intimidation!

Marama’s brainfart will certainly see a hit in the polls, but hopefully if Chris Luxon keeps fucking up the criticism by demanding stupid things like she apologises to every white cis male, National will make the issue seem clownish rather than offensive.

Let’s hope National’s hopelessness will eclipse Marama’s hopelessness.

We hold our breath as the Polls go out and hope that this isn’t Marama’s ‘Metiria moment’.

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  1. Did you see Davidson’s smug, superior performance in Parliament yesterday. What a piece of work!
    NOWHERE in her so called apology was the word “sorry”. And SHaw seemed to be enjoying the way she was diflecting the question with a long pre-prepared rant. I’ll never vote Green while she is there.

    • From the co-leader of the party leading the #no-debate on the impact of sex-self ID on women, her speechifying in Question Time was really questionable: the party that supports silencing of women who disagree with her party’s line.

      She virtuously said we need to have the difficult conversations because it’s largely men committing violence against women. Yet I’ve not heard anything from her denouncing the violence against women we’ve seen on video, at the Trans protest on Saturday.

  2. Now hypocrite Luxon is asking Nash leave parliament immediately. Oh dear.
    I wonder how Marama would have been seen if she had beaten up a kid with a bed leg?

  3. There would have been less brouhaha had Davison simply said ‘Cis Males’. Men of colour as well as men of whiteness all perpetrate violence, globally. Perhaps she should look at NZ’s domestic violence statistics as well as the horrendous violence in Mexico, South America and the Middle East.

    Then we have Luxon, purveyor of hygiene products, former runner of an airline, ‘expert’ in Curriculum Development, ‘benefactor’ of young school children (with or without ponytails), advisor to ‘Bottom Feeders’, disparager of NZ Businesses, discreditor of Teachers past and present, all round hypocrite and protector of #CisWhiteMale Sam Uffindell. Surely Christopher of the Upper Room has at least one iota of integrity?

    Somebody please slap Nash for his idiocy which someone is gleefully exposing.

    • Hit the nail on the head. What Marama should be apologising for is the racist comment. Its a statistical fact that across the world men are responsible for the huge majority of violence of all types.

      I think what has pissed off so many people though is that Marama is the first one to drone on about colonisation and how Maori are victims and require additional consideration in life but white people are in her world view responsible for all the violence in the world. But they dont get a free pass or a ‘but I was run down by a motorbike’ level excuse. No, she is in parliament to represent all NZers but she puts her prejudice proudly on display and will not apologise.

      We all know what would happen to say Andrew Little if he got up and said Maori men are responsible for all the violence in our country. Whilst this is actually statistically true, he would have been sacked so quickly it would make Nashie’s recent sacking look like it proceeded at a turtles pace.

      What people are angry about is the prejudice and unprofessionalism of so many of our MPS and representatives. Mostly people are sick of the constant divisions being whipped up by people like Marama and Michael Wood and Kelvin Davis.

      I think Marama should apologise or better still, because we all know it would be a lie, she should get up and say I am not sorry I said it. I stand by my comments and then the electorate can judge whether they want to vote for her true face or not.

    • yep – it’s unfortunate she used the word “white” – it detracts from the rest of her statement which is – bang on.(is white even a race? or just a generic description for thin skinned tossers – lol – my skin is pale and I’m of european descent but I do not identify as “white” so she ain’t talking about me homie – fuckin skin colour and DNA hegemony is so passe) It’s like being called a poofter when you’re straight – unless you are a closeted poofter that is – so the term white should really only effect closeted fascists or as Martyn calls them – crackers.

  4. Trouble is Martyn, the greens have, over the last 2-3 years, alienated so many previous supporters that their MPs, like Marama, keep digging their own party grave and the party rules mean it’s almost impossible to get rid of her as co leader!
    Let her stay I say, keep her where she is and let her say what she wants, they are closer to being below 5% than they are from hitting their election high %age of the vote ……GO MARAMA!!

