The Daily Blog Open Mic – 26th March 2023

Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. Good RNZ enquiry.
    One lobbyist –
    NZCF, which buys land and grows pine (and other species) for the carbon credits, was deeply opposed to the policy.
    NZCF owns or leases around 90,000 hectares of land with more than 60 million trees and is the largest provider of carbon credits in Australasia.
    Carbon farming is now big business. According to a 2022 Cabinet paper “economic returns under the ETS for permanent exotic forests are now significantly higher than sheep and beef farming”.

  2. Golly gosh. A parent, so sacred. When a parent is short of money for essentials, that reality conveys no sense of importance on the ‘bludger’ but looking at naked bodies which in art has been given licence to break through the prudish, religious and respectability barriers – well the artificial proprieties win. And the USA has been a leader, Hollywood some decades ago could not show a married couple in bed together. We are led to sanctify ourselves, or turn our bodies into lewd objects, so weird and unhealthy; out-of-balance behaviour which is behind sweeping social demands that have become OTT.

  3. Wish this away. SEP. Rationalise how we are too small to be affected.
    Malawi, Madagascar and Mozambique are reeling from the effects of Tropical Cyclone Freddy.
    More than 400 people have been killed and thousands of homes destroyed…
    Freddy has finally been declared over by the French Meteorological service. The storm was named by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology on 4 February and and finally came to an end on 14 March.
    It was strong enough to be officially classified as a tropical system for at least 36 days.

    However, we need to wait for confirmation by the World Meteorological Organization before we can say whether it is officially the longest-lasting recorded storm.
    What is interesting about Freddy is how far it has travelled. It began its journey off the coast of north-west Australia, crossing the Southern Indian Ocean from east to west, one of only four storms in history to do so.

  4. A practical concern for the Deep South is needed. Better funded medical, hospitals as well as special climate-concerned assistance – almost a dedicated official to act as lobbyist and troubleshooter for the region.

    Recent rainfall has alleviated drought concerns in Otago and Southland, but it’s been another tough summer for southern farmers.
    Hot and dry summers had been the norm in recent years, raising questions about what the future holds.
    Hillend farmer Stephen Jack said since about mid-January, he had been staring at the dusty bottom of creeks and dams.

    Still thinking about environment. Beauty in nature – hold onto it and in ourselves!

  5. Drought – this from August last year – did you read this or hear about it or were we woking instead of waking!

    Two-thirds of Europe is under some sort of drought warning, in what is likely the worst such event in 500 years…

    Compared with the average of the previous five years, EU forecasts for harvest are down 16 percent for grain maize, 15 percent for soybeans and 12 percent for sunflowers….

    The ongoing heatwave and water shortages have “created an unprecedented stress on water levels in the entire EU”, Research Commissioner Mariya Gabriel said….

    The ongoing heatwave and water shortages have “created an unprecedented stress on water levels in the entire EU”, Research Commissioner Mariya Gabriel said…

    ,,,The latest report from the Global Drought Observatory says 47 percent of the continent is in “warning” conditions, meaning soil has dried up.
    The report warns the situation is worsening in countries including Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Romania, Hungary, northern Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova, Ireland and the UK.

    The researchers’ stark warning follows rapidly-sinking river levels across Europe which have exposed relics of the past – including so-called “hunger stones”* warning of potential famine and the sunken remains of WWII Nazi ships.

    This constant stirring and poking between countries brings to mind the great Brit monologue,  ‘Albert and the Lion’.
    …There were one great big lion called Wallace
    His nose were all covered with scars
    He lay in a somnolent posture
    With the side of his face on the bars.

    Now Albert had heard about lions
    How they was ferocious and wild
    To see Wallace lying so peaceful
    Well, it didn’t seem right to the child.

    So straight ‘way the brave little feller
    Not showing a morsel of fear
    Took his stick with its ‘orse’s ‘ead ‘andle
    And shoved it in Wallace’s ear.

    You could see the lion didn’t like it
    For giving a kind of a roll
    He pulled Albert inside the cage with ‘im
    And swallowed the little lad ‘ole…
    (to be continued).


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