The Daily Blog Open Mic – 5th February 2023


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


    This is a poignant and wry look at Catholicism and touching on all religions. It reminds me of the word from the Minister at the Methodist Church I frequented for years. Asked about letting the hall to a yoga group for their mental and physical exercises he demurred saying something about not agreeing with their eastern mysticism IIRR. It made me laugh privately, thinking of our beloved Jesus’ genesis; could hardly go further east and mystical than that.

    But, thinking later, we shape our religions from our responses to our own lived cultures, a bit like the supposedly civil servants shape the earth-bound laws that our leaders construct which then are concocted with numerous changes into something a little different.

  2. I think this quote is a worthy reminder to us all in the post Ardern error.

    Her kind of ‘kindness’ was toxic for some and syrup for others.

    The danger in all of her kind of ‘kindness’ is that the activists in support of her kind of toxicity are and have become the establishment!

    “If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

  3. Weeds grow faster with more rain and warmth.

    time to hear more about killing weeds with steam.

    Weedingtech NZ: Home
    Foamstream is the world’s leading herbicide-free weed control solution.
    It kills unwanted vegetation, including weeds, moss and algae, using the precise application of hot water insulated by a specially formulated biodegradable and organic foam.
    Delivered by our range of patented machinery.
    In this post it mentions dishwasher salt
    Is dishwasher salt actually salt?
    Image result for dishwasher salt what is it really?
    Dishwasher salt is sodium chloride, the same chemical that makes up table and sea salts. You shouldn’t use table salt though as it is much finer and can block and cause damage to your dishwasher. Dishwasher salt granule size is larger and ensures the salt dissolves slower without blocking the softener unit.
    DISHWASHER SALT – Shop Products – Finish® UK · › products › dish…

    Do you really need dishwasher salt?
    It depends on how hard your water is: Hard water: Your dishwasher needs dishwasher salt to clean as best as possible and prevent damage from limescale buildup. Moderately soft/slightly hard: All-in-one tabs are typically enough. Soft water: It’s not necessary to add dishwasher salt.
    Do I Need Dishwasher Salt? – Bosch Home · › specials
    PS I can’t see any little machine that a home gardener could use for weeding – probably something like an elongated electric kettle, with thermette option probably would have a price over $130.00 min.

    Local government etc. use:

  4. Martyn can there be a place on this blog where innovators and future thinkers can advertise their devices or practices that are practical and green or such? I envisage a pop-up at side of screen, then going into a day’s listing perhaps down by raw feed.

    Not yoga, crystal concentrating or such which can be efficacious truly, and not the latest cure for a disease etc. but things that actually work. They would have been trialled and we will know what people are doing and able to give them encouragement. It would have to be monitored but there would be a charge, so hopefully there would be both earning and learning. Huh?

    The ‘wet wipes’ could be a cover-word for a number of things that would be wrongly flushed. Some are disposable nappies from babies, but also similar elderly users of ‘incontinence pads’ which assist in managing their status in their everyday lives.

    The incontinence pads are loaded with liquid absorbers. I think we need to have special waste pick-ups for these and perhaps use them in ditches perhaps high on slopes to trap and hold water for later slower release, instead of pouring away at speed. This would put them to use facing the problems of present landfill disposal which is not publicly discussed.
    While thinking about medical problems and their waste problems we could think of the huge amount of containers for pills.

  6. Goof idea. Start next week asking when next year we can introduce this porous cement!
    The big idea: Use porous cement, instead of cheaper tar and chip
    Auckland’s roads, car parks and footpaths should be replaced with porous cement, says Tim Welch, who researches climate change adaptation.
    The change would let water filter through urban areas more quickly and could be “easily implemented,” he says.

    It costs more, so let the government start making it and not pay a premium to some foreign or NZ predator corpse.


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