  5. Maybe a fair comparison if it wasn’t 20 years ago and if Uffindell had said all white cis males need beating.

    But yeah ACT wins for having the balls to outright condemn Davidson, Nats lose because Luxons first utterance was some kind of bullshit about a “mostly peaceful” protest.
    Was he trying to be clever and use the “mostly peaceful” meme that mocked the BLM violent riots which killed more than 20 people?
    Doubt it. He looked weak and indecisive.

    I hope Davidson stays on, she is too thick to not keep showing the overt racism driving her and her woke party.

    • I bought the love parade idea until I saw the uncensored footage for myself.

      It takes a brave “cis man” to look at the evidence.

      The reasoning for your actions and decisions makes no sense once all know that you are aware of the facts, and the facts paints a different picture from what you are painting.

      It all becomes glaringly obvious that one being dishonest.

    • Now keepcalm, lets talk about thick , ie Luxon is thick always has been always will be, you can dress up a turkey as a duck but it will always be a turkey, David Seymour is becoming more unhinged, especially in parliament to some he’s the saviour but in reality he is a clown and unfortunately one day the smirking twerking little clown could be actually representing NZ. I dread to think what the world will think of these two white CIS men who could represent us. As for Stuart Nash the stupid, much to cocky for his own good. Marama Davidson was caught saying what she really thinks and in reality what all of us think. You talk about overt racism just have a look at Luxon ,Seymour and Peters they do racism in your face. They get applauded for their racism, their racism is printed almost daily on the front pages. You are once again consigning a Maori woman MP with lived experience to being overt. Is it because she is a woman or Maori. So is it ok for the 3 musketeers to say what they like and get away with it because they are men.

  6. Separate issue. False equivalence. As an immature adolescent, Uffindell bullied at school, and he has since addressed the issue in whatever ways. He didn’t make insane accusations about anybody else, let alone a huge chunk of society, identified by gender affiliation.

    Marama Davidson vilified most of the white adult male population of New Zealand. What’s more, she demonised only cis-gender white males, with gays and transgendered white men being exempt from her accusation. She lied.

    She’s a grown-up in a position of power as a party political leader and could influence others. Even just as a Maori woman she has more clout in today’s woke world than a white man. For some mysterious reason she also flung about her status as tangata whenua as if it makes her infallible. It doesn’t, as the the blokes in frocks at Albert Park showed us.

    • Incorrect Snow White. This is the height of hypocrisy by Luxon. Why do you not see this, or is it just because you vote right?

      • Correct Snow White. Noone could put the two issues in the same basket and make it out as National hypocriticy unless they were a biased left voter called Gus

      • Incorrect Gus. Never voted right in my life – Values- Labour- Green. Could go TOP or NZ First though.

        Sure, Luxon may be a being an opportunist here; most of our effete politicians are like that now, but it is still a patently false equivalence.

        Bottom line is that Kellie-Jay Keen came to this country espousing freedom of speech for women. She was maligned and lied about before she got here, including by politicians and media alike. Marama Davidson was merely one of the many whose behaviour was abhorrent and unjustifiable.

        • So Uffindells behavior by your own words was not abhorrent or unjustifiable. Your own words Snow White and Trevor, enough of your right wing bullshit, we know your sunnies are stained bias blue.

          • For heaven’s sake Bert stop embarrassing yourself.
            On the other hand keep it up it’s so amusing.
            Gosh this is fun.

            • Is that Bob the pedophile asking me not to embarrass myself?Golly gosh you are most amusing, so much for upper education, you have the intelligence of a rock.

              Gosh this is so much fun, you give us all great joviality.

            • I gather that someone like you still writing with crayons Bob, this would be fun…bahahahahahahahaha!

              keep on colouring in Bob.

          • Bert. Nope. Where did I say that Uffindell’s behaviour was not abhorrent or unjustifiable? You should have gone to Spec Savers.

