Luxon’s race baiting hypocrisy at Ratana

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Rātana gets political: Christopher Luxon calls co-governance conversation ‘divisive, immature’

“We know in an election year… everyone goes crazy. But it can’t be a lolly scramble Mr Luxon,” said speaker Rahui Papa.

But one issue, in particular, has become a flashpoint.

“We welcome you to not be afraid of co-governance, we welcome you to not be afraid of loosening the grip of power,” said Papa.

But Luxon said National “does oppose co-governance in the delivery of public services”.

Rātana is a celebration of the movement and the game of politics is usually kept to a minimum. 

But on Tuesday on the pā Luxon got stuck in, saying the co-governance conversation has  become “divisive and immature”.

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I’m sorry, who has made this debate divisive and immature?


The manner in which the Right have feverishly whipped up a conspiracy that a silent Māori coup is secretly taking over NZ via co-governance while Socialist Cindy is held hostage by WEF Communists who are implementing mass fraud using Climate Alarmist Hoaxes really highlights how fucked the political debate in this Nation over race relations has become.

When you consider the toxic bile spat at her and her family by an ungrateful nation, you understand why Jacinda quit yesterday.

We are all alone together on these lonely Isles on the far side of the Great Southern Ocean, and yet all we manage to do is squabble and defend exploitative Capitalist systems that rob us while empowering Plutocrats, Duopolies and Oligopolies.

The two pillars of the economic success story that is NZ, is in stealing Māori land and never ever paying the full cost of that confiscation back while exploiting the low wage economy dynamics of our deunionised neoliberal experiment.

We are a shallow juvenile settler country with all the  cultural maturity of a can of day old coke, we are a low horizon people who lash out at others who see stars. Our imaginations are glued to cow udders, rugby and cars. To attempt a debate about identity when so many micro aggression trigger snowflakes are screaming is a feat beneath our collective dignity.

Co-Governance is the EXACT model that National and ACT developed, to now decry it because post covid stress has exacerbated economic anxieties isn’t leadership, it’s gutless capitulation to the lesser angels of our nature. What I find most hilarious is those screaming that Māori are taking over can’t name 3 councillors on their own local council.

3 Waters was an attempt to serve two maters, the Waitangi Tribunal ruling into water ownership triggered by Key selling 49% of the hydro assets and the need to find a way for Local Councils to fund water infrastructure. The way it has been manufactured into a racial smear on Nanaia Mahuta and her family DESPITE DECLARING ALL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST is proof positive that the angry and confused trump any attempt at rational debate.

What is most egregious is how these small attempts at creating basic consultation between the dominant culture and the indigenous culture they signed a Treaty with is now portrayed as a giant attack on the values of Democracy!

National and ACT are being disingenuous in the extreme when they whip up the worst angels of our nature over co-governance because once you coax that anger out, you can’t ever stuff it back into the bottle.

Part of this is on Labour, they never explained what co-governance is and isn’t! Chippy must now articulate what co-governance is and I believe move it towards co-operation instead.

If Labour can’t tell Kiwis what cogovernance is and isn’t, then the Right will continue to whip up claims of a secret Māori coup to take over NZ.

For National to front at Ratana and claim a model of management they themselves had created is now suddenly divisive and immature is just outrageous race baiting hypocrisy.


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  1. It is 2023 and as a female Boomer and observer of societal change over many decades, I have to wonder why men with mindsets like Christopher Luxon still exist. Have we learned nothing?

    • Because Pru, government by a rabble of commie/ socialists and workers and those coloured people is an affront to the natural order of things. St Christopher and his disciples have been anointed by the squatocracy to rectify the situation and restore everyone to their rightful place.

    • for the same reason curtain twitching uptight vinegar mouthed 70’s feminist throwbacks who are now property owners exist, pru

    • NZ is chock full of people with this mindset and that is the dark beast that Luxon is digging out of it’s shallow grave. A shallow grave that National previously helped to dig and like you I thought this type of race baiting politics was over in NZ. Luxon has made short shrift of that belief yesterday – we’re going back to the 80’s and 90’s.

