The naked bile shown a Prime Minister we broke highlights a new ugly feral Kiwi redneck


Aloha Luxon originally thought online misogyny wasn’t worse for women in his RNZ interview…

Christopher Luxon initially ‘not sure’ if women face more abuse in politics, later admits they do

It’s no secret the Prime Minister faced vitriolic, often sexist, comments, but Jacinda Ardern denies misogynism fed into her decision to quit.

When he was asked about it Christopher Luxon said he didn’t believe women in politics face more abuse than men, but then quickly conceded that wasn’t true.

…by that afternoon (after being shouted at by Nicola Willis and every other female member of his Party), Aloha Luxon made a press statement acknowledging that gender abuse online was worse as he’d been subjected to an enormous amount of it since his RNZ interview.

I think the nation is reeling at the naked hatred so many Kiwis have shown with disgusting glee at Jacinda standing down.

The feral excitement by the new redneck Kiwi at celebrating Jacinda in a wood chipper is gasp inducing is it not?

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…New Zealanders are such a pack of whinging arsehole infants who have gone bitterly Post Covid feral with their abuse SO MUCH SO that we burned out Jacinda’s kindness chip!

Who is such an arsehole that it could empty the tank of compassion that someone like Jacinda had?


We are such a vicious pack of arseholes that we broke our Prime Minister!

The exhaustion increasingly etched on her face from dealing with the most challenging times outside war plus the toxic vilification of her has worn her down as we ride rudderless as a political movement on an ocean of anxiety.

We were lucky to have her, she brought out NZs best & sadly our worst.

The radioactive bile that has been vomited up on her has been a shameful low in public debate.

The shameful joy so many are sharing at burning Jacinda out is eye opening isn’t it?

There were many legitimate reasons to disagree with the Prime Minister, this blog did so on many occasions, but there is a difference between reasonable difference and that hate speech she and her family have been buried under.

There is an enormous distance between being critical and abusive. The easily triggered woke have lowered that threshold to such ridiculously subjective levels the outrage olympics that follow seem embarrassingly trite while at the other end of the spectrum, the feral antivaxxer Qanon race baiting redneck confederacy that endlessly threatens violence and sexual assault are as common as hashtags.

We burnt out a good person as our Leader and part of that burn out was the feral manner in which debate via social media has deformed into a battlefield of spiteful threats and abuse.

Cheering the destruction of your enemy because your abuse has worn them down is a shallow victory for the cruel.

Many of the swing voters who are 50+ white tertiary educated and female will have seen the tsunami of social media vilification from the Right and I don’t believe they will want to reward that type of malice.

A new feral redneck Kiwi has been born of the post Covid spite and they revel in their animosity like book burners dancing in front of the bonfire.

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  1. Following Ardern’s announcement, Seymour’s and Luxon’s immediate comments to the press were a damning indictment on themselves and on NZers who support this ‘ normalizing’ of abuse and violence at an unprecedented level.

    Ardern faced the most serious of overt threats, unprecedented, including being hung publicly, killed and multiple threats of that ultimate weapon of war, to be raped.

    It’s two sick narcissists, wannabe leaders of NACT who would then make comments to the press that justified such violence in society , ‘ Ardern could not face reality’ and ‘ I face the same but I can handle it’.

    Post her resignation it still continues, even the conversations around the office,  the neighbourhood are still ugly and vile justifications. The comments really reflect more on the speakers of these utterances as the ones needing urgent mental health support for what is diagnosed in the DSM as abnormal aggression.

    In the upcoming election, reflect more on the hidden values and beliefs behind the public face and public rhetoric of wannabe PMs.  What Seymour and Luxon highlight is that over half the NZ population,  women, are still thought of as inferior humans deserving of abuse and violence; of a magnitude too that strongly infers that women are unfit for leadership and are to be coerced back to subjugation to the home.

    Should TBD let comments fly like,
    ” You know like any other working woman had a husband that looked after the kids, large salary and entourage of helpers!”

    Superficially , these types of comments appear as ‘throw away’, innocuous but still deal psychological blows to knock women around and perpetuate further harm.

    I would urge women to stand up, even for all of our daughters, once again take action as in the 1890s and speak en masse with their vote this year against the Seymour and Luxon ilk.

    • Unfortunately O”tool half the time its women making these comments. They are sadly perpetuating a myth and sadly the myth is really about themselves as women . Women who are blinded by misogynistic men in grey suits who want to keep the “little woman tied to the kitchen bench”. They can’t see this and because they can’t see this the hate and misogyny will continue unabated agains women and their partners ( not husbands ! ) in public life. Its all about free speech you say. Actually its all about responsibility for your fellow woman.

