COPOUT 27 total failure – rise up young NZ & burn the system down!


COP27 has been a total failure.

With over 600 spin drs from the fossil fuel industry attending COP27, it is now obvious and clear the wealthy polluters have compromised and bought out global structures attempting to reign their interests in.

We have no choice but radical local protests aimed at shutting the system down because our political leaders are incapable of standing up to the polluters.

The climate catastrophe is only going to get more extreme as the years go by, our refusal and denial to do anything meaningful to respond to that reality will drive the protest movement towards more disruptive actions and we should cheer and celebrate those prepared to protest because that is all we have left now!

Rise up young NZ & burn the system down because it has utterly failed you.

The time for talking and negotiations is over because the polluters have bought those system out.

The time for radical disruptive civil disobedience is upon us.

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  1. Does taking off in a jet to Fiji on holiday count as “rising up?”
    Just asking on behalf of the youth climate leadership.
    Also is it ok if they uncancel themselves from colonialism to participate, if they happen to have had the audacity to be born non indigenous?

  2. Heres what the yoofs should do. Tackle the problem head on and go to ‘war’ with the largest emitter in the world!

    “US military aims for net zero by 2050 but with a carbon footprint greater than some 140 countries.
    The US military, an institution whose carbon footprint exceeds that of nearly 140 countries, says it wants to go green.”

  3. Im surprised that anyone would think that COP27 was going to be any different that all the rest?

    I thought it was just an opportunity for govt ministers and their plethora of delegates to burn hundreds of tonnes of carbon so they can stay in flash hotels, supping back champagne on the tax payer. Really, anyone prove me wrong….

    Honestly, if the climate was that much of an issue, you’d think the COP conference, would be at least a Zoom conference. But no chance of that is there? Not when there’s a chance of an overseas trip and all that duty free on offer.

    Our business as made and signed contracts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and yet never met face to face with any of the suppliers. Why can’t govts do the same? Why do they have to fly everywhere, at the same time preaching that we all have to make sacrifices??

  4. … because our political leaders are incapable of standing up to the polluters.

    Yes, but that’s only part of the problem. Yes, our part to play is minute compared to the big players. There’s only some much you can recycle, can compost. Its the attitude that counts. And it all helps. But aren’t we all complicit, to a greater or lesser degree. Almost everything has a carbon footprint, some things more than others. Most of us know what, or by now should know, but modifying our behaviour, giving up those things is hard, now so entrenched in our lives that for many such consumption is seen as the norm, or worse, an entitlement. We devise fancy credit systems to mitigate impact and look to governments to regulate the behaviour of big players but surely the buck stops with consumption, conspicuous or otherwise.

  5. I’d like those who rail against the petrochemical industry to consider our dilemna. We can’t live as we do without them. Go through pretty much everything you touch, need, use and consume and you will find that there is oil in it somewhere. Modern medicine needs petrochems, steel production needs fossil fuels, food requires fertilisers and diesel tractors, etc etc.

    I don’t particularly like the petrochemical industry but this is surely chicken and egg with we consumers. What are we actually prepared to do without?

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