          • As a 16 year old Mod in the UK I was involved in a few fights which I would not be proud of as an adult. I do not think I was a thug but if I stood of office and events were unearthed a spin could be put on it to suite the message .
            This is not the first time Marama has pointed the finger at white men so she is a repeat offender.
            There are a few fires being lite as you would expect in election year.Nash and the leak,Marama,teachers strike ,health .prisons etc I am sure an event many years ago will be insignificant

    • Snow White, immaturity is in no way an excuse for planning and beating someone up, and remember this was at high school – by which time Uffindell would be well aware of right and wrong.
      Yes Davidson’s words were wrong on several levels, but she has clarified what her thoughts are. Really I’m more appalled that the protest to PP was carried out in such a manner; a seperate ‘gay-out’ gathering would have quickly made PP’s gathering seem insignificant and been far mre effective.
      Can we hope Uffindell and Davidson are now a lot wiserÂż unfortunartely I don’t think the rent-a-mob will ever learn.

      • Much of the gay community disassociates itself from the transgender activists, they can be very different sort of people.

        • Hollyhock, all people are different no matter their gender, ethnicity or culture. You just made a very sweeping statement. The truth is society is made up of individuals who like and dislike others for whatever reason. Many straight people disassociate themselves from other straight gay or whatever. Contrary to popular opinion we don’t live in our own bunkers we live in the world in a mixture of other people.

          • Queeny Sweeping statement ? Me ? I’m no broom, did you know ? Lived and worked all over the world, but only since Saturday’s love celebration in Auckland, have I felt an asphyxiating bunker around my valley. Only ever come across two people I’ve disliked, one is the one who cut down my tree, and I can’t remember the other. You and Marama seem to have had bad luck with your acquaintances, but don’t let it stop you speaking.

        • Yes, many of us have sadly come to see the problems with the current gender ID ideology they are pushing. They are basically pushing a misogynist and homophobic ideology. We’re meant to be same-gender attracted these days, instead of the reality of same-sex attracted.

          And some of the women that were terrorised at Albert Park and were planning to speak, are lesbian.

    • So Snow White are you saying that we condone Uffendell because he kept his mouth shut . Or are you saying we let both him and Luxon get away with hypocrisy as they are condemning Marama Davidson. Bottom line is the woman who arrived on our shores with a prior threat to the PM was looking for trouble and rightly or wrongly she got more than she bargained for. She certainly left quicker than she came.

    • 100% Snow.

      And I would argue that mentioning her Tangata Whenua status was all the evidence we need to know that she really meant what she was saying.

      White men are violent. Then I am Tangata Whenua ie: I’m a Maori, we all know white men are violent (No doubt referring to what she considers colonisation in NZ) so in many ways, the comment was a doubling down of her prejudice. And the other thing about her video was she was so utterly high on having watched a mob destroy women including the kind of women who fought for both womans rights and the rainbow revolution way before she was even born.

      • The Let Women Speak event wasn’t hijacked by gays or lesbians, it was hijacked by misogynistic transgender extremists, aided and abetted by inane politicians and media who helped to set Kellie-Jay Keen up, parroting Australian media lies, and claiming to be acting in love. No way do they want other women to enjoy freedom of speech.

  7. The Maori Party have once again shown their racism by saying Marama does not have to apoligise because she said it about WHITE men ,imaging if it had been said about only Maori men. This is not the first time Marama has sounded of about white men .

    • Trevor. “ Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Often wondered if some hetero Pakeha stood Marama up, she’s certainly got it in for them.

    • because then no one speaks about the fact that we have grave yards littered with tiny baby bodies killed by her tangata whenua.

    • Trevor But I think she did say that she was pissed the time she advised white men to delete themselves, and at least that time she seemed to include the sort of males who caused the earthquakes in Christchurch according to motorbike man.

  8. Do you really want to go down that “whatabouts” track Martyn?

    Meka Whaitiri it’s still in parliament as far as I know. So it’s ok to bash your parliamentary staff, as long as you’re there to make up the identity politics quota.