    • Seymour is hideous, he truly is. Hideous politician, hideous person. His response to Arderns resignation confirms it. Probably why he doesn’t have a partner.

  2. Don’t include me in your ‘Us’ Martyn.
    I have been concerned for yonks at the whole approach to social interaction and values which is to have little concern for it. To live in this dog eat dog society that Treasury and Labour and Friedman brought in while dancing hand in hand around a black witches cauldron of sneers, lack of concern for others, and sharp money con ideas. They picked up and ran with from Ayn Rand’s febrile shots at her dopey Russian relatives who clung on to their historic ways that held them back. But her new ways led to the Huge Ring that rules them all that is tightened round our necks and stops blood getting to our brains.

    I believe that Russell Brand goes on about talking in metaphors in a negative way! FFS it is the only way to get ideas past the double filtering system in our brains (mostly) that if it could be analysed, could be sold for great profit to dictators.

  3. I fear that the left did not think enough about how to protect JA from the vileness. The nastiness is hard to fight as is usually anonymous. Why have a debate with someone hiding their face? Maybe to set the tone for debate in 2023 the Daily Blog could provide leadership by requiring all comments to be attributed to a real person before they are allowed. I know the argument is that public sector employees wont expose themselves for fear of employment consequences. That also means that the fear and bullying in the public sector can go on unopposed.
    If the Daily Blog manages to hold its audience with this policy, and it could be a drawcard in fact, it may set a new standard for others.

    • I totally agree Susan +S+J, Martin get rid of these keyboard warriors who rarely make a discernible comment, it is obvious that they are National or Act promoters, their negativity is boring and destructive.

      If they really believed their theories they would add their names to their vacant faces.

      I want to support a site where I can read honest, intelligent comments or theories.

      I am so thankful I don’t share a home with these nut cases.

      • Could you please make a list of names you’d like to cancel?

        Or better a list of what makes up part of a barely discernable NAct supporting comment?
        Phrases, key words, or similar that should be banned.

        Please make it a long and exhaustive list so there’s no need to revisit it too often.


    • I totally agree Susan +S+J, Martyn please get rid of these keyboard warriors who rarely make a discernible comment, it is obvious that they are National or Act promoters, their negativity is boring and destructive.

      If they really believed their theories they would add their names to their vacant faces.

      I want to support a site where I can read honest, intelligent comments or theories.

      I am so thankful I don’t share a home with these nut cases.

        • Fantail, I am happy with free speech, but dumb anonymous speech I find boring and frankly speaking GUTLESS. Who in their right minds would want to debate with a masked face?

          You are welcome to promote shallowness. Maybe you are GUTLESS TOO.

    • This page is all about free speech, the government often castigated for their stance, however all our comments are moderated funny that , at the end of the day hate speech is hate speech not somebody’s interpretation of it and why is their interpretation better than my supposedly free hate speech interpretation, so really we are not free speeching on this blog

  4. Martyn, the target of your indignation seems to swing wildly between a “feral antivaxxer Qanon race baiting redneck” minority and New Zealanders in general, whom you deem “such a pack of whinging arsehole infants who have gone bitterly Post Covid feral with their abuse”.

    • If you were writing every day on political matters that never seem to be grappled with and addressed, and seek to achieve action, you might cry out in despair too. I think you feel disappointment as do all of us who care about NZ downfall. I think that Martyn is to be praised for his determination to keep in the ring. And after so many years look with discomfort and choler on the way that those who might together gain leverage, mainly in the PMC and remnants of the Labour Party, have found ways to avoid noting the disparity between so many cast into penury with wilful ignorance or excuses.

  5. A pathetic display by that Kingsland watering hole. Locals should give the wanker a good old double serving of boycott.

  6. NZ red necks not ready for a smart, young, female leader – rather have a old man. Tony is right, little wimps need to get onto their favourite web sites and Mrs Palmer.

    • Still celebrating perhaps?
      I wouldn’t get too worked up about the abuse directed at JA, it’s no worse than what we’ve seen before, the legacy media have been at pains to avoid the name calling and derision that Piggy (Muldoon) The Spud (Bolger) received, for example.

      • Oh David George there is a big difference in name calling and trolling. I agree we have had a nasty racist misogynistic underbelly for years, however nothing like the vitriol against Jacinda Ardern and her family. We can make excuses all we like however all the political leaders need to start calling it out for what it is. Its not good enough for Luxon to say he doesn’t have a problem it shows how mediocre he really is .

    • this is the problem, get bent out of shape over a 10 yr old tweet, and making it equivilant to a current threat to kill, is just pathetic there is a hierachy of abuse and twitterati outrage is on the bottom rung

  7. I’m voting Labour just to spite all the whingers and moaners. Whilst it’s increasingly becoming a long shot, it sure would be fun watching all the brains explode.


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