International Women’s Day – Nationalise Early Education Industry, free contraception, free sanitary products + give 12 month parental leave for first 2 kids to counter Gender Pay Gap


I’m not a big fan of whole Gender Pay Gap game.

It always seems focused on wealthy white women who are already in upper management wanting the same pay as the male CEOs.

Sure, Hashtag Feminism, Hashtag Solidarity, but the Gender Pay Gap is a self interested tool pushed by wealthy white women who are already in upper management and or the Public Service and or the Union and NGO movement.

Rather than making sure they can gorge on the carcass of capitalism with the same tenacity of the boys, how about we celebrate International Womens Day with policy that impacts the material well being of all women rather than the capacity for some to afford another lifestyle upgrade.

Why the fuck in NZ isn’t Early Child Care nationalised and paid for every child over 2 until they are 5?

Why isn’t there a universal free system in place to allow your mothers to either just have some time off from being mum or using that time to work?

Why do we charge them money for child care?

It is outrageous that we don’t have a free universal 2 years – 5 years early child care system in this country.

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The ‘free’ 20 hours come with so many fish hooks and it’s made so difficult for working mothers to juggle.

The whole system should be free  and run by the State the same way we run schools while private providers can provide a more expensive version for the yoga mommy bloggers who want the boughi gender neutral vegan version.

The reason why child care is so expensive is because once again our lightly regulated bullshit provisions of public services has been over run by corporate interests, 62% of our industry is run by private companies!

Spend resource on free early child centres run by the state so that mothers can have the agency to get paid more or to just rest!

Why demand the upper echelons close the gender pay gap when the State could fund the systems all  mothers require in place?

While we are at it, let’s increase full paid paternal leave to 12 months (for a total of 2 children) so that mums or dadas can stay with their infant for the first year of that infants life.

Let’s build these systems of support in for parents and their children with an early education state infrastructure as our policy response to the gender pay gap. By fully funding the infrastructure of motherhood, you give those women the opportunity to have the agency to work without the huge cost of childcare.

For those screaming why should you have to pay for another’s child care, you do understand you moron that we need to replace the citizens who are getting old and dying right?

On top of that, let’s ensure contraception is free, let’s ensure free sanitary products are available in every school and every community centre and in every works space.

Subsidise the intrinsic cost of being a women, fully fund early education centres to give them agency and provide 12months paid parental leave so that parent and infant can bond properly without being dragged back to work.

This is about celebrating all Women and removing the costs of being a women rather than demanding the most privileged amongst them get paid the same as the most privileged male CEO.

It is shameful the NZ Left have walked away from fully funded early education and it must become a serious policy agenda!

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  1. Why not go full-on and get women’s role in society, particularly parenting and maintaining a home, recognised as WORK.. And offer training in it so it gets done right. As yet children are not born in bottles sort of like model ships – they require more clever shaping and sanding, designing and patient handling.

    Either help women to help build strong, happy families and have parent workshops for both parents, whereby they then get paid child allowance for a year to put it into practice – to be renewed each year.

    And mothers to have free polytechnic certificated courses to keep up to date with the labour market and the skills and opportunities arising or needed, with creches freely available while they attend suitable courses for their mindset ages and skills.

    That is important to all women. But single women should be able to retrain at affordable prices and get skills for better jobs and pay. And also have such for men, but in different gender classes, so they keep their minds on making their own lives better. For ever, women have received lower pay, and many studies have shown single women to be the poorest in retirement. That stat will be getting worse under the present mean minded squeeze, and that isn’t a word for a lover in today’s economy.

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  2. Here is a thought.Have the children when you can afford to look after them .If less money was spent on those that do not really need it more could be spent on those that do . Many families have children born with urgent medical needs that do not get enough help where as others use free child care so they can work and get money for a better car or a holiday in exotic places .
    I agree all school children should get a free meal sanitary products for girls and shaving gear for boys .By doing this there will be no discrimination on those that fealty need and it would be an incentive to attend school.

  3. Meanwhile we are seeing an ongoing catastrophe for men: Lower educational outcomes, higher suicide rates and solo motherhood blocking a male role in the rearing of children to the detriment of boys. If you wish to worry about a gender, worry about men.


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