      • oh why can’t we all just get along and aspire to be good kiwis like everyone else who is decent like me – we’re all in this together and isn’t it lovely to live as an homogeneous piece of boneless spam where no one gets hurt and it’s all guffaws and back slaps – all this bother over nothing, just have a cup of tea and a lie down and let our lovely Christopher (not the commie one who is the devils spawn and all his followers can go to hell) take care of things. myopia will win the day.

    • Society is the product of economic processes. Luxon is neoliberal man, Ardern neoliberal woman. If you want compassion, then the neoliberalism and the neoliberals need to be removed.

      • Another fucking misogynist racist, cowering behind a Muslim-sounding name. You should have called yourself Kubla Khan and embraced your opium-rabid delusion.

        So, your Bannonites and ilk have removed the socialist PM, with hateful dirty politics
        How are you going to get rid of Luxon?
        You’re not Mohammed.

        Judith Collins was front and behind centre with Chris Luxon on Prime News, tonight, 25/1/2023. FFS!

        You’re going to keep on putting the boot into a left-wing government, under the guise of attacking ‘neoliberalism’.

        In other words, promoting National and ACT, who have a 34 year symbiotic-parasitic relationship with National and ACT.

        Calling absolute bullshi!t Mohammed on your right-wing, gobshite revisionism of neoliberal history. Even Wikipedia proves you wrong on many counts Mohammed.

        No argument that ACT infiltrated Labour 1984 to 1988….. then ACT and National has gone and will go hand in hand with ACT from 1988 to 2022 and will be coalition partners beyond. There were even discussions about David Seymour leading the National Party and beyond! David Seymour put out his100 – day Coalition Plan for National and ACT:

        ACT and NATIONAL after 1988

        From 1988 on, there is a deliberate and planned symbiotic, parasitic relationship between National and ACT. Neoliberalism goes hand in hand with National and ACT. Their policies are so alike.

        The name ACT comes from the initials of the Association of Consumers and Taxpayers, founded in 1993 by Sir Roger Douglas and Derek Quigley….
        Don Brash National and ACT
        1988 2002 Reserve Bank Governor
        2002–2005 47th List 5 National
        2005–2007 48th List 1 National
        April 2011, still a National Party member ACT Party Leader

        Roger Douglas National and ACT
        2008–2011 49th List MP for ACT

        John Banks National and ACT
        1990–1993 43rd Whangarei National
        1993–1996 44th Whangarei National
        1996–1999 45th Whangarei National
        2011–2014 50th Epsom ACT

        Richard Prebble National and ACT
        Leader ACT from 1996 to 2004….
        1996–1999 ACT
        1999–2002 ACT
        2002–2005 ACT

        How many alliances between ACT and Labour between 1988 and 2022 NONE – ZERO – ZILCH

        You better get your right-wing pals at DPHQ (Dirty Politics Head Quarters) to delete all the links between National and ACT, that were clearly shown through a cursory glance of Wikipedia.

        Wi Pedia

    • The mindset that needs to change the most is that within the Labour party and this is not unique to NZ’s left party.
      Supposed left parties used to be created by workers, run by workers and for workers.
      Now they are run by supposed elite academics that have nary done a proper day’s work in their lives and think that LGBTQIUTSJLO:FDASFD***&+ and Maaori people should be given special status.

    • MLK taught us to judge people by the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin. Have we learned nothing?

  2. When labour cruised to victory at the last election, three waters and co governance had barely been spoken of. It must have been discussed at every cabinet meeting since but kept from us the public until they decided to implement these policies. I have no sympathy for this government and the devious way it’s tried to implement policy. When you don’t openly discuss your intentions with the people you are governing, you’re not going to take them with you whether it’s good policy or not. Luxon has every right not to accept the government line on co government in its present form.

    • Least we forget that they tried to entreach policies they didn’t even campaign on, how devious can you get?

      They won’t get a third term, because they’re not honest and can’t be trusted.

      • So National and Maori parties co governance wasn’t campaigned on either, they just never used those two words. Chippy was right, Luxon and Seymour are using the words co governance as a term for separatism trying to drive fear into voters. Seems you are one of the many gullible entrapped.