    You need to realise that Marama is a racist, and Martyn, as white male (why the need for the cis part, it just shows her misandry) you are hated by her and her party.

    You’ve probably done more for the poor and working class in a year than she’s done in her lifetime, but that doesn’t matter. If you don’t tick enough of the identity boxes so you’re the enemy.

    You haven’t left the left, the left are leaving you. I came to that realisation years ago, one day you will too.

    • What utter bullshit. “Her” party has a white male co leader. Is Davidson a goose, unquestionably, but does her rhetoric mean all of the Green Party hate white males? By your logic, given Maureen Pughs statements everyone in National is a climate change denying fruit loop. Oh wait maybe you are on to something.

      • Did you not pay attention to the whole James Shaw debacle recently?

        He wasnt being pushed out because he was useless (though he is), he was being pushed out because of his gender. Didnt the green party changes specify 1 leader must be a woman and something else? If so, why didnt it specify 1 leader must be a man?

        • So did james Shaws gender change when he reconfirmed leader? I am not a Green Party fan, it’s just straight out untrue to say they are all anti white male.

          • They took Shaw back only because Hooten scared the Bejesus out of them and they concluded they were committing electoral suicide and they really could wait until the election after all.

          • James Shaw asked if the minister thought it was okay for a party to have a violent MP in parliament (Uffindell). Well played James.

  9. Never thought I’d say this but Luxon is right. Even in spite of /perceived/ hypocrisy.

    I say perceived because the two situations are quite different. One historic, one current. One specific, one generalised. One in university, one as the minister for violence. One yes actually violent, one /inciting violence across the nation/ and *dismissing violence so long as you have the correct identity*.

  10. If it’s good enough for Metiria Turei to resign over an admission that she lied to Winz when she was a solo mother then it is entirely appropriate that Davidson resign over her derogatory and inaccurate statements regarding cis white men.
    Extreme woke ideology is a cancer that has spread and infected the organs of our democracy, our government, educational institutions and our media, and like the treatment of cancer, the cells of extreme woke ideology need to be neutralised quickly and with extreme prejudice to avoid the death of the patient (democracy)
    As a lifelong working class lefty I never thought I would say this but if voting ACT is the only option of killing this cancer then so be it.
    Sometimes you have to destroy the village in order to save it.

  11. Sam Uffindel will haunt the Natzos for a long time–until he eventually slithers off. They had four blue suited prats to choose from in Tauranga, but they picked the “bed leg basher”–and it was a group attack remember on one young boy.

    The report on the Nats selection process and Mr Uffindel was never circulated by Baldrick as far as I am aware.

  12. Hey Righties
    Luxon handled that Uffindel saga like shit! Terrible management job! Uff didn’t disclose his somewhat serious story so he gave the electorate no chance to judge it or even forgive it before voting. Bad bad move…You’re fired! I have my doubts about Luxon having a spine. I put the Marama affair in the same category. Chippie: “Sorry Marama, my ministers simply don’t say that kind of stuff, motorbike or not…it’s hate speech. You’re fired! Go back to your Green Party and have fun.”

  13. 29 percent of DV commited by the 15percent maori a vast over representation and 49 percent by the ‘majority’ community…dunno about the other 20 percent obviously even more embarassing
    draw your own conclusions

  14. Meh + Yuk
    It didn’t take much of an infection to draw out the puss from the wound that’s AO/NZ.
    luxon and uffindel are an insult to dumb ugly bullies. I’ve changed my mind. Marama Davidson’s right.

    • Marama IS right in a general way–NZ National’s ex President Goodfellow had his moments in such matters for those with a memory…she could have said it in a more palatable way for “po’ wee sensitive white boys” but violence remains largely a male perpetrated act.

      Now all those tin pot/third world countries Martyn named as the worst–how believable are the stats for failed states? and post colonial ex slave societies, exploited neo colonial places, are full of degraded people, substandard living conditions and first world corporate exploitation–this does not excuse it, but it is a significant factor in explaining it.

