Prime Minister Chippy – a boy from the Hutt who was voted most likely to be PM and who was arrested protesting at Parliament 


Chippy, the boy from the Hutt is NZs 41st Prime Minister.

He was voted most likely to become Prime Minister by his class mates and was once arrested at Parliament protesting education policy in 1997, the year I was Editor of the Auckland University Student magazine Craccum

Chippy is ferociously bright, principled and clever. He’s hard as nails and has been an enforcer for the Party in the past.

Under estimate him at your own peril.

He will surprise in the debates.

His journey to being the 41st Prime Minister is a celebration of NZ egalitarian meritocracy. Expect him to drive those values in the next 8 months.

Criticism that he is too closely connected to the Covid response only resonates with ferals who think the virus was a hoax.

He has been slotted into the right of the Party but only in so much as he’s a heteronormative white cis male.

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I look forward to seeing his Cabinet reshuffle and Policy direction.


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  1. Bugger,the prefect is in charge of the play ground, on the road to defeat.Probably get detention for that comment or six aye the best.

  2. He isn’t really the Prime Minister, he is just someone a few people in Wellington chose to replace the PM who quit. The least worst candidate. More like a replacement CEO of a failing district council.

  3. Luxon- “Chris Hipkins has been part of a Government that has spectacularly failed to get anything done, and what New Zealanders really need is a National Government that will get things done.”
    Oh they’ll get things done alright, benefit cuts, core service cuts, asset sales, a return to mass migration, bogus student visas, hyper tourism, restoration of the untaxed property class and gods man in government!

  4. The last time them the Party decided,mainly Engineers and middle road Unions,and they fucked up with these egit select.Now all over the place,iwi,pakeha,same fuck up.Care outside our people,WHO are aotearoan not all our citezens born,only Te Iwi,eh lets get into the mist,no our air is not clear,our care thought sky is. We the present goverment now are on the road
    ,Key boy, no guts him to take a loss leave it to Bill,life long party, he will take it for the party,now Labour yous are,and yous egits pack it up with what,school teacher and yardy speaking,wake up.

  5. no need leave it know,wake up outside our dominant care of Maori, my sons are Maori,court top judge Maori,gave them to care for,truth,like this wahinie lawer why the top judge Maori decide this,ask yourself why, and print please.

  6. ” I look forward to seeing his Cabinet reshuffle and Policy direction ”

    Ok Bomber how much handbrake is he prepared to let Grant to use in regulating capitalism ?

    Hipkins is the corporate medias favourite which means the usual reluctance to tackle the status quo.

    Bomber I agree that he will be formidable in the coming debates and will probably be more effective the Jacinda.

    The countdown to October 14 has begun. He does not have much time so what he says and does in the next few weeks will be critical and there is still one budget left in the kitty.

    The Nasty Natz have huge resources at their disposal and Hipkins will be acutely aware that you cant fund an election campaign with no money in the bank.

  7. If Chippy plays his cards right, he can beat Luxon. Let’s face it, Luxon was never going to “win” the election, Ardern was going to lose it, as so many people can no longer stand the sight or sound of her.

    Luxon is about as charismatic as a sack of potatoes. He talks like a corporate automaton, and as Martyn has pointed out, he’s probably never had an original thought in his life.

    Chippy is down-to-earth and personable. If he can set a new policy agenda – moving away from identity politics and towards policies that are good for the country as a whole – then he can beat Luxon. But that will mean reining in the excesses of the Maaori caucus.

  8. Sepuloni as Deputy PM will be terrible news for the vulnerable children of New Zealand, and for the poor and disadvantaged. Few could be more the antithesis of what a decent society should be about.

  9. I personally would be more than happy with a candidate who’s focused on the issues that need attention now, such as climate change and, of course, the economy.

  10. Chippy faces a quandary:
    Does he plough on with their previous policies, which according to a poll out today aren’t even supported by the majority of Labour voters, or does he make a clean break, roll back the more odious, race based stuff and effectively spit on Arden’s legacy?
    I’d do the former because it at least gives them a fighting chance in the election.

  11. He’s good with a knife and with leaking Caucus discussions to Newshub’s Paddy the Chipmunk, just ask David Cunliffe.

  12. You folks know where I stand but let me tell you…I like the idea of PM Chippy. What’s not to like? He’s genuine, no fake kindness there, he’ll probably put an end to lots of the bullshit and I bet he’ll square up with Hosking. Much as I hate to say it, Chippy could win Labour the election.

  13. The banksters and their hitman Adrian Orr are demanding Austerity.

    Ardern had to go because, Austerity and Kindness are both mutually exclusive.

    Will Chippy follow Ardern or go with Orr?

    Place your bets now.

  14. I don’t think the guy that spearheaded lockdowns, masks, and vax mandates and then everyone just got Covid anyway, is going to attract a lot of votes. But, you know, we’ll see.

    • Funny that, he saved the lives of so many who lived to vote against him.
      By the way, everyone didn’t get covid.

      Every week I hear how health resources are stretched to breaking point, we don’t have the doctors we need, and so on. Health services are in crisis apparently. That’s with vaccinations, mask wearing and other measures for covid.

      I haven’t seen the geniuses outlining how the scene with staffing in hospitals and medical centres would be had none of those covid strategies been implemented.

      Of course thousands more would be dead, the shortage of doctors and nurses would be worse with staff burnt out, and thousands of others would be dead or worse off because the system couldn’t cope with the other medical conditions.

      Do you think the Mike Hosking, Chris Bishop fuckwit recipe for handling covid would have seen everything being sweet? Of course Hipkins will wear what happened and be ‘blamed.’ That’s because people live in cloud cuckoo land, they didn’t have to make the decisions and they’re dumb.

      • 30% increase in all cause mortality first week of 2023 in the UK. The morgues and the hospitals are all overflowing in all western countries and it isn’t from covid.
        D J S

  15. don’t give a flying one about the person…does he have actual policy he will/can follow through on is the issue

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