        • I wish Labour would simply define what they mean by Co governance. At first I thought it was shared management of natural resources and that was fine.
          Then Nanaia Mahuta said it was a treaty requirement and we began reading about separate Health/Justice systems and 3 Waters.
          I tried to find out if 3 Waters was a play for one group to clip the ticket on my water but no one could answer my question.
          I don’t think it is good for NZ to have two sets of political rights.
          We were the first country in the world to achieve equal rights and it seems backward to embed division as official policy.

          • All Labour need to say is co governance same as under previous government. Why is it only now the elitists are asking the question?

    • What are you on about? Co governance was already in existence and three waters fell out of a review that Anne Tolley commissioned when National were in power. Have you not heard the likes of Chris Finlayson talk about his achievements with co governance?

    • I think you’ve used the wrong term,
      ” Luxon has every right not to accept the government line on co government … ”
      Co- governance? Two different concepts.
      1. That coining of ‘ co-governance’ was Nacts twist on interpretation of the omnibus of ‘ water’ Bills amended or introduced to deliberately create an unfounded catchphrase for the masses to chant.
      2. Read ALL the legislative Bills and Acts together and see how they cover all the aspects of today’s management and protection of water for that essential element of sustaining life for everyone inclusively .
      3. There’s no word ” co- governance ” in any of the Acts.
      4. Funny , but National need Act to co-govern.
      5. Is co- parenting evil ?

  3. It was exceptional politics of Luxon to announce Nationals opposition to co-governance at Ratana. The two Labour PMs were there and I know not a single word either said.

    • It was exceptional,  exceptionally inept, face palm embarrassing and failed in recognizing the whole history, origins and kaupapa of the people of Ratana which drove them from being a religious movement to evolving further into politics – ie. advancing the social and economic well-being of people through having a political voice at the top table. Surprise,  democratically elected representation !

      The take of Luxon yesterday was cringeworthy, humiliating for any of his ‘ fanboys’  who ever had one iota of wisdom…
      Get invited to birthday celebrations , walk on host’s property, punch birthday boy in throat and declare… F#$+ you lot being at the table…
      Misappropriate the occasion as being all about yourself to electioneer…
      Deliver school boy lecture to the tens of thousands of Ratana followers and direct descendants sitting in front of you, on your version of equality….. ( the bloody irony -the oppressor telling the oppressed whose taken lands created the oppressor’s disproportionate,  excessive wealth)….
      Exceptionally ignorant !

  4. More evidence both political parties need to go. Terrible leaders, terrible policies (which are near identical), and no real popularity.

    If you were directing a movie, would you cast any of these clowns as a world leader?

    When we finally get a left-wing party again, they will need to drop all the racialist politics for good. The new party must ensure all solutions are universal, and reject claims that the working people must be split into “multiple cultures”.

  5. Excellent article. TBH I didn’t think National would take the path that Luxon stepped onto yesterday – too much like Don Brash. But they have taken that path very explicitly and that is a little frightening.
    It is underpinned by a willful disregard of our history and any serious discussion about how we move forward given that history. If a democracy does not care for it’s minorities it is mob rule.
    A big dollop of blame needs to go the government who have been 100% absent when it comes to front footing and leading on difficult issues like 3 waters and co-governance both of which are critical to our future in terms of infrastructure and race relations. The governments lack of communication and cut through on these issues confounding.
    It’s kind of a pattern – CGT ruled out, better treatment of beneficiaries ruled out, the Fair Pay Act (passed into law) that no one has heard of and I’m guessing, now, that co-governance will be dropped to appease NZ white middle class. It builds a picture of a government afraid of it’s own principles and beliefs and the electorate. Or is this how democracy works – craven cowering to an over entitled, angry and ignorant majority.

  6. Not sure that Ratana Pa on the 150th anniversary was the correct venue to start this much needed discussion.
    BUT sunlight is the best disinfectant ( not hiding your true intentions behind false rhetoric as Labour have done)
    Luxon will go up in the polls now.

    • I agree – the timing was clumsy, but it had to be said somewhere, sometime. And yes Luxon’s stocks will rise no that he’s one got butt cheek off the fence.