      And news flash; we have our share of man on woman violence in AO/NZ across socio economic lines.

    • She was right to share her opinion, as a human. And so say all of us (at the voting booths).
      Bike karma was ironic. We live n learn eh.
      Hang in there fellow kiwis. We’ve got a ways to go and work to do. Most of us are not centered around self-servitude. We can filter our messages up the line. Flood up, I say. Bring your best self. New Zealand and all of our people are worth it 🙂

  15. Has the very brave young man , who punched the elderly lady several times at the woman’s rights meeting , apologised to her and to the trans community that he was defending…It’s going to be interesting to watch this situation as it will possibly be shut down in the free press , and be invisible if it does get to the courts…Round one to the trans people….It will be certainly different when we have round two next time…A lesson in manners is coming to the trans community at a place near you soon…..

    • @Te Robs Mob
      Round one to the Trans-activists, most LGB and T people have nothing and want nothing to do with these wankers.

  16. Let’s face it, Marama said exactly what she thinks. She’s totally entitled to her opinion. However, one can’t really expect most white hetero-sexual males to vote for her after that.

    Who would expect a black man to vote for a white woman who said black men are the cause of all the violence in the world?

    • Let’s face it. A lot of us white males don’t have to freak out because we know we don’t perpetrate violence on women. The reaction from some should create some empathy for the trans community. The trans community are being told by some stupid Pom that they are trans so therefore must be groomers and paedo’s? Doesn’t feel so good?

      • No Parker said “It only takes one’ and its not that I think all trans people are pedos, I dont. But I also dont know how I can differentiate between who a trans woman is and a pedo or rapist in a dress and this makes women and children unsafe in refuges and prisons.

        And that is a proven fact, cases in the US, England, Scotland, Canada, Ireland. Security guards now posted to women’s wards in hospitals all across Britain. But yeah, Wheel. Parker is just ‘some stupid Pom’ and that’s your opinion and I applaud you for stating it. Pity the Rainbow community didnt apply the same standard to the women who turned out on Saturday.

        • @Wheel
          Parker is not saying all trans people are groomers and paedo’s, but the laws being formulated to accomodate them do open opportunities for predatory or mentally ill men to take advantage. Then there are the Queer Theory ideologues and the damage they do to both women and LGBT people which requires a much longer comment.

          Modern trans-activists do not represent trans or so called rainbow people for the most part. As has been mentioned elsewhere some of the women set upon by the mob were old school lesbian activists who REALLY had to fight for gay rights in decades past. Unlike today when the government, media and corporations are falling over themselves to validate every insane talking point of Queer Theory propaganda.

      • No that is not what PP says. What PP says that SELF ID allows ANY male to any space that is single sex only. And for that she was almost trampled to death by the kind and loving middle class kids of white and brown people, incited by all the people that called a women a nazi for knowing what a woman is.

        • That’s not all she says. She’s also associated in the past with the proud boys but apparently she is all sweetness

        • Brat. She’s protective of children. Opposed to gender re-alignment surgery for under-age children, the sexualisation of children, puberty blockers and the hormone replacement therapy which the Green gender-benders have been promulgating in New Zealand. The leading such children’s clinic in the UK, London’s Tavistock Clinic, is facing some tragic lawsuits and I think it has been closed down. Our politicians have voted for this stuff, and parents who object can be imprisoned. Our Commissioner for Children has been dis-established, our Minister for Children is useless. Speak up against it, and you face wild accusations of transphobia and so on. Even the cops let women get bullied and threatened at Albert Park sooner than risk being called transphobic. It’s chilling.

          • wow they can’t have heard about the Tavistock Clinic yet because the entrance to the beehive debating chamber contains a wifi brain scanner that’s been accidentally left on delete mode.

    • Are you technologically challenged? If you have trouble accessing and watching video, I can help you with that. Maybe get your hearing checked at Bay Audiology, they have discounts on at different times.

