MEDIAWATCH: BBC vs feral bar manager vs TodayFM for most disingenuous coverage of Jacinda resigning


Oh no you didn’t?!

Asking if women can have it all as the byline to Jacinda resigning is an astonishingly petty point to attempt in the magnitude of the moment.

What on earth were the BBC thinking?

How belittling of Jacinda as a leader and of her leadership for BBC to ask that question.

Not to mention how demeaning it was for her as a mother and as a woman. She gets to define that question, not the BBC.

The hate speech venom so many feral bar managers think is okay to plaster their pubs with is up there with waking up and finding your neighbour putting up a Confederate flag and a noose.

…who knew so many Bar managers were feral pigs?

TDB Recommends

Weird branding campaign.

Galling as that is, the most disingenuous media coverage of Jacinda resigning was this extraordinary offering from TodayFM which is written in a way that insinuates Chris Hipkins is offering to work with ACT…

…how can Seymour turn down an offer that was never made?

Is Today FM working for ACT?

What’s next, “David Seymour refuses to sleep with Clarke Gayford”?

We wore a good Prime Minister down to a raw nub. The manner in which some are reporting on that without recognising it is alarming.

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  1. Naturally David Seymour is not interested in working with anyone who doesn’t have the same ideas as him. That’s because he thinks he and his mates are the only ones who have good ideas.

    Oh, but he will go into partnership with National after the next election because have part of the power is better than having none. He will forgo his principles for that.

    • Like the Green who rules out to work with National and will only work with Labour. i guess the environment is only in danger when the PM is a labourite.

      • Nah,Greens never said that muppet!
        You continue to make up shit. However ACT and National will most definitely bed each other as they have done previously. Laying down with dogs and all that…

        • Mr English was open to the idea of talking with the Green Party earlier this month, but the offer was rebuffed by Green Party leader James Shaw who ruled out working with National.

          Just Google that and you might find out who is really a shit talking muppet.

  2. Rimmer is desperate. He’ll never get in if he fails this year. Long may he lose! Can you fathom our country with him at the healm? It would be our darkest days and be worse for the lower classes than Key’s diabolic days. I’d rather have Lex Luxon, coz he’s a dufus but not as dangerous, but I’ll take Chippy for now. I’d prefer Allen or Mahuta, I dunno much about Wood. Mahutas staunch and we need a staunch lefty to get anything done, but I don’t see NZ ready for her yet. This year’s gonna be awful. There’s a storm brewing. Roll on 2024!

  3. ‘What on earth were the BBC thinking?’
    They have an IQ that slipped over the decades – that’s why.
    And as for Kirk 28
    That is an interesting pseudo. Not related to Kirk Hope in some way? Why doesn’t that person write something of value worth proof reading before pushing the button? All some people can do is put up judgments – smart without an original thought that they dare to put forward themselves.

  4. I see the Tory times herald and tory talk ZB and am tory today in full right wing dirty politics mode. Who are the gutless weirdo feral MSM and other commentators going after now. Tory herald getting expert comment from Jordan Williams. All I can say to Couglan keep an eye out for the dirty politics influences otherwise you’ll be in Nicky Hargers next book. Good on Jacinda she doesn’t have to put up with that vermin shit from sicko kiwis. They can get back to their favourite web site and Mrs Palmer.

  5. ” can woman really have it all ”

    This is the same BBC that worked to undermine and destroy Jeremy Corbyn.

    Anyone who thinks that the media are like the banks are our friend is seriously deluded.


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