    • Agree Shona and as Chris Trotter suggested Ratana was a good place for Chippie to unpin his fingers from the Maori mast, I am not sure it was a bad choice. It was directed at a Maori only (effectively) audience and was honest and clear. No hyperbole.

    • Where will he get the votes from Shona… serious question? Labour voters, green voters or Maori voters? The racist party ACT already have those voters sewn up.

    • Not sure how they will go up after that – he already has all the hillbillies and rednecks following him doesn’t he?

      Maybe if he’d said something like “sit down you savages, let us honkies run tings” he might have pulled in the white power crowd.

  7. Mahuta should release the Crown Law advice she claims she has which justifies 3 Waters based on the Treaty of Waitangi. She won’t and hasn’t because it says no such thing. Its not the right that are whipping up race based conspiracy theories…most open and transparent government ever, yeah right

  8. I do feel that Chris Luxon has made comments, at Ratana and elsewhere, which are divisive, immature, unintelligent, etc.

    Moreover this man is not really being held to account by his party for still being quite low in the polls, and this is election year!

  9. Luxon is so full of it. He said on newshub that he has no problem with delivery of services/utilities by councils under a co governance model. But at a national level it’s “divisive”.

    He has also said he wants water infrastructure to stay with councils. So if all the councils manage the water assets, with iwi, for those very same New Zealanders what the f*ck is the difference? Would that not be divisive?

    • 2 different issues Wheel, you forget that Maori are tribal so dealing with one group on an issue can result in a very different outcome than dealing with another group on the same issue. One size does not fit all despite what the govt implies in its approach.

      And to my mind, Labour using the term “CO Governance’ to label something else entirely is at the heart of the problem.

      They should have explained what they meant at Day 1 and invited NZers on a journey with them. Its a bit rich Chippie saying we dont understand what ‘Co Governance is’ when his govt has locked us out of the conversation for years. Co Governance is not seperatism and it is not unequal voting rights which is where this government is very deliberately heading.

      I dont support National but am glad they have at least come out and clarified their agenda before the election. If it wins them votes (or doesnt) at least it is a lot more honest than this Labour Govt who dragged this radical interpretation out and made it the central pillar of their government without informing the electorate before the election.

      • Fantail, I would be of the opinion that pakeha are very much tribal in the sense that dealing with one bunch will give you a very different answer with another bunch. You will still have to help me understand Luxon’s argument. If councils in the main centres, for example, retain the management of water assets and do that with iwi that’s not divisive. But centralised management with iwi to serve the same people would be?

  10. There were much simpler ways that the “Waitangi Tribunal ruling into water ownership triggered by Key selling 49% of the hydro assets” could have been addressed. Like seizing it all back without compensation. Of course, that would have been a principled left-wing position sooooo….

    • Agreed, let’s repossess our assets especially such strategically important ones such as water and the power generation and transmission infrastructure and supply power to industry and domestic consumers on a cost plus bsis

  11. Its really very sad to see Christopher Luxon debate racism in this way. He has got his fan base , proud Kiwis all of them, even a few South African’s for good measure who left South Africa not because of apartheid but because it was abolished!. The dark underbelly of New Zealand politics is raising its ugly head. Never forget that Christopher Luxon’s politics is based on a fundamental christianity where the little woman is in the kitchen the husband is the boss and all actions and decisions are made in Gods name. These comments and the sad reality tells us that New Zealand was never ready for Jacinda Ardern , it pretended it was in the early days . As soon as she made decisions the “good ol boys” started kicking back, (remember the pretty communist poster ) how dare she ban semi automatic rifles, how dare she mandate vaccinations , who does she think she is trying to save our lives How dare she have a baby out of wedlock, all decent women are married first, how dare she recognize Maori are undervalued in all aspects of public life. This is the reality of New Zealand politics and it won’t change untill New Zealand grows up.

    • Yeah right, apartheid was abolished.
      Sorry sparky, apartheid in SA never went away, it just switched sides.
      Some dear friends of ours who were classified as “coloured” in SA left because of this fact and that the ANC administration left them far worse off than they had ever been under the white administration.

  12. The patronising upper class especially those who are white and well-off make their own rules because they are deserving to say their minds, whatever.

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