  17. Used to have punch a Pom’ days. Now we need punch a adult bully day ‘s. Should be the first question asked of candidates. Are u a bully ? Or have been a bully ?

  18. I remember the days whilst in a car with a mate and he would joke that if we run over a Maori it was worth 10 points!
    Marama was 100% correct, he was cis and white.

  19. Trouble is no current politicians are in a position to demand anything. They are all compromised and total hypocrites.

    Luxon is correct to ask Nash to resign his seat and should have demanded the same for Uffindel but didn’t.

    Luxon should reflect on Nashe’s abuse of power because I am willing to bet that the cabinet manual was breached on many occasions by the previous National , ACT United Maori party government but was never made public.

    Nash if he had any honor or self respect would resign his seat but incredibly he doesn’t think he has done anything wrong. Which points to a far sinister problem.

  20. Reactionary Bratwurst – Sadly true…in fact, the Police stated numerous times, the family refused to help in the investigation

  21. Making this about apologies lets Marama off the hook. She doesn’t need to apologise. Thank her for being honest about her views. Then sack her.

    It is not possible to be an effective ‘prevention violence minister’ with that dogmatic bigotry. Her dogma doesn’t harm white cis men. Her dogma harms victims of violence. Marama is incapable of understanding violence, so cannot do her job effectively. That is the issue.

    Apologies? feelings? – whatever.

  22. anyone who ascribes character to themselves or others solely determined by the colour of their skin deserves all the derision in the fucking world – including Marama Davidson. What pathetic losers.

  23. fuckin snowflakes – all of you. white this, black that. Get a fucking grip. Davidson is a fucking moron and so is anyone who engages with this level of debate. Say what? Politicians can’t be divisive morons – get a clue. They all are – anyone who partakes in party politics is a fucking moron.

  24. we can still use moron can’t we? frickin retards. Davidson is a big one but so are the anglophiliacs who cling to mummy europe and their skin colour like a stupid duck flag – or is it the rabbit one? NZ’ers in general – both Maori and European and everyone else need to get off their fricken high horses and start living their own lives and stop peering through other peoples curtains FFS.

  25. I’m going to overlook the long list of utterly idiotic, and childish drivel that passes for comment in this country, and simply point out that a political party that has hade labelling whole sectors of the population with insulting generalisations are the last people to have the right to speak on this issue…
    As we all know (or should know).. The Colonial privilege party indulging in hypocrisy is an everyday occurrence…. Yet NZers seem lacking in the judgement required to see that, or even know when it’s being inflicted on whatever target group they attack to gain votes..
    I’m guessing You are one of those “dittohaeds” …

  26. What do you think of Russel Brand and Joe Rogan, Martyn?

    Power ‘and’ poverty cause violence. Where has power come from in the last 500 years? White males. We Lefties fight for demo-cracy — the equality of everyone. By which, less poverty and less violence.

    Why do I have to describe our popular ‘Left’ blogs with the speechmarks? And not the naive Yank Left vlogs? Their parties are ruled by ‘woke’ but the progressives concentrate on the powerful denying the people.

  27. Worth noting that the Mainstream Media are still failing to report the truth.

    From the Herald today, speaking of Davidson they stated

    “when she made a statement to a right-wing videographer that “white cis men” are the main perpetrators of family violence. Davidson said she stands by her position that it is men, rather than trans people who are the biggest threat to women”

    So on the video she said it is white cis men that commit? cant remember the exact word she used but then said ‘all the violence in the world”. So no mention of family violence, women or trans people in that context either and in any event, the justice department shows that Maori Family violence is in real terms (no consideration of population size) higher than European Family violence and has been for the last ten years.

    So they change their story but still cant get it right.

    Its horrendous when you really start looking closely how much the media lie. There are lies of assumption which we can pass off as arrogance and laziness and then there is disinformation designed to promote or detract from a person or political party.



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