Mt Eden Co-governance redneck jamboree cancellation is disappointing & wrong



Anti co-governance tour organiser determined to press ahead

The man behind a controversial anti co-governance tour is determined to press ahead with his planned talks in Auckland, despite the council last night cancelling his venue booking at the Mt Eden War Memorial Hall.

It’s the fourth North Island venue to pull the plug on event organiser Julian Batchelor in the last two months.

…this is disappointing for a number of reasons.

The first is the cowardice of Auckland Council and the NZ Police. If there is a threat to safety, then the Police and the Council have the obligations to maintain order. Shutting it down is weak.

The second is the success of the counter protests in these debates. To date, counter protestors have managed to actually challenge much of this evangelical rednecks Helter Skelter race war fetish with the facts.

The third is that it deprives me of attending and giving this religious race baiter a piece of my free speech and explaining to the crowd that he is a snake oil merchant trying to turn them against their fellow Māori Brothers and Sisters.

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There are legitimate reasons to be concerned about Co-Governance and a debate is required, but what Batchelor is trying to grift is a race war and his bigotry needs challenging in a way that answers the debate rather than censors it.

The manner in which peaceful counter protestors were able to dismantle Batchelor without using violence is a lesson the Left desperately needs to learn again after the weekend.

This debate should have gone ahead. Pushing it underground is where the real danger is.

Jesus is in her heart

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  1. The left aren’t interested in dialogue or free speech. They have become the very thing they used to fight so hard against

    • That is simply not true, I am on the left, I don’t support the hate speech legislation. Everything should be open for opinions and discussions. Including this idiot.

    • That never ceases to baffle me,why are the left of today the book burners the closers down of free speech?
      Have they been hijacked?

    • That never ceases to baffle me,why are the left of today the book burners the closers down of free speech?
      Have they been hijacked?

  2. I hadn’t really heard about this guy. Then I see protests from the usual suspects trying to shut him down. For me it’s “a plague on both your houses”. But others, what they see are violent ferals harassing and bullying older middle aged white people.

    I’m looking at the attendees and can tell that they are like “uncle Bob” who starts droning on about “the kids today” or “the maoris”. Personally I just tune out, they are harmless, they’re going to do what they do, buu they’re not going to punch me in the face when I disagree with them.

    However the counter protesters. I know they will punch me in the face and they won’t be happy until they have forced me to say that I’ve recanted my “incorrect world view” and admitted that I’m a bad person, and will now try to do better.

    I hate bullies and bullying. I don’t care what it is that you are protesting, once you resort to violence, you can count be out.

  3. Agree with Martyn on this one. There was a credible, effective opposition to Mr Batchelor and that is how it should ideally be done.

    Deplatforming should be a last resort. Except for Nazis–no public buildings to be used by avowed Nazis thank you.

    • But who decides who is a Nazi and who isn’t?

      Even Posie Parker, a womens activist, was called a nazi.

      In fact you can be called a nazi for simply being against abortion

      How about we just let everyone have a voice and we make our own minds up if we want to listen to them or not?

      • it is a widely misused term–parking nazi (wardens), grammar nazi (spelling pedants), “little Hitler” (bossy short people) etc.

        It is pretty bloody obvious to me what an actual Nazi or neo Nazi is–they belong to a sect, though can act as lone wolves too, have a resentful authoritarian manifesto and history of endorsing fascism online, holocaust denial, own weapons of varying descriptions, adopt certain symbols of Nazism–including clothing and presentation, are anti immigrant and white supremacist, into survivalist activities and bullying, often lumpen proletariat or self employed.

        None of the above are necessarily a worry but in combination…

  4. The Woke Left has made it far too dangerous and damaging for ordinary people to express their views on the Treaty and Trans rights issues, so only the most extraverted, insane, or very odd people publicly oppose and organize against the Woke consensus. E.g. Tamaki, Batchelor, Posie Parker, the Lauren Southerns…

    Sane people – the great majority – stay silent and hope the Woke allow them to live in peace and it all works out somehow.
    Until election time and the protective anonymity of the voting booth when they take the chance to kick back very hard against the people who make them afraid to speak the wrong thing!

    • Is that that the same as the violent rhetoric of Posies Mrs anti tran. And what about the violence we tolerated during the covid protests and the violence we saw at the Spring Bok protests when the police were using their batons on the protestors.
      Then there is the violence inflicted on our Maori people when our land was being confiscated at Parihaka (a place of peace) and the violence and abuse to our Taranaki whanau put into ships (like cattle) sent to penal colonies for doing nothing with a mere blanket many dying on board ships.

      • Well lets hold tomato tranny as a symbol of “Free Speech” shall we? You know the one currently in Sydney on the way to the UN to say how He is persecuted and I say he simply because His pronouns are He/Him.
        The same one posting on twitter with great pride
        “TERFS are Cunts”

    • No violence was seen at Trumps insurrection and the Parliament protest. Nice try Bib but a massive fail or were you alluding to Marama being run down by one of Tamakis motorcycle thugs?

  5. Ka-pai @ Martyn Bradbury, You’re raising some very valid points in the freedom of speech debate being played out in this country at the moment. The seemingly ease in which peoples views are being shut down in the public arena and seemingly endorsed from those within the establishment is concerning, also the level of harassment being dished out by those with a different viewpoint, as played out in the recent Rosie Parker debacle and the response either lack of (as again seen at the PP rally) or over the top police reaction does not give one the impression of justice for all, As pointed out by Ani OBrien on the working group last night, A lack of balanced reporting on those events by our 2 x so called MSM namely Stuff and NZ Herald should also be of concern.
    Shutting down public venues for the likes of Bachelor and co is not going to make the world a safer a place, there will be plenty of spaces where he can have his 2 cents worth in private venues such as churches etc right across the country, without his points of view being challenged from a cross section of our community.
    Interesting times we live in, Wouldn’t be dead for quids

  6. Jesus might be in this women’s heart but based on her actions does she have a heart looks like she has half a brain to.

  7. Is that that the same as the violent rhetoric of Posie Ms anti tran. And what about the violence we tolerated during the covid protests and the violence we saw at the Spring Bok protests when the police were using their batons on the protestors.
    Then there is the violence inflicted on our Maori people when our land was being confiscated at Parihaka (a place of peace) and the violence and abuse to our Taranaki whanau put into ships (like cattle) sent to penal colonies for doing nothing with a mere blanket many dying on board ships.

  8. Is that that the same as the violent rhetoric of Posie Ms anti tran. And what about the violence we tolerated during the covid protests and the violence we saw at the Spring Bok protests when the police were using their batons on the protestors.
    Then there is the violence inflicted on our Maori people when our land was being confiscated at Parihaka (a place of peace) and the violence and abuse to our Taranaki whanau put into ships (like cattle) sent to penal colonies for doing nothing with a mere blanket many dying on board ships.

  9. Is that that the same as the violent rhetoric of Posie Ms anti tran. And what about the violence we tolerated during the covid protests and the violence we saw at the Spring Bok protests when the police were using their batons on the protestors.
    Then there is the violence inflicted on our Maori people when our land was being confiscated at Parihaka (a place of peace) and the violence and abuse to our Taranaki whanau put into ships (like cattle) sent to penal colonies for doing nothing with a mere blanket many dying on board ships.

  10. Just an update on this. Was over on the platform and apparently the tea on Batchelor’s cancellation in Auckland was.

    1. They planned the event 2 months out
    2. Liaised with council as required.
    3. Then between 24 – 48 hours out, were approached by Auckland City and given 1.5 hours to come up with security and health and safety plan.

    They couldnt do so in time so the plug was pulled.


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